The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 882 76. The picturesque country, I only want you!

Chapter 882 76. The picturesque country, I only want you! (finale [-])
Yuhen's complexion was very bad, and there was a very obvious jealousy on his face, "Brother, I have seen it now, so I can go back."

"When did Junior Brother become so stingy?" Qi Rong smiled gently.

Yun Qing held back her laughter, not caring about this jealous person.Instead, she pulled Li You to sit down and talked about family matters: "Is the baby still obedient in your womb?" Yun Qing remembered that when Bai Yue was pregnant, she didn't bother Bai Yue.

"It's only been a little over a month now." If she hadn't fainted suddenly that day, she wouldn't have felt that she was pregnant at all when the imperial doctor showed her.

"Time is really fast. I never thought you would have a baby. Liyou, I'm really happy for you."

Chu Liyou smiled brightly, and gently touched her stomach. "At the beginning, I thought that being in You City would be the last time with Yuhen. But I didn't expect that Yuhen would choose me in the end. He chose to marry me and choose to spend his life with me."

Although Yuhen has never said that he loves her until now.But being able to be with him is already the happiest thing.

"He didn't choose you. He loves you. Because he loves you, he wants to spend his life with you." Yun Qing said calmly.

If Yuhen doesn't love Liyou, even if Liyou is Yuhen's woman and she is pregnant with his child, Yuhen will never marry her.She has known Yuhen for so many years, and she still knows what Yuhen's temper is like.

Yuhen, this person, will never give up.

He will not compromise feelings, will not compromise love.

Marrying Liyou was just because he found out that he fell in love with this woman.

Chu Liyou just smiled happily.

"By the way, brother really gave me Nanchu as a dowry?" Chu Liyou was still shocked by this matter and did not recover.That's thousands of miles.My brother gave her a dowry in this way.

"You are your brother's most beloved sister. Our dearest family member. Of course we will give you the best dowry." Yun Qing didn't care about being a queen at all.Now that Chu Limo is no longer the emperor, they can have more time to travel around the mountains and rivers. "You know, your brother has always disliked the throne. Yuhen will be a good emperor, and the world will only flourish and prosper in his hands."

At this time, Yuhen and Qi Rong came over.Qi Rong sat down on the seat not far from Yun Qing.Yuhen sat beside Chu Liyou and gently hugged Chu Liyou's waist, then looked at Yun Qing and smiled gently, like an old friend for many years, "Yun Qing, you are right, Chu Liyou Li Mo will give you the love you want. And I will be a good emperor, and I will give all my happiness to Li You."

Yuhen looked at Yun Qing, "I used to be very entangled. I was entangled in what kind of feelings I had for you. At that time, I was always in pain. But when Li You broke into my life like this, She occupied my heart more. At that time, I actually understood all the time. Maybe I never loved you, never loved a woman named Yunqing. At that time, maybe I was just unwilling. But Before I knew it, this woman named Chu Liyou had quietly occupied my heart. I apologize for my actions that hurt you. Yun Qing, I am sorry for hurting you. "

Listening to Yuhen's words, Yun Qing smiled brightly, "Fourth brother, everything is over. We are a family and friends. There is no need for family members to apologize or say sorry." With a mischievous smile, she approached Yuhen and Chu Liyou and said softly, "Actually, I also ask you to do me a favor."

"What do you want us to do for you?" Yuhen just nodded in agreement, but Chu Liyou asked curiously.

Yun Qing glanced at Qi Rong at the side, looked at Chu Liyou and lowered his voice, "Actually, this matter has something to do with you too. It's about Qi Rong."

"About Brother Qi?" Chu Liyou raised his eyebrows, then looked at Qi Rong.After watching it for a long time, I don't know what it is.

Yuhen at the side, when he heard that this matter was related to Qi Rong, and Li You was also involved, his face suddenly darkened. "Is he still determined to get rid of Liyou?"


Yun Qing said that he helped his forehead.It turned out that this person was also very terrifying and domineering when he was jealous.However, how could Yuhen be jealous of Qi Rong?It tastes so sour?It seems that a lot of things happened when Li You was in Jinling City!

But that's because Yun Qing didn't see Yuhen's jealousy, and Yuhen has been jealous of Qi Rong more than once.So there is still a strong hostility towards Qi Rong.

Chu Liyou didn't expect Yuhen to react so strongly.But seeing Yuhen's reaction, Chu Liyou smiled slightly.It's so rare to see him jealous for himself.

"What are you guys talking about? Did I hear my junior brother mention me just now?" Qi Rong asked with a gentle smile.

Just now Yun Qing's voice was low, Qi Rong knew what they were whispering, but didn't know what they were talking about.If it wasn't for Yuhen's voice just now, "He still doesn't give up on Liyou's idea?" 'Qi Rong wouldn't ask any more.

"Didn't senior brother leave? Why are you still here?" In that tone, it was obvious that the master didn't welcome you.

Chu Liyou, Yun Qing: "..."

Qi Rong naturally understood why Yuhen had such deep hostility towards him.Ever since Li You appeared in Jinling City, he has offended this junior a lot.However, Yuhen's jealousy is too obvious now.Qi Rong found that the whole Prince's Mansion had a sour smell.

"Brother is getting more and more stingy. Anyway, brother, I have been here for so long and I don't even have a cup of hot tea." Qi Rong has no intention of leaving immediately.

"Is senior brother here to drink tea?" What Yuhen said meant, don't you think that I don't know what you are here for today?Yuhen still remembered that the first thing Qi Rong said when he first came in was that he came to see Li You.This has to make Yuhen seriously doubt that Qi Rong is still not giving up on Liyou.

Yun Qing said that she got the truth!
"Of course." Qi Rong smiled lightly.The gentle handsome appearance is as warm as the spring breeze in March.

Yun Qing said that she didn't have the time to watch this man bicker.She still needs the help of Yuhen and Liyou for important matters. "Why don't you two chat slowly. Liyou, I heard that there are many kinds of fish in the pond on the fourth brother's house. Come with me to have a look."

"Okay." Chu Liyou was also smart enough to know that Yun Qing sent him away at this time to talk about the topic just now.

The two of them went out of the plum garden and went to the pond in the back mountain.

Yuhen indeed raised a lot of fish in the pond on the back mountain, and Yuhen used these fish to scare Chu Liyou back then.

And Yun Qing was not really interested in seeing these fish.

A gazebo was built in the middle of the pond, and the two walked into the gazebo and sat down.Come to think of it, when Yuhen is free, he will come here to see the scenery here, right?

It was also the first time for Chu Liyou to come to this place, mainly because after Yuhen scared her last time, Chu Liyou didn't dare to come to this pond in the back mountain.

"Yunqing, what happened? What do you want us to do for you?" After sitting down in the gazebo, Chu Liyou couldn't wait to ask.

She clearly understands that if it is not important.Yun Qing would not ask them to help.

"Before that, I think it is necessary to let you know one thing." Yun Qing looked at her.

Although Li Mo is unwilling to tell Li You about Qi Rong's identity, Qi Rong is Li You's elder brother after all, and Li You has the right to know.And she also hoped that Li Mo and Qi Rong could unravel the years of hatred.There was nothing wrong with Qi Rong about what happened back then, the fault was just that fate played tricks on people.However, Qi Rong's appearance made Chu Emperor find out, and Chu Emperor hated Concubine Li by virtue of Qi Rong's matter, and pushed Concubine Li to death.But Chu Limo was only five years old at that time.Five-year-old blames her older brother for her mother's death.After so many years have passed, this obsession has become deeper and deeper.So deep that Chu Limo didn't want to admit Qi Rong as his elder brother.So deep that Chu Limo and Qi Rong existed like strangers.

"Qi Rong is your elder brother, your biological elder brother. He and you and Li Mo are blood relatives."

"What?" The news was too sudden and shocking.Chu Liyou was stunned for a moment.But he quickly shook his head again, "How is it possible? How could Big Brother Qi be my...biological big brother?"

"He is your biological elder brother. Li You, it's true." Yun Qing looked at her seriously and told Li You that she was not joking.

Yun Qing's serious expression made Chu Liyou feel that she would not make such a joke.But, she was really surprised all of a sudden.I was so surprised that I didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Yun Qing slowly talked about what happened back then.After finishing speaking, he looked at Li You seriously, "Li You, Qi Rong and Li Mo are both your elder brothers. You don't want them to be like strangers forever, do you? You don't want Li You Mo has always hated Qi Rong for your mother's death, right?"

"It turns out...Brother Qi is not Brother Qi. He is my own brother. It turns out that he has been taking care of me because he knows that I am his sister. That's why he took good care of me when I was in Jinling City. protect me."

"Yun Qing, what should we do then? How can we let my brother let go of the hatred in his heart? How can we make them open their hearts?"

"I've already thought of a way. Now we just need to wait for two people to come over."

"any solution?"

Yun Qing whispered something softly in Chu Liyou's ear.After hearing this, Chu Liyou frowned, "Is this possible? Will something happen?"

"With me here, nothing will happen." At most, some people will be beaten.

"Then when will Wang Ziqing and Su Baiyi arrive?" Chu Liyou asked again thinking of the two people Yun Qing mentioned just now.

"They are already on their way to Jinling City. It is estimated that they should arrive tomorrow." Yun Qing said again, "You can talk about Yuhen's side. At that time, I will leave the matter to you."

Chu Liyou thought for a while, then nodded heavily, "Yes."

"Okay, I've been out for a long time, wait a minute and it's time for Yuhen from your house to ask me for someone, let's go back."

Chu Liyou smiled shyly when he heard Yun Qing's joke.

When the two returned to the plum garden, Yuhen was the only one in the plum garden.

"Where's Brother Qi?"

"He's leaving first." Yuhen was a little unhappy that Chu Liyou asked Qi Rong as soon as he came back.

"Why did you leave so soon?" After Chu Liyou knew that Qi Rong was his elder brother, he automatically ignored the strong jealousy in Yuhen's eyes.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Yuhen's face darkened even more.

"Since Qi Rong is gone, I will go first too." Yun Qing was still a little self-aware.If she doesn't leave at this time, she can't stay and be a light bulb in the way.Before leaving, he blinked at Chu Liyou again, "Liyou, don't forget what I told you."

"Yunqing, how long have you only been here, and you want to leave too?"

"Aren't I going back, your brother and his family have blown up the Qi Mansion. It is estimated that the entire Jinling City will suffer." Yun Qing joked with a smile.

However, what Yun Qing said was not wrong, Chu Limo was indeed about to blow up the entire Qi Mansion.

After Yun Qing and Qi Rong left Qi Mansion, Chu Limo chased them out, but when they chased them out, there were no traces of them.Chu Limo never thought that Yun Qing would go to Yuhen's house with Qi Rong.So the Qi Mansion suffered.Not only did the Qi Mansion suffer, but the people living in the Qi Mansion also suffered.Seeing Chu Limo's dark face, he wished he could take a detour.

After Yunqing left the plum garden, Yuhen asked. "What did you just say? So mysterious?"

Chu Liyou smiled mischievously, "Guess."

"Is it related to Qi Rong?"

"En." Chu Liyou nodded.

But Yuhen was not happy, "Why is there Qi Rong everywhere? He is going to haunt him forever, isn't he?"

"Are you angry?" Catching his unhappy tone, Chu Liyou suddenly smiled. "You are jealous of Brother Qi, right? Yuhen, you were so angry when you saw Brother Qi with me before. Did you actually fall in love with me a long time ago? So you have been jealous ?”

"Yeah." This time, Yuhen admitted it.He reached out and hugged her. "I don't like Qi Rong pestering you all the time. Qi Rong has never been nice to any woman, even Junior Sister Xiyan. But he treats you differently. Seeing him pestering you, Ben Gong wants to beat him to death."

See what he said so seriously.Another look that wanted to beat up Qi Rong, Chu Liyou felt that he couldn't be misunderstood any longer.Otherwise, what Yun Qing just said would be ruined.Chu Liyou said slowly, "Actually, I just found out something and wanted to tell you. Qi Rong and I...Qi Rong and I are actually...biological siblings."

Yuhen: "..."

"I also just found out. Yun Qing came to me just now to tell me about this matter. She even asked us to help..." Chu Liyou briefly explained the matter, but looked at Yuhen's indifferent face , Chu Liyou was a little uncertain.The more he said it, the lower his voice became.

In fact, Yuhen's heart is extremely twisted and twisted.In other words, the vinegar he has eaten for so long is basically eating a jar of dry vinegar.

"That... jade mark..."

"Help! Of course I want to help! Qi Rong and Chu Limo are both senior brothers of Bengong, so of course I want to help."

But why did Chu Liyou have a bad premonition when he heard Yuhen's words?Why does she feel that her brother and brother Qi Rong will be calculated?
(End of this chapter)

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