Dressed as a cat in the arms of a paranoid grandfather

Chapter 595 Pregnant people will be lethargic

Chapter 595 Pregnant people will be lethargic

"Well, it's time to check it out."

Gu Mengmeng nodded, even if she could sleep alone, she couldn't be so sleepy.

After breakfast, Gu Mengmeng went out and checked the reason with her mobile phone.

The above answers are varied and have everything.

‖ Neurasthenia, so lethargy

‖shock!You may have chronic lung disease
‖Friends, please prepare the coffin and buy yourself more Ming coins

‖I heard that pregnant people will be lethargic...

Gu Mengmeng's eyes lit up after rubbing against her, and she first covered her heart with her right hand, plopped, jumped very vigorously, and then moved to her stomach.

really?really?No way?No way!
She needs to be calm. You can't believe anything on the Internet. Everything is based on the results of the inspection.

Along the way, although he told himself to stay calm, the smile on his lips couldn't be concealed no matter what.

In the hospital, as soon as they entered, someone led them to see a doctor. After explaining the situation, the doctor asked her first and gave her a B-ultrasound.

Gu Mengmeng lay on the bed, uneasy, will there be?

After hearing the result, her face suddenly collapsed. Sure enough, things on the Internet are not credible.

After a checkup, her body is very good, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The doctor just told her to take a good rest, not to be tired, to pay more attention to physical and mental well-being, drink a glass of milk before going to bed, or listen to some soothing music.

Gu Mengmeng lowered her head, and agreed one by one. Bo Yeqing's heart, until now, had completely returned to her stomach.


On the way back, the excitement passed, and Gu Mengmeng started to feel sleepy again.

Today, although there is no rain, but the clouds are thick, and it is not far from rain.

After returning home, Bao Yeqing warmed her a glass of milk according to the doctor's instructions. In the room, soothing, slow-paced music was playing. Looking at her sleeping face, he muttered something softly.

"Little lazy pig."

Then, he walked out of the bedroom lightly.

In her sleep, Gu Mengmeng felt her body hurt more and more, as if she wanted to squeeze all the bones together, and then put them into a small container.

She screamed, she resisted, but to no avail.

At night, it started to rain completely in the sky. The rain dripped and hit the glass, forming an irregular movement.


The next day

She managed to pull herself together, she couldn't sleep like this anymore, if she continued to sleep, she would really become a lazy pig.

So, no matter what she said, she still had to go to the company with Bao Yeqing. Maybe the rigorous and fast-paced atmosphere of the company could actually stimulate her and drive away her sleepiness.

In the company, she was lying on the table, her head was bit by bit, and finally, with a bang, she knocked on the table, and the pain made her smart.

Taking advantage of this moment, she ordered her assistant to make her a cup of high-strength coffee. She couldn't believe it, and couldn't stop a mere doze off?
Drinking high-strength, sugar-free coffee, I felt a bitter taste in my mouth, and sure enough, it worked.

In the morning, she was full of energy, and then, as a result of doing so, in the afternoon, she lay directly on the table, unshakable.

No matter how you call, you can't wake up.

In the end, it was the assistant who found Bao Yeqing in a panic.

When she woke up again, she was in the hospital. She was very familiar with the smell of hospital disinfectant, after all, she had lived there for a month.

(End of this chapter)

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