The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 828 20. If you play hooligans, you really don't want to!

Chapter 828 20. If you play hooligans, you really don't want to!
But whether this so-called rival in love is really a rival in love remains to be determined.

Now, what Wang Ziqing wants to answer Feng Qingluan is whether he and Feng Qingluan will go to the General's Mansion tomorrow to meet this so-called rival in love.

"Wang Ziqing, Wang Ziqing, are you uncomfortable?" Seeing that he hadn't answered her own words, Feng Qingluan waved her hands in front of his eyes with a dazed expression.

"I will accompany you to the General's Mansion tomorrow." The prince said calmly.

"Okay." Feng Qingluan nodded, thinking about the things still left in the General's Mansion, she laughed heartily.

Seeing her smiling so happily, Wang Ziqing felt very uncomfortable.

She had never smiled so happily at herself, but now she was smiling so happily because she was going to the general's mansion tomorrow.Wang Ziqing said he was very upset.

It's a pity that a certain girl has not discovered what her husband is thinking at the moment.After walking for a day, she was also tired and went to sleep on the bed without taking off her clothes after soaking her feet.

"Qingluan, you haven't taken a shower yet." Seeing her lying on the bed without a ladylike image, Ziqing shouted softly.

"I won't wash it anymore. I'll talk about it when I wake up. Wang Ziqing, don't disturb my sleep." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Soon, there was a shallow breathing sound in the room.Wang Ziqing didn't really want to disturb her sleep, but it would definitely be uncomfortable for her to sleep like this.He opened the door and went out and came back soon, with clean hot water in his hand when he came back.

Although she said that she didn't take a bath anymore, she would definitely not be able to bear the smell of her body and wake up in the middle of her sleep.In order to let her sleep well, I had no choice but to personally wipe her body and take off the clothes.

I don't know if it's really too tired, but she didn't wake up after taking off her clothes today.If this was normal, this girl would definitely wake up and scold him fiercely: Wang Ziqing, how can you take off my clothes and look at my body?

Thinking of her fierce and cursing appearance, Wang Ziqing smiled inexplicably.

After wiping her and changing her clothes.Wang Ziqing felt that he was about to be tortured to death by this girl.

She was fine, lying in bed and falling asleep.But he wanted to watch from the sidelines and endured.



It was possible to enter the city before dark.He was delayed on the road for a while, and by the time he arrived at Fengcheng, it was already dark and the gates of the city had already been closed.Fortunately, because of Yuhen's special status, the new prefect of Fengcheng knew that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was here to greet him at the gate of the city in person.

Yuhen didn't even show his face, and even refused to stay in the prefect's mansion, and also strictly ordered the prefect not to leak the news that he was here, then Akabane drove the carriage to the inn.

Yuhen ordered so, the eunuch did not dare to say more.Only when a distinguished guest came to Fengcheng.Just thinking, at this juncture, His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly appeared in Fengcheng, does he know what happened in Fengcheng?

It has been half a year since the battle with Beiyuan Kingdom last year.In half a year, the appearance of Fengcheng has been restored, but it seems that there is still a very sad atmosphere in Fengcheng at night.

Maybe it was the people of Fengcheng mourning the relatives who lost their lives in that bloody battle.

At this time, it was about eight or nine o'clock, but there were no people on the street. Such a situation was very unreasonable.Regardless of whether the city has experienced wars or not, it is still prosperous now.In a bustling city, there shouldn't be no one at night, and now the whole street looks very depressed.If it is not known that there are still living people in this city, at this moment it will really make people feel that Fengcheng is a dead city at night.

"Your Highness." The carriage stopped at the entrance of Fengcheng Inn.

At this time, the inn was also closed.All this is really unreasonable.

"Go and knock on the door." As for the unusualness of Fengcheng, Yuhen has already felt it since entering the city.

You don't need to think about it to know that something must have happened in Fengcheng.

Soon the waiter of the inn came to open the door and asked for two upper rooms.Yuhen gave Akabane a wink, and Akabane quickly disappeared into the inn.

The woman in the carriage has been sleeping quietly in Yuhen's arms.

Between them, it is rare that there is no harm to each other.Now there is only rare warmth left.

"Wake up, Fengcheng is here." Seeing her sleeping so sweetly, I didn't want to disturb her.But he had to wake her up. If she was allowed to fall asleep, she would probably sleep until tomorrow.

But now he doesn't want her to be hungry. In the past few days, she has been sleeping almost all the time, and she can only feed her some liquid food.

"Get up." She yelled again, but she still couldn't wake up.

Yuhen began to wonder if he had been asking too much these days.That's why she was so tired and drowsy all day long.

In the end, he still couldn't bear it, and directly carried her out of the carriage, and carried her into the inn.

The boss at the side was a middle-aged uncle. Seeing this, he smiled and said, "Young Master is really considerate to Madam."


Yuhen looked at the woman in his arms, and suddenly something flowed through his heart.

She has been silently by her side for so long, but she has never asked herself for an identity.

But if she asked herself to ask for an identity, what identity would he allow her?


Or he will never be able to give her an identity, and can only let her stay by his side without a name.

But he thought: With a woman as proud as Chu Liyou, she must not want to be a side concubine, right?Maybe she would rather stay in his identity without a name and status than to be a side concubine.

But now, she seemed unwilling to stay by his side.Now she always looks at him with sad, cold and empty eyes.She made herself feel a pain like that.

But he never seemed to have thought about this question, but he didn't want to be awakened by the innkeeper's words today.Let him start to think seriously about the word madam.

"Go and prepare meals and bring them to the room." Yuhen ordered.

This was the first time he hadn't had dinner so late.But it was also his fault that he lost his temper when he was in the woods and insisted on stopping. As a result, he wasted a lot of time in the woods, and it was already too late when he entered the city.

"Yes, it is time to prepare."

He carried her back to the room, probably because he moved a little too much, and finally she woke up.

The two looked at each other, and their movements were very ambiguous.

"What are you doing?" Chu Liyou asked, staring at Yuhen's face.But I found myself watching him from such a quiet distance and my heart was beating very fast.

"Why are you nervous?" Looking at her face, Yuhen also hooked his lips into a smile, "Did you just think that Bengong was going to be with you..."

"Yuhen, you are the dignified prince of Xiyue, not a hooligan." Chu Liyou's face was very red, and he interrupted Yuhen's words with redness and annoyance.

"Hehe. Who is the rascal right now? Bengong didn't do anything or say anything. But you, what were you thinking just now? Are you expecting Bengong to do something with you?"

"Rogue." Shy and annoyed, she turned her face aside, looking at his face, she was afraid that her heart would keep pounding.

"Hehe." His low and mellow voice smiled softly in her ear, and exhaled.

"Why don't you get up quickly." Chu Liyou didn't dare to look at his face.

"When you finish using me, you drive me away? Chu Liyou, my hand hurts you from sleeping, shouldn't you express it? Hmm." Yuhen looked at her with a gentle look on her face. laugh.


What does he want to express?
Moreover, it wasn't her who put on a face and wanted to sleep on his hands, it was obviously him who kept pushing himself into his arms.Now he asked himself to express it, but it was really shameless and shameless.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, "My lord, the food you ordered is here."

Yuhen got up, walked to the door and opened it, but Chu Liyou hurriedly covered herself with a quilt at this moment.Seeing her appearance, Yuhen smiled.Yuhen didn't intend to let Xiao Er come in, and took the food served by Xiao Er himself, and he didn't want anyone to see the woman's current appearance at all.

Xiaoer is also a clever person, he smiled and said: "Young master is slow to use, the villain will step back first. If you have any orders, you can call the villain."

All the dishes prepared are relatively light, and the food on this big night is too greasy and not good.

"Do you want to blind yourself to death? Come and eat." Yuhen shouted.

Chu Liyou, who had covered herself in the quilt, hesitated and did not move when she heard the voice.

In fact, she was really hungry after smelling the aroma of vegetables and rice. I said that she didn't have a good meal in the past two days.She didn't even know if Yuhen fed herself food or not?

However, now that the two of them are alone in a room, just now Yuhen asked her to express it in a rogue manner.She suddenly discovered something. After waking up, it seemed that many things had changed.Even people are starting to change.

"Come here yet, do you want me to carry you here by myself?"

"I don't dare to ask His Highness the Crown Prince to do it himself, I'll come here by myself." Chu Liyou walked over with a curl of his lips.

She is not stupid, there must be something wrong with Yuhen's tone of voice to her so well at this moment?

So, the first time Yuhen wanted to be nice to a woman, it turned into a bad intention.

If Yuhen knew what Chu Liyou was thinking now, he would definitely vomit blood in anger.

In front of the food, my stomach was already growling with hunger.Whether Guan Yuhen intends to do something wrong, the most important thing now is to fill his stomach.Soon, the dishes on the table were swept away.

"Chu Liyou, you are a pig."

You are the pig.

But Chu Liyou didn't dare to yell out these words in front of Yuhen, she was afraid that if Yuhen was unhappy, she would be unlucky.

"It was you who asked me to come over for dinner. I haven't eaten for two days." Chu Liyou expressed that he was wronged.If it wasn't for him, how could she not have eaten for two days.

"Are you blaming me for not giving you food?" Yuhen raised his eyebrows.

For the past two days, she has been sleeping, and he helped her do things like eating, bathing and dressing.Now she was wronged in front of him.This woman, how does she know that he hasn't given her food these two days?

Is he Yuhen the kind of person who abuses his own woman?
"I do not have."

"Eat slowly in the future, people who don't know how you are gorging will think that I have abused you."

The way she just ate a meal can be called gobbling it up, which is not called eating at all.

"Oh." He responded with a small mouth.She always eats elegantly, who made her have an elegant and perfect brother, so she has always followed his brother's appearance.It just jumps out a little bit every now and then.

Yuhen smiled gently, "That's good."

Be good, be good, sister!
Why does his tone feel like a pet dog he raises?
"Your Highness." Akabane's knock came from outside the door again.

"Come in."

Akabane came in and stood aside respectfully, "Your Highness, the matter has been clarified. Recently, there has been a flower picker who came and went without a trace in Fengcheng, and any house with a beautiful girl will become his target. The people of Fengcheng are disturbed. Frightened, so at night in Fengcheng, every household shuts their doors. In Fengcheng, more than a dozen girls have been kidnapped and their whereabouts are unknown."

"A flower picker who specializes in kidnapping beautiful girls." Chu Liyou who was sitting on the side suddenly said.

Yuhen took a look at Chu Liyou, "You are not beautiful, and the flower picker is not blind, so he would not come to pick your flowers." Of course, except for Ben Gong, no one else would pick your flowers. Such a vision.

Akabane on the side suppressed a smile.According to His Highness, it is not an exaggeration to say that Miss Chu's appearance can be described as "overwhelming city and country". Even in the whole of Xiyue, Dachu, Beiyuan and Dongli, there are not many Miss Chu with such beauty.His Highness actually said that Miss Chu is not pretty.Is it the flower picker who is blind, or is it you, Your Highness?
Chu Liyou didn't respond to Yuhen's blindness.

"It has been checked that it is that blind flower-picking thief in the Jianghu who is doing wild things on the palace's territory."

"Returning to Your Highness, the subordinates have already checked. This person appeared suddenly. I don't know where he came from, and he doesn't know his name. His martial arts are extremely high. Also, the girls he kidnapped all have a characteristic, they are all in the cloudy age He was born in the Yin and Moon. It should not be that simple for this person to kidnap these women. I have heard a rumor that there is a kind of sinister and evil martial art in Jianghu, but it takes a hundred people to practice it. An innocent girl who was born in the cloudy year and the moon and the moon is the lead. The subordinates have checked Fengcheng, and there is no girl with this characteristic in Fengcheng except for the kidnapped girls, so it can be speculated that this person should no longer be in Fengcheng. city."

"I heard from my master about this insidious martial art. It is said that this insidious martial art book appeared in Xiyue. Later, this book was left behind in the land of Xiyue and disappeared." Chu Liyou said, "Really Will anyone practice this kind of kung fu?"

"Are you afraid that he will get your idea?" Yuhen raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not afraid, I just think those women are so pitiful, how can that person be so cruel. Also, these women are also your people, as your Highness the Crown Prince they respect and respect, the future emperor of Xiyue, this matter You can't ignore it."


"It's the subordinate who understands." Akabane responded and withdrew.

Chu Liyou saw that he had no intention of interfering with him at all, and gave him a cold look, "They are also your citizens of Xiyue after all, so you really don't care if you really know?"

"Someone will take care of this matter. Didn't you also say that I am the prince of Xiyue, and since I am the prince of Xiyue, I will not sit idly by when I know about this matter. But you also heard that Akabane By the way, this person is no longer in Fengcheng. We are going to Beiyuan Kingdom, and I will leave this matter to other people." Seeing her suddenly indifferent face, Yuhen didn't know why explained it to her.

"Then Akabane is going..."

Yuhen explained, "After he goes to spread the news, someone will take over the matter."

"Oh." Chu Liyou replied.

Looking at his face, I was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.But he remembered that he just said that he was not beautiful at all, that is to say, he couldn't catch Yuhen's eyes at all.My heart was inexplicably angry.She dare not consider herself the most beautiful woman in the world, but she thinks she is not bad looking.He actually said that he is not beautiful, is he blind?Still eyes covered with shit.

"I know that I have a charming appearance, but don't stare at me with an idiot face."

Who is staring at you.Who is staring at you.

Also, can you stop being so narcissistic.Where is she in a nympho?Where is the nympho?
It's not that she has never seen a handsome man before, but her brother's face is a monster, let alone other beautiful men.After watching too much, she has been immune to beautiful men since she was a child.

"Who is staring at you like a nymphomaniac. It's not like I haven't seen a face that is more beautiful." With a snort, Chu Liyou said that he should be more generous and stop fussing with him.The so-called people fall into his hands now, you have to bow your head a little.

"What did you say?" The voice just now was very small, but Yuhen still heard it.

"I didn't say anything, so I won't bother His Royal Highness to rest. I'll go to the boss to open another room."

"Stop." Yuhen's tone became very bad, "Who allowed you to open another room? Do you have any money? Don't forget, you are now penniless and all you spend is my money. .I have money, but it's not for you to waste it."

I allowed it myself, do I still need your permission!
Also, can His Royal Highness not be so stingy?

It's just the rent of an inn, so is it necessary to be so stingy?
"I don't sleep well, and I'm afraid I'll disturb your rest. I know I don't have any money with me right now, so let's take it as a loan from His Royal Highness and I. When I have money with me, I'll return it to you."

"I never lend money to others. Besides, I'm afraid you can't pay back the money I lent out." Yuhen was very annoyed. Is this damn woman so unwilling to share a room with him?After waking up, it was not good at all.

"Then I won't borrow money from you, His Highness the Crown Prince. I won't bother you to rest, Your Highness the Crown Prince." Really, do you think that if you don't lend money to me, there is nothing I can do?

She remembered that there should be some valuables in her luggage.Paying the rent should be enough.

But what Chu Liyou didn't know was that there was nothing valuable in her baggage.Her burden is also in Yuhen's hands now, and she couldn't get it without Yuhen's opening.

"Chu Liyou, you dare to go out and try." Yuhen gritted his teeth.

Chu Liyou was a little scared, but she also knew that it would be miserable for the two of them to be alone in the room tonight.She was really scared, what happened last night was still vivid in her mind.What Yuhen said to him in the woods is still lingering in his ears.Thinking of those, she was afraid and hurt.I'm afraid that Yuhen's sudden tenderness is just a dream, and she will feel even more pain when she wakes up.I'm afraid that Yuhen did this on purpose, that he is deliberately treating himself well and letting himself sink again, and when he sinks, he will drive himself into the bottomless abyss again.Therefore, she really didn't dare to be in a room alone with him, and she didn't dare to give her heart easily.

"Could it be that His Royal Highness wants to chop off my leg?" She couldn't believe it, Yuhen really wanted to chop off her own leg.

Yuhen choked suddenly.


If she went out, would he really cut off her leg?
This woman is not stupid, knowing that he will never cut off her legs, so she has nothing to fear.

Yuhen walked over, looked at her, and suddenly said evilly: "So you like to play this kind of wall-climbing trick? Since you like it, then I will do as you wish. Remember to wash it and wait for me. I will wait for you at night. Will climb the wall to find you."

Chu Liyou suddenly had the urge to vomit blood all over Yuhen's face.

Why did she suddenly have an illusion: this person is simply a hooligan.

(End of this chapter)

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