full-time fox fairy

Chapter 146 The Mysterious Old Man 8

Chapter 146 The Mysterious Old Eighth
At this time, the surveillance video I recorded in the villa before will be useful.

However, I was not in a hurry, and I asked him, "Did she say that I relied on the support of others to force her to do such and such things?"

"how do you know?"

Zhang Xiaotian looked at me in surprise, unexpectedly, I could know what the woman said.

"Also, she didn't go to the club willingly. It's because the forces behind me are too powerful. She has no choice but to agree?"

To be honest, I can probably guess what a woman like Xiaomi will say and what she can say.Those eight o'clock shifts on TV seemed quite boring.However, some are indeed derived from life, but they are exaggerated.

Ye Xiaomi had obviously been captured.At this time, if she wants to grab a life-saving straw, she can just throw the shit pot on someone else, what's wrong?

If it were me, I would do the same thing, try my best to put the shit pot on other people's heads, and I can easily escape and ascend to heaven by myself, that's great.

Unfortunately, her opponent is me.From the very beginning, I set up a good game for her, no matter how much she wants to turn the world upside down, it is impossible for her to come up with a trick.

"Xiaotian, this is a surveillance video I recorded, you can watch it. After watching it, you will know what her purpose of approaching you was in the first place."

In that video.Ye Xiaomi stated her purpose, which is to think that Zhang Xiaotian is a big fish.Of course, if I cared, and if I threatened Ye Xiaomi, all of them must have come out.

I'm tearing open his wound, and then, cruelly sprinkle a handful of salt on it.

"You knew early on, why didn't you tell me?" Zhang Xiaotian's hand holding the phone trembled a little, and it was obvious that he couldn't accept this matter.

"Xiaotian, I thought that she approached you at first, maybe because you are a person with a background, but after getting in touch with you for a long time, maybe she will really like you."

Zhang Xiaotian returned the phone to me: "What about you? Why did you start threatening her to leave me?"

"Wang Yang loves me, and I think you know it too. I saw you in the coffee shop that day, and I was very interested in you. Wang Yang was not convinced, and wanted Xiaomi to chase you first. So, I think, this Things are more or less related to me, so I think I am responsible."

I stood up, bowed to him, and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have encountered such a thing."

Zhang Xiaotian smiled bitterly: "It's okay, I was too stupid and naive. I thought Ye Xiaomi really loved me."

I said: "Xiaotian, you are a very good person with ideals and ambitions. Moreover, you are only 23 years old, and you have already achieved what you are now. You will definitely have greater achievements in the future. You will meet A woman who is much better than Xiaomi will love you."

My comforting words, coupled with the previous words, will make him associate.

Or, he will think I like him.

My cell phone rings.The ringtone is a very ancient song.

I picked up my phone and answered it: "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

He said, "Yeah."

That's because I colluded with Jun Yao.Calling at this time, I quickly evacuated from Zhang Xiaotian's side.

There are two reasons.

First: I really don't want to be a soul mentor for a person who has lost love.

Second: At this time, he needs to be alone.Think about those things with Xiaomi, he needs to digest, and then, in a short time, think about me again.

After I went back, I yelled for Junyao to make me braised pork ribs.

"Eat out and eat."

Jun Yao ruthlessly rejected me.

We've both kissed twice.He still rejected me mercilessly.

I said I received [-] points of damage.

Xuan Bin defended me against the injustice: "Isn't it just to make braised pork ribs? Xiaofeng works hard every day to help you restore the power of darkness, so what if you reward and encourage her?"

I moved the bell on my foot, and I totally agreed with Xuan Bin's words: "That's right, brother Junyao, just help me make ribs. The ones sold outside are not as delicious as yours. I I just want to eat what you cooked."

Just when I was pestering Jun Yao to eat ribs, there was a lot of noise from the neighbor next door.

The sound insulation effect of the houses in this place is actually very good, but now there is such a big movement all of a sudden, it means that there is a big movement over there.

"Hey, let me go and have a look."

Xuan Bin: "Xiaofeng, the last time you went there, didn't the other party show you enough face? What are you doing in the past?"

Me: "I'm just curious to go over and have a look. Anyway, she is a neighbor. I see that girl's personality. If I develop well, maybe I can become a female friend with me."

Jun Yao said abruptly: "All your female friends will become enemies in the end, why bother?"

"You don't care. I'll go and see. Also, Brother Junyao, if you don't make braised pork ribs for me, it would be good to fry two vegetables for me to eat. Anyway, you can't not give me to eat." .”

Jun Yao sighed: "Go and see."

I am not kind.I'm just afraid that something will happen to the girl.

I knocked on the door.

A man's rough voice came from inside: "Who?"

I said, "I'm here to deliver something to you."

Soon, someone came and opened the door.

That beauty had marks all over her face from being beaten.Walking is also limping.

And the strong man left the house.

I applied the medicine for the beauty, and seeing the messy things piled up on the floor in the room, I felt something was wrong: "How about I call the police for you."

The beauty said: "You helped me, thank you. But, don't call the police. It's useless to call the police. Because that person just helped their boss get back what I took away."

I opened my mouth wide: "Then you return the things."

Although I have no experience in contact with girls, I still sympathize with seeing her hurt like this.Especially this girl's character is very appetizing to me.

"I'm not going back yet. Let's not talk about this matter. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Xi, an actor's play."

I said: "My name is Chen Feng, you can call me Xiaofeng, I will live next door to you."

After chatting for a while, I feel that Zhao Xi is also a person with a lot of stories.

She even stayed with me for dinner at her place.Jun Yao didn't cook braised pork ribs for me, but she did.

However, this girl is not as delicious as Jun Yao's cooking.

After dinner, just a while later, I saw her cell phone ringing.She just looked at the phone number, and her face changed.

"Xiaofeng, I have a call to answer, it's too late now, let's talk another day."

I know she must have something to do.Moreover, this person who called her, she was terrified.She has a secret she doesn't want me to know.

"Okay, we have time to go shopping and eat."

Then, I left her home.

After this evening, I didn't see her again for a full week.

A week later, she came back.A man followed.We met in the elevator.

The man had very special eyes, one eye was blue and the other was yellow.It is commonly known as yin and yang eyes, which is very uncommon in modern times.In ancient times, it was considered ominous.

And Zhao Xi looked very scared of that man.

She pretended not to know me.

Mostly because they don't want to trouble me.

Half an hour after the man followed him into the house, he left.Mysterious.However, he does look handsome.

Zhao Xi told me that it was her former boss.She took his stuff, now he takes it back.

Jun Yao told me: "He is the eighth person. There is no information at all, neither Ren Xi nor Xuan Bin can find any information."

I asked Zhao Xi what the man's name was.Zhao Xi also said he didn't know.

I sat on the floor, picked a flower, picked it, and was completely confused: "Fuck, I don't know anything, mysterious, it seems that the background is very strong, I don't even know the name, I don't even know the name. I don’t even know Taku’s name.”

Jun Yao said: "At least you have recognized this person's appearance. For the rest, take your time. Don't worry."

I'm not in a hurry, my breakthrough to that man now lies with Zhao Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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