full-time fox fairy

Chapter 300 The source is the same person

Chapter 300 The source is the same person
Of course, I've slept with so many men, and I'm not a good thing, so I won't ask them to be sincere and loyal to me.If they have someone they like, they can go after the person they like.

Moreover, I myself want to say goodbye to them as soon as possible, leaving one and one less.

But can they be normal after they say goodbye to me?Don't take those extreme paths?
Suiyu took the book over and casually flipped through it: "Xiaofeng, if you don't want this book to be published, no printing house would dare to print this book, and no publishing house would dare to ask for it. "

I pulled the book out of Suiyu's hand: "You can't publish the physical book, but you can also publish it on the Internet. Let him go. I'm not afraid of this."

For Zhang Xiaotian's approach, I think it's fine if I don't make any moves.

I've had experience dealing with these extreme people.

Turn a blind eye, listen and not hear, unless it threatens my own safety and peace, otherwise, I don't need to take action at all.

Or, I believe that even if I don't do anything, someone will naturally solve everything for me.

My self-confidence is because I believe that it can't hurt me.

In the past two days, Suiyu, apart from being in a good mood on the first day, now I feel that my mood is very dull.

I think, in fact, it may be that we have not had that or that in the past few days.

However, it's not like I don't want him to follow me...

I even hinted at him many times, but he didn't seem to notice my hint.

Therefore, I want to have a good talk with him about this issue.

After all, no matter what the matter is, as long as they are willing to speak up and explain each other clearly, there is nothing that cannot be resolved.

I opened my mouth and was about to talk to him.

But he stopped me first and said: "Xiaofeng, I have something to deal with in the past few days. I, I won't be at home."


He calls where we are now home.

"Are you recovering your memory? Are you going to deal with the things you know?"

I just want to know if this guy really lost his memory.Also, whether the memory has been restored and how long it will take to restore it.

"No, it's a little bit of my own personal business."

"Personal matter..."

My tone was infinitely prolonged, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for my family, Suiyu, and now I have my own private affairs.

"Go. You go and deal with what you have to deal with, and when you come back, don't be sad. I'm worried. "

She reached out and touched his cheek, trying to convey her tenderness to him as much as possible.

This is the best time to tease your heart and lungs.You have to take good care of it.

"I'm sorry... I... I'm not in the state for a while, and I caused you trouble again."

The boy's round face bulged like a cute bun.

Just looking at it makes people want to start.

Almost all of them are surrounded by strong personalities and domineering people. With such a bully character, I just feel very good.

Suiyu just finished explaining this matter to me, and left without staying any longer.

He has just left.

"Jun Yao."

Jun Yao transformed in an instant: "Xiaofeng."

"Follow. See what he's up to."

"it is good."

There are too many secrets in Suiyu.

I have to dig out bit by bit to make it easier for me to attack.

Where do you know.

Only three hours after Jun Yao left, he came back in despair. As soon as he came back, he told me: "I lost my follower."

"Lost it?!"

I never thought that Jun Yao could also lose people.After all, he used to brag about being the only devil in the world.

However, the fact is that Hongguoguo is in front of him.

If you lose track, you lose track.

Couldn't even find a rebuttal.

Leisurely came at night.When she came, she seemed to have dressed up deliberately, and she looked very glamorous and beautiful.

She looked around my room, but didn't find the person she was looking for.

Although she is called Master Suiyu, I should be regarded as her half master now logically, but I did not take my own identity for this reason.

"I still have something to do. I'm not at home these days. If you have anything to do, you can come to him in a few days."

Leisurely handed me a shiny box: "It doesn't matter if the master isn't here, anyway, this is for you."

The box opened, emitting colorful light.

If this is auctioned at the auction, it will definitely fetch a lot of money.

Also, this one looks like a plant root.

The root of the plant that emits this colorful light.

"This...could be Mo Ming's root."

I reacted belatedly.

I feel that I am really slow, and it took me so long to guess the truth of the matter.It really can be used to describe myself.

"Yes. This is what you want, Mo Ming's root. Because of this, Building No. [-] has lost a lot."

Listening to Youran's words, why do I feel that this girl is a little annoyed with me now?
Shouldn't I be looking for this thing?

"Thank you, leisurely."

Leisurely said arrogantly: "Why are you thanking me? It was ordered by the master. The master asked us to find this thing. All we have done is to do our duty as servants."

It sounds like it can be divided, it can be divided.

"By the way, Youran, your master, what's the matter?"

Leng Youran: "I don't know."

After finishing speaking, he didn't say anything about staying with me for a meal.

And I, holding Mo Ming's root in my hand, don't know what to do.

This thing is very special at first sight.

"A fire?"

As soon as this idea came out, I was immediately rejected.

If it really caught fire, Mo Ming should have died.

and also……

I looked at the roots exuding colorful light: "Xuan Bin, tell me, why is this so evil?"

Say something that shouldn't be said.Lonely women can use this to dispatch loneliness.

Hyun Bin has turned into a human form, and his silver hair reaches his ankles.

"Mo Ming himself is probably more evil."

Suddenly, the air was filled with the fragrance of lotus flowers.

I pushed Xuan Bin: "He's here. You should dodge first."

It's Xia Qingyu...

I haven't looked for him for a long time, and he never came to me on his own initiative.

But now, when I got Mo Mingen in my hand, he came.

The picture on the palace lantern has changed.

The person who was originally like an exiled immortal, at this moment, the hair is not moving.The pure white material is embroidered with noble cloud patterns, which is ethereal and admirable.

He put down the palace lantern and sat on the sofa: "Give me the root."

"Master, this is not good. It was found by Sui Yu. It should be handled by Sui Yu."

Xia Qingyu, my master.

Your motives are impure, tainted, and problematic.

How could I give you something so casually?
"Xiaofeng, as a teacher, I want to bring this root back to the beginning of the prehistoric times."

The one was in my hand, but he forcibly took it over.

Immediately, Xia Qingyu disappeared.

And in my room, there is a palace lantern.

The candles inside were still bright.

I'm so pissed off.

He kicked towards the palace lantern with one foot.

The palace lantern was destroyed.

The fire was dyed.

What the hell!

If this continues, it will become a fire.

Xuan Bin, Jun Yao, put out the fire!

The flames were extinguished and I sat on the ground.

"Jun Yao, do you know why Xia Qingyu took Mo Ming's root away?"

Jun Yao pulled me up from the ground, and Xuan Bin began to deal with the mess in the room: "If my guess is correct, then maybe it should be one of Xia Qingyu's three souls."


"In ancient legends, the god of the prehistoric world ignored world affairs, but separated one of his souls, and experienced love in the world..."

I'm not in the mood to listen to Jun Yao's fairy tales.

I was thinking, what will Xia Qingyu do after taking this soul?
Also, if the two of them actually came from the same person.

That Xia Qingyu...

That Xia Qingyu's thoughts...

Will it be too extreme?
Jun Yao patted my shoulder: "Xiaofeng, don't worry, it shouldn't be that simple to fuse this soul. Otherwise, it would have been integrated thousands of years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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