full-time fox fairy

Chapter 8 Drunk Chapter Oh, What Are You Seriously Doing?

Chapter 8 Drunk talk, what are you really doing?
To put it bluntly, the essence is that you have to take him to a life that is different from his usual life.Such a day full of novelty and fun will impress him deeply.

I drank a lot of wine, almost drunk.

Below is Jiang.

Drunk, I dragged him to the riverside, and then the two of us sat on the riverbank, looking at the lights on the other side.

"Do you think I'm a bad woman?"

I asked him.

He said, "Yes."

"I used to be very kind. Even when I was rejected in public when I confessed, I didn't have any complaints in my heart. But, do you know, how did the school belle you just saw treat me later?"

"The school belle also likes the person you confessed to?"

"Yeah, she likes that too. I didn't know that person was a rich second generation at the time."

Watching the ups and downs of the river, I said: "At that time, I was beaten almost every day. The school belle was very powerful in school, and other people were afraid of offending the school belle, so they helped her bully me together. As for me, Poor and ugly. I used to want to drop out of school, but in the end, thinking that it was not easy for me to go to this school, I endured it. For three years, I hardly had a good day."

I don't know if I cried or not, but Wang Yang's hand fell on my back and stroked it gently.As if comforting me.

Hehe... I don't know whether to cry or laugh.Even when I talk about these pasts, I am calculating.Because tears are a powerful weapon, but they cannot be used often enough to be used at the right time.Used correctly, you can cry into a man's heart and soften his heart a little.

Your tragic past will be the reason for your presumptuousness now.It can make your debauchery become a matter of course.

With tears in my eyes, I turned around, hooked his neck, and sent my red lips up, tears and kisses intertwined.

At that time, it was very intense.

I told him in a drunken state: "Wang Yang, I like you."

A drunk man speaks the truth.

However, the next day, I will definitely not admit it.I'll still act like I don't take him seriously.Only in this way can the other party be like an ant on a hot pot.

That night, Wang Yang went to my house, and there is no doubt that we did.

The next day, I acted as if nothing had happened.

"Brother Wang, I want to resign."

I woke up before him and was practicing yoga. When I saw him coming out of my room, I immediately mentioned my resignation.

He squatted beside me, pinched my chin: "Xiaofeng, do you think I don't pay well?"

"No, I opened a Taobao store by myself. I have something to do. I don't want to go to work. I'm too tired to work from nine to five."

MD, my profession is vixen, not your secretary.Besides, we've spent enough time together every day.Just keep a little distance.

"It's okay if you feel tired from work, just stay at home. When you have nothing to do, we can go out and play together. You can also stay at my house."

"What are you kidding? Now, you have already done what you should have done for me. There is nothing between us."

Wang Yang looked at me in astonishment: "Hey, you are planning to cross the river and tear down the bridge. I just slapped someone in the face for you last night. You are planning to dump me today."

"Brother Wang, we've never been together before, how can we get rid of it?"

Wang Yang glared at me fiercely, and said, "I don't know who it is, but they just said they like me last night."

"Is there? Is there? Which girl said she likes you."


"Oh, oh, drunk talk, what are you really doing?"

After finishing speaking, I got up from the yoga mat: "Brother Wang, I remember you have a meeting this afternoon, go back to your villa quickly, change your clothes and go to work."

Wang Yang grabbed me and kissed me fiercely before leaving my room.

Not long after he left, I took out my phone and changed my signature.

"My world is filthy, I am not good enough for you, there should be two parallel lines, why should they intersect."

Then, the personalized signature is synchronously generated to talk about.

Wang Yang has my QQ account and can view my space. Of course, he must have seen this at this time.Then, he left a message.

"How do you know if you don't try."

I looked at the message and turned my back to look at Jun Yao.

"How about it?"

"It's not too late. At best, he is sure that he likes you now, not love."

That's right, I, a bad woman, don't want to like her.It's love, it's sincerity.You can't do without me.

Jun Yao's body turned into a solid body, and I looked at him carefully, with jet-black hair, high nose bridge, handsome facial features, and deep eyes.

He is very handsome, he can be regarded as the most handsome man I have ever seen, and many celebrities are not as handsome as him.real.

Moreover, this man always seemed to have no heart, so bad, and handsome with a black belly, undoubtedly added a lot of points to him.

"Brother Yao, you are so handsome, I can't help but fall in love with you so handsome."

I stretched out my hand to hug him, I can touch his body now, it's cold, I even put my ears on his heart on purpose.

However, there is no heartbeat.

"Chen Feng? I don't think you know how to love others now."

This feeling again, this feeling of looking at someone else through me.

I pressed him down and said, "Brother Yao, I want to be with you..."

He pushed me away at once: "Think about what to do next."

Sincerely, the process of conspiring to seize is really frightening every step of the way.The further you get to the back, the more difficult it is.

I frowned more and more.

"Think about it tomorrow. I'll watch TV for a while. The drama I've been following recently has started airing now. I have to watch it for a while."

Then, hold the remote control, change channels, and tune to your favorite TV.

My QQ flashed.

It's Dandan.

"Xiaofeng, do you want to come out to play?"

"No, I have something to do recently, so I won't come out to play."

Then, go offline.

"Why don't you go? Don't you always want a few good female friends? I think that Dandan regards you as a true friend."

I took some snacks and ate them. As I ate, I said, "It's because I'm a real friend, so I don't want to get in touch with her anymore. She can't accept me like this."

"However, if she needs my help, I will definitely help."

In that dark day, any bit of warmth can become the light that sustains it.

I'm bad, hopelessly bad, I seduce men, seek sincerity, shameless, but I remember when others treat me well, and I will reciprocate.

"Isn't it enough to give her money?"

"Money corrupts people. It is easy to lose your true nature if you have more money than you deserve."

Why bother?
"Brother Yao, let's go to the street to buy some clothes tomorrow. I haven't gone shopping for a long time."


So far, Junyao has not given me a penny.It's not that he doesn't have the ability to give me money, but that he doesn't bother to give me money at all.

I once asked him, saying, why don't you give me money, I can do things better if I have money, right?
But he said, if you don't even have the ability to get money from a man, what qualifications do you have to be a vixen?
And, I'm still working full-time.

"These two TV episodes are really not very good-looking. It's really getting more and more rubbish. I don't want to watch it."

Turning off the TV, I sat in front of the piano and pressed it cracklingly. Don't think that now that I am the woman who specializes in seducing men, I don't have my own little temper, little boredom, and little worry.These are all available.

For example now.

After Dandan sent me a message.

"This piano didn't offend you. If you have any temper, send it elsewhere."

I lay down on the piano and heard the sound of the piano on the piano: "Brother Yao, tell me, why don't I take the initiative to find a time and invite Dandan to come to my house for a meal. After all, she helped me , On the day of our reunion, I saw that she was not very happy, and I was afraid that she had encountered some troublesome things in life."

"That's your business, I don't care."

is not that right?

Jun Yao doesn't care about my affairs, he only cares about whether I can win a man's heart.

That night, Wang Yangyou sent me a message, saying that he wanted to invite me out for dinner.

I have no time to go back.

I have already said that I want to keep a distance from him. If I take the initiative to push past him at this time, it will only make him feel that I am extremely cheap, and what I say has no credibility at all.

Only by making him feel that he is about to lose will he be taken seriously.

After I replied a few words to Wang Yang lightly, Dandan sent me another message.

"Xiaofeng, I quarreled with my husband. I suspect that he has another woman outside. What do you think I should do?"

I couldn't see Dandan's expression through the screen of the phone, and at a very, very long distance, but I can probably guess that she must be a face that is about to cry now.

"Dandan, do you know why I became like this?"


"I understand better than anyone. As a woman, you have to change your appearance first. You need to be prettier, prettier. When you are prettier, there are always those whores Cling to them. As for men, there are almost no people who don’t care about appearance.”


I know my words are not pleasant, even a little ugly.But it's true.

After graduation, Dandan got married, gave birth to a child, gained weight, and her skin is not as good as before.

"I have an annual card for the gym and a beauty salon. You can go there more when you have time. In addition, don't put too much thought on unnecessary people and things. You have to Your own circle of life. If you believe what I say, do as I say, if you don't believe, forget it."

"Xiaofeng, I believe in you."

I think she must have believed me.

Because I flirted with Wang Yang, and on the day of the class reunion, everyone treated me that way again.

From a short, fat and ugly person to a goblin that makes everyone's heart flutter, she has witnessed this process before, and she can't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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