full-time fox fairy

Chapter 270 Genius

Chapter 270 Genius

Ha ha ha.

Of course I welcome him to live with me.

This is the tenth person I must tease.

But: "This is not good."

I also deliberately reserved and hypocritical.

"I have nowhere to go now..."

Whoops my sesame oil.

Seeing that there seemed to be mist rising from his cool eyes, I was so meow that I didn't even want to be reserved.Immediately said: "Let's go, you live with me."

"Thank you. What's your name?"

I turned my head, my eyes sparkled, and I said jokingly, "Young man, you can call me your wife."

He really yelled, "Daughter-in-law."

His voice was clean and sweet, soft and glutinous, like frozen glutinous rice balls.

At this moment, his smile was warm, and his dimples became more obvious.

I was mesmerized by him like this.He believes that he can enter the entertainment circle and gain a lot of fans.

But: "You really call me that. My name is Xiaofeng."

"You are beautiful, and you saved me just now. If you are willing to be my wife, I will be very happy."

If there is a disagreement, flirt.

Boy, you are not good.

"You have amnesia now, let me give you a name."

I think it's time to give full play to my literary level.After all, I also memorized three hundred Tang poems in order to tease men.

Just when I was thinking about choosing a name that would not only show my education level, but also be easy to pronounce, the man himself said a name.

"You can call me whatever you want."

Picking him up from the lake was considered a meeting.

Suiyu, Shuiyu, it's not bad.

But, boy, why do I feel like I've been tricked by you?Could it be that this is actually my hallucination?
When I turned around to look at him, I found that the young man had a sunny smile on his face, showing a small canine tooth.

Chen Feng, be simple.

When thinking about other people's affairs, be simple.

Believe me, this is a pure little white sheep, but don't think he is impure.This is unfair to other young people.

Jun Yao just found an excuse and walked away from me.In fact, it has already disappeared.

Then, Sui Yu was left standing with me.

Ren Xi used to come to this lake often.Unexpectedly, I was able to pick up the tenth person here.

On our way back, we crossed the road.

Suiyu was originally on my left side, but now he is standing directly on my right side. I was really taken aback when I saw it, and I was puzzled at the time: "Why did you suddenly think of changing positions?"

"There are a lot of cars here, I'll block them for you."

He answered simply, but I heard a tremor in my heart.

There is no doubt that this young man is really simple, cute, and well-bred.

I was going to ask how old he was.But thinking that he has lost his memory now, he didn't ask anything in the end.

When I got home, I opened the door of my room and let him in.

Fortunately, there are a lot of spare slippers at home, otherwise, he would probably be barefoot.

At this moment, both his and I's clothes were wet, so I went to find clothes for him: "Take it and take a shower, and change the wet clothes on your body, don't catch a cold."

Suiyu held the man's shirt and asked me: "Sister, if I live in your house like this, will your boyfriend be angry? Will I cause trouble to you?"

"What boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend now. This is my ex-boyfriend's clothes."

Oh god, forgive me, I'm talking nonsense with my eyes open again.But, there is no way.I have to keep this pure boy.

Spend quality time with him.

"Then go and wash first. You're wet too."

"There are two bathrooms in my house, you don't have to worry about me, I'll just go to the other side to wash."


While taking a shower, Jun Yao told me: "Xiaofeng, there is something wrong with this casual meeting."

I saw Jun Yao standing in front of me in a transformed form, and he was not polite to him: "You are not a good person yourself, so don't suspect that others are not a good person either."

Jun Yao shut his mouth, probably because he felt that he couldn't speak up to me now.So I chose not to say anything.

The hot water steamed and I looked at myself in the mirror.

The figure is even better, and the fox in the heart has nine tails.When I passed my hand over there, I couldn't help but stay for a while longer.

Take a shower and go out.

Suiyu was already sitting there.

Wearing a white shirt, with clean hair that moves in the wind, and a shy smile, he looks like a fresh graduate.

This casual encounter, oh so easy, reminds me of my lost innocence years.

"Xiaofeng, I just washed the fruit, you can eat it. Can I borrow your computer? I remember that I should know how to trade in stocks. I live here with you, so I can't eat for free. If you want, you can borrow me first." With a bank card, you don’t need much money in the card.”

I looked at the clean boy in front of me with suspicion.

"Take it, there is only 1 yuan in this card."

I found a card for him.

That card was my previous salary card.This card has been rarely used since I chose to go down this path today.

Now I give it to him, based on the principle that if he plays with the money, there will be no money left.

Similarly, I moved a computer to him.

Then I go to the kitchen to cook.

I wanted to act like a good wife and mother and make him feel at home and not want to leave.

However, not long after, I heard the sound of humming and humming coming from the living room.

sesame oil!

I'm wrong.

The films that were previously placed on this computer have not been deleted.

Hey, it's all right now.

All images are almost ruined.

I originally wanted to portray him as a sunny, kind goddess.Now it seems.

It's really a fairy tale.

I walked out of the kitchen with a spatula and helped him turn off the player very calmly.

"Suiyu, this kind of thing, you pure little kindness should look less."

He stared at himself embarrassedly: "Sister, I think I need to take a bath."

As for the film between Chen Chu and me, I don't know how many things like this happened today.

When Sui Yu went to take a cold shower, I put this film in the cloud disk, and then deleted it from the local video.

Ugh.If such a backup had been done earlier, there would be no such thing as today.

When eating at night, Sui Yu's face was always red.It's about the same as the monkey.

I put a piece of Dongpo meat in his bowl: "Suiyu, don't be shy. I won't eat yours."

He buried his head low, and his whole face seemed to be buried in the rice bowl: "Xiaofeng, don't be joking."


This is really a pure young man.

This night, when I woke up in the middle of the night, through the crack of the door, I found that the light in the living room was still on.

I opened the door and saw that Suiyu was still sitting in front of the computer, his hands were skillfully typing on the keyboard, as if he was writing some code.Then, he opened another page. Although I don't trade stocks, I can see that it should be the stock market.

"Suiyu, it's late, go to bed soon."

Poor Xuan Bin, the room that originally belonged to him now belongs to Sui Yu.

"It's a while. I'll go to bed in a while."

The next day, I was woken up by a text message.

A commercial bank sent me a message saying that I had credited 3 yuan.This is the card that I didn't use before.I gave the random card.

This young man is a cow.


Tripled my money in one night.

When I went to take a shower, I saw him just coming out of the toilet. He was about to wipe off the foam from the corners of his mouth, and said excitedly: "Suiyu, I have decided, I will confess you. You are simply a banknote production machine." .and made so much money in one night.”

He scratched his hair and smiled shyly: "I just got up early to go for a run, and bought breakfast downstairs by the way."

I was dazed, and asked: "Suiyu, I remember, when you got up from the lake, you probably didn't have any money on you, and I didn't give you any money. Where did your money come from?" ?”

Jun Yao said he has a problem, I don't believe it.

But... With such a strong ability, there is a problem with getting money out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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