The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 864 56. I only want the crown princess, will you give it to me?

Chapter 864 56. I only want the crown princess, will you give it to me?

"Brother, I want to toast you." Yun Qing was very happy when she heard the news.

"it is good."

As a result, Yun Qing was really happy.It's been a long, long time since I've been so happy, and I haven't been so indulgent.This time, Yun Qing drank a lot of wine.In the end, it was all about drinking with Nangong Jin.

Nangong Jin's wine taste is obvious to all, and it is also known as a thousand cups without getting drunk.Yunqing wine is also good.

And Nangong Jin never drank alcohol since Bai Yue was pregnant.Since Yun Qing was reborn, she hadn't touched alcohol much.

As a result, the two brothers and sisters hadn't drank for a long time, and they drank too much all of a sudden.

In the end, Yun Qing was carried back to Liyuan by Chu Limo.

Yun Qing was so drunk that his eyes were slightly smoky, not so drunk that he would go crazy, nor so drunk that he didn't recognize people.But this time he drank a little too much.

Yun Qing's current appearance is in a state of being drunk or awake.She is very sober now, unusually sober, and unusually dazed.

Yun Qing leaned on Chu Limo's body, and said with a blurred expression, "Limo, I'm so happy. I'm really happy. It won't be long before the elder brother can cure the poison for you. We will be here in the future. Don't be scared anymore."

When she was on the snow mountain, she was still thinking about what Su Wudao said before he died?What detoxification requires her to make a choice, she was still afraid for a long time in her heart.I am afraid of the price of detoxification.But tonight, when her elder brother confidently told her that in three months, he would be able to cure the poison.Yun Qing's heart, which had been worried for a long time, suddenly relaxed.


"Yeah." Yun Qing responded and smiled softly.

With blurred eyes, restless hands began to touch his body.

"Qingqing, do you know what you are doing now?" A slightly drunk and somewhat ambiguous tone fell into Yun Qing's ear. "You are really a tormenting little fairy. I think I will be tortured to death by Qingqing sooner or later."

After being touched by Yun Qing, Chu Limo could hold back that the sun really came out from the west.

Yun Qing chuckled with an obsessed look, and leaned against him, "I don't have it. You are obviously seducing me. Look at your face. It is obviously a seductive face."

"Qingqing, are you drunk?" Chu Limo was amused and helpless.

If he had known that Qingqing would get drunk, he should have stopped her from drinking so much.Although Qingqing's appearance is indeed too attractive now.However, he will feel distressed if he gets drunk and hurts his body.

"I'm not drunk. I'm just too happy." After speaking, Yun Qing's lips moved together.

Those who say they are not drunk are actually drunk.It's just that Yun Qing is still a little sober while drunk.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Yun Qing is drunk or not.What's important is her seductive kiss, seductive lips, and seductive smile.Everywhere is temptation.

Directly turning passive into active, Chu Limo's tongue penetrated into her mouth, swept every part of her mouth, entangled with her fiercely, and kissed her deeply.

The clothes are all down, and the room is full of spring love.


the next day.

When Yun woke up, he found that his whole body was in pain, and his head hurt badly.

What gave Yun Qing the most headache was when she opened her eyes and lifted the quilt to look.I saw dense hickey marks on my body.Not only did she have dense hickey marks on her body, but a certain man's body was also covered with dense hickey marks.

Yun Qing froze for a while.

Everything about last night flashed through my mind one by one.

Then, Yun Qing was dumbfounded.

Sure enough, you can't drink alcohol. It is said that drinking is a mistake, and you will do some bold things with alcohol. This is not false at all.

Looking at the marks on Chu Limo's body now, one can imagine how bold and crazy he was last night.

Yun Qing now has a feeling that she wants to hug the quilt and cry.Sure enough, he couldn't drink, but he was still drunk.As a result, I also became a bold pervert.

"Qingqing, what are you thinking?" Chu Limo's pleasant voice sounded faintly.

When Yun woke up, someone beside him also woke up, and then kept staring at Yun Qing.Looking at the changing face on Yun Qing's face, Chu Limo expressed curiosity about what Qing Qing was thinking?
"No. I fell asleep." Yun Qing remembered what she did last night and began to pretend to be cowardly, and hid in the bed.

Yun Qing's words directly made Chu Limo laugh.

"Qingqing, aren't you awake? How did you fall asleep?" Chu Limo corrected Yun Qing with a smile.

Yun Qing, who was hiding under the blanket, suddenly turned dark.She couldn't be talking nonsense after she was drunk.


Get drunk!

Yun Qing thought of something, then started yawning in bed, and said drunkenly, "Li Mo, stop making trouble. I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."

How could Yun Qing's little trick fool Chu Limo's eyes, Chu Limo just thought it was funny. "Last night, Qingqing was exhausted. Qingqing should take a rest."

Yun Qing hid under the quilt without making a sound, pretending to be asleep on purpose.

"Qingqing, are you trying to bore yourself?" Seeing Yunqing hiding under the blanket, Chu Limo felt that her appearance was funny and a little helpless.He could only tear off the quilt for her, and let Yun Qing expose her head.

Yun Qing closed her eyes tightly.But she could feel a warm breath lingering above her for a long time.

"Is Qingqing shy? Last night's Qingqing was passionate and very bold." Chu Limo smiled softly, "Last night's Qingqing is so charming."

I heard him keep mentioning what happened last night, and deliberately mentioned the bold thing she did last night.Yun Qing couldn't pretend anymore.He opened his eyes suddenly, "Rogue."

"Qingqing was the hooligan last night. Did Qingqing forget what happened last night?"

"Don't mention what happened last night." Yun Qing pursed her lips and said unhappily, "I was drunk last night. You took advantage of someone's danger last night."

"Qingqing is the one who took advantage of others' danger. Qingqing used the excuse of being drunk to prey on me last night." Chu Limo smiled wickedly.

Thinking of last night's Qingqing, Chu Limo couldn't help but want to joke.Can't help but want to pick it up.I couldn't help but want to ask her again.

"Also, I'm ignoring you." Yun Qing made an angry look, pulled off the quilt and turned sideways, really ignoring him.

"Okay, I won't talk anymore. Qingqing don't get angry, okay?" Seeing that Yunqing was really angry and ignored him, Chu Limo hurriedly coaxed him.But Yun Qing just ignored him.Now, Chu Limo also knew that he really made Qingqing angry just now. "Qingqing, I was wrong. Qingqing, don't be angry, okay?"

"Qingqing...Qingqing...I was wrong. Don't ignore me, okay?" Early in the morning, someone coaxed his wife under the covers. "Qingqing, I know I was wrong. Don't be angry, okay? Okay?"

Yun Qing turned sideways and smiled secretly, seeing that his apology was sincere.Yun Qing's anger also dissipated, but she still put on a serious expression. "Do you really know that you are wrong? Will you still bully me in the future? Do you make me angry?"

"Well. I really know I was wrong. I dare not make Qingqing angry in the future. Let Qingqing bully me in the future."

"For the sake of your sincerity in admitting your mistakes, I can consider whether I should forgive you. You should hurry up and make a breakfast that I like. If I am satisfied with the breakfast, you will serve me well." Stomach, I forgive you."

"Of order, ma'am." After finishing speaking, a light kiss was reflected on Yun Qing's forehead.Then he got up quickly, got dressed, and went to prepare breakfast.

There is a small kitchen in the pear garden, which has all the ingredients.

Prepare breakfast for Qingqing, if Qingqing can have a delicious breakfast, he will be happy.

The whole kitchen is filled with a warm and happy smell.

When Chu Limo went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Yun Qing also got up.He quietly came to the small kitchen and stood at the door looking at the man who was busy in the kitchen.It's really hard to imagine that such a noble man would cook for a woman himself?
But Chu Limo did it.Not only did it do it, but it did it very well, very well.

It's so good that Yunqing is now dependent on him, and can't do without his delicious food.

Yun Qing walked over lightly.Then she reached out and hugged his waist from behind.Playing like a child, he deliberately changed his voice, "Guess who I am?"

"Why don't you sleep a little longer." His voice was gentle and nice.Listening to his voice is a very intoxicating thing.

Yun Qing said softly, "I can't sleep when I wake up. I want to watch you."

Although last night was crazy, she still hurts all over now.However, after waking up, she couldn't fall asleep.And she really wanted to look at him.Watching him make breakfast in the kitchen seems to be a treat too.

"Qingqing went to the side and watched, the heavy oily smoke here should not smoke Qingqing."

"No, I'll just stand beside you and watch." Yun Qing said like a child.But Yun Qing's tone was very firm, telling him firmly that she would stand by his side.Regardless of whether there is oily smoke or not, she will stand by his side and accompany him.

"Okay. Wait a minute, Qingqing, breakfast will be ready soon." His voice was full of indulgence.

There is always that one person in the world, you are willing to spend your whole life pampering her.

And Yun Qing is the woman Chu Limo is willing to spend his whole life loving.


Xiyue, Jinling City.

When she returned to Jinling City for the first time, she felt a sudden pain in her heart when she returned to this familiar yet unfamiliar place.

Chu Liyou was arranged by Yuhen to live in the plum garden.Live in the same room with Yuhen.

As soon as the news spread in the Prince's Mansion, the other women in the Prince's Mansion were immediately blown away.One after another wanted to know who the sacred thing actually got the favor of His Highness the Crown Prince.

No, it was early in the morning.There are many women who come to trouble Chu Liyou.It's just that they haven't found any trouble yet, but they were sent back by Yuhen first.Not even a single hair of Chu Liyou was seen.

Emperor Xiyue sent a dozen young ladies to Yuhen's mansion.Yuhen actually took all of them into the mansion.These days, Yuhen went to Beiyuan and then to Dachu. These women have been living in the mansion, and Yuhen has never been dealt with.

"Your Highness. Ladies, please see me." Akabane frowned thinking of the group of women outside the plum garden.

His Highness did not give any identity to the women standing in the plum garden who wanted to see His Highness.Akabane wouldn't call them side concubines, or anything.

Hearing that, Chu Liyou put down his chopsticks and got up, and said lightly, "I won't bother His Highness the Crown Prince and all the Crown Princesses."

"Sit down." Yuhen looked at Chu Liyou.He then ordered to Akabane, "Send them back. Tell him not to send people to Ben Gong in the future. Next time he is sending people away, I don't mind killing them all."

"Yes." Akabane replied and stepped back.

The "he" Yuhen refers to is Emperor Xiyue.

If these women hadn't come here by themselves today, Yuhen would have almost forgotten how many women there are in his mansion.At the beginning, keeping these women was out of anger, and secondly, it was to embarrass Chu Liyou.

As a result, he didn't see Chu Li worrying about him.Instead, he added a lot of trouble.

Now that this woman is here, he doesn't want to see these women in the mansion at all. Naturally, these women have gone as far as they can.

Yuhen's move also shocked the whole of Xiyue.

All of a sudden, there were many rumors in Xiyue: It is said that His Royal Highness dispersed the women in the backyard for a woman.Only dote on this mysterious woman.It is said that this mysterious woman, as beautiful as a fairy, fascinated His Highness the Prince.

"I have only met you as a woman before, and I will only touch you in the future. These women look at me, and you also look at me." Yuhen explained, and then said: "You will be obedient in the future. Stay by Bengong's side. Don't think about going back to Dachu."

Chu Liyou looked at Yuhen in a daze.For Yuhen's words, I don't know why I am a little happy.But after the joy, she was deeply hurt, because she was not sure why Yuhen did this?The only thing she can be sure of is that these injuries on her body are all caused by Yuhen.

"Whether I want to go back to Dachu is my business. These women are your business if you look at them. After all, they are your concubines, aren't they?"

"I told you, don't make me angry by going back to Dachu. As long as you behave well, I can give you everything except the crown princess."

"Oh." Chu Liyou sneered.He couldn't help but think of when he was in Beiyuan, Yuhen said that the position of crown princess would always be reserved for Yun Qing.Now, he told her that he could give her everything except the crown princess.It's really funny. "If I say, I don't want anything but the crown princess? Will you give it?"

"You want the crown princess?" Yuhen raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. Will you give it?" In fact, she didn't care about his crown princess position at all.I just feel aggrieved.

Yuhen also slammed his chopsticks on the table, and looked at Chu Liyou with a gloomy expression.

Chu Liyou is no longer afraid of his angry appearance, and he doesn't even care.

"Since you can't give it, don't promise anything at will. I don't want anything except the crown princess." Chu Liyou just felt very aggrieved and wanted to sneer, "Hehe, actually, I don't want your crown princess position. I really don’t like it at all. Yuhen, don’t say these things that make me sick in the future. Don’t let the goodness you have left in my heart end up being disgusting. You eat slowly, I won’t bother you gone."

After saying that, she stood up and left proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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