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Chapter 14 Feelings

Chapter 14 Feelings
Chapter 14 Feelings
There was a rumbling thunder from the sky, and the cool rain slapped on the glass window, tick-tock, gradually drowning out the emotions hidden deep in Su Xiaomu's eyes.

The more he asked, the less she could show any emotions, because that was the last line of her defense.

She tilted her head and looked at him calmly. He always had such a cold expression, as if nothing could move him.But the strange thing is that every time she thinks of him, it's always him smiling, with slightly pursed lips and slight smile lines at the corners of her eyes, which makes people feel like being possessed by a demon.

But Jing Yan is an excellent businessman, he is used to keeping everything in his hands, and he doesn't allow any uncertainty to escape his expectations, so he knew that it was cruel to ask him, so he still said: "I don't have any I don’t mean anything else, I just think it’s better to clarify some things.”

Su Xiaomu turned the teacup in his hand, and inhaled the smell of Ceylon black tea into his nose, giving him the power to concentrate.

After being silent for a while, she smiled rather coldly: "What? Do you think I did this because I love you?" Seeing that he pursed his lips and didn't answer, she knew that she guessed right. She didn't speak for a while, Covering up the bitterness in his heart, he said slowly, "Then let me say, now you are just the father of my child, that's all. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jing Yan opened her lips slightly and before she could speak, the phone in her pocket rang again. I don't know how many times it was today. It seemed that something really important happened.

He didn't pay attention to it, and looked at her with unpredictable eyes, as if he was judging the truth of her words, and then stood up: "Just make it clear, I'm leaving first, there is a meeting tonight, as for the wedding date... ...You decide." As always, he was as indifferent as if it was a matter that had nothing to do with him.

"Okay." She heard herself say numbly.

Until he left, she still maintained the same posture, and slowly opened her palm. The palm of her hand was already red from the heat of the porcelain cup, like a needle prick. Only that can wake her up, don't expect that Hard-hearted men return their affection.

Su Xiaomu didn't know how long she had been sitting in the living room.

I kept thinking over and over again, whether it was right or wrong to do what I did, but so what if it was wrong?She can only make mistakes again and again.

"Mom? It's getting dark, why don't you turn on the light?"

She was taken aback, looked up, Xiao Yao rubbed his sleepy eyes and came out of the room in a daze, fearing that he would fall, she hastily turned on the floor lamp: "Woke up so soon?"

Turning to look out the window, it turned out that it was already very late, the rain had stopped, and the starless night sky was covered with a layer of dark red. It is estimated that the weather will not be good in the next few days.

Xiao Yao wandered around the living room first, and then slowly sat down beside her mother: "Mom, daddy is gone?" As he spoke, he nestled softly on her lap and curled up into a small ball.

Su Xiaomu nodded slightly, and gently touched his little face: "Well, let's go."

He played with Snoopy's ears on the pajamas with his hand, paused, and said, "Mom, will we live with Dad in the future?"

Su Xiaomu was taken aback. Did Jing Yan already tell his son that they were going to get married?

She looked down at her son's big black eyes, and asked him softly, "What? Don't you like Dad? One more person who loves you!" According to her observation, they got along pretty well.

He shook his head for a while, then nodded violently for a while: "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's weird. He hasn't been with us for so many years, and he suddenly appeared again, so fast that I wasn't prepared for it..." He crawled violently Get up, hold Su Xiaomu's neck and ask seriously, "Mom, was I born after you and him love each other very much?"

Very childish adult questioning.

"What's the problem? Of course it is, how can you exist without feelings?" Su Xiaomu nodded his forehead and answered quickly.She knew that if she hesitated for a moment on this issue, the impact on Xiao Yao would be more than just a little bit. This child is too precocious and sensitive.

Besides, she didn't lie to her son, her feelings for Jing Yan were true, as for what Jing Yan thought, she couldn't control it.

Xiao Yao obviously smiled happily, then hesitated suddenly: "Then...why did you separate in the first place?"

Su Xiaomu was out of focus for a while, obviously thinking about her words, she thought for a while before explaining: "At that time, your father and I were both young, and we separated willfully because we felt that our personalities didn't match each other, and we each had our own lives. We meet again now, and we want to be together again after discussing it, do you understand?" She tried to simplify the complicated issue, hoping that her son could understand it without causing too much burden.

Xiao Yao vaguely understood, and lingered in her arms like a cat: "Understood! Anyway, as long as I don't separate from you, it's good to have a father."

Su Xiaomu laughed, what does it mean to have a son and everything is enough?In any case, her son always puts her in the most important position, so what is there for her to be dissatisfied with.People always have to look forward, and she believes that everything will only get better and better.

On the sixth day of May, it is advisable to get married.

This is the day Su Xiaomu and Jing Yan agreed to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register. Although it is not a real marriage, no matter how they get married, she is going to get married after all.

After sending Xiaoyao to school, Su Xiaomu returned home, put on some light makeup, stood up straight and looked at herself in the mirror for a while, the taupe-coloured chiffon skirt with shoulder-padded jacket, unexpectedly, such a dress was quite energetic.She raised her eyes and looked at the wall clock. It was 09:30, and she made an appointment for Jing Yan to pick her up at [-]:[-], which was just right.

In the entrance, she was holding the shoe cabinet to put on her shoes, and the phone in her bag rang. She thought it was Jing Yan, but she didn't even look at it. She put on the shoes with one hand and put the phone to her ear: "Are you here so soon? Please wait a little longer." Wait, I'm ready to go out."

The signal seemed to be a bit bad, and nothing could be heard except the rustling electric current. Su Xiaomu was feeling strange when he heard a whisper from the far side: "It's me." Such a mellow and gentle voice belonged to Ling Ziqi.

Her fingers trembled slightly, and she asked cautiously, "Ziqi? Are you back?"

Ling Ziqi was silent for a while, and then smiled lightly: "No, I won't be coming back for the time being." Such words made Su Xiaomu's heart skip a beat, and the next second he said, "I want to stay here for a while for further studies. "

"You..." She really wanted to say something, but felt that she had no position at all, what else could she do?She felt sore in her heart, she knew what he wanted, but she couldn't repay him.

As if he knew what she was going to ask, Ling Ziqi said generously: "I'm calling to congratulate you for bravely walking into the siege of marriage." The brisk tone did not reveal the slightest clue.

She only sent an email to a few close friends about this matter, and she didn't intend to make it public.

After a long time, Su Xiaomu smiled wryly: "Congratulations? You and I both know what's going on."

He asked again: "Are you really planning to follow that person all the way to the dark? Do you regret it?" He added jokingly, "What if you want to cry again? I'm not by your side anymore." Buried under his smile was Endless hurt, no one knows how he lived on the day he received her email.

"Well, then I'll keep my eyes closed and move forward." Whether it's a cliff or the sea in front of her, she recognizes it.

"Silly girl!" Thousands of words were reduced to these three words, it was only strange that Ling Ziqi wasn't the one God told her to meet first.

After chatting for a few words, Ling Ziqi hung up the phone saying that there was something urgent to do, but he sat motionless in his original position, holding the small box in his hand warmly, and when his senior brother knocked on the door and came in, he pursed his lips and said He didn't post, and joked: "Hey, what are you doing here alone? Are you lonely? I told you to go back to China with me, what are you doing here?"

Ling Ziqi raised his lips slightly and smiled: "If you want to stay, just stay."

His unfathomable appearance made his senior brother feel confused. He raked his hair and said, "By the way, you asked me to bring something back to my plane tomorrow. Give it to me now!"

"No, it doesn't matter anymore." He leaned over slightly, opened the drawer and put the things in his hand inside, and hid his heart.

"You're kidding me, brat!" The senior brother is a carefree person, and he didn't notice his abnormality, so he finally dragged him out to help him practice.

That's fine, if you're drunk, you won't be able to hear, see, or dream, and you don't have to be afraid that your thoughts will become demons.

Feelings, I like going around the most.

Su Xiaomu packed up his heavy heart because of the overseas phone call, and was already late for a long time when he went downstairs, and Jing Yan's car was parked far away at the intersection of the community.

She apologized first after getting in the car: "I'm sorry, some things were delayed for a while."

He was close to her and silent, so she folded her hands on her knees cautiously, and when the car drove out of the community smoothly, she heard him say quietly: "From now on...don't be so polite to me. "

It took a long, long time before Su Xiaomu realized what he meant.

She looked at his deep side face silently, her heart was pounding involuntarily, and her breathing became chaotic.

Next, the procedures for marriage registration are not too complicated, nine yuan, one small red book per person.

Su Xiaomu clutched the red marriage certificate, feeling a little unreal.

——They turned out to be husband and wife.

The car window was half open, and the increasing wind forced Su Xiaomu to come back to his senses. Looking out the window, the traffic on the road was gradually thinning out, as if he had arrived in the suburbs.

She turned around in astonishment, and asked Jing Yan who was driving beside her silently: "Where are we going?"

Jing Yan didn't look at her, but carefully raised the window of the car, and said in a low and low voice, "you'll know when you get there."

But when he actually arrived at the destination, Su Xiaomu was surprised and moved, he opened and closed his mouth but couldn't say a word, his throat was choked, and he said lightly beside him: "Today, you and I should come here to have a look. "

She bit her lips tightly, tears rolled in her eyes, and looked at his tall and straight back in a daze, Jing Yan, Jing Yan, your ability to make people think of hell and heaven, really makes people love and hate.

Call me, why don't I love you?
(End of this chapter)

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