China's tongue

Chapter 1 Reprint Preface: The Extended Bridge of Chinese Culture

Chapter 1 Reprint Preface: The Extended Bridge of Chinese Culture

Hu Zhanfan, director of CCTV

It is indeed rare for a documentary to arouse the pursuit and praise of the whole society. Therefore, the seven-episode documentary "A Bite of China Season 2012" produced by CCTV in 1 was broadcast on the comprehensive channel "Charming Records" and on the documentary channel. After it was released, the praise from all walks of life for it exceeded our expectations.In fact, this film has also had a great influence overseas.In the 2012 French Spring Cannes TV Festival, this documentary was also recognized and praised by multinational media and institutions.After two years of precipitation and accumulation, the supporting book "A Bite of China Season 1" (Perfect Collector's Edition) is finally about to be published.The popularity of this documentary has aroused our thinking, such as how mainstream media promotes advanced culture; how to insist on quality, character, and taste; how to promote Chinese excellent culture to the world in a more vivid and intimate way.

First, "Glamour Records" is a beneficial attempt by the mainstream media to insist on quality, character and taste.The documentary "A Bite of China·Season 1" premiered on the column of "Charming Records" shows the rich traditional Chinese culture and is a video work with a national style.After the film was broadcast, it became a public topic of discussion in the streets and alleys for a while, and "tongue style" quickly became popular on the Internet.Today, the "butterfly effect" triggered by this documentary is still spreading, highlighting the attraction and communication power of mainstream cultural works in society.Judging from the results of the ratings survey, the documentary "A Bite of China·Season 1" greatly surpassed all kinds of TV dramas and variety shows broadcast at the same time.This phenomenon is thought-provoking.Starting from April 2012, 4, CCTV launched the "Charm Records" column in the evening prime time of the comprehensive channel, replacing the TV series broadcast in this time period in the past.Our consideration is that, as a national TV station, we must insist on putting culture and quality first. In particular, the comprehensive channel, as a flagship channel, should give priority to national demeanor, cultural quality, social influence, audience reputation and reputation in terms of column design and programming. and other indicators, promote the mainstream culture of society, and highlight the social responsibility of the media.In fact, if you really insist on high-grade and high-quality good programs, the ratings will often perform well.For example, since the launch of the "Charm Records" column, the ratings have exceeded the original TV series by 16%, and with the cultivation of the brand and the improvement of influence, there is still a lot of room for growth. "Charming Records" has successively broadcast world-class documentaries such as "Life", "Human Planet", "The Great Rift Valley" and "Apocalypse", which has improved the cultural character, taste and quality of national TV stations, and optimized the programs of CCTV's main channel The structure enriches the form of the program and meets the diverse cultural needs of the audience, especially attracting more and more young audiences to return to the TV screen. "A Bite of China Season 30" is the first outstanding Chinese original documentary premiered in the "Charming Records" column. With the help of high-quality platforms, it has realized the brand superposition effect of classic works and greatly enhanced the popularity of the documentary among TV audiences across the country. It also proves that documentaries, a high-end mainstream cultural product, are increasingly demonstrating the cohesion and attraction of mainstream cultural values ​​in society.

Second, the documentary "A Bite of China·Season 1" is an active exploration of innovative ways of spreading Chinese culture to the outside world.It not only shows the great changes since China's reform and opening up, expresses the positive spirit of the Chinese people in the new era, but also conveys China's cultural values ​​from a unique humanistic perspective.Therefore, some foreign media commented that "A Bite of China Season 1" is a successful example of cultural communication.At the same time, the international communication concept of "Chinese theme, world expression" has once again been verified by the international market. "A Bite of China·Season 1" is close to reality, with emotional people, full of strong humanistic care, family and country feelings, and local complexes. It successfully overcomes communication barriers such as language, society, and values, and explores the "going out" of Chinese culture. A lot of valuable experience and enlightenment. "Drool and tears" is the most vivid description of the patriotism and homesickness conveyed in the film by the audience, especially overseas audiences.

Thirdly, the documentary "A Bite of China·Season 1" is a successful practice of CCTV's realistic documentary creation.It is expressed through microscopic elements such as a person, a family, and a village. Its expression is amiable, it pays attention to details, and warm stories are interspersed with it, which makes people feel close and easy to accept. Contemporary representation of the subject.

As an important embodiment of the country's cultural soft power and the best media form for value dissemination, the social influence and unique charm of documentaries are becoming increasingly apparent.At the same time, CCTV Documentary Channel, together with China Radio and Television Publishing House and Zhongnan Boji Tianjuan Culture Media Co., Ltd., after a long period of deliberation and deliberation, timely launched "A Bite of China Season 1" (Perfect Collection Edition) ).In terms of content, style and layout, in order to highlight the words "perfect" and "treasure", this book strives to reflect the cultural connotation of the documentary itself in layout. While enjoying and tasting an exquisite cultural feast, the circulation and collection value of this book are enhanced.In addition, in terms of content, "A Bite of China·Season 1" (Perfect Collector's Edition) not only vividly restores the documentary, but also adds food traceability, cultural research, and famous works by famous artists, so that readers can enjoy the experience after reading. In addition, it has a deeper understanding of the relationship between man and nature, man and man, man and culture, man and tradition, and even man and time, which deepens readers' deeper experience and understanding of Chinese food culture. "A Bite of China·Season 1" (Perfect Collector's Edition) uses the method of in-depth reading to demonstrate the inner temperament of the documentary, forming a unique extension and complementary relationship with the documentary.

While launching "A Bite of China Season 1" (Perfect Collector's Edition), at the same time as the documentary "A Bite of China Season 2" is on the air, we have also received enthusiastic responses from all walks of life; at the same time, The book of the same name of "A Bite of China Season 2" will also meet readers and friends in the near future.

We are creating more international-oriented, well-produced, first-class quality, and well-known high-quality documentaries like "A Bite of China", playing the leading role that national television stations should have in spreading Chinese civilization and traditional culture and conveying the value of Chinese culture.

(End of this chapter)

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