full-time fox fairy

Chapter 295 Maybe It Wasn't Being Hacked This Time

Chapter 295 Maybe It Wasn't Being Hacked This Time
The rain has stopped.

Liu Yu, who is on a mission, is more handsome than ever.

I heard the robbers say, "Don't come here, put down your weapons, or I'll kill her."

The abducted person was a little girl of a few years old, with big eyes, watery, full of fear.

At this moment, I deeply feel that this robber really has no principles.

Even children are hijacked.

This is what I cannot tolerate.

Liu Yu quietly walked around behind the robber.

All of a sudden hit the man's hand.Immediately someone went up to stop the robber.The child was also rescued.

to be frank.

At that time, I was fascinated by his heroic appearance.

In this world, handsomeness and beauty have thousands of forms.

At this moment, Liu Yu is handsome and righteous.

I smiled at him from a distance.

Followed him to the bureau.

Before going to his office, I went to the medicine cabinet.

After all, it is impossible to get around behind that bad guy without getting hurt.

I just went in, and before I could explain how excited I was when I saw his heroic appearance and was fascinated by him, he yelled at me first: "Next time, in a situation like today, just stand as far as you should. How far to go."

"You were so handsome just now, I was so fascinated that I couldn't even move my legs."

"Other people may not affect my mood or make me go wrong. But you are here, if you are controlled by robbers, I will go wrong. Xiaofeng, do you understand?"

I blinked and looked at him with a blurred smile: "I see. Next time, when there is danger again, I will run as far as I can, and I won't cause you any trouble."

He grabbed me by the hand.

That's right, he pulled me into his arms in a pulling way: "You are really enough. You clearly know that I don't dislike you for causing trouble."

"I know. Please let me go now, let me treat the hero's wound, okay?"

In his eyes, he must feel that these wounds on his body are nothing but small wounds that cannot be smaller.

Generally, you will not go to the hospital for treatment, and you will deal with it yourself.

Then, as a chance to break the ice, let me do it.

"No, I'll take care of it myself. Now let me hold you a little longer."

"Yeah, are you so worried about me?"

I really want to hate him, I really want to say, didn't you ignore me before?Didn't you take me seriously before?
Now what's up again.

"What do you say?"

There is still heat on his body, and now it has all sprayed on my body.

"Come on, let me treat the wound for you first. It's spring now, you can't be negligent at all, if you don't pay attention, it's easy to get infected."

I'm just scaring people.

Treat the wound for him before sitting on his lap.

If it hadn't been for a person just now.I'm going to pounce on him right here.

However, as a person with a special professional status, I rushed him here, and the influence on him should not be very good.

So, I'm going to endure it.

"Brother Yu, you should have a lot of things to deal with next, so I won't bother you now. I will visit you at your house on weekends. If you are busy, please tell me in advance. If you are not busy, please Be sure to let me pass."

Now that they are planning to end the Cold War, they must learn to actively throw out olive branches.

Now, it depends on whether he takes it or not.

Or, in essence, is it my unilateral cold war from the very beginning?Liu Yu doesn't mean to care about me at all?
"It shouldn't be busy. However, if there are special circumstances, I will tell you in advance."

"Well, that's good. I'll go first."

As soon as I walked out the office door, I realized that someone had been staring at me.

That person is Mo Yao, that's right.

For a long time, I haven't fought with a woman.

Moreover, I don't want to fight with women.

But hope.But I hope she will never come to provoke me.

Otherwise, it would be extremely embarrassing if he really made a move.

"Hello, Xiaofeng, can we have a cup of coffee together?"

Looking at the person in front of me who is as gentle as water, I really...

I really can't get angry.However, don't dare to get too close.

"Mo Yao, I'm really sorry. I may not be able to promise you."

Mo Yao: "Is it because I don't have time today?"

I shook my head: "No, it's because I'm most afraid of women buying me coffee."

Really, every time a woman buys me coffee, there's nothing good about it.Moreover, usually not only is there no good thing, but it is usually very embarrassing and scary.

Follow-up tricks.

It's like calling me a gauntlet.

Once you buy me coffee, there are a lot of follow-up things.One after another.

It will be very confusing.

"Then, let me treat you to dinner."

Mo Yao changed the invitation.

Me: "It's really not possible. There are still people waiting for me in my family. I'll go first."

Light gauze dancing.

It was already five forty in the afternoon when I went back.

Suyu has already started preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Fortunately, I didn't go to have coffee with my sister just now.If go.But I will miss the stir-fried shrimp made by Suiyu.

Looking at the dishes on the table, I couldn't help stretching out my hand.

"Xiaofeng, wash your hands first."

MD, did Suiyu put a pair of eyes in the dining room?Why was I stopped when I just stretched out my paw?

"Okay, I'm going to wash my hands."

While he was cooking, he asked me: "Xiaofeng, do you think I control you too much?"

Of course I shook my head: "No. Of course not."

After washing his hands, he took the chopsticks and headed straight to the dining room.

Although the portions of the dishes he cooks are sufficient, the gluttons in my stomach have been aroused.

I must start by eating more.

Suiyu brings all the meals to the table.

Then he said: "Xiaofeng, I just watched the news. The director you have a good relationship with has been hacked again. This time it was even more ruthless."

The director I know very well?

Isn't it Zhang Xiaotian?
Holding my job bowl, I quickly said, "Leave him alone, has he been hacked less often? He was so black that he couldn't wash it off with a few buckets of cleaning powder. Isn't the result bleached?"

I don't want to instill bad thoughts with my family.

What black.

That was purely Zhang Xiaotian blackmailing himself.

I guess he has some new works coming out.I want to fry the black material.

At that time, the ratings will definitely be high.

Zhang Xiaotian still has a businessman's plan in his bones.

I once said that if he is in business, he should be able to relax in a few years.

However, he prefers to stay in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

Suiyu said to me: "Xiaofeng, I verified that video. This time, it may not be hacked. It's real."

Whenever he meets this person, he is as fierce as Zhou Yanqing in terms of computers.

He said it might be true.

Then it really could be.

"What video, send it to me to have a look."

He picked up the one he liked to shoot and handed it to me directly: "This is the video."

The picture is blurry.But it can be seen.

The two people who are doing dirty things in the video, one is Zhang Xiaotian, and the other is a supporting actress in his new movie.

"It's a big game this time."

I also feel like this time it might be true.

Classmate Zhang Xiaotian obviously ate outside.

"Xiaofeng, do you need me to deal with it?" He usually takes the initiative to help me deal with my friend's affairs.

I shook my head: "Don't deal with it. If he has the ability to do things, he must have the ability to clean up by himself. He gnawed on the edge of the nest, and was discovered by the media. If he doesn't understand, he can be in this circle or not. gone."

"Xiaofeng, it's obvious that you treat people differently. If the person being hacked is someone else..."

I tapped his hand with the other end of the chopsticks: "Nonsense. If other people are hacked because of this kind of thing, I won't care."

On the second day of the video incident, there were more reports about Zhang Xiaotian.

He called me for help: "Xiaofeng, come and save me. My home is surrounded by reporters. I can't get out."

At that time, I was having an in-depth exchange with Yu.

Whenever there was a heavy blow, I whispered: "If you can't get out, you can't get out. Why are you calling my mother? I'm busy. Bye!"

(End of this chapter)

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