The First Poison Queen of Rebirth

Chapter 898 Fanwai Doubt!

Chapter 898 Extra Story ([-]) Doubt!
Time passed in a blink of an eye.Ever since he called Wanyan by the wrong name that night, Wang Zixuan has been cautious in front of Su Xiner.She will never be treated as a polite word like that day.What's more, these days, Wang Zixuan will deliberately keep a certain distance from Su Xin'er.Su Xin'er has lived in the palace for more than half a month, but during this period of time, except when she was eating and sleeping, she saw Wang Zixuan twice, and she hardly saw Wang Zixuan in a day.Su Xin'er still felt Wang Zixuan's deliberate alienation.Although she felt it, Su Xin'er also understood that she couldn't find any reason to question why Wang Zixuan suddenly kept a distance from her.And during these half a month, Su Xin'er also quickly became friends with Feng Qingluan.Friendships between women are established in no time.

Since Wang Zixuan said that he wanted to marry Su Xin'er, the news of their upcoming wedding has also spread.The day of the big wedding was chosen in early October.That means it's less than a month away.

Wang Zixuan is now the King of Chu in Nanchu City. As soon as the news of his wedding came out, countless boudoir women in Nanchu City were heartbroken.

Su Xin'er has also learned a lot from Feng Qingluan these days, and also has a general understanding of the situation in the town where she is now and the fact that Wang Zixuan is the king of Chu.Because he knew that he was the king of Chu, and he was in charge of all the small and big matters in Nanchu City.Su Xin'er herself knew that she couldn't do much to help, the only thing she could do was not to bother him.An An stayed at the palace and waited for him to come back.What she does every day is to study all the things she doesn't understand and don't know.

Xuanyuan—the courtyard where Wang Zixuan lives.During the time Su Xiner stayed in the palace, she lived in Xuanyuan.

"Sister Xin'er, you have been here for so many days. You must be bored too? I think the weather is not bad today, how about we go out for a stroll?" At this time every day, Feng Qingluan will appear in Xuanyuan on time Come here to find Su Xin'er.

And these days have also suffocated Feng Qingluan.She also stays in the mansion these days, and Wang Ziqing doesn't allow her to go anywhere.And Yun Qing and Bai Yue didn't come to see her either.Especially Yun Qing, after returning to Southern Chu, since going to Lingyin Temple.Now I don't know where Chu Limo and I went to travel.It is said that Bai Yue is still staying in Penglai Island and has not come back.It was not easy for Su Baiyi and Murong Xiyan to come, but Murong Xiyan had an accident, and now she became Su Xin'er.Su Baiyi's whereabouts are also unknown.If there is no Su Xin'er in Nanchu City today, she will really get sick from boredom.

Su Xin'er looked up at the sky outside, and it was indeed as Feng Qingluan said, the weather was fine.It is now September and the weather is starting to cool down.But today's weather is still exceptionally good, the sun outside is very good and very warm.It is indeed a bit boring to stay in the mansion for so many days.Especially when Wang Zixuan was not around, she was even more bored.Come to think of it, she should also go out for a walk.

In fact, Su Xin'er also had doubts in her heart. Ever since the word "Wanyan" appeared that night, something would suddenly flash in her head during this period of time.But that was just a flash.But she clearly understood that what flashed through her head must have something to do with that 'whispering'.Originally, she could ask Feng Qingluan, but she was afraid that once she asked, it would be a result she didn't want to hear.So she got scared and backed away.Now she would rather believe what Wang Zixuan said, and believe that the euphemism that Wang Zixuan said was herself.She wanted to believe that he would not easily deceive herself.

"Okay." Su Xin'er looked at Feng Qingluan and nodded slightly.


The streets of Nanchu City are still so bustling.Walking in the bustling streets, watching it so bustling.Many vague things flashed through Su Xin'er's head.There was a woman in white and a woman in red in her head who seemed to be laughing and laughing here. Those things in her head were both strange and familiar to her.She tried to grab it hard, but couldn't.

"Qingluan, do we come to this place often?" At this moment, the two of them were standing at the door of the shop in Lanyue Pavilion in Nanchu City.Standing at the door, some things in Su Xin'er's head were sometimes clear and blurred when she wanted to grab them.

Feng Qingluan was startled, she knew that Su Xin'er's memory was sealed, and also knew what unpredictable consequences would happen if Su Xin'er recovered her memory.However, what she didn't expect was that Su Xin'er would actually have an image of this place, and even ask her if she often comes to this place.If the person in front of her at this moment was Su Wanyan, Feng Qingluan would not be so surprised.After all, these memories belong to her and Sister Wanyan.But why does Su Xin'er have such memories?Could it be that the Illusory Mind Gu is really so powerful that it can transfer another person's memory to another person's body?

So, is the girl in front of her eyes Su Wanyan?Or Su Xin'er?
She used to come to this place often with Wanyan, and many things happened between her and Wanyan here.It can be said that in the entire Nanchu City, there are almost all the shadows of her and Wanyan who have walked by.The entire city of Nanchu is filled with the memories of her and Wanyan.

Seeing that Feng Qingluan didn't answer for a long time, Su Xin'er pointed to the seat at the entrance of Lanyue Pavilion and said: "Qingluan, I seem to have seen you. It was in this place that you had an argument with another girl, and you still hit that girl."

Feng Qingluan never thought that Su Xin'er would see this incident many years ago.What Su Xiner said happened many years ago.Many years ago, they were also at the gate of Lanyue Pavilion, but they met the arrogant Princess Chu Qiaoyang.She was so angry that day that she beat Chu Qiaoyang directly.

"You remember everything?" Feng Qingluan asked cautiously.If she really remembered everything, then would she also remember that she was not Su Xin'er but Murong Xiyan?

Su Xin'er shook her head, "I don't remember. It's just that some fragments flashed through my head just now. I think it's because I come here often, so I feel a little familiar. Such fragments appear in my head."

Feng Qingluan nodded following her words, "We used to come here often, so it's normal for you to feel familiar."

"Qingluan, what kind of shop is this?" Su Xin'er didn't know what she was thinking at the moment, she stared at the plaque in Lanyue Pavilion and asked softly.

"Lanyue Pavilion is the largest clothing store in Nanchu City."

"Since we're here, why don't we go in and take a look?" Although it was Feng Qingluan's opinion, Su Xin'er's foot had already collapsed into Lanyue Pavilion.

The proprietress of Lanyue Pavilion is still the beautiful and enchanting Xuewu girl.Seeing Su Xin'er appearing in Lanyue Pavilion, Xue Wu's face flashed with surprise.After all, everyone in Nanchu City knew that Miss Su Wanyan had already faded away.But the one in front of her looks exactly like Su Wanyan!It's no wonder that Xue Wu was surprised, after all, not everyone knows that Su Xin'er and Su Wanyan look exactly the same.The people in Nanchu City only knew that apart from Miss Su Wanyan, there was suddenly a second Miss Su Xin'er in the Su residence.But when Xue Wu saw Feng Qingluan who walked in afterwards, she probably understood who the woman in front of her was.

Presumably, this girl who looked exactly like Su Wanyan was Miss Su Xin'er who was talked about by everyone in Nanchu City recently, and she was about to become Princess Chu.

"Miss Su, Miss Feng hasn't been here for a long time. Welcome." Xue Wu is also an extremely smart woman, and quickly welcomed her in with a smile.

"I haven't seen Sister Xuewu for a long time. Sister Xuewu is getting more and more beautiful." Feng Qingluan also laughed.She and Wanyan often come to this place, and because of Yun Qing's relationship, she is very familiar with the girl Xuewu from Lanyue Pavilion.

"Miss Feng's small mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey." Xue Wu covered her lips and smiled, "Long time no see, you know how to tease me."

"How can I make fun of my sister, what I say is the truth."

Su Xin'er watched the two chatting, but stood aside and smiled quietly.It seems that she has seen such a scene before, and it has actually happened to her.

"Don't stand still." Xue Wu smiled and greeted the two of them to the second floor.

Just, just took a few steps.Suddenly there seemed to be the sound of something falling to the ground, followed by a cry of surprise and fear, "You... aren't you dead? Are you a human or a ghost?"

The few people who had just walked a few steps turned their heads and saw several women in the hall on the first floor looking at Su Xin'er with terrified faces, and one of them even pointed at Su Xin'er with a face full of fear and questioning.

Saying a 'polite' would make her suspicious.So at this moment, facing this strange woman's questioning, Su Xin'er became even more suspicious.

"Aren't you dead?" ''Are you a human or a ghost? ' Su Xin'er also began to doubt, who is she?

Is it the dead 'person' that this strange woman said?Or is she not even Su Xin'er?

"What did you say?" Just when everyone was still in the process of being surprised, Su Xin'er had already walked up to the woman who pointed at her and questioned her.Seeing Su Xin'er standing in front of her, the woman's face turned blue from fright, and some timid women among them fainted from fright.Facing these fainting and frightened women, Su Xin'er turned a blind eye, looked at the woman whose face had turned blue and asked once: "What did you just say?"

"Ah..." The woman seemed to have been greatly frightened. After a scream, she suddenly shouted: "Su Wanyan, I never harmed you when you were here. I never harmed you, so don't come to me."

The woman who suddenly screamed was the woman who had a feud with Su Wanyan and Feng Qingluan in the past.Suddenly seeing a dead 'person' appearing in front of you, wouldn't you be frightened?
Su Wanyan?

Su Wanyan?

Su Wanyan again?

Su Xin'er really wanted to know at this moment, who is she?
Who is the dead Su Wanyan this woman mentioned?
Who was the Wanyan that Wang Zixuan shouted that night?
(End of this chapter)

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