I can summon Huaxia Yingjie

Chapter 244 Alien Race Secret

Chapter 244 Alien Race Secret
"Since Emperor Fengrao unified the Nine Regions, all races that are different from the orthodox Fengrao humans have been called alien races!"

"When the Fengrao Land was in power, the Fengrao Human Race was unprecedentedly strong, and the oppressed alien races fled the Fengrao Continent one after another. Today, there are very few alien races on the Fengrao Continent."

Qin Yi, who was dressed in black, was talking about the alien race with a pale complexion.

"Is the alien race weak?"

After hearing that the foreign races were expelled from the Fengrao Continent one after another, Qin Yu couldn't help asking with some doubts.

This is different from the alien race in his impression!

Shouldn't the alien races be extremely tyrannical and oppress the human race wantonly?

"Hearing this word, Qin Yi smiled wryly, and then continued: "The strength of the foreign race is not weak, but terrifyingly strong. The reason why they were expelled from the Fengrao Continent is entirely because the Fengrao God Court is too powerful! "

"During Emperor Fengrao's reign, the Fengrao God's Court reached its peak. Emperor Fengrao personally led the God's Court army to fight against the alien race for more than [-] years before driving away the alien race and obtaining a piece of pure land for our Fengrao race!"

When he said this, Qin Yi showed a trace of respect on his face.

After he calmed down a bit, he continued to narrate: "Although Emperor Fengrao ruled the world, he was no match for the erosion of the years. After his death, the Fengrao Divine Court collapsed, and the Nine Regions re-divided and became self-reliant. Seeing a slight chance to return to Fengrao, they assembled heavy troops on the border of Fengrao, and repeatedly invaded the human dynasty in Fengrao's nine regions!"

"The strength of the foreign race is too strong, and the human dynasty can't resist it at all. Forced to helplessly, the human races of the nine regions reluctantly unite to fight against the foreign race, but in general, they still lose more than they win against the foreign race."

After silently listening to Qin Yi's narration, Qin Yu nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "Since the forces of alien races are so rampant, why haven't I seen alien races on Fengrao Continent until now?"


Qin Yi snorted coldly, and then said in a disdainful tone: "This is all thanks to Tianqing Emperor Yang Wuji who recognized his father well!"

"Recognize father!? What's going on?"

Qin Yu asked Qin Yi in surprise.

"After the establishment of the Nine Realms Alliance, there are still more defeats and fewer victories in the face of foreign races. This has made some soft-boned youngsters feel that the foreign races are invincible. They advocate that it is better to serve the foreign races with courtesies, so that they can live together without using weapons. , their theory was very attractive at the time."

"Among them, Emperor Tianqing of the Fengrao Dynasty is a loyal fan of this theory. He did not care about the glory of his ancestor, Emperor Fengrao, and took the lead in withdrawing from the Nine Realms Alliance, and then served the overlord Spirit Race among the alien races with courtesies. What's more, this For the first time, the soft bone actually recognized Ling Huan, the leader of the spirit clan who is hundreds of years younger than him, as his father, this matter was made a joke on Luo Xing for a while!"

"At that time, the Fengrao Dynasty was the strongest in the Nine Regions Alliance. After seeing that the strongest Fengrao Dynasty recognized their father, the rest of the alliance members no longer had the slightest desire to confront the alien race, and they all passively defended. The human race on the border has since then I fell into the slavery of a foreign race!"

When Qin repeated his words, his tone was quite excited, wishing he could strangle Yang Wuji who was speaking to death.

Yo huh? !
Unexpectedly, there are people like Shi Jingtang in this world!

After listening to Qin Yi's narration, the corners of Qin Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

No matter how he sees this Tianqing Emperor Yang Wuji, he looks like another world's version of the crazy demon Shi Jingtang who recognizes his father.

Suddenly, Qin Yi looked at Qin Yu enthusiastically and said, "Your Majesty, I think you can lead the Fengrao Human Race to repeat the glory of Emperor Fengrao!"

Through Qin Wen's account of Qin Yu's rise, and what he had seen and heard, Qin Yi believed that Qin Yu would definitely be able to suppress the alien race again and repeat the glory of the human race!

Hearing this, Qin Yu's expression became extremely strange.

Xindao, are the brain circuits of people from the Qin family so strange?

"Zhu Yan imprisoned his cultivation, and placed him in the Enshrining Division!"

Qin Yu's words gave Qin Yu a more three-dimensional understanding of this world.


Zhu Yan agreed in a deep voice, and then helped Qin Yi to leave the Ziwei Pavilion.

Looking at the backs of the two of them leaving, Qin Yu secretly said in his heart: "The human race will definitely rise again, but the rising human race will definitely be under the leadership of my Daqin!"


Wugu Barbarian Country, Barbarian God Prairie.

"Chi, chi, chi!"

Under the scorching sun, the majestic and powerful horses breathed white gas from their nostrils.

The flags embroidered with prairie eagles fluttered wantonly in the huge Ugu barbarian army formation.

This time, in order to completely wipe out the Great Qin Northern Army, the Barbarian Emperor's army ministers personally led nearly 400 million barbarian warriors, blocking the Great Qin Northern Army on the Manshen Prairie.

This battle is a decisive battle, a battle of the fate of the Wugu Barbarian Kingdom, and a decisive battle of the Great Qin Northern Army!

"Attack, kill all Qin people!"

The ferocious military officer of the barbarian emperor gave the order to attack in a sharp voice.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Under his order, countless barbarian warriors pressed towards the opposite Qin army formation like giant waves.

For this expedition to the Great Qin Northern Army, the Barbarian Royal Court mobilized a total of 100 million wolf cavalry, the two royal tribes mobilized a total of 100 million barbarian berserkers, and the remaining tribes sent a total of more than [-] million troops, mainly ordinary barbarian warriors.

"Ow, ooh, ooh!"

The giant wolf with saliva dripping from the corner of its mouth howled and rushed towards the Qin army formation.

The barbarian berserker was shirtless and brandished a huge mace, vowing to fight the Qin army to the death.

Ordinary barbarian warriors followed behind them, rushing forward in a mess!

The Qin army was in formation, and the banner of the black dragon was fluttering.

50 bloody berserkers held a huge shield made of fine steel, firmly guarding the front of the army formation.

"This battle, my Great Qin will definitely win!"

"God bless Da Qin!"

Yu Wencheng, holding a gold-plated phoenix wing, yelled loudly at Zhou.

His voice was like thunder, and it exploded in the hearts of every sergeant of the Great Qin Northern Army.

Great Qin will win, God bless Great Qin!
Great Qin will win, God bless Great Qin!
Thousands of soldiers of the Northern Army of Great Qin roared in unison.

Its roar can make rivers flow backwards and mountains crumble!
"Okay, all the soldiers are ready to fight!"

After Yu Wencheng looked around, he gave the last order.


The generals of the Northern Army agreed in unison, and then began to quickly return to their respective trilogy to prepare for the battle.


In front of the long-distance army formed by 30 dragon crossbow guards, Zhang Yichao, holding a dark long blade, gave the order to shoot arrows in a deep voice.

"Shh, shh, shh!"

After receiving the order, the calm-faced dragon crossbow guards decisively clasped the hanging knives in their hands.

Afterwards, thousands of bows and arrows flew together, like a group of buzzing locusts.

"Kill, kill, kill all Qin people!"

Aoao screaming are Wugu barbarians, and they are not afraid of life and death at this moment. They don't care about the rain of arrows rushing towards them. They just want to break through the Qin army's formation and kill the weak Qin people!
"Puff, puff, puff!"

Thousands of crossbow arrows poured down, and in an instant, countless shrill screams came from the barbarian army formation.

Bows with strong impact can easily penetrate the Wugu barbarians who are not very armored, and the crossbow arrows issued by the Dragon Crossbow Guards often penetrate behind several barbarians due to their excessive impact force. , will completely lose the impact!
Under the constant pull of the hanging knife by the heavy guards of the dragon crossbow, at least more than [-] Wugu barbarians who rushed towards the Qin army's formation have fallen down.

The stench of blood penetrated every soldier on both sides of the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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