live on the computer

Chapter 309 A certain family has been waiting here for a long time

Chapter 309 A certain family has been waiting here for a long time
It didn't take long for these words to be broadcast in a conference room of the Sailor Kingdom's military headquarters, the home planet of Sailor civilization.

In the conference room, there were not many people, only King Snoll, Prince Stall, the head of the military, Sophie the Great Wise, and Hammer the Great Scientist.

"Your Majesty, the Fengshen Empire doesn't communicate with us at all. It's obvious that it has planned our attack for a long time, and its attempt to occupy and destroy us is fully revealed.

Therefore, the inheritance fleet cannot wait any longer, please let them set off immediately. "The great wise man Solfis said suddenly in the silence of the crowd.

"Yes, the Legacy Fleet can't wait for all the personnel to arrive, so let's set off now. Otherwise, if the Fengshen Empire has the ability to surround our kingdom, it won't be able to leave." The great scientist Hammer agreed.

In the ministerial meeting a week ago, the departure of the inheritance fleet had been approved, but the elites who were planned to inherit the civilization were not all in the capital galaxy. These people had to rush back to the capital galaxy after receiving the notice.

It will take two or three months for the people who are farthest away to return with the fastest warships.

But only a week later, the Fengshen Empire started a large-scale attack, and it no longer hid its figure.

According to the information received so far, the Fengshen Empire has been attacking centripetally from six directions, heading towards the parent galaxy of the Seiler civilization, and has captured many secondary galaxies along the way.

When the video data of the Fengshen Empire battleship displaying powerful attack power was continuously sent back, everyone present was shocked. At this moment, they received the news of the destruction of the task force fleet and this video, and the wise man immediately proposed the immediate departure of the inheritance fleet. suggestion.

Seeing that King Snower was still silent, the wise man Solfis continued to analyze: "The opponent is undoubtedly a sixth-level civilization, or has the offensive and defensive capabilities of a sixth-level civilization.

Even if our kingdom has a core line of defense, it will be difficult to resist their attacks. At most, it will buy some time for the inheritance fleet to escape. "

King Snow's small eyes flashed with determination, he stood up and said, "I will ask Ledaque to set off immediately, and at the same time, in order to ensure the safe evacuation of the inheritance fleet, we will dispatch 5 fleets of the same size at the same time and choose different directions to leave. .

These five fleets also brought a group of scientists and civilization core databases and gene pools. They acted together with the inheritance fleet. No matter which one escaped, it would lay the foundation stone for the future inheritance of the Seiler civilization. "

Hearing this, Prince Star was a little astonished. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead sighed and lowered his head.

He knew that the king had made the greatest determination, and would rather use the warships on these fleeing inheritance fleets than waste them on defensive operations that might have no hope.

You must know that the inheritance fleet has more than 8 warships and spaceships, of which there are 5 warships. If you choose 5 more warships of the same size at the same time, it means that 25 warships will be used, and the fleet strength of the entire kingdom will be reduced. All of a sudden, nearly one-fifth was missing.

The wise man looked at the king with admiration, nodded and said: "Your Majesty has the courage, our Seiler civilization will surely escape this catastrophe, and one day, somewhere in the universe, we can reproduce the glory of the Seiler civilization."

Hammer also said: "Since this is the case, I will arrange the corresponding list of scientists as soon as possible, and I don't need to look elsewhere, just here on the capital star. Try to let these people set off with the fleet tomorrow."

Prince Stahl raised his head and said, "I will arrange five fleets as soon as possible to ensure that I can set off with the inheritance fleet tomorrow."

"Everyone, the kingdom is at this moment of life and death. Only by fighting to the death can we blaze a trail for the Sailor civilization to survive. I hope everyone will work together!" King Snow said solemnly.

In the direction of the deep space of Cetus, there is a continuous area of ​​meteorites.

This is the edge of the Oort cloud of a certain star system not far away, where meteorites are criss-crossed, and it is also the birthplace of comets in the star system.

Not far from the outer edge of the meteorite field, there seems to be nothing in the void, but if you use some kind of special detection equipment, you will find that there is an extremely huge fleet moored here.

In this fleet, there are six warships that are comparable to the flagship of the Seiler civilization. Obviously, this is a medium-sized fleet of the Fengshen Empire.

In the flagship command room of the fleet, there are 12 major generals and two lieutenant generals sitting around the conference table. However, except for the two lieutenant generals, the rest of the major generals are all 3D projections.

It seems that the commander and staff officers at the highest level of the fleet are holding a real-time meeting.

"Zhuo Yuan, tell me, why did the headquarters send such a large fleet of ours here?" A stout man smiled and asked a young man across the conference table.

Now in the Fengshen Empire, because everyone looks young, a sensitive identification device was born, which allows people to clearly distinguish the age of the person they see, so as to avoid any further jokes.

So if you are recognized as a young person by everyone, then you are really a young person.

Zhuo Yuan, as the youngest major general in the army, still has a great reputation. In the current competitive environment, it is indeed very rare for Zhuo Yuan to be promoted to major general at the age of 23 and serve as a fleet commander .

However, seeing that he has been a captain since he was 16 years old, he has carried out many exploration and patrol missions, and has won the first prize in a series of simulated confrontation exercises and competitions, and he understands that the growth of genius is also accompanied by Countless sweat.

Few people know Zhuo Yuan's true identity, because his identity information has been blocked, and no one knows until a certain level.

As the commander of the 7th Medium Fleet, Chen Qingquan is someone who knows Zhuo Yuan's identity without looking at the files. Zhuo Yuan's special features lie in his mother Li Chenghuan, as well as his grandparents of the head of state and grandma.

Chen Qingquan was able to know Zhuo Yuan's identity because he knew Zhuo Yuan's grandparents Zhuo Hang and Zhao Ya.However, Zhuo Yuan was able to be assigned to his 7th medium fleet, which also surprised him.

Hearing the words of Zhu Zhenyu, the loud voice in the fleet, he also looked at Zhuo Yuan with great interest, wondering how this young man would reply.

"Didn't General Zhu read the mission statement? Be careful Commander Chen charges you with dereliction of duty." Zhuo Yuan asked indifferently.

"Haha, Lao Zhu, have you hit a wall? General Zhuo is known as 'Little Zhuge', so don't make a fool of yourself." Another tall and thin major general laughed.

"Heh, Old Liang, I don't like hearing your words anymore. Zhuo Yuan and I are discussing normal military affairs." Zhu Zhenyu was not happy.

Liang Baichuan smiled and said, "Then tell me, why do you ask questions knowingly?"

"I'm not asking without knowing it. I'm asking Zhuo Yuan for advice. The above arrangement is a mystery." Zhu Zhenyu said.

"Oh, so you want to ask for advice? Are you sincere? If so, show your attitude and don't be so eccentric." Liang Baichuan said slowly.

"Hey, Old Liang, something is wrong today. What are you trying to do to me?" Zhu Zhenyu suddenly felt that something was wrong. Although Liang Baichuan often competed with him, he had never stared at him like this.

"You two don't play tricks. If you have free time, you can go to the gym by yourself, or fight a battle in the virtual world." Fleet Chief of Staff Xie Zhongming knocked on the table and said.

"General Zhuo Yuan, tell me, how did the General Staff know that there must be an enemy's legacy fleet passing by here?" Chen Qingquan asked suddenly.

Zhuo Yuan said calmly: "According to my speculation, there are no more than two possibilities. First, the special marine regiment, using the dimension jump mode, went deep into the enemy's rear to capture the important figures of the enemy, and learned about the situation of the inheritance fleet from their mouths. This possibility is more Small.

Second, in the same way, but the intelligent invisible corps sneaked into the enemy's rear and connected to the enemy's network, and the No. [-] or No. [-] intelligence carried out network warfare and obtained the corresponding action plan of the opponent.The probability of this is high. "

Chen Qingquan nodded and said: "Listen, all of you, war is not about giant swords and cannons coming and going, these means are also ways of war.

In the era of the earth, there was a saying of cyber warfare. In the era of interstellar, although there may be differences in software and hardware between computers of different civilizations, don’t forget that we have obtained a large number of enemy computer equipment through the first stage of infiltration operations.

Given the empire's leadership in the computer field, it shouldn't be difficult to decipher the computer technology and network of the Sailor civilization.

Therefore, you need to use your brains more when you fight in the future. After all, the empire now has many methods, and there are more combat modes to choose from. "

"Sure enough, he has been taught. General Zhuo Yuan really deserves the title of 'Little Zhuge'. It seems that we will be able to wait for the big fish if we stay here." Liang Baichuan said.

Zhu Zhenyu stared at Liang Baichuan thoughtfully, but said nothing.

"General Zhuo Yuan, if the inheritance fleet of Sailor civilization really appears, then can we also say, 'Where is the Sailor devil going? A certain family has been waiting here for a long time.'"

A man with a wisp of beard said, and at the end he squeezed his throat and said a Beijing opera accent.

"Hehe, Lao Su's singing is quite accurate, not bad, not bad, next time I can represent our 7th medium-sized fleet in the art performance."

"That's right, Lao Su's granddaughter is already a famous actor, so she can't be very powerful under the influence of her ears and eyes."


Seeing the generals chatting lively, although Chen Qingquan did not join, he also watched cheerfully. This video conference was originally intended to let everyone relax. Time is boring.

After listening to Zhuo Hang's analysis just now, it is obvious that there should be no problem with the intelligence of the General Staff Headquarters. The target did not appear, which may be delayed due to other reasons.

While thinking this way, the intellectual brain suddenly issued a reminder.

"The 7th Medium Fleet, the reconnaissance ship found that the target turned to the Y109 galaxy halfway, please implement the space jump immediately and rush to intercept!"

This reminder immediately made everyone serious. Obviously, the enemy has changed his plan. It seems that his own network penetration must be noticed by the other party.

I don't know the outcome of this cyber war.

Chen Qingquan immediately ordered: "Order, the entire fleet will start immediately, accelerate to the standard speed, and then make a space transition, targeting the vicinity of the Y109 galaxy."

All the generals responded in unison, and the 3D projection gradually faded away.In a blink of an eye, the command hall fell silent.

After the dimensional shielding method was removed, this huge fleet began to activate, and as the speed reached the corresponding standard, under the control of the brain, the entire fleet quietly disappeared from here.

In the interstellar space outside the Y109 galaxy, a huge fleet is flying at a hundred times the speed of light in the curved space.

"Prince Ledak, fortunately, the wise men discovered that the network had been infiltrated by the enemy in time, otherwise we would have been ambushed by the enemy."

Prince Ledak looked at the projection screen with piercing eyes, and nothing could be seen in the curvature space, but Prince Ledak still stared, as if he could see through this space.

"Sage Noker, we plan a new route, should we have time to avoid the opponent's ambush?"

Nokel nodded and said: "According to my calculations, the opponent's space jump should not exceed 5 light-years at a time. We suddenly turned and changed directions several times in a row, each time exceeding 5 light-years.

I think that although the opponent can jump continuously, but we changed direction, they can't know the direction, so the continuous jump is useless. "

"That's good! Just let us escape..."

"Didi, found the enemy fleet, it appeared 3000 million kilometers ahead of the fleet!"

 Thank you all book friends for actively voting for the monthly vote, which has reached the standard of [-] plus updates, and the second update will be added today.I hope that book friends will vote for recommendation and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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