Chapter 200 The Cloaked Monster Is You
"The gossip mirror can show the true face of demons and ghosts, but I forgot to take the gossip mirror in Rongjia Village. You wait here, and I will drive to get it right away." Seeing her pleading and firm face, Liu Jiansu couldn't bear to refuse her requirements.

As he spoke, he drew a talisman and pasted it on the thing's forehead, and pulled out the mahogany sword.

The thing sprayed out a foul-smelling liquid again, leaning against the wall motionless, looking very scary, Ning Luo felt that the thing was not "dead", otherwise Master would not have stuck a talisman on its forehead.

Rongjia Village is outside the city, not close to here, Ning Luo felt afraid to stay with such a thing, "Master, I will go with you, I don't want to stay with this thing."

Liu Jiansu was worried about leaving her here alone, so she agreed after thinking about it, but when he came in just now, there were two tall bodyguards guarding the door, "The people outside were sent by Bei Minggu? Are they here?" To protect you, or to guard you?"

"Watch me." Ning Luo looked at Master in embarrassment, "He won't let me go out. If I want to go out, I have to get rid of the two bodyguards outside."

"It's easy." Liu Jiansu took a bundle of ropes from his rucksack and tied it under Ning Luo's armpit, opened the window and sent her to the ground. Fortunately, the apartment is not high, and Ning Luo suddenly thought of going to the suburbs to find the suction. When Kang Yuzhe was a female ghost, the master used the ghost rope to send her to the ground in the same way.

It's still the master who loves her and always takes risks for her.

After Liu Jiansu sent her to the ground, she took up the rope and climbed down the sewer pipe lightly by herself.

Liu Jiansu was driving Longwan Diting's car, a Land Rover with a high chassis, specially designed for mountain and wild roads. Going to Rongjia Village to get the Eight Diagrams mirror went smoothly, but there was a problem when driving back.

The Land Rover was speeding on the highway, and passing a fork in the road, suddenly a black car appeared closely behind their car, Liu Jiansu tried to get rid of the car, but it was on the highway, no matter how hard he tried to shake it, he couldn’t get rid of it .

"Lolo, it can't be your delusion, right? We and the two cars behind are the only ones on the expressway. Maybe they just go with us." Liu Jiansu said, after all, they are on the same expressway, so they don't necessarily just follow us. them.

"My sixth sense is very good. I always feel that this car is following us." Ning Luo took out the Spike flashlight from the master's bag, turned around to take a photo of the other party's car, and then looked inside the car. After all, it is a magical figure.

All of a sudden, the car sped forward with a bang, and kept pace with their car.

Ning Luo was taken aback by the opponent's speed, but when he saw the person inside the car, he was even more frightened. The person was actually wrapped in a black cloak, his face could not be seen, and he even held the wind steering wheel. Hands are wrapped in black cloth.

The interior of the carriage is bright and the door is closed tightly, but the cape on the forehead is automatic without wind, which is very strange.

Is this a human or a ghost?
Ning Luo quickly looked at the back seat of the other party's car, it was empty, there was only this "person" in the driver's seat.

What Zhao Suhang once said suddenly sounded in my mind: that thing was wrapped in a white cloak, and because I was lying on the hospital bed, I could clearly see that the thing had no feet on the ground, or no feet at all.

That's what Zhuo Qi said when he was electrocuted and hospitalized.

Although the one in front of him was wrapped in a black cloak, and what Zhao Suhang said was a white cloak, but why did Ning Luo feel that the two were related, and couldn't help crying out anxiously, "Master, this thing should be, it's a ghost!"

Hearing this, Liu Jiansu couldn't help turning her head abruptly, and suddenly she lost her grip on the wind steering wheel, and the car swayed for a moment, but the car following behind wanted to rush over again to keep pace with their car. Wipe the ass of their car and hit it...

Their car smashed through the high-speed guardrail and rushed down the highway.

There is a mountain slope below, and the Land Rover turned over several times and rolled down. Before Ning Luo in the car could feel the fear, he was knocked dizzy and dizzy. With a loud "bang", the Land Rover hit hard down the hill.

The car window was shattered, and Ning Luo was knocked out of the car window by a powerful impact force, and rolled into the grass.

After being dazed for a long time, he was awakened by a sharp pain from his stomach.

Under the hazy moonlight, she saw bright red liquid flowing out from between her legs*.

"My child! My child..." Ning Luo suddenly panicked, ignoring the pain in other parts of his body, clutching his stomach and struggling to get up from the grass, stumbled and ran out.

After seeing the entire overturned Land Rover, the dizzy head suddenly remembered that it was the result of an overturned car, then Master...

He couldn't even care about the pain in his stomach. Ning Luo ran to the side of the car with two steps and one fall. The smell of gasoline.

"Master, I, I'll rescue you..." Ning Luo was dizzy, grabbing the car door and trying to pry the big Land Rover open.

"Don't!" Liu Jiansu was still awake, grabbed her feet, and handed her the gossip mirror she was holding in her hand, "You go, I can't get out, Master can't help you in the future, take this gossip mirror Looking at Bei Minggu's face in the mirror, you can tell if it's true or not..."

"No, Master, I will save you!" Ning Luo pushed the cart vigorously, and seemed to see a person rushing down from it in a daze, and in the next second she was pulled into his arms by a man, who was still there. Desperately calling her name.

"Help my master..." No matter who came, Ning Luo begged.

"I have already called the police. The police will come soon. You follow me first."

"No, I don't want to..."

Before Ning Luo finished speaking, she was forcibly hugged by the other party, and she also passed out due to the pain in her stomach.

I don't know how much time has elapsed since she was drowsy, and Ning Luo heard a voice saying: "The patient's fetus has no heartbeat and has already died. Moreover, it is such a big fetus. If you don't abort it quickly, your life will be in danger."

Immediately afterwards, another voice sounded, "Doctor, then hurry up and abort!"

After a pause, the voice sounded again, with a discussing tone, "But doctor, when she wakes up, you have to say that the fetus has nothing to do with this car accident, it died in the womb long ago, and the car accident just caused the dead fetus to abort. "


To abort her child?
Who is so shameless?Why is this voice so familiar?

Ning Luo sat up abruptly, "My son is not dead, no one is allowed to touch my son!"

"Ning Luo, your child has already died in the womb."

"Yes, if you don't have an abortion, your life will be in danger."

The second sentence is from the doctor, and the first Mu Xiqiao, why is he here?Thinking this way in his head, Ning Luo asked, "Why are you here? Where are I, my master?"

No wonder he was able to say such shameless words because of this scumbag.

"Don't worry, your master is fine." Obviously afraid of her agitation, Mu Xiqiao hurriedly comforted her, and then frowned angrily, "I chased you all the way on the highway and called you all the way, but you just ignored me. That's cruel enough!"

Ning Luo didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and regardless of the drip, he pulled out the needle and got out of bed and grabbed his collar, "What are you talking about? You were chasing me on the highway? You bumped me into my master Under the high speed? That cloaked monster is you?"

"What cloak monster?" Mu Xiqiao felt very puzzled, "I didn't do it on purpose, I wanted to catch up with you, but your car suddenly slanted to the side, and I hit your car."

At that time, Mingming caught up with them twice and called her through the car window, but she not only ignored them, but also seemed panicked and scared?This dead girl is very bad. Since the breakup, she always loses face when she sees him. When have you ever been afraid of him?

Mu Xiqiao said that he was also very depressed!
(End of this chapter)

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