full-time fox fairy

Chapter 109 I Ask Him to Sanction Me

Chapter 109 I Ask Him to Sanction Me

"Xiaofeng, call me good brother, and I'll tell you who did it."

Xuan Bin seems to feel that even after he becomes a bell, he still has no sense of existence, so this guy, now has a sense of presence in front of me.

"If you want to say it, just say it, if you don't say it, it's fine. What conditions are you going to give me?"

The demon Jun Yao bullies me, so I bully the demon Xuan Bin.

This person, you can't be unlucky everywhere, it's really too unfriendly, and it's not wonderful.

"Well, I knew that in front of you, I was always the one being bullied. Just be happy."

"Say what you want to say, so much nonsense, be careful I let Jun Yao seal your mouth."

Xuan Bin immediately said, "It was the fifth person you must tease who did it."

I was slightly taken aback, feeling a little unreal.

"No way, according to his identity, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing."

Jun Yao took out the information for me: "Before I asked you to read the information carefully, it is best to understand every word and sentence of the information I gave you, but look at you, you didn't even understand his motto clear."

Jun Yao's fingers that can do anything point to the motto.

"I think crime must be punished, and if the law doesn't work, then use something other than the law."

When I first read Liu Yu's information, I really didn't read this sentence carefully, and even took it over in a hurry.At that time, I just wanted to see his face.

Now, when I read this sentence, I just feel a vivid image arises spontaneously.

"Fuck! This guy is too much for my appetite. This tone, this thought, I think, I am already deeply attracted to him."

What I want to do the most now is to work with him to complete those changes in my hard drive one after another.

"I'm also guilty. I'm asking him to punish me. However, I hope he can punish me in another way. Use his beautiful body to punish me. I am willing!"

Jun Yao: "Stop making fantasies about it. If you have the ability, go to him, have a chance encounter, and do everything you need to do."

I asked Jun Yao: "Do you think he believes in love at first sight, or in love over time?"

"I don't know about that. But, I believe that if you don't get in touch, you won't have any rising feelings."

I feel like a big head, really.

Because I have never met such a difficult person.What I want to do most now is to break Liu Yu's head and see what kind of encounter he wants to have.

"Brother Yao, I actually want to put something in his drink right now, and let him have sex with me."

"Fuck you. It will take at least a week before you can have sex. If you can't get in touch with Liu Yu now, then go get in touch with Zhou Yanqing and Ouyang Gong first."

I thought of what Chen Chu said to me today, and I shivered all over my body: "I will never hang out in front of Ouyang Palace now. He has already killed the parrot I gave him. If I hang out in front of him now, he will I must be the one to kill."

Moreover, I can assure you that if he passed before his anger subsided, he would probably not kill me, but would kill me, and he would never use a condom.

Fortunately, the bloody thread belonging to Ouyang Gong is slowly closing.

In other words, sincerely, it will be available immediately.

So, I took a little breather.

"Then you go to Zhou Yanqing. Don't think that he listens to you now, so you can get away with it. In fact, he hasn't even surrendered his sincerity."

I felt instantly poked to tears.

He was right.

"It's definitely not okay to go on like this. Let me think about it, let me think about it."

After much deliberation, I finally came up with a solution.

There is nothing wrong with him liking the domineering Queen Gong.However, he will definitely like people who care about him.

It would be the best if the queen's attack could be combined with subtle, domineering concerns.

Moreover, even if it was caring, it had to be a super domineering caring, making Zhou Yanqing tortured when he was cared about.

"Xuan Bin, check it out for me, what kind of food does Zhou Yanqing hate to eat?"

Jun Yao couldn't find out such information, but Xuan Bin was very capable in these detailed matters, and he was able to find out as quickly as possible.


I squinted my eyes and smiled: "I don't like it, I hate it, so I have to let you eat it."

So, in order for Jun Yao not to worry about losing his hair, when Zhou Yanqing came to see me again, I agreed to go to his house.

At this time, Jun Yao's abstinence order has been revoked.

My mood is also cute.

Because, if you want things to get twice the result with half the effort, you still have to have a real one with Zhou Yanqing.

After arriving at Zhou Yanqing's house.

I directly took out the sexy rope from the bag, and tied Zhou Yanqing to the head of the bed.

He likes it.

However, I played a new trick this time. While teasing him, I gave him the phone.

"You are the most powerful hacker. Now, use my mobile phone to enter my computer and find out the action movies in my computer. Otherwise, you will not want to be high today."

That cord is long enough to allow him to do many things, including playing with his phone.

Zhou Yanqing became even more excited.

It's already hacking into my computer.

But because my movements were a bit big, he made mistakes several times.

"Xiaofeng, I can't help it..."

His voice was hoarse.

I could hear a slight rippling in my mind.

"Hold it, you haven't completed the task, no!"


Let me go, I heard such a voice from the man's mouth, really, don't be too exciting, this is God.

It wasn't until he finally turned on that action movie that I sped up the action.

Then, the two of us reached the highest peak together.

Zhou Yanqing sighed in satisfaction.

I untied the rope from his hand.

Although it was a fun rope, there were still red marks on his hands.

If it were me, I wouldn't like this.

"Go and apply the medicine yourself."

My tone is not gentle.

His eyes moved slightly.

I didn't expect that I still cared about him.

"Are you leaving tonight?" he asked me.

"Don't go."

That night, Zhou Yanqing came again after pestering him.I ignored him and the next day I went to the kitchen to cook.

When he came out, looking at the food on the table, he was still a little unaccustomed: "You made it yourself."

"In this villa where you live, birds don't shit, and it's not convenient to order a takeaway. I'm hungry, so I cook it myself."

He just stood there, looking a little embarrassed.I glanced at him coldly.

"What are you doing standing up, sit down and eat quickly, and go to work after eating."

He sits down.

I tasted every dish except fried pork with celery.

I put a large chopstick of fried pork with celery into his bowl: "Eat. How dare you be a picky eater for such a big person?"

Zhou Yanqing looked at me gratefully, then took a bite of celery.

"Xiaofeng, I didn't expect you to be very kind to me."

"Eat your meal, you have to send me back first, and then go to the company."

On this day, the blood-colored thread belonging to Zhou Yanqing flickered faintly, but only a little bit, not very obvious.

Ren Xi changed me to a heavy motorcycle.

When the car arrived downstairs, he called me: "Xiaofeng, I have a gift for you."

"Okay. I'll be right down."

After I put on my shoes, I went downstairs.

"Wow, I like this motorcycle very much."

I have looked at this model of motorcycle for a long time, but never bought it.I also liked the motorcycle in a certain place before, but I didn't drive it.

Ren Xi threw the helmet to me: "Try it?"

"Okay, would you like to try it out with me?"

I really love this motorcycle.

Ren Xi sat behind me and put his arms around my waist.

I drove the speed to the maximum in one fell swoop.

Then, following the path I remembered, I arrived at a mountain all at once.

"It's a good feeling to climb high and look far."

Ren Xidanfeng's eyes gathered a cold light: "Xiaofeng, look down there."

I followed his line of sight, and my lungs were about to explode.

"Is it really appropriate for so many men to bully a woman so cruelly?"

(End of this chapter)

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