The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 861 53. This is a gift from uncle to you

Chapter 861 53. This is a gift from uncle to you
Wang Ziqing took his daughter-in-law to his father's residence in Jicheng. When he saw his son married his daughter-in-law, he brought his daughter-in-law. General Wang and his wife were very happy.Mrs. Wang even pulled Qingluan and talked for a long time.

Wang Ziqing just smiled awkwardly and didn't speak.

Can he say that he and Qingluan appeared in Jicheng entirely because of Yuhen?

Obviously it cannot be said.

After staying in Jicheng for two days, Wang Ziqing left Jicheng with an excuse.General Wang and his wife also knew that their son was busy. Although they were reluctant to give up, there was nothing they could do.

And Yuhen also took Chu Liyou directly back to Jinling City.

Everything seems to be calm, but there is a roaring storm hidden under the calm.


Chu Jing, June.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing also came back from Xueyue City.

The first thing he did when he came back was to go back to Nangong Mansion to find Nangong Jin.

However, when Yun Qing saw the large group of civil and military officials kneeling at the gate of the Li Palace, he couldn't help but click his tongue, and the corners of his mouth twitched inexplicably.This posture is really magnificent.

It is said that it has been a month since the death of Emperor Chu, that is to say, these ministers have been kneeling at the gate of the Li Palace for a month?In the past month, Da Chu has had no monarch.No wonder these ministers were anxious.

As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king.

Chu Limo has no time to take care of these civil and military ministers now.Avoiding them directly, he and Yun Qing entered Nangong Jin's mansion directly from the backyard.Seeing this, Su Baiyi, who followed back to Beijing together, just climbed over the wall and entered together.

Regarding Chu Li, Mo Yunqing and Su Baiyi's sudden entry over the wall, Nangong Jin said that his little heart was frightened.Seeing that several people refused to leave, they climbed over the wall.The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he stared at the few people displeasedly, "You have a good door and don't leave, if you climb over the wall, you won't be afraid that the Lord will tie you up as thieves."

Ever since the incident of Bai Yue's premature birth, Nangong Jin has been very strict with the defense of the mansion.It was almost as if the entire Rueqing Villa had been transferred to serve as her guards.

"Miss, you are finally back." Seeing Yun Qing, Xiaoxiao shouted excitedly, and rushed over, so excited that she even called her Miss.

"Okay, don't cry. I'm back now." Yun Qing joked with a smile.

Xiaoxiao hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, saw Li Wang and Su Baiyi were there, and hurriedly saluted, "I have seen the prince, Mr. Su."

"Did Yun Qing come back?" Bai Yue's voice came from the room.

It's just the beginning of June, and it's only been one month and five days since Bai Yue gave birth.At this time, Bai Yue was still in confinement.Originally, sitting for a month was enough, but Bai Yue was born prematurely, and Nan Gongjin was afraid of any sequelae, so she insisted on sitting for forty days, and now there are five days left before forty days.

Hearing Bai Yue's voice, Yun Qing also remembered that Bai Yue should be giving birth at this time.Thinking that Bai Yue didn't come out in the room, she should give birth soon.Yun Qing didn't think too much, and walked into the room.

However, when Yun Qing opened the door and went in, she found Bai Yue lying on the bed, and there seemed to be a little baby lying in her arms.Bai Yue looked like she was feeding a baby.

Then, Yun Qing was startled.

"The baby is born?" Yun Qing asked, but seeing the scene where Bai Yue was still breastfeeding the baby, he asked again: "Should I avoid it?"

Yun Qing said that the baby was born, and people outside could hear it clearly.

"Well. It's been one month and five days. There's no need to avoid it, we are all women. And we haven't seen each other for so long, I have something to tell you." Bai Yue lowered her voice and said.She didn't mind at all with a gentle smile on her face.Even if Yun Qing stood in the room and watched her breastfeed the baby, she didn't look shy.As for the premature birth, Bai Yue has already passed.Now she only has children in her heart.

One month and five days.

Yun Qing thought about the time, now it is the beginning of June, so Bai Yue was born on April 25th.But she remembered that the child's delivery period was around the end of May to the beginning of June?In other words, the child was born more than a month earlier.

That is to say, Bai Yue was born prematurely.

Yun Qing suddenly understood that her elder brother would send several [-]-mile urgent letters urging them to return to Beijing.It turned out that Bai Yue was born prematurely at that time, and so many things happened in Chu Jing.With her elder brother's temper, Chu Jing's affairs are no more important than Bai Yue's mother and son.

Yun Qing thinks about it now, Emperor Chu also died at that time, and Bai Yue was also born prematurely at that time.So, what happened that day?

As for what was said inside that Bai Yue had given birth to a child, people outside could naturally hear it clearly.As for some whispers between Yun Qing and Bai Yue, Chu Li Mo Nan Gong Jin and Su Bai Yi didn't listen to them either.

Chu Limo just looked at Nangong Jin, meaning to ask Nangong Jin to explain what happened in Chu Jing in the past few months.And Su Baiyi sat on the stone bench in the yard with a relaxed expression.

Nangong Jin recounted what happened in Chu Jing, and also mentioned why Bai Yue gave birth prematurely, and why he sent several urgent letters urging him to return to Beijing.After finishing speaking, he looked at Chu Limo, "Feng Tianlan is in the dungeon now, are you going to meet him?"

As early as half a month ago, Nangong Jin activated the people from Rueqing Villa and captured Feng Tianlan.At the same time, Feng Tianlan's martial arts were also abolished, and he was locked in the dungeon, and someone was torturing him all the time.Nangong Jin would not let go of Bai Yue's premature birth that he had harmed back then.But Feng Tianlan was spared, waiting for Chu Limo and Yun Qing to come back and deal with them.

He knew that his sister had always wanted to find Feng Tianlan to avenge the dead Su Wanyan.If it wasn't for his sister's sake, when Feng Tianlan was caught, he would have killed him.

It was precisely because of the scourge of Feng Tianlan that Nangong Jin did not take care of many things in Chu Jing.He wanted to protect the safety of his daughter-in-law and son, and wanted to arrest Feng Tianlan, so he didn't have the heart to care about the group of ministers kneeling at the gate of Li Wang's mansion.

"He is not worthy of the king to see him. How you want him to die is up to you." Chu Limo looked at Nangong Jin and said.It can be regarded as handing over Feng Tianlan to Nangong Jin for disposal.

Handing over Feng Tianlan to Nangong Jin, with Nangong Jin's methods, Feng Tianlan would only be tortured very miserably.

And Yun Qing didn't intend to see Feng Tianlan either, as for who killed Feng Tianlan, she didn't care, as long as Feng Tianlan died.If he died, Sister Su's revenge would be considered revenge.

"Okay, don't worry, Feng Tianlan will treat him well." When saying this hospitality, Nangong Jin's tone was cold to the bone.It was a tone that wanted to torture Feng Tianlan to death in the cruelest way.After a pause, Nangong Jin looked at Su Baiyi at the side again.Regarding Su Baiyi coming back with them and now sitting in front of him, Nangong Jin also had a little doubt.After all, the fact that Chu Limo slaughtered Xueyue City has now spread throughout the world. "Why did he come back with you?"

Before Chu Limo answered, Su Baiyi spoke first, "Go back to Beijing to recuperate. Your place is a good place to recuperate." After speaking, he deliberately showed Nangong Jin his arm that was still in a plaster cast , expressing how cruel this man Chu Limo is.

The corner of Nangong Jin's mouth twitched inexplicably.Although Chu Limo did not explain Su Baiyi's return to Beijing, Nangong Jin and Chu Limo have been brothers for many years.He didn't explain, but Nangong Jin probably understood.

Before Nangong Jin could speak, Su Baiyi spoke again, "I will live in the original house, so I don't need to trouble you to lead the way. I know you well."

Nangong Jin really wanted to hehe and gave him a face, who is going to lead him the way?He hasn't promised him to live in, okay?
"Xiaoxiao, go fetch warm water. I need to change the medicine." After living here for a while, Su Baiyi told Xiaoxiao very familiarly.And after so many days of driving with Chu Li Mo Yunqing, the plaster cast on his arm should indeed be replaced.

"Yes." Xiaoxiao replied.

Su Baiyi walked towards the courtyard where he used to live very familiarly.

Nangong Jin frowned, watching Su Baiyi swagger away. "Is he relying on the Lord? What happened to Xueyue City, and what happened to him?"

Chu Limo simply replied to Nangong Jin, "He is Qingqing's second brother... Su Baiyi."

This sentence not only explained why Su Baiyi returned to Chujing with them, but also explained that Su Baiyi was just Su Baiyi.She told Nangong Jin clearly that he is only Su Baiyi, Su Baiyi who has no blood relationship with you and Qingqing.

Nangong Jin also understood this simple explanation.Looking at the back of Su Baiyi leaving, he said lightly: "I hope he is really just Su Baiyi in the future. Don't be the second Su Wudao."

"Hehe." Chu Limo just smiled slightly.

In the room, both Yun Qing and Bai Yue could hear the conversation outside clearly.

However, Yun Qing believed in Su Baiyi, she believed that a person with such clear eyes that could read people's hearts would not become the second Su Wudao.She believed that since Su Baiyi chose to go back to Beijing with them, it meant that Su Baiyi would not choose to lose their friends.

"Okay, it's fine if you know for yourself. But you two, hurry back to your own mansion. And you, hurry up and deal with the group of ministers in Liwang's mansion. I don't want grandpa to come to the mansion every day to ask me When will you come back?"

Speaking of which, Nangong Jin felt that these days were really troublesome.Wang Qingshan, the first-rank general and the King of Chu appointed by the Emperor of Chu, would visit his mansion once a day to ask him about Chu Limo and Yun Qing.How does he know when they will come back.As a result, if he didn't say anything, his grandfather would stay in the mansion and never leave.He really has nothing to do with his grandfather.

No wonder Wang Qingshan came to Nangong Jin to ask about the situation.It is true that Da Chu cannot live without a king.Chu Jing was in a mess these days, and Wang Qingshan was worried about Da Chu, so he was naturally anxious.

At this moment, Yun Qing is hugging her little nephew and can't put it down.The little guy probably knew that her aunt was back and woke up.

Yun Qing originally wanted to ask her elder brother about something, but when she saw this little doll woke up, she was so cute and she liked it very much.Holding him, he also smiled straight at himself.

"You know it's my aunt who's back, right?" Yun Qing smiled softly.Hold this cute little doll in your hands.

Being hugged by Yun Qing, Xiao Nangong Yu kept smiling.That baby's smile simply melted Yun Qing's softest heart.Holding Nangong Yu, Yun Qing suddenly felt something hit her heart hard.

Although Nangong Jin insisted on Bai Yue confinement for forty days, Bai Yue did not stay in bed all the time.Seeing the gentle smile on Yun Qing's face holding her son, Bai Yue sat aside and said with a smile: "Now that you are back, seeing that you like children so much, it's time for you to have a baby."

Bai Yue had always hoped that Yun Qing could get pregnant, so their child would have a playmate after they were born together.Bai Yue didn't know about Chu Limo's situation, so she naturally didn't know that Chu Limo's body was not suitable for Yun Qing to conceive before detoxification.

Yun Qing was also not clear about the fact that Chu Limo was not suitable for having children before detoxification.Chu Limo didn't tell her about this.And she, while he has been running around in the past few months, she didn't care about the fact that she was not pregnant.He just thought that Chu Limo was worried about her getting pregnant on the way, so he deliberately used contraception.

However, when Bai Yue talked about having a child, Yun Qing, who has lived for two lives, was also a bit shy, "How can a child be born as we say we want to be born." And now she saw the little doll she was holding , I really want to have a baby right now.Give birth to a child from Limo.

Sitting aside, Bai Yue just smiled slightly.

When Chu Limo and Nangong Jin entered the room, they saw Yun Qing holding the child.Especially Chu Limo, when he saw the gentle gaze on Yun Qing's face, his heart couldn't help but hit hard.Regarding the matter of having a baby that Qingqing and Bai Yue just talked about, he naturally heard it standing outside.Seeing Qingqing holding that child now, Qingqing really likes the child, right?
Involuntarily, he thought of the way Qingqing hugged him and cried when he was in the snowy mountain holy land, and told him that they had a child in the previous life.He and Qingqing also had a child in the previous life.

If they also have children at this moment, Qingqing will be more gentle and happy than now, right?
Seeing the two coming in, Yun Qing walked up to Chu Limo with the child in his arms, and said softly, "Do you want to hug him?"

Chu Limo looked at the little baby that Yun Qing was holding, it was white, tender, and fleshy, and his heart suddenly hit again.This child looks like Nangong Jin and Bai Yue.However, his eyes are somewhat clear.If you look carefully, you will find that it's not that Nangong Yu's eyes are like Qingqing, but that Qingqing and Nangong Jin's eyes are very similar, and Nangong Yu's eyes are very similar to his father Nangong Jin's. Naturally, there are also half of them. clear.

At that moment, Chu Limo was at a loss.Holding a child, how can such a small child be held softly in the arms?

Chu Limo did not hold the little Nangong Yu, but took out a good crescent-shaped jade pendant from his pocket and put it on the little Nangong Yu. "This is a gift from uncle to you."

Nangong Yu, who was still a milk baby, looked at Chu Limo and smiled, and her white, tender and fleshy little hands held onto Chu Limo's hand and did not let go.At that moment, even Chu Limo, a cold person, was held by this baby, and his heart couldn't help but soften.

Nangong Jin recognized the crescent-shaped jade pendant.It was a piece of jade that Chu Limo got by accident many years ago when he was traveling.Later, Chu Limo took this piece of jade to make a jade pendant, and made several crescent-shaped jade pendants from the rest. This jade pendant can be said to be a symbol of Chu Limo's identity.With this crescent-shaped jade pendant, you can control the people in the Unfeeling Villa at will.You can also go to the restaurant where Chu Limo is located to get food and eat at will, and you can even go to Chu Limo's shop to get money at will.

When Chu Limo saw Yun Qing for the first time, he gave Yun Qing the jade pendant that he symbolized.

But he didn't want to, after Chu Limo's child was born, Chu Limo also gave the remaining few dollars to his child.And the children's names were engraved on the crescent-shaped jade pendant.But this is another story.

"I thank you for my son."

"You're welcome, after my king and Qingqing's child is born, you, the uncle, will also give it to me." Chu Limo said lightly, looking at the child in Yunqing's arms with a rare smile on his face. .

The corners of Nangong Jin's mouth twitched slightly, how much he wanted to refute him at this moment: If you have the ability, you should give birth to one as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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