full-time fox fairy

Chapter 106 Maybe I Like the Demonic Aura

Chapter 106 Maybe I Like the Demonic Aura

Zhou Yanqing's hair was dripping with water, and his whole face was extremely embarrassed.

As for me, I just like to see him in such a mess now.

"Xiaofeng. I like you. It doesn't matter if you splash me with water. I'll still come."

This man is simply addicted to masochism.That's why I want to report every day.

"I trouble you, please don't do such a stupid action. If you do this, not only will you not make me like you, but it will also make me hate you. If you really like me, you shouldn't do this."

"Then tell me what you like, and I will definitely do it." Zhou Yanqing was still holding roses in his hand, and his embarrassed appearance was also pretty.

"I like you to go away now, it annoys me to see you."

After finishing speaking, I closed the window, drew the curtains, and really stopped looking at him.

"Now I feel that when you teased me, it was really extremely gentle."

Ren Xi was also laughing.There is starlight in the phoenix eyes.

A man who can look so good-looking really makes people want to commit a crime.

If it weren't for Jun Yao's ban, I should have knocked him down by now.

"Aren, does this make you feel much better?"

Suddenly, Ren Xi's love talk skills were full in an instant: "I'm already very happy that you can still be by my side after you get my sincerity. As for the other things, you can just figure it out."

"Just because of your words, I feel that if I don't treat you better, it will be a real sin. So, I decided to drink the chicken soup you brought first. "

Then, I tasted the chicken soup he brought, and found that the taste of the chicken soup was really so-so.

"Aren, did you cook this chicken soup yourself?"


"Aren, you said before that you are only good at making dumplings. I still didn't believe it. Now I finally believe it."

"The taste is so light."

Ren Xi: "I thought you were a patient, and deliberately made the taste light. It's not because I'm not good at cooking."

After that, Ren Xi left first.

I began to re-think the next way.

At Ouyang Palace, basically, after two or three more contacts, it can basically be done.

Zhou Yanqing here, if he wants to pursue, let him pursue first.

The most difficult to get, and let him be abused from time to time, it should make him care more.

Time, then, to look at the fifth man.

"Ah, the personification of my justice!"

"Ah, I'm planning to get close to you."

"Ah, my poem is really bad."

Jun Yao patted my head: "Ah, your head is full of paste."

"Junyao Smecta, let's go find Liu Yu."

"Have you figured out a countermeasure?"

"I haven't figured out any countermeasures yet, but I can go to swipe my face now. It's just a swipe, as long as he doesn't think I hate it."

Seeing how active I am now, Xuan Bin began to point out my image: "The girl Liu Yu likes should be upright, free and easy, and also like black and straight."

I pulled up my hair and looked at it: "Well, my current hairstyle happens to be black, long and straight, and I don't need to correct my external image."

"The eyes are not quite right. With your eyebrows and eyes first, you look so charming and seductive. I'm afraid that as soon as you show up, he will immediately exclude you."

I winked at Ling Ding: "This person has two sides, and the girl she likes can't always be the same type. Maybe she also likes a monster like me?"

"To be on the safe side, I suggest that you follow the type I analyzed when you first swipe your face, and you can plan later on."

Jun Yao said that Xuan Bin still has some skills. After all, he used to be a great master of the country, and he is quite capable of fooling people.

So, I listened to him and prepared to dress myself according to the style he said.

I have a problem with my eyebrows, so I need to trim my eyebrows first. The shape of a person's eyebrows will affect the feeling of the whole person. For this reason, I also deliberately thickened my eyebrows a little.

I know that Liu Yu must be in the swimming pool now.

I'm going to swim.Swim in a swimming pool and take a look at the handsome guy's muscles, life is so wonderful.

It's a pity, according to Xuan Bin, I definitely can't dress too revealingly.Because, it is very likely that he will not like it.

When I got to the swimming pool, I saw Liu Yu in the direction Jun Yao had said.

This man, now only wearing swimming trunks, is doing warm-up exercises at the moment.

Muscle lines, perfect.

Body curves, perfect.

The most terrible thing is that when he just did a stretching exercise, the mermaid line was perfect.

I watched him jump into the water, the lights in the swimming pool hit him, and the water droplets on his body reflected the light.

Jamaica fell.

A lot of girls around him glowed green in their eyes, and several of them swam over to strike up a conversation.In the end, the man only responded politely, with a cold expression on his face.

Ouch, my favorite is his eyes.Those eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

Through the external surface, we can see the heart of people.

I was standing on the shore of the swimming pool, feeling uncomfortable again.

"Jun Yao, if I go to tease him now, I must be full of lies. I don't think that I can not be exposed for lying in front of him."

"Yes, you must be careful when you lie in front of him. This person has a strong logical thinking ability and is good at finding loopholes in your language. I guess, he may know many things without even looking into them. Did you lie, did you lie to him?"

"Jun Yao, have you seen my trembling legs and my trembling soul?"

Jun Yao is definitely invisible, so I haven't said anything now.

"Aren't you going swimming? Look at how active those girls are."

I put my legs into the water, and after I tried it lightly, I felt that the water was a bit cold: "I don't go into the water anymore, the water is icy cold. Those girls are positive, is it useful? Compared with me, this This kind of positivity is simply not enough. What's more, is positivity useful? Have you seen Liu Yu look at those girls with straight eyes?"

"Then have you ever thought about how to have a perfect encounter with him?"

"I haven't thought about it. But I think, his muscles are really good."

Jun Yao is not leaving me.

When Liu Yu came ashore, I couldn't help being a nympho.

I watched him wipe the water droplets off his body with a towel, wishing I was that towel.

Smecta, let me dry you off with my body.

Wipe, why does the more I think about it, the dirtier I get?
It's not even night yet.Is it because Jun Yao's ban on me has had a counterproductive effect?

Otherwise, why am I so horny?
Then, a YY picture appeared in my mind.

I imagined that if he could go to the wild to take a bath.Then I'll follow the example of Brother A Niu and steal his clothes and let him soak in the water alone.

Let me see it all once!
Probably because my gaze was too hot and idiotic, Liu Yu discovered me.

A glance swept over, and I was ashamed and ashamed.

"I'm sorry, the main reason is that your figure is so good, I couldn't help but look at it twice. If you mind, I won't look at it."

I don't know anything else, but I'm sure that Liu Yu must like women who are not pretentious or artificial.Therefore, I believe that my answer will not make him feel disgusted.

"How do you train these muscles on your body. I have been training the vest line recently, but there has been no result."

He only responded with three words: "Exercise more."

So cold.

Until he left, I was still committing nympho.

Then, thinking about how to see him next time.

"I don't know, is he satisfied with this brushing?"

Jun Yao said directly and coldly: "Satisfied ass, in his eyes, you are now a female hooligan."

"Did I just stare at his muscles for a long time? Why is it a female hooligan. I just appreciate art and beauty."

"Too lazy to care about you."

After returning home, I tugged on Jun Yao's sleeve: "Brother Yao, tell me not to touch men recently, how about I touch you? I'll just touch your lips, if you want it or not." For the demon Jun Yao, I have always been covetous.

(End of this chapter)

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