live on the computer

Chapter 322 Life and Death

Chapter 322 Life and Death
In the following time, Li Chunfeng and these scientists, as well as hundreds of thousands of scientific researchers, devoted themselves to various experiments and calculation derivations.

The local expansion model of the universe established by Li Chunfeng has greatly shortened the research time of various research groups, and also allowed many experiments to be carried out on the computer first, and then verified in reality.

While the scientists of the Fengshen Empire were doing their best to study the local expansion of the universe, the rescue plan for the galaxies inhabited by the Sailors within a range of 10-12 light-years around the Celerian galaxy was beginning to be implemented.

When the rescue battleships and transport ships of the Fengshen Empire appeared in these galaxies through the space gates, the battleships were greeted by attacks from the defense systems of various galaxies or planets.

Even the only remaining commercial spaceships and private spaceships of the Sailors in outer space launched attacks on the battleships of the Fengshen Empire after refitting some weapons.

Although the battleships and spaceships of the Sailors are gone, the planetary defense system is still there, and they have lost contact with the capital galaxy before, so they obviously know that the capital galaxy is in danger.

Seeing the warships of the Fengshen Empire approaching the planet, they naturally attacked frantically instead of welcoming them friendly.

The fleet of the Fengshen Empire fought back against these defense systems without hesitation, and did not communicate with the panic-stricken Sailors until they had wiped out the attacking force of the Sailors.

"Attention all Sailors, if you continue to resist, we will resolutely eliminate them! Please listen carefully to the following important content.

During the battle between your mother galaxy and the Fengshen Empire, because you used the latest destructive weapons, the mother galaxy has been completely destroyed.

The evil effect of this horrible weapon will spread here in about 6 hours now, it will destroy the entire galaxy, so we are not here to occupy, but to save you!

If you are willing to believe, please pack your belongings, go to the following locations in each city to board the landing ship, and leave this planet as soon as possible.

What needs to be reminded is that the evacuation deadline is only 5 hours!If time passes, the transport ships of the Fengshen Empire will evacuate here, and those who don't want to leave will be left to their own destiny. "

Countless "Gust 4" flying saucers descended from space, circling continuously, broadcasting this announcement in Seiler language.

After the intelligent robot landed, it connected to the planet's network and played the video of the destruction of the Seiler galaxy on the entire network. Of course, the evacuation announcement was also broadcast on the network.

The flying saucer-shaped aircraft all over the sky and the aircraft that are obviously landing ships either landed or hovered in the air. If there is an attack on the ground, immediately counterattack and clean up accordingly.

No matter how you look at it, the fleet of the Fengshen Empire does not seem to be here for rescue.

However, following the video of the destruction of the Celerian galaxy played on the Internet, all the Celerians were deeply terrified while crying bitterly.

"Consul Ikar, do you think the Fengshen Empire is telling the truth? Are they really trying to save us? Or are there other attempts?"

In the underground command center of the Saiheim planet, Dekus, the commander of the system defense, is asking Ikar, the supreme consul of the Saiheim galaxy.

Ikar is 1500 years old, and he has witnessed the history of the Celer people conquering the starry sky and rapidly growing from a second-level civilization to a fifth-level civilization.

The Seiler civilization has also wiped out a huge interstellar civilization like the Westminster civilization, and it has even done genocide, but it has never done anything like the Fengshen Empire.

"I'm not sure, but if the victors are us Sailors, then we should not be so troublesome to engage in any conspiracy, after all, we have already won the war.

Moreover, this video on the Internet does not look fake. If they used destructive weapons, then they can continue to do the same to the Saiheim galaxy. Maybe they are really here to save us? "Ikar said thoughtfully.

"If it's true, then are we going to do what they say?" Dekus asked further.

"I have a little doubt that even if this horrible disaster is real, we are 11 light-years away from the Celer capital galaxy.

Can this disaster really spread to our galaxy in such a short period of time?Or is it that Fengshen Empire is deliberately scaremongering?Set some kind of trap? "Ikar frowned.

"Consul, you just said that you don't need to bother to engage in any conspiracy, why are you suspicious again?" Dekus was a little surprised when he heard this.

"I said that we Sailors won't engage in any conspiracy when they are victorious, but I didn't say whether the Fengshen Empire would engage in conspiracy.

After all, we have never seen this intelligent race with our own eyes, and we don't know what their characteristics are. With the strength of our fifth-level mid-stage civilization, we were defeated by them in such a short time.

What purpose do they have for Sailor civilization?Why start this war and now say they are coming to save us. "Ikar said while thinking.

Dekus couldn't help feeling worried, and said, "Then why don't we respond?"

"No! You should inform those civilians first, let them follow the requirements of the Fengshen Empire, and see how they treat civilians, and maybe you can observe something." Ikar shook his head and said.

"Okay, I'll inform you now, first open the underground shelters for the civilians, and inform them that they can choose to evacuate with the Fengshen Empire, everything is up to their own wishes." Dekus said.

"That's right, it is to make the civilians voluntarily believe what the Fengshen Empire said, and those who are willing to leave can go, so that we can see how the Fengshen Empire will respond.

If they have a conspiracy, they will definitely find a way to induce more of us to choose to leave. If there is no conspiracy, they should not care about how many of us stay. "Ikar said.

"But, don't we open the other shelters where the elites are?" Dekus asked.

"Well, don't drive it for now. If you are trapped by the Fengshen Empire, it will be bad. We should observe more. The so-called 5 hours may be just a rhetoric. They will come later. We will decide whether to leave.

In addition, use the hyperspace communicator to send the video given by the Fengshen Empire and the video of the Sailors stepping on the landing ship to other galaxies in the kingdom, so that they can prevent the Fengshen Empire's conspiracy in advance. "

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
The civilian shelters on Saiheim are a certain distance from the city, but they are all built very huge, and they can be regarded as civil defense fortifications for interstellar civilization. I don’t know if they are useful in interstellar wars, but they are always better than being exposed on the surface. It is more psychologically comforting.

"Dahl, you actually believed the announcement from the Fengshen Empire? Is your family leaving?"

"Lial, listen to me, no matter what plans this Fengshen Empire has, that terrible disaster is real, so our family chose to leave.

You'd better pack up quickly, leave the shelter with your family, and go to the landing ship of the Fengshen in the city square. Dahl finished speaking in a hurry, and ran out of the shelter with his family of seven.

Leal couldn't help being stunned. Dahl was his former neighbor. Although the two families were no longer together after entering the shelter, he knew Dahl's identity. He used to be a professor of astronomy, and later left the university to start an interstellar resource company. .

Since Dahl thinks that the disaster that destroyed the galaxy in Seiler's capital is real, he should quickly evacuate with the Fengshen people.

At the moment, Leal hurried back to his residence in the shelter.

"Lial, have you heard any news? I heard on the Internet that this is a conspiracy by the Fengshen people. Once you get on their landing ship, you will definitely die."

"Honey, don't believe the rumors on the Internet, do you remember Dar's family?"

"Oh, of course I remember, but I haven't seen them since I came to the shelter."

"I just met at the entrance and exit. Dahl said that the disaster was real. You know he used to be a professor of astronomy, so he should be right. Their family has left the shelter and is rushing to take the Fengshen landing ship."

"Ah! Shall we go too?"

"Yes, pack up quickly. We don't have too many belongings anyway, so let's hurry up and leave. According to Fengshen's notice, it should be less than five hours now."

The two hurriedly packed up their things. Fortunately, they hadn't had children yet, and their other relatives were not in the Saiheim galaxy.

However, the more Seiler people choose to follow the herd, the more so, the fewer people choose to go.

By the end of the 5 hours, out of the 21 billion population of the entire planet Saiheim, only more than 3 million people had set foot on the landing ship of the Fengshen Empire nervously.

For various reasons, the remaining 99% of the population either did not believe the announcement of the Fengshen Empire, or feared the possible persecution of the Fengshen Empire, or had a wait-and-see attitude, or believed that even if disasters could travel faster than light, it would not be possible Arrive in the Saiheim system within 6 hours.

The "Gust 4" flying saucers that were hovering over the planet Saiheim almost a moment ago flew away and disappeared in a blink of an eye after the landing ship left.

Dekus and Icar in the underground command center saw the warships of the Fengshen Empire in outer space through the observation system, escorting a large number of transport ships, and flew out of the galaxy.

In just over ten minutes, it suddenly disappeared.

"They really left!" Dekus murmured.

"Is what they said true? Dekus, can our observation system still see beyond the galaxy?" Ikar asked.

Dekus shook his head and said: "As soon as the Fengshen Empire fleet came, it destroyed the observation telescopes in our orbit. As for the astronomical telescopes and observation platforms on the planet's surface, they were also destroyed by the Fengshen Empire warships when the defense system counterattacked.

At present, we can only see tens of millions of kilometers in outer space, and we cannot even observe the nearest planets. "

"Don't we have a spare astronomical telescope? Or a simple one will do." Ikar asked anxiously.

"Well, this one seems to be still available. Although the effect is not good, it is still no problem to see it a few light years away." Dekus said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and arrange for astronomers to use this kind of astronomical telescope to observe the direction of the capital star outside the galaxy? It's all my fault that I forgot about it just now." Icarton said.

Seeing Ikar's anxious expression, Dekus felt a little bad in his heart, and quickly arranged for people to find astronomers and corresponding equipment, and went to find a place outside the shelter for observation.

After all, at this moment, there is no longer the army of the Fengshen Empire on the surface.

More than an hour passed.

"Your Excellency Commander, the astronomer Professor Phoebe has something urgent to see you." An adjutant came to report.

"Oh, Professor Phoebe, what's the result of the observation?" Ikar had already stepped forward and asked.

"The Fengshen people didn't lie to us. The disaster has really arrived in the Saiheim galaxy, and it has passed the orbital position of the sixth planet. It is spreading at the speed of light, and it will reach the orbital position of the Saiheim star in less than 6 hours. .

Why don't you let us retreat with the Fengshen Empire?Now we are doomed to be destroyed! "Professor Phoebe said angrily.

Icarl was stunned for a moment, and said: "The disaster actually reached the Kuiper belt of the galaxy in about 6 hours, but why is it so fast? Professor Phoebe, how can there be such a speed in the universe? This is too much faster than the speed of light Right? And now how does its spreading speed become the speed of light again?"

Professor Phoebe sighed, "We're only at the mid-level five civilization, how much do we know about the universe? Forget it, I'm going back to stay with my family and wait for the last moment. Excuse me." Professor Phoebe turned and left.

Dekus slumped on his seat, he really didn't expect that the Fengshen Empire was really here to save them, but why didn't we believe it?
In the past, everyone could survive, but now most people will die
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
"You're still right. The Sailors really don't believe that we will save them with good intentions. With a population of 21 billion, only 3 million people are willing to go with us." Zhuang Yun sighed when he saw the report on the evacuation of the Saiheim Galaxy road.

"This is life and death! Now you understand? If they don't leave, you can't kidnap them, right? Then I'm afraid the whole planet will be in chaos. Without order, it's even more difficult to evacuate in a short time.

Anyway, you still saved 3 million people, which is worthy of your conscience.It is estimated that other galaxies are about to complete their evacuation, right? "Zhang Wenhao said.

"Well, the situation of other galaxies will be sent back soon, and the situation is probably about the same."

While the two of them were talking, on the screen behind them, the planet Saiheim had already begun to be slowly covered by a dark curtain.

 Thanks to the book friend "Longchuanmo" for the reward of [-] coins, and a new chapter is added!Thank you book friends for subscribing, voting for recommendations and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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