Chapter 183 Cutting Peas

Seeing that Ning Luo was not in the room after taking a shower, Bei Minggu went to look for her in her sister's room, and asked her about her injuries. It's right.

"Bei Minggu, I'm looking for you!" Ning Luo rushed forward, grabbed his hand and dragged him into the room.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her anxious appearance, Bei Minggu really couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Don't ask, you have to go back to your room!" Ning Luo kicked the door open, got into the room first, and dragged Bei Minggu in.

What is it that you have to go back to your room to do?
Bei Ming and Gu Han's eyes lit up, Gao Zhiqian's head was greatly tilted, and he immediately closed the door on his own initiative, put his back against the door panel and raised his hands, waiting for his wife to pounce on him and tear his clothes, if he could gnaw on his chest , he will feel more sentimental.

"Bei Minggu, I've figured it out. Kang Meiyi wants to be slept with by you so much, so go and put her to sleep. If you don't sleep, you don't sleep. Let's go to sleep first!" Ning Luo closed her eyes, and her heart was hard , Finished in one go, without taking a breath.

"What?" Bei Minggu frowned fiercely, did he hear correctly?Thought this girl was going to sleep with him, but in the end she wanted him to sleep with another woman?

Thinking that he didn't hear his own words clearly, Ning Luo repeated again, "I said, since you need to have sex with Kang Meiyi after your resurrection, you should go and put her to sleep. If you don't sleep for nothing, let's talk about it after you sleep!"

Last night, he said viciously that he was born to her, and he must be her ghost in death. He was not allowed to be with Kang Meiyi, and he was not even allowed to hold Kang Meiyi's hand. Everything changed?
Bei Minggu frowned, and put his palm on her forehead, she didn't have a fever!

"Girl, did Susu tell you something?" Bei Minggu held her shoulders, stared into her eyes, and asked very seriously. This girl can't change her mind for no reason. It was Susu who said something to her.

As long as she disagrees, he won't change his mind because of anyone or anything.

"No..." Ning Luo shook his head, and after thinking for a while, he told the story of Kang Meiyi eavesdropping on her conversation with Liu Jiansu, "She actually threatened me that I must let you marry her, otherwise she would not bring you back to life, The only way you want to come back to life is to rape her!"

Ning Luo was very angry, "My old lady has never been threatened before. If she dares to threaten me, I will naturally have to teach her a lesson! I have made it clear that since she wants to marry you so much, you should make a fake marriage certificate." Give her, actually let her register with an ugly and old man, and then throw her on the ugly man's bed after sleeping, and piss her off!"

As usual, if Ning Luo wants to abuse someone, Bei Minggu will definitely attack without hesitation, and even abuse the person more "perfectly" than she imagined, and abuse as much as she wants.

But this time, Bei Minggu didn't, but held her shoulders even tighter, made her look up into his eyes, and asked almost word by word: "You mean, in order to take revenge on Kang Meiyi, you have to let me Go and put her to sleep?"

That's why she suddenly changed her mind?
In order to get revenge, don't you mind if he sleeps with other women?

"No." Ning Luo blinked and shook his head.

"Why is that?" Bei Minggu asked, he would rather her unreasonably prevent him from being resurrected than push him to Kang Meiyi, and he couldn't accept that she was out to get revenge on Kang Meiyi.

"..." Of course she didn't ask Bei Minggu to sleep with Kang Meiyi for the sake of taking revenge on Kang Meiyi. When he came to Bei Minggu, he didn't think about how to persuade him first.

"Huh?" Beiming Gu Yang raised his voice and asked forcefully.

If it was for his family, I am afraid that Bei Minggu would stubbornly disagree with the resurrection plan. After thinking about it, Ning Luo had no choice but to say, "I said, I prefer you alive with flesh and blood, and I don't mind you at all." With Kang Meiyi, you don't have to worry about me."

Ning Luo knew that he didn't agree to be with Kang Meiyi because he was afraid that she would be jealous and angry, so she quickly stated her position.

"You don't mind if I'm with Kang Meiyi?" Bei Minggu asked again.

"Actually, a little bit." Ning Luo quickly explained, "But, it's not too serious. I can bear it. You don't have to worry about me. Anyway, you are married to her in a fake way, not really..."

"You still want me to marry her?" Bei Minggu interrupted her.

"It's a fake marriage!" Ning Luo quickly emphasized that he was afraid that he still had concerns, so he quickly added comfort, "Look, you married her, slept with her, and then threw him to the ugly man who married him, help me How could I mind if I got revenge, haha."

She forced a smile.

"Fake marriage?" Bei Minggu seemed to understand. In order to get revenge on Kang Meiyi, she not only let him sleep with Kang Meiyi, but also asked him to cheat on Kang Meiyi's marriage.

"Yes, it's a fake marriage. I know you can do it." Ning Luo said, and added stupidly, "Don't worry, I will definitely not make you ask you to marry her for real. If you really If you marry her, wouldn't it be worth giving her some of the property, which is not worth it."

"No, I can't do it!" Bei Minggu suddenly felt a little angry, and said something against his will, "This is not Beicheng, without my power, there is no way to get a fake marriage certificate, if I want to get married, I can only marry her for real .”

"Then, let's go back to Beicheng?" Ning Luo suggested.

"Without a plane, I can't go back in one day. Tomorrow at 12 o'clock is the time of Wuyin, and the marriage certificate can only be issued in Nancheng." Bei Minggu said deliberately, "Since you agree that I will be with her, then I can only marry her."

"..." Ning Luo was stunned and didn't speak.

"Disagree? Are you afraid that after I marry her, I don't want you anymore? Or after I marry him, you can only be my mistress, huh?" What a reaction.

Of course Ning Luo didn't want to become someone else's mistress, let alone marry Kang Meiyi, and was about to say no, but the words of the wind sounded in his mind again, he gritted his teeth and changed his mouth, "If you decide, you will marry Kang Meiyi if you really want to get married. Really married, don't mind me!"

She really believed in him, believed that he had no choice but to marry Kang Meiyi, and believed that his heart would not betray her.

They all agreed that he slept with Kang Meiyi, and marriage was nothing. What she really cared about was the former, not the marriage certificate.

"You can even promise me to marry her?" Bei Minggu suddenly became furious, turned around and went out, leaving Ning Luo alone in a sense of loss.

Why did things become like this?

Obviously she didn't mean that, why does it seem that Bei Minggu misunderstood her?
"Bei Minggu..." Ning Luo chased after her, but she couldn't see Bei Minggu's figure anymore, so she kept walking along the country dirt road.

At this time, there are already farmers working in the fields.

Soft pods of peas are planted in the fields, and purple flowers are blooming in rows on the vines in the fields.

Ning Luo couldn't find Bei Minggu, and felt that the air in the countryside was particularly good, so he stood on the ridge of the field and watched the farmers cut peas.

Ning Luo had long thought that bean-cutting was very interesting. Seeing the little brother's shy smile, he couldn't help but ask, "Big brother, are you going to pick this up and sell it?"

"Well, let's sell it in the city." The younger brother took a quick look at Ning Luo, and felt that the girls in the city were beautiful, watery, and even had watery eyes, which was very attractive.

"How much is a pound?"

"Two yuan and five, the market is almost the same. Sometimes it only sells for more than one yuan, and rarely sells for more than three yuan."

"Oh..." Ning Luo tilted her head cutely, and let out a long cry, thinking that these flat beans are not heavy, and they only cost [-] yuan a catty, and they have to be cut one by one. The farmers are really hard.

Although it was hard work, she saw that the little brother seemed to be very happy cutting the beans. She stepped on the grass on the field ridge for a long time enviously, and couldn't help asking suddenly: "Brother, tell me, is life important or is life important?" Are feelings important?"

The little brother didn't expect that the beautiful girl in the city would ask such a strange question. He scratched his head in embarrassment and blurted out: "Of course life is important. If life is gone, what are you talking about? You two?" People in the city just have too much money, so they can’t spend it all to deal with these things, but we don’t, we have to be busy cutting beans to make money for the New Year when we have time.”

Well, even the big brother's words are the same as the master's.

Ning Luo bit her lip, she was really sure that even if he was to marry Kang Meiyi, Bei Minggu must be brought back alive first.

"Brother, let me cut the beans for you." After thinking clearly, Ning Luo felt better, jumped into the field from the ridge, stood in front of the peas taller than a person, and said with a smile.

"Cut with a blade." The little brother couldn't bear to refuse, and handed the tool in his hand to Ning Luo, "Cut these mature ones, look, like these, those small ones will be cut next time when they grow up."

"Understood!" Ning Luo immediately grabbed a bean, and cut off the handle with a utility knife.

Not to mention, it was fun.

Ning Luo immediately raised his strength, and the cut was very handy.

"I can't believe that you look so cute and beautiful, and you can cut it so quickly." The little brother praised, but just glanced at her little white shoes covered with dirt, and frowned, "You better not cut it. , your shoes are full of mud, so it’s not easy to wash them.”

Only then did Ning Luo realize that his little white shoes had changed beyond recognition.

"It's okay, I'll just go back and wash it." Ning Luo raised his foot to shake off the sticky lump of soil, but tripped over a grass vine, lost his balance and fell into the field, with the tool knife pricking his finger.

The little brother hurried over to help her, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Although her fingers hurt, Ning Luo put her hands behind her back so that no one could see them. Although she didn't intend to do anything big for others, she was very embarrassed to cause trouble for no reason.

After all, he had never been in the field before. After Ning Luo stood up, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell forward again.

Fortunately, that little brother hugged her, otherwise she would have fallen into the mud.

Just as she was about to thank her, a fist flew out of the corner of her eye, and with a bang, the little brother who was holding her just now flew out in a straight line and hit the pea vine, crushing a row of peas.


The other two women in the field yelled, and hurried over to help the little brother, yelling in panic in their native dialect, as if they were cursing or calling for someone to come, but the little brother's nose was crushed, The nosebleed kept coming out.

Ning Luo was dumbfounded for a long time before realizing belatedly that it was Bei Minggu who beat someone.

He was standing in front of him right now, staring at him condescendingly, and said coldly, "Kang Ningluo, do you also hook up with this kind of guy? I just said that I want to marry Kang Meiyi, and you are busy looking for other men?"

(End of this chapter)

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