Hear the heartache

Chapter 46 I'm here to watch you

Chapter 46 I'm here to watch you
The three sexy girls who came in sat down next to Li Zhejian, Li Zheyi and Mr. Tang respectively, and began to make advanced teasing.This time the boss specifically explained to the three of them that they must be served well.Otherwise, what they accidentally lost would be their lives.

When the three of them heard what the boss said, they inevitably felt a little stressed.The provocative skills are not played very well.Nerves are always tense.

Li Zheyi was not interested in such a girl, but he seemed to like that Mr. Tang, and pulled the sexy girl lying on his body into Mr. Tang's arms, "Mr. Tang, have fun. You two You must serve this gentleman well."


Turning to look at Li Zhejian again, he was hugging that beauty, sipping red wine, with a calm expression.Like an elegant gentleman without emotion.

It's weird... Li Zheyi squinted his eyes to observe Li Zhejian's every move from time to time.

The door of the room was pushed open again.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting." Le'er pulled An Tian to appear in everyone's sight.

is her?

Li Zheyi's hand holding the wine glass froze in mid-air.

An Tian's gaze roughly swept across the crowd, and finally settled on Li Zheyi.Li Zheyi?She still ran into him here.Fortunately, he is not going to A now.Hiding the nervousness in his eyes.She imitated the appearance of a coquettish lady and came to Li Zheyi who was not served by a girl, smiling and refilling his wine.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Li Zhejian's eyes.

Le'er is good at observation, and she keenly captures the flashing emotions in Li Zhejian's eyes.He smiled and sat down next to Li Zheyi's left hand, "I'll serve Brother Yi, Xiaotian, go to Mr. Li Zhejian's side."

"Yeah." That's fine, after all, Li Zheyi had been with her in the same school, and they were still at the same table.Seeing myself here now, what ironic thoughts do I have in my mind?
Li Zheyi didn't agree at first, he really wanted to play with this girl, who looked so pure in school, but he didn't expect to come to Hokele to be a lady.Oh, you really can't judge people by their cover.But Le'er called her Xiaotian just now, and he suddenly remembered last time... So it turned out that the woman Li Zhejian was interested in was her.What a surprise.

Seeing An Tian sitting next to her, Li Zhejian pushed away the woman lying on her body, and pulled An Tian into her arms.

An Tian was like a gentle rabbit in his arms, not daring to move.

"Aren't you a lady?" Li Zhejian said, "Then come and tease me. But you will be paid a lot of money only if you are satisfied with your service."

The following words were like a tiny needle, pricking An Tian's heart.An Tian forced a smile, "I don't know what kind of teasing Mr. Li Zhejian likes?"

Li Zhejian didn't answer, just looked at her blankly.Why did this beautiful cornflower choose to bloom in such a place?The next moment, Li Zhejian suddenly bit An Tian's lips.Yes, not a kiss, but a bite.

Pain... An Tian closed her eyes tightly, blood flowed into her mouth, with a salty taste of blood.

Le'er looked at An Tian worriedly, and was about to step forward to stop her.Li Zheyi grabbed her hand, "Don't worry."

Li Zhejian slowly loosened the teeth that were biting An Tian's lips tightly, and said to her: "From now on, you will be my cornflower alone."

An Tian looked at him suspiciously.

Li Zhejian looked at Le'er, "Where's your boss? I think I need to talk to him about something."

"Just tell me what's going on. Brother, have you forgotten? I run the Hawker's venue, and I believe the boss will save me, right?" Li Zheyi turned his head and asked Le'er in his arms.

"Of course." Le'er affirmed Li Zheyi's words.

Li Zheyi is running the high roller venue?An Tian looked at Li Zheyi in surprise.He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at her, looking extremely charming.Who the hell is he?

"I want An Tian to leave Hawker." Li Zhejian said.

"Is it foster care?" Le'er asked.

"I don't want it." An Tian said.

I don't know good from bad.Li Zhejian's expression was a little ugly.

Li Zheyi didn't speak at the side, is there something wrong with her mind?She refused such a good opportunity to leave this miserable place.There is a real problem with the brain!Li Zheyi didn't understand why he was so angry, it was really inexplicable.

Leer knew why An Tian refused, those photos seemed to tie her up really tightly.Li Zheyi was in charge of the high-roller venue, and Li Zhejian was his own brother, so naturally he couldn't reject the request, otherwise it would hurt the face of the two of them.

"Don't worry, Xiaotian, I'll talk to the boss." Le'er said to Antian, "It'll be fine."

The last sentence was a hint, and Li Zheyi heard it.Could it be that An Tian was forced to stay at Hawker?
Li Zhejian took care of An Tian, ​​and only paid a deposit of 1 yuan for Li Zheyi's sake.When Le'er asked Li Zhejian how long he planned to keep An Tian, ​​he only replied coldly: When I get tired of her, I will send her back.

Li Zhejian brought An Tian to the villa where she lived, "From now on, this is your home."

"Home?" An Tian was taken aback for a moment.

"Yes. Our home." Li Zhejian took out the key and opened the door of the villa, and walked in with An Tian.

The room is spacious and warmly furnished, and there is an unknown scent of flowers in the air.

"You live here?" An Tian found that the layout of the house was very new, and it didn't look like someone had lived in it.

"That's right, but they are often on business trips, and part-time workers will come to clean the villa from time to time. But in the future, there is no need to hire part-time workers." Li Zhejian looked at An Tian and said.

"What? You asked me to come here as an hourly worker?"

"No. To be more specific, part-time plus..." Li Zhejian walked a few steps into An Tian, ​​leaned into An Tian's ear and whispered two words softly: "Sleep with you."

As soon as the words fell, Li Zhejian picked up An Tianheng and walked into the room, "From now on. Remember, if you don't want to go back to Hoker, don't let me lose interest in you. I know you don't want to go back to Hoker Happy."

An Tian didn't say a word, as if she acquiesced.

Li Zhejian put An Tian on the bed, and did not make any further movements towards her. He lay beside her, very quiet.Neither of them said anything, and there was only the sound of their weak and steady breathing in the room.

"Why did you go back to the place where Hocker is?" Li Zhejian asked An Tian softly.

"Didn't I answer you? Because of money."

"I do not believe in that."

"But there's really no other reason."

"Is it because of family reasons? Parents are sick, medical expenses?"

"Hey, why do you say my parents are sick? Your parents are sick." An Tian is very filial to her parents. When she heard Li Zhejian guessing wildly and saying that her parents were sick, she replied angrily. One sentence.

"That's right. My mother passed away when Zhe Yi and I were born. My father also died of a serious illness the year before last. They all died of illness." Li Zhejian said gently, without any sadness in his words.

(End of this chapter)

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