Happy pastoral event: a wonderful wife

Chapter 419 The officers and soldiers are calling

Chapter 419 The officers and soldiers are calling

"There is an exit at the back of the cottage. At that time, we will divide our troops into two groups and let most of the officers and soldiers attack the front. We will take a small group of people to surround the back. What do you think?" Ye Cheng said.

Li Yi nodded in agreement, "Okay, let's do it this way. Let's outflank them. Even if they want to escape, they won't be able to fly."

In the afternoon, the governments of several nearby towns sent some officers and soldiers over. As soon as they heard that Xiao Wangfu wanted to employ people, they all hurried over to support and cooperate, for fear of neglecting them.

After the manpower is gathered, they are ready to attack the cottage.

"This time we gathered a total of thousands of people, and those bandits should be hard to fly." The prefect was very happy.

Then, the large army began to attack the cottage in a mighty manner.

The eyeliner of the Shanzhai discovered early on that the government was coming to attack the Shanzhai, so they hurried back to report the news.

"Boss, it's not good." A Guang hurried into the house and said to Leng Ling, "The government is coming to attack us."

Leng Ling said unhurriedly, "What are you afraid of? If they come to attack us, they will be overestimated. Let them come anyway."

Ah Guang hurriedly explained, "No, this time it's not one government that wants to beat us, but several government that have united to deal with us, we have to find a way."

Hearing this, Leng Ling became nervous, "How many people are there in total?"

"About 1000 people." A Guang replied.

Leng Ling frowned, "1000 people? Why are there so many?"

"Boss, they seem to have come here for Miss Shen, they want to rescue Miss Shen." Ah Guang was a little anxious.

He didn't expect that snatching a Shen Yunjin would be like poking a hornet's nest. It was really tricky to recruit so many officers and soldiers.

Knowing this earlier, Ah Guang would rather not have robbed Shen Yunjin.

Leng Ling lowered his head and pondered for a moment, trying to come up with a solution to the problem.

At this time, Ah Guang suggested, "Boss, why don't we let Shen Yunjin go, hand Shen Yunjin over to them, and they will be able to calm down."

"No." Leng Ling disagreed.

"Boss, no matter how nice Miss Shen is, it's not worth our risk. We can't deal with a thousand officers and soldiers." Ah Guang persuaded earnestly.

Leng Ling still disagreed, "Ah Guang, do you think that if we let Miss Shen go, those officers and soldiers will stop attacking us?"

Ah Guang was puzzled, "But they came to beat us because of Miss Shen. If we hand over Miss Shen, we'll be fine. What reason do they have to keep attacking us?"

Leng Ling sighed, sometimes he really didn't know if Ah Guang was really stupid or fake.

"We are bandits!" Leng Ling reminded, "Even if we release Miss Shen, those officers and soldiers will still come to beat us in the name of suppressing bandits. They have all come, so many people are mighty , do you think they will give up halfway?"

Hearing this, Ah Guang finally understood, he felt that what Leng Ling said was right, no matter whether they let Shen Yunjin go or not, it seemed that the government would not let them go.

"Boss, why don't we run away." A Guang said.

"No." Leng Ling vetoed, "There are so many of us and our goals are big. If we leave here, we will still be targeted by officers and soldiers. Once they catch us, they will never be soft on us. We might as well It's safest to hide in the stockade."

Ah Guang frowned, "But, what should we do once they sign up?"

"Don't worry, they won't attack." Leng Ling replied, "Miss Shen is in our hands, as long as we use her to threaten the people in the government, they will definitely not attack easily."

Ah Guang was thoughtful, "But boss, are you still planning to hand over Miss Shen?"

Leng Ling didn't speak, he really liked Shen Yunjin and wanted to keep Shen Yunjin by his side.

But if Shen Yunjin is left behind, it will definitely bring trouble to the cottage.

But if he handed over Shen Yunjin, he would be reluctant.

A Guang saw his embarrassment, so he didn't ask any more questions, but said, "Boss, what should we do now, should we let the brothers lie in ambush on the mountain road and prepare to attack the officers and soldiers."

Leng Ling came back to his senses and shook his head: "No, there are a lot of officers and soldiers. This time they have the upper hand in numbers, so we won't be able to confront them head-on. Just let the brothers plant traps on the mountain road , and then they all went back to hide in the stockade.”

"Understood, I'll do it now." A Guang replied.

Although there are more than 1000 officers and soldiers, Leng Ling still has the confidence to resist them for a few days first, because they are very familiar with the terrain here, and they have prepared enough traps here, just to be able to resist the officers and soldiers who came to attack .

After ordering all the arrangements, Leng Ling came to Shen Yunjin's room.

Shen Yunjin's eyes were swollen from crying, and she was sitting on the bed with her legs hugged.

Leng Ling walked over and looked at her, "Who are you from Prince Xiao's Mansion?"

"Why should I tell you!" Shen Yunjin said loudly.

She would not tell Leng Ling her identity and details easily, for fear that Leng Ling would do something to hurt her.

Leng Ling told her, "It seems that you have a good relationship with the people in Prince Xiao's Mansion."

"How do you know?" Shen Yunjin asked intentionally.

"Because Prince Xiao's Mansion has recruited more than 1000 officers and soldiers to rescue you, if you say that you are not important to Prince Xiao's Mansion, who would believe it?" Leng Ling said.

When Shen Yunjin heard this, she was overjoyed. Has Xiao Wangfu sent someone to rescue her?

Great, she can go back.

She did not expect that Prince Xiao's Mansion would spend energy and time to save her, which made her very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Leng Ling saw the joy on her face and asked, "So happy? Because I'm leaving here soon."

Shen Yunjin thought about it, and didn't want to talk to Leng Ling anymore. She couldn't understand Leng Ling, and she was afraid that she would annoy Leng Ling if she didn't say a word right.

Leng Ling suddenly said, "If you are happy because of this, then I advise you to stop thinking about it as soon as possible. I will not let you leave. No amount of officers and soldiers can save you."

Shen Yunjin's heart sank, what did Leng Ling mean by this, could it be that he wanted to have a fight with her?

"What are you going to do." Shen Yunjin looked at him vigilantly, "It won't do you any good to hurt me."

"Who said I'm going to hurt you." Leng Ling replied, "You can rest assured that I will never hurt you, I just won't let you go."

"But there are so many officers and soldiers, can your cottage be able to withstand it?" Shen Yunjin couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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