The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 791 096. How did the liar come about?I will take you away!

Chapter 791 096. How did the liar come about?I will take you away!
"Well. Although I don't know why you were beaten by Chu Limo and Nangong Jin. But if you are injured and I don't care about it, it's not good anyway."

Although she doesn't know how she feels about Wang Ziqing now, but after getting married, she always feels that the relationship with Wang Ziqing is much easier than before.Wang Ziqing often bullied himself before, but he has always protected himself.Then as a wife, she should also care about her husband-in-law, right?
"Okay, then help me undress me."

"Why do you need to undress?" Feng Qingluan yelled, she was just looking at his injuries, why did she get involved in undressing.

A black line was drawn across Wang Ziqing's face.Is he that scary?Also, how can you see the wound under the clothes if you don't untie the clothes? "Qingluan, didn't you say you want to see the wound on my body? How can you see it if you don't take off my clothes?"

yes!How to see the injury if you don't untie your clothes.Feng Qingluan really wanted to slap herself, so why get so excited?However, if I really want to untie his clothes and look, I seem to be a little bit of that.Alas, Feng Qingluan sighed in her heart, should she watch it or not?
"Qingluan." After not seeing Feng Qingluan's movements for a long time, Wang Ziqing called softly.

"En." Feng Qingluan stood in front of him, her hands still did not move.

"Qingluan, we are already married. You are my wife and I am your husband-in-law. We are already husband and wife. Are you afraid of me?" He reached out to grab her hand and asked while looking at her.

There seemed to be some hurt in his tone.Feng Qingluan felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

That's right, which man can let his new wife stay apart for so long.But Wang Ziqing never forced her, he was very tolerant and considerate to himself.And how long is she going to hide from him?

"Wang Ziqing, I'm a little scared."

This is her sincere words.She was really a little scared, she had never experienced this kind of thing before, and she encountered something that was almost raped again, she was really a little scared.What scares her the most is that she has heard that once married and bridal chamber, she will be pregnant and have children.However, she happened to hear someone talking about the pain of giving birth to a child.There is even the possibility of losing one's life.So, don't look at her appearance that she is not afraid of anything, but she is very afraid of pain and death.She was afraid what if she got pregnant after the bridal chamber?What if she accidentally dies with the child on the way to give birth?
"What are you afraid of?"

Feng Qingluan looked at him, and said falteringly, "I'm afraid...of pain, and I'm afraid of death. Wang Ziqing, I didn't mean not to be with you...but I'm really afraid." Feng Qingluan suddenly felt a little selfish up.For fear of pain and death, he ignored Wang Ziqing.Fortunately, Wang Ziqing has been protecting her all these years.

"Qingluan, why would I let you die?" This little fool was thinking wildly about something.Isn't it just to untie his clothes to see the wounds on his body?How could it cause her pain and let her die? "Qingluan, if you are afraid, then don't read it." I have to say that Wang Ziqing would have misunderstood what Feng Qingluan meant.After all, Wang Ziqing would not have thought that Feng Qingluan would drag the matter of looking at the wound to the matter of the bridal chamber.

"Wang Ziqing, are you blaming me?" Feng Qingluan felt a little wronged, and also felt that she was a little too selfish.

"No." After a long time, Wang Ziqing said softly, "My injuries are already healed. It's getting late, so let's go to rest early."

In fact, his injuries have already healed.It's just that he just wanted to tease her when she said she wanted to see it.Who knew that she still resisted him, which made him somewhat hurt his self-esteem and lost as a man.But I can't force her to do something she doesn't want at this time.

But hearing the disappointment in his tone, Feng Qingluan was about to cry.Now she really feels that she is so selfish and bad.How can she be so bad? "Wang Ziqing, why don't you hit me. I will never fight back."

Now, Wang Ziqing also felt that something was wrong.Looking at her, "Qingluan, how could I be willing to beat you."

"But if you don't hit me, I think I'm so selfish and bad, and I can't bear it with my conscience." That means, if you hit me, her conscience will feel better.At least it won't be as full of guilt as it is now.

Stretching out his hand to touch her face, he murmured softly, "No matter how bad you are, how can I be willing to beat you. Qingluan, I won't beat you."

Feng Qingluan was so anxious that tears were about to fall.Wang Ziqing was so kind to her, but she was so bad as hell.

"Qingluan, are you under pressure because of the poisoning? Don't be afraid, the matter is over, and I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." Seeing her anxious cry for the first time, Wang Ziqing felt distressed He hugged the person in his arms and spoke softly.

Leaning in his arms, Feng Qingluan said aggrievedly, "Wang Ziqing, you are so tolerant to me, but you don't hit me. I really feel uneasy. But, I'm afraid. Wang Ziqing, you Do you know? I heard adults say that after getting married, children will be born. But giving birth to a child will be painful, and may even die. I am such a person who is afraid of pain and death. I am really afraid. Wang Ziqing, I'm sorry. You Better beat me up. I'll feel better if you beat me up."

Now, Wang Ziqing finally understood what Feng Qingluan meant when he said that he was afraid of pain and death.This silly girl is afraid of having a baby, so is she actually feeling guilty?
"Wang Ziqing, you should beat me up. You can hit me. I won't fight back."

"My silly Qingluan, as I said, I won't beat you. We... don't have children. We won't have children until you don't want to."

"Then if I don't want to give birth for the rest of my life, then you will just bear it for the rest of my life." Feng Qingluan was a little embarrassed to say the following words.Moreover, she can't guarantee that Wang Ziqing will tolerate and indulge her for the rest of her life.Therefore, it was really a mistake for Wang Ziqing to marry her back.She might make Wang Ziqing unable to be a father, and have to be a monk for the rest of his life.

Wang Ziqing now feels that this matter must be properly communicated with her.Otherwise, his future happiness will be gone.

"Qingluan, you are afraid, I can understand you, and I can wait for you to have a baby when you are not afraid. If you don't want to have a baby, we don't have to. But Qingluan, you really have the heart to keep looking at me like that Are you uncomfortable?"

In such a place, how many men can say, if you don't want to have children, we will not have children.If Yun Qing was here at this moment, he would definitely applaud.

"But I..." afraid of pain.Looking at his gentle eyes, Feng Qingluan found that she couldn't say the words behind her.

Wang Ziqing was persuasive, "Qingluan, shall we try? If you are afraid of pain, you can bite me."

"But there will be... there will be children." After finishing speaking, Feng Qingluan blushed a little more than a monkey's buttocks.She has a flamboyant temper, but at this moment she would be shy to say such things to a man, or her husband-in-law.

Little did they know, she rarely showed a shy look, but it was like the most emotional medicine.Let the prince can't stand it early in the morning.He has liked this woman since they fought and bickered many years ago.For the past two months, he has been enduring, enduring.Now, how can I bear it.

"Trust me. You don't want a baby now, and I won't let you get pregnant."



After the words fell, he picked up the woman beside him and gently put him on the bed.

Feng Qingluan was a little nervous and a little scared.He could only look at Wang Ziqing helplessly.

"Don't be afraid." His voice was gentle.

She was actually really scared, but thinking about what Wang Ziqing said, she also thought that she was indeed a little too selfish these days.

The warm lips fell gently, falling everywhere.

The temperature in the room also seemed to heat up a lot, and there seemed to be an ambiguous atmosphere in the air.

"Wang Ziqing" at that moment, the name was called out softly.

"I'm here."

"Qingluan, I'm here."

"I" opened her mouth to say a word, but she didn't know what to say later.

"Good." His voice was soft in her ear.

She could only let him kiss her.She was panting, her voice revealing a seductive charm.Her voice caused Wang Ziqing to toss and turn even more intensely.The lips of the two were pressed together tightly until it became difficult to breathe.

Seeing her panting and flushed cheeks, gentle hands brushed her skin, unbuttoned all her clothes, and pressed down her hot body.

The kiss was even more frantic.

After a long, long time, everything finally stopped.

Wang Ziqing hugged the woman in his arms and smiled slightly.She was really exhausted, and there were tears on her cheeks.Shouting in a whisper, "Wang Ziqing, you liar. This girl finally knows how the liar came to be. Liar, liar, liar..."


Xiyue, Jinling City.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.After returning from the suburban mountain that day, Yuhen's attitude towards her became even more indifferent.And she, in the past few days, has seen Yuhen much less often.Even if she cleaned the plum garden every day, even if she cooked for him every day.But in the past ten days, she only saw him a few times.During this period, there were reasons why he didn't want to see her, and reasons why she deliberately avoided him.

After saying something like that that day, she completely understood one thing.After all, Yuhen and her are separated by an abyss that can never be crossed.Anyone who wants to step over will end up being smashed to pieces.

She also seems to be used to it, every day she wakes up and cooks him breakfast, then sweeps the floor, makes lunch, and even washes his clothes for dinner.Yuhen also seemed to do it on purpose, knowing that she was afraid of the cold, but still let her do the laundry.Perhaps, he felt happy seeing her suffer so much.

God also seemed to dislike her. In the past few days, it has snowed again in Jinling City.And looking at it like this, it seems that the snow will not stop for a while.

Today, he was staying in the plum garden, and she was sweeping the ground outside the plum garden.

"Miss, how could you do such a thing." While sweeping the snow in the plum garden, Nong Yue's voice came over.Chu Liyou was stunned for a moment.Isn't Nongyue in Qi Mansion?How could she come here.

That day, after Yuhen brought her back, Nongyue was not allowed to follow her.The prince's mansion is also heavily guarded.Without Yuhen's order, she couldn't get out, and it was impossible for Nong Yue to come in.

Turning his face sideways, he saw that it wasn't just Nongyue coming.Qi Rong also came.

Nongyue stepped forward quickly, snatched the broom in her hand, and threw it viciously on the ground, "Miss, why did you..." Looking at Chu Liyou's cold and red hands, Nongyue blamed herself even more. Distressed.If the master saw the young lady's current appearance, how distressed the master would be.Their noble eldest princess is actually doing what a servant does. "Miss, don't stay here, okay? Let's leave here, leave Xiyue. Let's go back to Dachu."

"Nongyue, why are you here?"

"Miss, if the servant doesn't come, how do you know you are suffering so much here. It is the servant who failed to protect the lady. Miss, can you get out of here?"

Qi Rong also came over at this time, and stopped in front of Chu Liyou.Looking at her cold and red hands, and how she lost so much weight in just a few days.

"Brother Qi. You are here too."

"Li You, are you really happy that he treats you like this?" I thought that if Yuhen took her away, at least their relationship would ease, and Yuhen would see his heart.However, he actually treated this woman like this.No mercy at all.Is it really right for such a cold person to let Li You follow him?Qi Rong is no longer sure.

Are you happy?

In just a few days, she woke up from that dream.

Maybe, it's really time to leave, it's time to let go, and it's time for her to go.

"Brother Qi, this is the path I chose. I'm not happy... I've already finished my journey. Are you here to take me away?" She looked at him and asked.

The people in the plum garden heard her words.His eyes turned cold.Does this damn woman want to leave with Qi Rong?

Qi Rong said lightly, "I'll take you away."

"Okay." A light voice spit out from her mouth.

Maybe she really should go.Leaving, leaving here, is the best.

"Miss, let's go." Nongyue was undoubtedly the happiest when she heard her say that she was going to leave.These days, after Miss was brought to Prince's Mansion by Yuhen, she also came out from Qi Mansion.Originally, I wanted to find a chance to come in and see Miss, but the Prince's Mansion was heavily guarded so she couldn't come in at all.She had no choice but to go to Qi Rong.Fortunately, Qi Rong was willing to help and brought her to the Prince's Mansion.

 Everything was forced by Nangong Jin!
  Who made that bastard so ignorant...

(End of this chapter)

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