The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 872 64. Resurrection Pill

Chapter 872 64. Resurrection Pill

Qingyun Palace.

Before dawn, Yun Qing woke up suddenly, and got up from the bed to get dressed regardless of the pain in his body.

"Qingqing, where are you going?"

"I sensed it." Yun Qing's face was full of joy, "I sensed Xiaobai's appearance. It came back."

"That stinky fox is back?" Chu Limo raised his eyebrows and got up together.

Where did he think the stinky fox died at first?Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Qingqing suddenly sensed it again.It actually came back.

"Well, I can sense that it has entered the city."

"Qingqing, since it's back, it will come to the palace to look for you by itself. Qingqing is sleeping for a while." Thinking of how much he tossed about Qingqing last night, Chu Limo still felt very distressed.Naturally, I hope that Qingqing can sleep more.That stinky fox has a connection with Qingqing, so it will naturally know that it came to the palace to look for Qingqing.

"No, I feel that something is wrong with the Huolinghu. I have to see it in person to be at ease." Yun Qing couldn't help persuading him, put on his clothes and went out.She just gave him a glare at the person who nearly broke her waist.

Chu Limo suddenly felt that he was not as good as a fox in Qingqing's heart.First, it was Nangong Yu who asked Qingqing to run outside the palace all day long, but now another stinky fox came to fight him for Qingqing.

Thinking about it, Chu Limo hurriedly put on his clothes and didn't even go to court.Went out of the palace with Yun Qing.

As a result, the current emperor's refusal to go to court today made all the ministers think that it was Wei Taifu who admonished the emperor to choose a concubine yesterday, which angered the emperor.So the emperor simply didn't even go to court.On the Golden Luan Hall, all the ministers were panicked.

On the contrary, the Prime Minister stood on the Golden Luan Hall in a calm manner without saying a word.

After Yun Qing left the palace, she went straight to her elder brother's mansion.The closer she got to her elder brother's residence, the more she felt that Xiao Bai was nearby.After Yun Qing and Chu Limo arrived at Nangong Mansion, they were just about to enter.Yun Qing discovered that the Huo Linghu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was about to jump over the wall.

"Little Bai." Yun Qing shouted happily.

Huo Linghu Xiaobai came over to Yunqing happily when he heard Yunqing's voice.Rubbing on Yun Qing's body.

"Xiaobai, you are finally back. You haven't shown up for so long, I thought you were boiled and eaten."

Chu Limo stood aside and looked at the taste on his face.This damned stinky fox snatched it away from him as soon as he came back.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' the fire spirit fox chirped and didn't know what he was talking about.

But Yun Qing understood.Yun Qing stroked its white fox fur, smiled lightly and said, "You said you have something to give me?"

"Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi" Huo Linghu yelled as if nodding.

Yun Qing stretched out his hand, and Huo Linghu spit out something from his mouth into Yun Qing's hand at this time.That thing was round and fluffy, its whole body was white, Yun Qing didn't see what it was for a moment.

Not to mention that Yun Qing didn't see what it was, and Chu Limo at the side also didn't see what this round and furry thing was?
After Huo Linghu spit the thing into Yun Qing's hand, he rubbed vigorously on Yun Qing's body, completely ignoring Chu Limo's heavy face.

Chu Limo and Yun Qing showed up at the back door of Nangong Jin's house early in the morning. Nangong Jin also got the news, and got up from the bed very unhappy.

Nangong Jin had just left the room, and before leaving the courtyard, Chu Limo, Yun Qing, and Huo Linghu had already entered the courtyard by themselves.

"It's not yet dawn, what are you two doing here?" Nangong Jin's tone was very displeased, but he lowered his voice for fear of disturbing the sleeping adults and children in the room.

Nangong Jin expressed his displeasure when his dreams were disturbed early in the morning.If these two people don't give an explanation, he will never end with the two of them today.

Before the two could speak, Huo Linghu suddenly jumped down from Yun Qing's body, and jumped onto Nangong Jin's body in no time.

"Ah!" Seeing clearly that it was this stinky fox that he hadn't seen for a long time, Nangong Jin patted Huo Linghu off his body in disgust, "You dead fox, I haven't seen you for so long, I thought you were dead ? You don’t know that your claws are poisonous, and you still run on Grandpa. You want to poison Grandpa to death, don’t you?”

Disliked by Nangong Jin, Huo Linghu did not walk away arrogantly this time.Instead, he hugged Nangong Jin's thigh and screamed loudly.

"Stinky fox, what are you talking about squeaking non-stop? I don't understand." Nangong Jin disliked the stinky fox hugging his thigh very much. Looking at Yun Qing, he yelled, but when he finished yelling, he didn't know what to say. Thinking of the one big and one small still sleeping in the room, the voice also softened.Although the sound outside was very low, when Nangong Jin woke up, Bai Yue woke up too. Now that she heard the movement outside, she naturally didn't feel sleepy anymore. "You don't hurry to take your stinky fox away. If you don't take it away, believe it or not, I will use it to make soup."

Yun Qing had black lines on her face, she wanted to say to this cute fire fox hugging her big brother's thigh, I don't know this perverted fox.

Huo Linghu was very wronged when he heard Nangong Jin's words, and let go of Nangong Jin's thigh very wronged.And obediently went back to Yun Qing's side.It hasn't come back for so long, isn't it happy to see them?It also wanted to hug the thigh of a black-hearted man like Chu Limo, but it was a little fox and it didn't dare.It didn't dare to hug Chu Limo's thigh. If it hugged Chu Limo's thigh, it would definitely be slaughtered by him.Who knew that holding Nangong Jin's thigh was still disgusted.

Huo Linghu said that he was very sad, very sad.

"Why are you here?" Huo Linghu let go of himself, Nangong Jinke hadn't forgotten that these two people disturbed his sweet dreams early in the morning.So Nangong Jin's tone was very displeased.

"I sensed that Xiaobai was back this morning. That's why I came here." Yun Qing said truthfully.

Chu Limo was silent, but his attitude showed that he came here with Qingqing.

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' the fire spirit fox grabbed Yun Qing's sleeve with its claws and let out a cry.

"Stop yelling, you've woken up my daughter-in-law and son, I'll take you to make soup." Nangong Jin looked at Huo Linghu and threatened fiercely.

Huo Linghu felt wronged and innocent, and felt that Nangong Jin was becoming more and more cruel.But thinking of the things he brought back, he still grabbed Yun Qing's paw and let out a 'creak creak'.

Yun Qing instantly understood what it meant, and took out what it had just vomited to her. "You mean this is for big brother?"

However, when Nangong Jin saw the round and fluffy thing in Yun Qing's hand, his eyes lit up instantly.He took the furry thing in Yunqing's hand and looked at it.After reading it, he said excitedly: "Is there really such a thing in this world? I thought it was just a legend? I didn't expect this thing to exist. It seems that your scourge is really going to be a scourge for thousands of years."

"Brother, what is this?" Yun Qing was the first to see her brother so excited.

"I have seen it in the library of our Nangong family. It is said that this thing is called 'spirit'. It is said that it grows on the top of Kunlun. This 'spirit' is also called 'Resurrection Pill'. The Resurrection Pill has two major functions, one It is the effect of bringing the dead back to life, and the second is to eliminate all poisons in the world. After taking this rejuvenation pill, it can still be immune to all poisons. But it is said that the "resurrection pill" has always been a legend, and there is no such thing as resurrection. Because there is no such thing in this world. There is no such thing as Kunlun Peak. I have searched for it before, but there has been no result. So I always thought it was just a legend. But I didn’t expect to see the rumored ‘Resurrection Pill’ today.” So, can you Excited?

It was said in the rumors that if a person dies, if he takes the Resurrection Pill within seven days, he can be brought back to life.

"So what does Big Brother mean to say, the Heartless Gu on Li Mo can be cured now?"

"So, he is really a scourge. A scourge can never die." Nangong Jin raised his eyebrows, but he was also happy for him.This unfeeling Gu has followed him for more than 20 years.Over the years, it can be said that they are always worried about when the unfeeling poison will attack.Now, he could finally stop worrying about him. "You don't need me to refine the antidote anymore, you eat this. I guarantee that you will be cured by the medicine."

Chu Limo took the round and furry thing in Nangong Jin's hand and looked at it, "Are you sure this is the legendary Resurrection Pill?" This thing didn't look like a pill at all.

"Master, I'm sure." Although he had never seen the Resurrection Pill, he still wouldn't admit his mistake.For many people, this thing is a priceless treasure.The world does not know how many people want to get it?
Chu Limo took a look at it, without thinking about it, and then swallowed the round and furry thing.

"What's the smell?" Seeing Chu Limo swallowing something, Nangong Jin asked curiously.

Huo Linghu let out a 'squeak' from the side, which meant that, of course, it was the smell of the fox's saliva.

It went through untold hardships to find this treasure from the top of Kunlun, and it returned to Chujing after a long journey.In order not to drop this treasure, it has been kept in the mouth.Therefore, what taste can there be is only the taste of its saliva.

Yun Qing also watched nervously from the side, "Li Mo, how do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Chu Limo looked at Yun Qing and said softly, "It's okay." It didn't feel the taste of this thing, and it went into the stomach by itself.Therefore, he really didn't feel what it was like.

"Tsk tsk, you made a profit. This is the soul-reviving pill." Nangong Jin said, and then looked at Huo Linghu who was staying beside Yunqing, "Smelly fox, where did you find this soul-reviving pill? These days Where did you go? Tell me, did you find this Resurrection Pill on the top of Kunlun? Is there a top of Kunlun in this world?"

There were several question marks in succession, but Huo Linghu didn't seem to shake Nangong Jin at all.

Seeing that Huo Linghu ignored him proudly, Nangong Jin was so angry.But he had no choice but to look at Yun Qing and said, "Sister, ask this stinky fox, is there really a Kunlun Peak in this world?"

Not to mention that Nangong Jin was curious, Chu Limo and Yun Qing were equally curious.

"Xiaobai, tell me what the elder brother asked just now. Tell me that I will reward you with your favorite chicken drumstick."

'Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi' Huo Linghu called out, not knowing what to say to Yun Qing.


"younger sister."

The two shouted in unison.

Huo Linghu was still chirping and saying something.Yun Qing was listening on the sidelines.

At this time, the door of the room opened.Bai Yue came out.Seeing Chu Limo and Yun Qing suddenly appear here so early, Bai Yue said hello to them.I also saw Huo Linghu, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, also appear, and seemed to be talking to Yun Qing.Bai Yue didn't disturb, but walked towards Nangong Jin, and stood beside Nangong Jin quietly.

After a long time, Yun Qing finally spoke, "Xiaobai said that the top of Kunlun is not a legend, it really exists. The thing it brought back is the legendary 'spirit', also known as the 'Resurrection Pill'. But Kunlun The existence of Zhiding is not something ordinary people can find. Xiaobai said that since he went to the northern border with Su Wudao, something happened. It was thrown off the cliff by Su Wudao and was seriously injured. Later, it followed its memory. I went to the top of Kunlun. Originally, it wanted to find something there to heal its injuries. It accidentally got this Resurrection Pill. After the injury was healed, it came back with the Resurrection Pill. Xiaobai also said that the relationship between me and it The reason why the day cannot sense the existence of the other party is because there is something obstructing the top of Kunlun. There is a strong force in the top of Kunlun, which forcibly blocks the interference from the outside world. That's why people in the world can't find the top of Kunlun Where exactly."

After a pause, Yun Qing spoke again, "Xiaobai also said that the spiritual girl of the Feng clan came from the top of Kunlun. It also came from the top of Kunlun. It was her master who brought it to the top of the snow-capped mountain. It’s just to take care of the Millennium Blood Ganoderma.”

"Pfft." Just after Yun Qing finished speaking, Chu Limo, who was standing aside and listening, suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood without any warning, and before he could say a word, he fell down.

"Li Mo." Yun Qing shouted.

"Chu Limo." This situation also shocked Nangong Jin.

Suddenly, early in the morning, the backyard of Nangong Mansion was in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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