full-time fox fairy

Chapter 125 Jun Yao and I Kissed

Chapter 125 Jun Yao and I Kissed
Yin Luo shook his head: "No, I'm here to wait for my girlfriend."

I smiled bitterly: "Oh, then congratulations."

Why bitter?Shouldn't you be happy?Yin Luo was relieved.

I was about to leave, but he grabbed my wrist: "Aren't you my girlfriend?"

He is not like before, he has become stronger.Even if I wanted to break free, it took a lot of effort.

"No, Yin Luo, I'm not."

When my hand broke free, my wrist was already red.

No matter what he Yin Luo said, I must control my heart and not allow myself to sink.Absolutely, absolutely not.

Because I love someone too much, I will easily lose myself, and even, because of him, I may never flirt with other men again.

I absolutely cannot do this.

After making a decision in my heart, the expression on my face turned cold.

Lift your feet to go.

"Xiaofeng, can't ordinary friends be accepted?"

His voice was soft, obviously not that strong.It sounds too good to be true.

As soon as his voice softened and his attitude softened, my heart softened almost as well.

However, no matter how soft my heart is, it is impossible for me to have a deep relationship with Yin Luo, because I am afraid that I will not be able to control my heart.

"Sorry. No."

Some things, some people, should be forgotten and let go.

I quickly ran to the elevator, pressed the elevator's athlete, and when I got to the room, I could see him from my window.

The autumn wind is bleak, and his back looks extraordinarily bleak.

My eye sockets are slightly moist.

Jun Yao appeared in front of me and handed a cup of warm water to me.

"Xia Qingyu has already looked for Yin Luo. You should know what you should do."

I understand.

"Brother Junyao, don't worry, I said that if you can control my heart, you can control my heart. But, if you don't give me any benefits, I will always miss Yin Luo."

As I said, I have never given up flirting with a demon, and Jun Yao is the demon I have never given up on.

My heart is really a flower.

Jun Yao looked down at me.Those eyes looked deep and moving.

When he is deliberately provocative, it is really irresistible: "What kind of benefits do you want?"


Jun Yao knows me, just like I know those men.

He knows what kind of tone to talk to me, and I will be so excited that I can't help myself. He has seen me talk to too many men.So, he even knows where my sensitive spots are.

Just on the earlobe.

He bit the word "um" lightly, and his voice was full of twists and turns.My heart melted when I heard it.

His tongue even swept over the most sensitive part of my earlobe.Blowing hot air into the ears.

I thought I couldn't hold it anymore.

Yin Luo and everything outside have become floating clouds.

Jun Yao's flirting skills, I give full marks, absolutely perfect.

no way.Almost everything about me was taught by him.

I feel my heart is crisp, and my body is also crisp.

Even the hair is spiky and the toenails are crisp.

It's rare for him to be so close to me, and I dare not scare him.

I can only make some simple requests: "Kiss me."

Even this request, I made it carefully, lest he would not agree to me.

After all, this is something that cannot be missed.I understand so clearly that I have to control it to a certain degree.

Otherwise, let alone anything else, you may not even be able to touch Jun Yao's mouth, that would be extremely pitiful.

"To satisfy you."

what did i hear?
what did i hear?
Jun Yao said he wanted to satisfy me.

Oh my god, my little heart can't take it anymore.

When I was still reciting silently about the Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth, and the beauty of Fengyue, Jun Yao's lips brushed my lips.

Just that lightly.

I felt as if I had been electrocuted.

The whole body is bathed in a comfortable electric current.

It was as if the March spring breeze was blowing across my face.

Fuck!Jun Yao's touch is simply a historic leap.

"Xiaofeng, what about me? You can't just bully me just because I love you. I don't ask for anything else, you have to at least let me kiss you a little bit."

When Jun Yao stroked his sleeve, he returned to the jade bracelet.

I moved the bell on my foot: "What are you trying to do?"

I reached out and touched my lips, and found that there seemed to be residual warmth on them.It belongs to Jun Yao.

Holy crap, my heart is beating wildly just thinking about it.

Rapid heartbeat, as if falling in love.

But actually.

I don't love Jun Yao.

I just think that it is something to be extremely proud of being able to tease that high-ranking demon who seems to never be able to touch the capital.

When I got to the window again, I saw Yin Luo was still there.

However, what if he is here?
so what?
The kiss with Jun Yao just now made me understand again.I, Chen Feng, never have the chance to touch love again.

I pulled my clothes and pulled the curtains over.

Even if Yin Luo is dead, it has nothing to do with me.

Two days ago, I accidentally heard that Liu Yu can play backgammon, and he is also a master.

I thought I was good at chess, so I ran to him.

He's not as resistant to me as he used to be.

When I heard that I was looking for him to play backgammon, I accepted my challenge very gladly.

At this time, I didn't have any intention of flirting with him, so it seemed very natural.

As for backgammon, if you want to form five sons, you will win.

I, a master, lost with him without taking a few steps.

This man just has a spirit of not willing to admit defeat.

If you lose, you want to win back.That's what I'm thinking now.

If you lose a game, you will have another game.When I got to the back, I was already red-eyed.

As soon as he saw that he was about to win, he immediately picked up the chess piece and said, "No, no, try again, I was wrong just now."

That held the white piece, and rubbed his fingers lightly on it: "Are you planning to regret the move?"

I'm just looking at the chessboard with red eyes now, and I can't care about his expression and provocativeness: "I was wrong. I was wrong."

He smiled lightly: "Don't you know that you are a real gentleman without regret?"

"I'm not a gentleman, I'm a cute and kind little woman. The one that just left doesn't count."

He smiled helplessly: "Forget it, let me give you a pawn."


A game between masters and those who think they are masters.

I lost so much that I was ashamed to see Jiangdong's elders.

Later, he taught me how to play chess to win without losing.

I smiled happily at him as if I had gotten some kind of baby.

He also laughs.

A cold smile, as if the ice and snow have just melted.

"You look so good-looking."

"That's a description of a woman," he said.

Me: "You look so handsome."

today is Friday.

I will call today my weekly Good Friday.

Because Chen Chu said that he wanted to teach me fighting skills.

The first thing he said when he saw me in the martial arts gym was: "Anyone's protection is not as reliable as your own protection. In order for you to protect yourself in the face of danger, I will not be too gentle."

Chen Chu put on the martial arts uniform, and I also changed into it.

As Chen Chu said, he really didn't show any affection at all.

First taught me some skills, and I followed suit.Then let me attack him with those tricks.

As a result of his lack of sympathy, I was thrown to the ground countless times by him.He got punched several times.

Regarding this, I specifically told him: "Brother Chu, I rely on my face for a living, so you can't slap me in the face."

Today, we practiced here, and the field was not cleared, so there are still many people there.

Chen Chu smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, and I won't slap you in the face."

At the end of the day, my back hurts and my legs cramp.

After returning, Xuan Bin said: "That Chen Chu is really merciless. No matter how good you are, when you first started practicing, you shouldn't have hit so hard."

I just smiled when I heard it.

"Take off all your clothes." Jun Yao appeared and looked at me.

"What are you doing? Brother Junyao is finally attracted by my beauty, so what if you want to have a fight with me?"

Since we kissed, both of us have treated this as if it never happened.Even now, I'm just joking with Jun Yao.

"you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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