full-time fox fairy

Chapter 288 Don't Roll 1 Time

Chapter 288 Don't Roll Over
Brother, you are full of treasures all over your body.How could I drive you away?

It's too late for me to keep you now.I even wish I could kneel beside you at this time, begging you not to go.As long as you can stay by my side, help me deal with such and such things, and won't be jealous of this or that, why not keep you by my side?
"Sleep separately tonight. You can sleep here, and I can sleep on the other side."

In a situation like now, it would be more interesting to sleep separately.Because it can make Suiyu think about me more.

"I, I shouldn't have done anything wrong. Why do you want to sleep in a separate bed with me?"

He tilted his head with a pure and cute face.

"I want to sleep in a separate bed tonight."

"Oh fine."

In fact, I don't want to sleep in separate beds.

It was Xia Qingyu who sent me a message, saying that he would come to see me tonight.

My master is also a rather self-willed person. Since he has already sent a message, he said he wants to find me.Then he won't care if there are other men around me.

If you say you want to come, you will come.

As for whether he came to me to have sex, or to do something else, that's unknown.

In the dead of night.

The man came with a palace lantern in his hand.

Wearing a snow-white veil, she walked towards me step by step.

I looked at him and smiled, and asked him playfully: "Could it be that the road at the beginning of the flood has not been repaired? Now we still need to use palace lanterns to illuminate the way back?"

"The road at the beginning of the flood will never be repaired. Xiaofeng, I came to you today. It is to tell you about that random problem."

I looked at him in shock: "Ah, you didn't come here to have sex. It's amazing."

"What should be told to you must be said, the bed sheet, of course, must be rolled."

After speaking, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then came out naked.

I vacated half of the bed for him, and smiled at him: "Master, let me tell you, Suiyu is amazing. If the news you bring is unreliable, I will not agree to have sex with you." Oh."

Xia Qingyu hugged me.

I just felt that the heat from my body was continuously pouring into his body.

For some reason, his body was so cold.

"After you aimed at some other golden thigh, you immediately shifted your target. As a teacher's apprentice, it really has been thousands of years, and his temper has not changed at all."

"Master, you have to get used to such disciples."

After a long time, the temperature on his body and the temperature on my body became warm at the same time.

I said, "Master, tell me, talk about it, talk about it as you encounter it."

"The master of the Demon Palace. Every 500 years, there will be 10 days to transform into a baby form. Crying is practicing martial arts. Although in baby form, martial arts are still outstanding."

I understand that the baby I baked in the foggy forest was actually random.

And this baby, who I thought was pure and innocent at the time, was actually the Lord of the Demon Palace who was feared by all walks of life at that time.

"Master, Jun Yao has already confirmed this news. The news you brought is useless. So, you don't have to roll with me for this bed sheet tonight."

I also pushed him.

With a little disgust.

"Do you know that my teacher and him have already had an enmity tens of thousands of years ago. There is me without him, and there is him without me."

My master, who is so high above the immortals, has also developed this kind of arrogant and petty temper now.

"Master, he is right next door and has lost his memory. It might be easy for you to go there and destroy him."

If the Great Immortal at the beginning of the prehistoric era and the Demon Lord who didn't know that he had been reincarnated hundreds of times, it would be very beautiful if they fought.

"Amnesia, it's strange to have amnesia. Xiaofeng, he made this appearance just to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Do you think he is really what he looks like?"

I was dubious about Xia Qingyu's words.

If, these two people were really enemies before.Then it's normal to piss off.

Therefore, Xia Qingyu might just be splashing dirty water on Suiyu.

Xia Qingyu patted my forehead and said: "Xiaofeng, look at your expression now. You have made it clear that you just don't believe in being a teacher."

I leaned against his body and said coquettishly, "Oh, am I that obvious?"

He said: "It's so obvious. Just because of your behavior just now, I think I should make you unable to get out of bed tomorrow. And, leave red marks on your body. So that you will be questioned tomorrow. "

"Master, you are that high-cold banished fairy with no dust in your eyes. You should dismiss anyone in your eyes, instead of being like a jealous young man like you are now."

I babbled there and told Xia Qingyu what I said.

But Xia Qingyu stood up and blocked my lips all of a sudden: "Xiaofeng, when you remember everything, you will know why I am like this."

I feel that I know enough things, is there anything else I don't know?

Crazy overnight.

I don't have to worry that Suiyu next door will hear us.

Because the sound insulation effect of the room is not bad.In addition, Xia Qingyu should also have set up a barrier here.

So, don't worry at all.

Recently, the generation in our community has suffered from poor law and order.

This reminds me of Liu Yu.

I couldn't help but think that if Liu Yu was here, no one would dare to do anything wrong.

After he sent me home that day, he didn't have much contact with me.

This made me wonder if he was actually just drunk that day, that's why he said such things and did such things somewhere.

There is no Cold War, it's just my illusion.

I thought about calling him.

As a result, I have already found out his number, but I still haven't dialed him.

Suiyu is really a great character.

It wasn't long before he said that the medicine that could cure the legs, he had already found the medicine.

That's medicine in the shape of a pill.

He said to me: "You take this medicine and go there. If Ren Xi is afraid that there is something wrong, you can ask him to find someone to try."

At this time, Suiyu really looks different.

I took the medicine in my hand, opened it and smelled it, then shook my head in disgust: "It smells so bad."

"It smells a bit bad."

I took the medicine and went to find Ren Xi.

Taking the medicine, Ren Xi was not as excited as I imagined. He just asked me: "Xiaofeng, is it because I am disabled that you dislike me. Chen Chu is going crazy, and you don't dislike me. It's just that there is something wrong with my feet, do you despise me?"

What he said made me want to hit a wall a little bit.

"Aren, I don't dislike you, it's just that you can be better."

Ren Xi threw the medicine out of the window: "I don't need it."

He just threw this precious medicine away, lost... . . .


Really, at this moment, I really want to kick him to death.

However, I think that I have offended quite a few people recently.

Don't lose your temper, be calm, be calm.

"Xiaofeng, do you feel that you have changed recently?"

There was a long and narrow evil light in his treacherous and charming Danfeng eyes.Ask me if I have changed.

I said: "I have changed. What I wanted before was very practical, but now I always want something illusory. Ren, do you think that I am more human than before, not as bad as before? ?”

He listened to my words, and then smiled speechlessly: "I really know how to put gold on your face. You have become confused recently. Xiaofeng, you don't even know what you really want now." .”


"There are too many temptations, the colorful world, and I'm starting to take it seriously."

"I'd rather you be the same as before. The things you want, no one can hurt you. But now. Any one of us can affect your emotions."

I nodded: "You are right. So, you want me to be the same as before. As long as I am physically satisfied, and have a stunning appearance. Then you can play with a man's heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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