full-time fox fairy

Chapter 1 Devil's Deal

Chapter 1 Devil's Deal
00:00 midnight.

I turned on the light in the room, took a brush and dipped it in bright red ink, and wrote on the white paper just laid: Yu Xiang.

The blood-red brush writing stands out on the white paper, and the contrast is sharp, which looks a bit weird.

I looked around the empty room, and said to the empty air, "Jun Yao, how about my next target, be him?"

"Why, don't you dislike him for being old?"

In the empty room, a voice suddenly sounded, as if seeping from hell.

"What do I dislike? This guy is awesome. He was able to earn his first pot of gold at the age of 18, and then in just two years he was able to become a private equity leader. Although he is a little older now, excellence is Excellent. The sincerity of such a high-quality man can help you recover your dark power faster."

"I see, you can't wait, you want yourself to become more beautiful."

In the eerie night of the early morning, a group of black shadows slowly appeared, transforming into a blurry figure.

I brought the mirror on the table closer and looked at my face through the mirror.To be honest, she is already considered a beauty, exquisite and beautiful, without any trace of artificial carving, but still so beautiful that it makes people's adrenaline soar.This is not my original appearance, but I like how beautiful it is.

"Yeah, Jun Yao, I just want to be more beautiful, and I just want men to be crazy about me. I've had enough of those ordinary days, otherwise, how could I make a deal with you, a devil?"

My tone is very calm, I have been ordinary for 20 years, and at any time, I am inconspicuous.People I like don't like me, mock me, and despise me.Then, I met him.

Demon King Yao.

I became his pawn and helped him get the sincerity of a man.

He gave me beauty and bewitched men.

I think it's a good deal.I worked with him.In the past three months, I have been very happy. I like to see those men who once dismissed me show obsessive eyes for me, and his dark power is slowly recovering. Why is it not good for such a win-win thing?
"Leave Yu Xiang alone for now, let's solve your current goal first."

I raised my lips and chuckled: "Okay, I'm going to get close to my current goal now."

I opened my closet, and there are many grids in it, and each grid has a style.I didn't choose the clothes. Jun Yao is a very good strategist. When I meet different people, he will ask me to change different styles.From dressing to talking.I think, under his education, if I join the entertainment industry, I can also receive an award.

I took out a pure white dress from the closet, put it on, and then straightened my curly hair. I smiled at the mirror: "It's so pure!"

The target person's name is Huang Yang, he is a rich second generation, loves to play, often goes to nightclubs, the women around him change and change, entertainment newspapers are often full of gossip about him.The girls around me are all sexy.

I asked Jun Yao: "Since he likes to walk with sexy girls so much, but you let me appear in front of him with a pure appearance, then I have no chance?"

Jun Yao said: "What you want to seek is his sincerity. You don't want to sleep with him, get some money, and then be kicked away."

Well, he always knows better than me in this regard.He is a man and I am a woman.She is still a woman whose soul is extremely filthy.

I don't even know what sincerity is, but it's ridiculous to want to win other people's sincerity.

"Am I going to pretend to be a poor little white rabbit who was sold today?"

"You thought you were reading a romance novel?"

I smiled, and the raised corners of my mouth just happened to look extremely shy: "However, romance novels still have some good points. For example, you have to be different enough to attract attention."

"But you live in reality."

I was speechless for a while.I'm not the heroine of a romance novel, I'm a villain who sold her soul to the devil.

"Okay, then tell me, what should I do? The first time I meet the target, the image left behind is not deep, it is absolutely impossible."

I pouted my lips towards the atomized shadow. I have practiced this cute and cute gesture in front of the mirror no less than a hundred times. .

Jun Yao said: "It's been so many times. You don't have any ideas of your own?"

"You let me make up my own mind this time? Brother Junyao, then I want to beat him up, what do you think?" I blinked at Junyao, flirted with a wink, and deliberately turned the The voice was sweet and soft.

What he once asked me to learn, I learned, not only used on men of all colors, but also used on him.

I have been thinking recently, what I have learned is the ability to seduce men, that devil is also a male devil, can I also seduce him?
"If you want to fight, go for it, as long as you can make him fall in love with you after the fight, then that's fine." His voice was still very calm.

In the past few months, I have read countless romance novels, from domineering presidents, to supernatural marriages and romantic novels, as well as Tanmei doujinshi.

Because, Jun Yao said, you can learn all the above routines.

Because the routine is very popular.However, before using those routines, your appearance must be suitable for men.

Before hitting someone, make sure you can beat him.

Of course I'm not afraid of failing, with Jun Yao around, at critical moments, he can still take me pretending to fly.

"Knock knock knock..."

I heard a knock on the door outside.

"It's so annoying, it's coming again." I muttered irritably.There are people out there that I don't want to meet, who were my previous targets.

A company executive.

I don't want to see him, how can a person like me be pestered all the time, how can he move towards a new goal.

Of course, I still have what is left of my conscience.I got his sincerity, but I can't give him anything. It's better to be cruel to him than to let him never come out.

Jun Yao has disappeared.

The cell phone on my desk kept ringing, I hung it up and opened the door: "Zhou Bing, we have already broken up."

To be honest, I still feel a little distressed when I look at him.

In just a few days, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight.The once high-spirited professional elite now looks embarrassed and sloppy.

"Xiaofeng, what did I do wrong, tell me, and I will correct it." He grabbed my hand with a little force.

I couldn't get rid of it. I had no choice but to say, "Zhou Bing, I have something to do now. Let's talk about it in the old place this Sunday."

Zhou Bing's eyes brightened instantly: "You really want to talk to me."

I blinked and said to him, "Yeah."

He let go of my hand, and I quickly walked to the elevator and left.

I said, "Jun Yao, I'm really not a good person."

In the confined space, the only response to me is only my own echo.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the night in City A was in a deep sleep and had just woken up.


The largest and most luxurious entertainment venue in City A, a place for men to sell gold, and a place for beautiful women to fish for their daughters. Of course, the hearts of many innocent girls were buried here.

I stood at the door, thinking whether I should go in or wait outside for Wang Yang to come out.I know that Wang Yang must be inside, and the information given by Jun Yao has never been wrong.

"What are you still standing for?"

Jun Yao's voice sounded in his mind.

This demon.

After all, I moved my feet and walked inside.

The lights here are feasting and the lights are ambiguous.Shuttle among them, there are all kinds of beauties.Of course, there are not many people who deliberately pretend to be pure. I don't think they are special.Where there are so many beauties, my current appearance is not that outstanding.

Huang Yang's family is rich, and he is considered capable. When he comes to this kind of place to play, he only occasionally plays in crowded halls, usually in private rooms.It's still the kind of special luxury private room mentioned in romance novels.

I'm a bit overwhelmed.

Every step I take requires calculation.What I want to win is the sincerity of this philandering man.

But since ancient times, true feelings can't be kept, only routines can win people's hearts.

I want to beat up this rich second generation, although the beauties who are with him are all what you want, but I just want to beat him up.I've worked so hard to make it this far, selling myself as a deal, if I can't indulge my thoughts, what's the point of what I did before?
However, if I hit him, what kind of reason do I use to hit him, so that he will think that I am a different girl?

"If you want to fight, you should beat him up first, and then think about the follow-up matters after the beating. Do you have to be entangled? You are just brushing your face in front of him to impress him. The next time you see you, you can put the You recognize it at a glance."

The jade bracelet in my hand exudes a light blue smoke, which is usually the case when Jun Yao appears.

I was also caught by an old man once, saying that he wanted to buy my bracelet for a lot of money.This light blue smoke is worth money.

"Okay, I'll go in and beat people up."

Hitting him will definitely impress him.

The door of the private room was unlocked, and laughter came from inside.It seems that there is not only one person playing in it.There must have been a lot of women, and two or three men.

"Hey, I haven't seen this beauty before. She looks very pure. Come and sit next to my brother." A man around 25 was sitting on the sofa. Pushing it aside, he patted the place next to him.

I stood in the middle without moving.Smiled at that person: "Sorry, I'm here for Wang Yang today."

"Oh, Brother Wang, you are indeed very charming." Someone was joking.

Wang Yang looked me up and down, his eyes looked like he was looking at merchandise.

For a person like him, choosing a woman is really choosing a commodity.

Anyway, it can all be solved with money.

"you are not the type I like."

(End of this chapter)

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