God-level Scholar: Start with Mecha-making

Chapter 189 Different Feelings

Chapter 189 Different Feelings

In the past, I once learned such a composition in a primary school textbook. The title was "Extremely Wonderful and Terrible". It was about a little boy who wrote a poem carefully and showed it to his mother. His mother said: "It's wonderful." The little boy was greatly encouraged, and he showed it to his father confidently, but his father said, "It's terrible." This surprised the little boy and jumped from the top of the cliff. Falling to the bottom of the abyss, he ran to the bed in despair and cried bitterly. 30 years later, this little boy also had his own son. He unconsciously discovered that the poem he wrote when he was a child was neither so good nor so bad, but why did his parents say that? The same poem, the same person Why is there such a difference in opinions between the two parents? The difference is that one is a mother and the other is a father. The two completely different loves make the author’s growth boat stable all the time, without being overwhelmed by praise, nor Don't be criticized and consume confidence, and have been growing up healthily in the invisible love of parents.There is another story called "One Step After Another" about a little boy who climbed up a mountain but couldn't come down.His good friend called his father. He thought his father would carry him down, but his father stopped at the foot of the mountain and directed the little boy to come down by himself. "Imagine: If it were a mother, she would never let her child walk down such a steep mountain by herself. I wonder if you have ever seen such a scene: a child who was just able to walk fell down, and the mother's first reflect
I am a girl who is loved by my parents, and I have been the apple of their eye since I can remember.Although my family is not as privileged as other children's families, I can enjoy the meticulous care of my parents. I feel that I grew up in such a happy family, and I feel extremely happy!
The sea is dry and the rock is rotten, but the love of parents will never change.The love of parents is the beacon light on our way forward, it drives away the darkness and brings us a bright future!
The growth of every child is inseparable from the great and selfless love of our parents! With the great and selfless love of our parents, we will grow up carefree and happy.As we grow up, our parents will also grow old day by day with the passage of time, and we still don't know how to honor them when we are young, and we always act like a baby in their arms! Parents have never complained They have cared for us with regret, they have provided us with a beautiful living environment and a happy family! And we should do our best to repay them!
From the moment we were born, to the time our parents raised us, everything permeated with their contribution to us! They gave us life! They gave us confidence! They gave us selfless dedication! They taught us to walk, Teach us to speak, teach us to tell all kinds of nursery rhymes, teach us to recite ancient poems, and teach us many principles of life.It is they who show us the course of progress and let us brave the wind and waves to move forward bravely.

Every day we grow up, we cannot do without the selfless nectar of our parents, so that our seedlings will thrive.We can never finish the kindness of our parents...under their care, we went from babbling to entering the school gate.From elementary school to junior high school, to junior high school to high school.From being admitted to a university in high school, to graduating from a university and entering the society... These long years are all soaked in the hard work of parents.Parents are like towering trees, and we are like the immature little trees, growing up gradually under the shade of our parents, and under the care of our parents' towering trees, we slowly grow from small trees to towering trees!
My parents are over 60 years old. They are both old and often sick. They basically lost the ability to work, and the financial situation of the family is not very good.Parents are usually very frugal, save food and money, and are very stingy to themselves.Can be responsive to my request, never stingy.They leave delicious food for me to eat, and they will try their best to satisfy everything I need in life no matter how difficult it is.Everything they did was for my sake, and they devoted all their love and effort to me.

Open the floodgate of memory, one by one the past events are pouring out.When I was very young, I vaguely remember, because of my naughtiness, I jumped up and down on the stool, stepped on the air, and touched my forehead on the corner of the coffee table.Suddenly, a big gash opened on his forehead, and blood gushed out.Mom immediately took a towel and made an emergency bandage for me, and Dad immediately took me to the hospital by bike.My parents were very anxious. When my parents heard me yelling in the emergency room of the hospital, they were overwhelmed.The doctor treated the wound, sewed a few stitches, and finally bandaged me, and my parents breathed a sigh of relief.When they heard the doctor said that everything was fine, the stone in their hearts fell to the ground.

I remember when I was in elementary school.That winter, when school was over, it snowed heavily.My parents are old and not in good health. I thought to myself: What happened, I have to go home in the snow.Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the school, her mother appeared in the ranks of many parents.I couldn't help but my eyes became hot, and I shouted: "Mom!"

Also, when I was in the third grade of elementary school, one thing is still fresh in my memory.It was a Sunday before Thanksgiving, and the head teacher asked us to wash the feet of our parents to thank them.

That night, I took the foot-washing water and was going to wash my mother's feet. My mother said with a sweet smile: "You are my mother's good daughter! Mom is so happy!" When I washed my mother's feet, I saw mother's feet Looking at the wrinkles that have experienced vicissitudes, I saw my mother running around all day for us. The bones on her feet became bigger and taller. Her two toe bones have been glued and merged together, and the bones have been deformed.But she still smiled and said to me: "When the weather changes, her feet sometimes hurt so much that it is difficult to walk." These were all discovered by me when I washed her feet, but she never said anything to her. We said so.I saw a strong and optimistic mother who had grown old for us.I saw her already grizzled face and her deformed feet, which made me cry.At this time, I remembered the little things my mother did for me...

After washing my mother's feet, when I brought the foot-washing water to wash my father's feet, my father's face full of vicissitudes showed a sweet and happy smile. He said wittily, "Dad is so happy! Our daughter is so happy! It's gone!" At this moment, I saw my father running around all day for us, his face already grizzled and wrinkled.I also saw my father's calloused feet, which had worked so hard for us all day.think about

(End of this chapter)

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