full-time fox fairy

Chapter 122 Whose Red Line Is That?

Chapter 122 Whose Red Line Is That?
Ren Xi cut the apples into small pieces and put them in the fruit bowl, then fed them to me.

"Ouyang Xin? I heard from the doctor that I, fortunately, discovered it in time, and dealt with it immediately, otherwise, I would have died."

At this moment, my long black hair was messily scattered on the white pillow, and my face was still white.

In order to win a man's sincerity, the most basic tactic of scheming is that I don't use it too often when I'm hungry.However, he would never use such a method that might put himself to death.


Ren Xi also sent someone to bring chicken soup.But this time the chicken soup tastes much better.Obviously, it wasn't Ren Xi who did it himself.

"I'm surprised, my house is so tight that outsiders can't get in at all. Why did her people put the poisonous snake in my house?"

That's right, my house is not considered to be an iron wall, and it is difficult to enter with a knife or a gun, so it is not easy to put a snake in it.

"This morning, a housekeeper went to clean your room, didn't she?"

"Oh, that's the way it is. I finally understand. It seems that in the future, I really can't be lazy. I still have to clean up the place in my house."

When Chen Chu and Ouyang Gong came, they both had expressions of concern on their faces, and they seemed to be a little angry.

What are they angry about?
Angry that I didn't tell them the first thing that happened?or something else.

Ren Xi didn't give the two of them a good look.

No matter what Ouyang Xin said, she was Ouyang Gong's younger sister.No matter what, Ouyang Gong is responsible.

"Ouyang Xin has been detained by me now, what are you going to do?"

Ouyang Gong opened his mouth first, and made his position clear as soon as he came. The meaning behind the words was that he would never favor his sister.

"I think it's okay to do anything?"

Ouyang Gong said: "Yes, including taking her life is okay."

I, Chen Feng, have a very simple principle of being a human being. I will not offend others if they do not offend me. If anyone offends me, I will punish them.

She Ouyang Xin wants to kill me, how can I be so gentle to her?
"Why do I want her life? Isn't it because she likes Chen Chu that she has tried so hard to deal with me? Brother Ouyang, you should take back all the shares she owns first. Then arrange someone casually to let her Get married, as long as you don't marry Chen Chu."

Rao at this time, Ouyang Gong was also joking with me, he said: "You really hurt people and you will never be soft."

I smiled softly at Ouyang Gong: "Why, are you going to start not liking me like this?"

Ouyang Gong leaned over and bowed his head, and said in my ear: "No, I love you so much."

Chen Chu stayed at the side silently and did not speak. After a long time, he finally said in a calm voice, "Xiaofeng, go live with me."

"Go live with me." Ren Xi also joined in.

I said, "I'm just staying where I am now, and I'm not going anywhere. Isn't it nice here? It's settled."

I stayed in the hospital for five full days before going home.

During those five days, I lived like a queen.Nothing needs to be done by myself.I just need to issue commands there.After that, they will take care of it properly for me.

After this, I wondered if I should start doing housework myself again.

This person, after being lazy once, likes to be lazy all the time.It's almost no different from pigs.

"Jun Yao, I think it is very necessary for us to discuss who will do the housework in the future."

I just thought about it, Xuan Bin takes care of three days, and Jun Yao and I will share the rest equally.

As a result, Jun Yao didn't agree at all.

"I said, why are you so stupid. Isn't there a person who is at your disposal and enslaved by you? Why don't you know how to use it?"

Jun Yao installed a hammock on the balcony, and now people are swinging around on the hammock, looking very leisurely.

"So Karma, my brother Junyao really hit the nail on the head."

Let Zhou Yanqing come and clean me up every week.He likes to do things like this anyway.

By the way, just be nice to him once in a while.Then I can get his sincerity little by little.

"The sixth person's information has been sorted out now, do you want it?"

I nodded: "No."

Jun Yao praised and said: "It seems that you really can stand the temptation."

I saw a face that looked like Yoon Rak on TV.

That's a new idol.Everyone said he was Xiao Yinluo.

Yin Luo has bid farewell to the entertainment industry.

My heart felt a little hot.

I still feel guilty towards Yin Luo.

I even have some tributes to him.

The cinnabar mole on the heart suddenly spread into a blood-like red.

Someone is calling my name.


I turned around to see someone behind me.

The man was holding a palace lantern in his hand, dressed in a white dress that was full of snow, with clear and elegant features, like a banished immortal on a nine-tiered palace.

I can't find words to describe that appearance.

However, I understand that this is not a dream, not an illusion.

There shouldn't be such a character in my room.

"Jun Yao...Jun Yao..."

"Xuan Bin, Xuan Bin..."

I shouted their names anxiously.

No one answered me.Never showed up.

The man said: "Don't worry, I sent them away, and they will come back after a while."

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

He opened my collar and looked at the fox in my heart: "It's okay if you can't remember who I am now. When the fox tail grows out in your heart, you will remember who I am, my Little Fox."

"I don't know you, are you an enemy or a friend?"

The lantern man said: "What you are doing now is making me an enemy, but Xiaofeng, no matter what you do, I will not hurt you. I can only show up for a while. I will come to see you soon your."

After speaking, the banished fairy disappeared.

I suddenly remembered who he was.

The one who was locked up at the beginning of the prehistoric era.

But, how could he appear?
"Xiaofeng, are you okay?"

Jun Yao and Xuan Bin appeared in front of me at the same time.

"I'm fine."

Only then did Jun Yao heave a sigh of relief.

"The one from the beginning of the prehistoric era can now show up for a short time. I'm afraid there will be obstacles in the future." Xuan Bin sighed.

"What are you afraid of? Could it be that I, Jun Yao, are still afraid of Xia Qingyu, the lord of the wild?"

Jun Yao has always been so mighty and domineering, very majestic.

"Let me tell you, Xiaofeng, that Xia Qingyu visited Yin Luo." Xuan Bin looked at me and said this carefully.

Yin Luo!I am the only man who has given a little bit of sincerity.

Jun Yao looked at me in a daze, and put his hands on my shoulders: "Chen Feng, hold on to your heart, don't stop collecting your sincerity easily, otherwise, the three of us, together with those who will give you your sincerity, will It didn't end well."

I looked at the serious looks of the two of them, and told them very seriously: "Don't worry. I can keep my heart. Also, I have a little love for Yin Luo. But, I absolutely don't Maybe because of that little bit of love, you didn't end well."

I looked at Jun Yao and Xuan Bin: "Although you may not regard me as the same thing, in my heart, I already regard you two as relatives."

I smiled in relief and looked down.It was found that there was an inconspicuous bloody silk thread in his hand.

I looked at the two of them in confusion: "Jun Yao, who does this new one appear in my hand?"

Jun Yao looked at Xuan Bin: "Such a skill, just a few words will make you fall in love."

"It belongs to Xuan Bin?" I set my eyes on Xuan Bin, waiting for the answer.

Xuan Bin said: "Xiaofeng, you don't need to flirt with my heart. I love you and have never changed. However, for our big event, I just sealed up my sincerity. If you need it, I can give it all right away." for you."

I raised my head and asked the sky: "Damn, it turns out that there are not only human beings, but you demons as well."

Xuan Bin nodded embarrassingly: "After coming out of the primordial beginning, I can freely switch between humans and demons. So, I am a human and a demon."

(End of this chapter)

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