regardless of costs

Chapter 11 Father and Son

Chapter 11 Father and Son
Chapter 11 Father and Son
Soon it will be Saturday.

Recently, Su Xiaomu signed a new contract with the publishing house. As soon as she is inspired, she draws manuscripts day and night, and often stays up until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night. She hated getting up when the doorbell rang in the morning.She looked sleepily into the little cat's eyes, and when her eyes were fully focused, she suddenly became sober. Why did he come here?

Outside the door, Jing Yan pursed his lips, and patiently rang the doorbell again.

Su Xiaomu was a little at a loss for a while, and after tidying up in a hurry, he reluctantly opened the door for him. Outside the door, he stood upright, raised his eyebrows and looked at him quietly, and the line of his lips was still tight. Raise an arc that seems like nothing.

She followed his gaze and looked down, only to realize that she was still wearing extremely childish Snoopy pajamas!She was so embarrassed that she couldn't bear it anymore, and she couldn't use her tongue: "Uh, you, please, please come in and sit down."

Jing Yan walked into the room generously, and his tone was surprisingly gentle: "I seem to... come too early."

Su Xiaomu rolled her eyes, did you know you were here earlier?Knowingly committing a crime.

She quickly changed her clothes and asked him, "How do you know I'm here?" As soon as she said that, she bit her lip and scolded herself for being an idiot. There are things in this world that Jing Yan doesn't know about?Then she smiled awkwardly, "I remember that I had an appointment with you in the afternoon, right?" He came so suddenly that she really wasn't prepared for it at all.

"The weather forecast in the morning said that the temperature will reach 30 degrees at noon. Since we are going to exercise outdoors, I think it's better to start early. You don't mind?" Jing Yan, who was sitting on the sofa, explained methodically, crossing his fingers on the On the lap, looked at her carefully for a while, and said, "Besides, it is the first time meeting Xiaoyao after all, so I hope to be more cautious."

As he said, today's weather is very good, with bright sunlight coming in from the window, Su Xiaomu can see him more clearly, a light-colored shirt that has been ironed, an earth-colored windbreaker, and black slacks. The details to the feet are perfect.

Jing Yan looked away, and slowly looked at this small house. It was decorated in warm colors and furnished in a warm and comfortable way. In the center of the living room wall hung a large group photo, which was taken when Su Xiaomu and his son went on a trip. In the group photo, the mother and son made a "V" to the camera, smiling very brightly, which made people feel warm in their hearts.

The glaciers in his eyes began to melt, and he said again: "Have you mentioned to Xiaoyao about our meeting today?" Since I haven't seen him for so long, I guess he is still asleep.

Su Xiaomu shook her head: "I just mentioned it a little bit, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating." He nodded knowingly, and she suddenly felt that the air in the room was very thin, so she asked softly, "By the way, what do you want to drink?"

Jing Yan turned his head slightly and glanced at her: "Alright, just give me a cup of tea."

Boiling water and making tea, Su Xiaomu used this short time to digest Jing Yan's sudden appearance, but after she came out of the kitchen, she subconsciously stopped.

In the living room, her son who had just woken up had bare feet, and looked at Jing Yan with his dark and bright eyes. He was wearing the same style of Snoopy pajamas that was one size smaller than hers. The three of them looked at each other looking at you.

Xiao Yao was silent for a while, then looked at Su Xiaomu suspiciously: "Mom?"

When meeting his son up close for the first time, Jing Yan was obviously looking forward to it. First, he unconsciously leaned forward, and finally stood up. He looked at Xiaoyao, and then turned his gaze to Su Xiaomu.

The one big and one small focused their attention, and Su Xiaomu suddenly lost his language ability. He didn't know how to introduce each other to the two of them for a while, and his hand holding the teacup trembled slightly.

At this time, Xiao Yao suddenly widened his eyes: "Ah, you are the uncle who picked up my necklace that night!"

Jing Yan smiled for the first time, and greeted in a soft voice: "Hello." Such a long-lost smile made Su Xiaomu feel joyful. He came for his son.

Xiao Yao was stunned, as if he didn't understand the situation, and called again: "Mom?"

Su Xiaomu came back to his senses, put the teacup on the coffee table in front of Jing Yan, then pulled Xiao Yao to his side, touched his head and said, "Xiao Yao, he gave you that necklace you are wearing."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yao suddenly exclaimed: "He is the father?" After speaking, he covered his mouth in disbelief, unable to hide his excitement.

The atmosphere froze for a moment, and the word "father" made all three of them feel a little indescribable.

Jing Yan's eyes were very soft, without avoiding it, he admitted cleanly: "Yes, Xiao Yao, I am your father."

But no one expected that in the next second Xiaoyao would rush towards Jing Yan like an arrow, pushing him away with all his strength: "What father? I don't have a father, you go! You go!" In his cognition, this man not only abandoned him, but also made his mother sad.

Jing Yan frowned, but because he didn't dare to hurt the child, he passively let him push and beat him, his eyes were full of gloom.

Su Xiaomu secretly yelled that it was not good, and hurried to pull him away, her voice was a little harsh: "Xiao Yao, you can't be rude!"

Xiaoyao's eyes were red, and he looked away a little dissatisfied, and snorted stubbornly: "He is not my father!"

Su Xiaomu sighed. She asked him insincerely two days ago, what would he do if his father came to him?
At that time, he asked himself, I didn't see him, why did someone who never showed up come to me?

But she knew that this child wanted a father very much, and every time he saw another classmate with a father coming to pick him up, he couldn't help but take a second look.It's just that Jing Yan has been absent for nine years after all, and it's impossible for him to accept this fact all at once.

"Can I have a talk with him alone?" Jing Yan looked deeply at Su Xiaomu, "Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Su Xiaomu nodded: "Then I'll go downstairs to buy breakfast." She forced herself to ignore her son's yelling behind her, and went out without any further hesitation.

The breakfast shop downstairs is as crowded as ever, because it not only tastes good, but is also very affordable.The proprietress is an aunt who lives upstairs from Su Xiaomu. She is very enthusiastic, but sometimes Su Xiaomu feels that she is too enthusiastic.She quickly ordered a few breakfasts that Xiaoyao and she were used to eating. She didn't know if Jing Yan had eaten, so she also bought a portion for him.

When paying the bill, the aunt insisted on holding her, "Xiao Su, have you thought about it?"

"Uh, what are you thinking about?" Su Xiaomu was obviously out of the situation.

"It's what I told you last time. My nephew is a civil servant with a stable income and a decent appearance. He is a good match for you."

It was only then that Su Xiaomu remembered that the aunt insisted on being a matchmaker for her. She had never met the other party. She heard that she was about 35 years old, divorced in middle age, and had a daughter. She didn't mention it. She really forgot about it. up.

She smiled apologetically, and politely declined: "Auntie, thank you for your kindness, but I really don't have this plan." She was a little embarrassed, took it in a hurry and left early.

It's not that she thinks the other party is not good at being arrogant, but that if she can really accommodate others, she won't be able to wait till today.The person she was only willing to wait for was now at her home, and she and he had a son.

After walking around the garden of the community, Su Xiaomu slowly went upstairs, but she was hesitant standing at the door, not knowing how the father and son were talking, and feeling that she acted rashly and felt sorry for her son, although Sooner or later he will have to face this problem.

Regardless of 21, she gritted her teeth and was about to take out the key, but the door opened.

Jing Yan and Xiao Yao stood side by side inside the door, as if he could see through her mind, Jing Yan explained: "We were thinking of looking for you, and Xiao Yao was very worried about you." Everyone could see that Xiao Yao was very worried. rely on her.


Su Xiaomu's surprised eyes lingered on their father and son. Xiao Yao had already changed his pajamas, and the resistance in his eyes had subsided a bit. When he saw her, he leaned close to her and shouted, "Mom, why have you been away for so long?"

"There are too many people in line. I bought the fried dumplings you like. You can take them to the dining room first. Remember to wash your hands." Su Xiaomu asked Jing Yan cautiously after dismissing his son, "How are you talking?"

"Not bad, I think he will accept me slowly, but it will take some time..." Before Jing Yan finished speaking, Xiao Yao yelled inside, "It's time for breakfast!"

"Here we come." Su Xiaomu turned around and stopped looking at him, put on his slippers and went straight to the kitchen.

Jing Yan followed without saying a word. In fact, he had already eaten breakfast, but seeing Xiao Yao peeking at him every few seconds, he couldn't help but smile slightly, and unknowingly ate some. .

Su Xiaomu took a sip of soy milk and watched all this silently. She should be happy that the family of three was finally reunited. Why is she still feeling a little disappointed?
They did not forget the other purpose of meeting today, to practice the coordination of two people and three legs.

After breakfast, they went out together. Jing Yan still drove by himself today. Seeing him walking towards the parking lot, Su Xiaomu quickly said, "No need to drive, there is a small park opposite the community, very close..."

Jing Yan narrowed his eyes, and interrupted her simply: "I don't like places with many people."

Su Xiaomu was dumbfounded. How could such a lively and lovely son have such a serious and stern father?
Boys may naturally like digital, audio, cars and other high-tech things, so when Xiao Yao saw Jing Yan's Maserati, he refused to sit in the back seat, but Su Xiaomu disagreed anyway. Children are not suitable for sitting in the co-pilot. Safety.

She thought Jing Yan would be on her side, but she didn't expect him to say, "It's okay, I'll just drive a little slower." Like a strict mother and loving father, maybe he wanted to make up for the ten years lost in the past, so He doesn't want to refuse any request made by the child.

Su Xiaomu always knew that what Jing Yan said was to be obeyed, there was no second possibility.

Xiao Yao cheered enthusiastically, and fumbled around in the car, feeling very excited, as if he had long forgotten that he said he wanted to hate this man he should call Dad.

As a result of being slower, a top sports car with a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour drove as slowly as her small car. Some car owners passing by could not help but honk their horns to protest against the ruin of famous cars.

An hour later, they came to a golf course in the suburbs. Su Xiaomu looked at the environment here, and asked strangely: "Hey, why are you here? And it seems that there are not many people..." The golf course is an area where rich people gather , It's the weekend again, so it shouldn't be deserted.

Jing Yan raised his eyebrows and said to her unhurriedly, "Because this is my private place."

Su Xiaomu took a deep breath. In the capital where every inch of land is expensive, such a large piece of land is just for him to play golf alone?And now they came here just to practice the three-legged cooperation in the primary school sports meeting?What a luxury.

But it's clear that a man doesn't have this perception.

They entered the stadium in a battery car. She sat in the back row and heard the simple conversation between the two father and son in front.

The son asked solemnly: "Have you ever played with two people and three legs?"

Dad replied: "No."

The son nodded and said, "Then let me teach you, you have to study hard."

Dad smiled dotingly: "Okay."

Su Xiaomu also laughed.

The greenery here is very good, the air is much fresher than that in the urban area, and it doesn't feel too hot even when the sun is out.

There was just the three of them in a large, empty, pleasant lawn area.

Jing Yan bent down and carefully tied the red ribbon on his and Xiaoyao's legs. The first practice was unsuccessful. The difference in height between them was too large and their strides were inconsistent. Xiaoyao almost fell down, and Su Xiaomu was startled. Jump.Fortunately, Jing Yan supported him steadily, then lowered his head and whispered something in his ear, Xiao Yao nodded, and then they had already coordinated a lot when they walked again, and after the rhythm gradually improved, they practiced their speed. From Su Xiaomu's point of view, this speed should be enough to get a ranking in the competition.

Lunch was eaten at the restaurant attached to the stadium. Xiao Yao obviously had a great time. While eating, he chatted and laughed with Jing Yan, told what he had seen and heard, and sometimes asked Jing Yan about him. Su Xiaomu listened quietly, but More attention was paid to Jing Yan.

After exercising, two buttons of his shirt were loosened, and his sleeves were rolled up. He listened to every word his son said to him in a relaxed and natural manner, and answered or nodded his head from time to time. The two looked alike, at first glance. Who would have known that their father and son met for the first time today?
She thought, blood relationship is really amazing.

On the way back, his son fell asleep in the back seat. When the car stopped, Su Xiaomu just put his hand on the switch to open the door, when he heard him say lightly, "Let's get married as soon as possible."

She suddenly lost the ability to think.

(End of this chapter)

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