live on the computer

Chapter 324 Nasetta Virus

Chapter 324 Nasetta Virus

The Yali galaxy is 29 light-years away from the Celer capital galaxy, and 22 light-years away from the Desia galaxy, one of the six major galaxies. There are no galaxies within 15 light-years around.

Yali means bright and bright in Seiler language. The stars in this galaxy are very large, twice the size of Seiler's stars.

And the Yali galaxy is a binary star system, that is, the Yali star has a companion star, and this companion star is a white dwarf.

The entire Yali galaxy is very huge, it has 11 planets, and the habitable planet Yali star is the sixth in the galaxy, which happens to be in the center.

The size of Yali star is about 2.5 times that of the earth, but its gravity is only slightly greater than that of the earth.

It's not that the mass of Yali planet is similar to that of the earth, but that the Sailors buried a lot of gravity-reducing devices in the crust of Yari planet, so that the planet was transformed into a suitable place for Sailors to live in.

Such a huge habitable planet, the Yali galaxy has become a second-level galaxy. There have been rumors that the kingdom's high-level officials may upgrade the Yali star to a first-level galaxy.

Because the governor of the Ari galaxy is His Royal Highness Prince Lenik, he is the third heir to the kingdom, and the Ari galaxy has a population of 59 billion.

In the past month or so, successive unfavorable news has deeply tormented Prince Lenik.He never thought that the Celer Kingdom, which was in full swing, was already in a state of complete overturning in a short period of time.

The kingdom was attacked by an unknown civilization, and the kingdom decided to tighten its defense core. The core defense line fell, and the six galaxies were occupied by the Fengshen Empire. The capital galaxies were attacked and lost contact...

These messages are one after another. In the interstellar era, because of the hyperspace communication, even though they are tens of light-years apart, a lot of information can be transmitted in real time.

But if the carrier is occupied and controlled by the enemy, then it is lost. In the interstellar civilization, a galaxy is lost. If you want to know more about the situation, you have to send a battleship or spaceship to the destination.

Otherwise, if you want to observe the situation tens of light-years away by means of astronomical telescopes, you will have to wait decades to see what is happening in the target galaxy, because the propagation of light takes decades.

Prince Lenik did send a battleship to the direction of the capital galaxy, but at a distance of 20 light-years from the capital galaxy, he encountered the warship of the Fengshen Empire's observation network and was wiped out immediately.

The core layer of the Yali galaxy was stunned by this situation. Has the Fengshen Empire already controlled 20 light-years around the capital galaxy?

When they were panicking, they received a related video from the Saiheim galaxy through the hyperspace communicator, but they lost contact not long afterward.

Those who watched those videos were shocked by the destruction of the capital galaxy. Everyone shuddered. This weapon is too terrifying. Is it going to destroy the universe?
What level of civilization is this Fengshen Empire?How can there be such a destructive weapon with terrifying power?
The people of the Yali galaxy unsurprisingly blamed the Fengshen Empire for the destruction of the capital galaxy, after all, the kingdom certainly did not have such weapons.

As for the notice from the Fengshen Empire in the video, saying that this weapon was developed by the kingdom, they absolutely do not believe it. Will the weapon developed by the kingdom destroy their own galaxy?

As many galaxies around 10 light-years around the capital galaxy lost contact after sending corresponding messages one after another, the upper echelon of Ari star became more and more panicked.

They are even more convinced that the Fengshen Empire is using terrifying weapons to destroy the galaxies of the Sailors. Only the space technology of the Fengshen Empire can appear in multiple galaxies separated by more than ten light-years in a short period of time.

No one believed that a cosmic disaster could spread faster than the speed of light, spreading over ten light years in just a dozen hours, so it could only be caused by the weapons made by the Fengshen Empire.

For this reason, Prince Lenik convened a high-level meeting to discuss how to deal with the terrifying Fengshen Empire.

"Your Highness, it seems that although we don't know why the Fengshen Empire attacked our kingdom, the terrifying weapons currently used will not only destroy us Sailors, but also destroy this star field.

This is really insane, and we have to find a way to deal with it.Fortunately, because of time constraints, the Lloyda fleet did not withdraw to the capital galaxy, otherwise we would have to sit and wait. " said a short Sailor.

"Master Sochiel Wise, don't place your hopes on my fleet. My fleet has only 2000 warships, not even a single flagship-class warship. There are hundreds of thousands of warships in the core defense lines of the six galaxies, and more than 50 warships in the capital galaxy. Tens of thousands of warships could not last a day in front of the Fengshen Empire fleet.

If my small fleet faces them, it is estimated that they will not be able to survive for 10 minutes.Even if it is escape, I can't guarantee it. After all, the space jumping ability of the warships of the Fengshen Empire far exceeds ours. "Another man in military uniform who was considered tall among the Sailors smiled wryly.

"Loeda, I know how powerful the Fleet of the Fengshen Empire is. I just said, with your fleet here, at least we have the possibility to leave. Otherwise, we can only wait to die on this planet." Sochier said .

"Both of you, don't you guys believe the last video sent from the Saiheim Galaxy? What if the Fengshen Empire really wants to save us?" a Cylene said suddenly.

"Andak, didn't you say that you have never seen such an astronomical disaster? Didn't you say that the kingdom does not have such weapons that can cause such destruction? Didn't you say that such a speed of transmission does not exist?
We all made such inferences based on the scientific judgment you gave. Why do you ask us now, why don’t you believe the video and explanation sent by Fengshen Empire? " Sochier asked in surprise.

Andak was a little speechless, and after a moment of silence, he still said: "I just made a judgment based on my own scientific knowledge, maybe Hammer and the others really researched some new theory.

Maybe it was just because it was just researched and its side effects were not known, which caused this disaster.I just want to say that there is also the possibility that the Fengshen Empire did not deceive.If that's the case, perhaps it's okay for us to surrender. "

"No! Andak, I will never lead my people to surrender to the brutal Fengshen Empire!" Prince Lenik said immediately.

"Your Highness, I think it's better to evacuate the Yali galaxy as soon as possible. If my small fleet is lucky, it may escape the pursuit of the Fengshen Empire." Lloyd suggested.

"Loeda, you said just now that there is no guarantee that you can escape, why are you persuading His Highness to escape now?" Sochier asked.

"Escape is not guaranteed, but it doesn't mean that you won't escape. After all, staying here must be dangerous. Fleeing with the fleet, you may encounter enemies, but you may not encounter enemies.

There is an element of luck in this, if His Royal Highness is lucky, wouldn't he just escape?It's better than staying here and waiting to die. ’ explained Lloeda.

Sochier closed his lips tightly, rolled his small eyes, and said suddenly: "Your Highness, Loeda's words make sense, we should prepare to evacuate immediately."

Prince Lenik looked at Sochier with some disappointment, and said: "The kingdom is about to fall. As the third heir to the kingdom, how can I leave my own people and just run away? We should find a way to fight back against the Fengshen Empire. "

Sochier said slowly: "Your Highness is eager for revenge, I understand. But it doesn't affect His Highness's evacuation of the Ari Galaxy.

We Sailors have an old saying that only by preserving our own strength can we have a basis for rising again.Besides, I have a plan that should cause the Fengshen Empire to suffer huge losses. "

Prince Lenik's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "What plan?"

Sochier said: "The Fengshen Empire's announcement video sent by the Ikar Consul at the end shows that the Fengshen Empire has accepted many of us Sailors to board the ship and leave.

I noticed in the video that when those people entered the landing ship, they didn't seem to be wearing the corresponding spacesuits. Obviously, the living conditions of the intelligent creatures of the Fengshen Empire are similar to ours.

So, I think a biological weapon could be used against the Aeolus.The incubation period of this biological weapon is five days, after which the infected person will die of dehydration. "

"You mean, the 'Nassetta' virus?" Andak's expression changed drastically.

"Yes, it's the 'Nassetta' virus. As long as a group of civilians are infected with this virus, as the landing ships of the Fengshen Empire withdraw, it will naturally spread to the Fengshen Empire.

Perhaps it won't be long before the Fengshen Empire will disappear. Of course, this is the best situation.That's why I want His Highness to evacuate. After a few years, when I return to this star field, the new Sailor Kingdom will be reborn.

Even if the Fengshen Empire blocked it in time, I think it would still bring them heavy losses. "Sochier said with some complacency.

"But, do you know how terrifying the 'Nassetta' virus is? As long as it appears on a certain planet, no animal can survive except plants.

The problem is that we have no way to deal with this virus, except to use the cosmic vacuum to isolate it, so once an epidemic occurs, we can only let that planet fend for itself.

Hey, did the kingdom retain the 'Nassetta' virus back then?How to collect and keep?Could it be that the Yali galaxy is still there? Andak asked with fear on his gray face.

Loeda also showed a fearful expression and said, "Sochier, you are going to release the devil!"

"However, in this case, if the blockade measures are not effective, the entire Seiler star field may be infected by the 'Nassetta' virus, so wouldn't we kill all the Seiler compatriots left here? "Andak said with a face full of resentment.

Sochier showed a decisive look on his face, and said: "The 'Nasetta' virus remains on the planet Ari, this is the arrangement of God.

Our Seiler civilization has been defeated, and the Seiler people will inevitably be slaughtered by the Fengshen Empire. Those who were taken away may become some kind of experimental products just like the part of the Westminster we kept.

Even if the Sailor compatriots don't die under the 'Nasetta' virus, they will die under the butcher's knife of the Fengshen Empire. It's better to sacrifice for the kingdom in exchange for heavy damage to the enemy.If we notify people in other galaxies first, then it is possible for the Fengshen Empire to take precautions in advance.

You all know that with precautions in place, as long as the 'Nassetta' virus is blocked in a certain galaxy, it cannot continue to spread without personnel exchanges.On a planet with only plants left, the virus will die out naturally after 2 years. "

"But, do you know? If you don't know, the 'Nassetta' virus will spread very quickly. If the Fengshen Empire transfers the people it picked up to our other galaxies, then you want to let 'Nassetta' The plan to infect the Fengshen Empire with the Ta' virus will fail, so wouldn't that mean harming others instead of harming oneself?" Andak continued to argue.

"Andak, you are just guessing, even if it is really transshipped, as long as a Fengshen person comes into contact with the transshipment spaceship or our virus carrier, then the virus will have a chance to infect the Fengshen Empire area.

I don't believe that a civilization with a higher level than ours would have such poor mobility?Perhaps we should also let some people take the remaining spacecraft to other galaxies to ensure that they can contact the warships or people of the Fengshen Empire.

As for the sacrifices brought to the Celer people, at the juncture of the life and death of the Celer civilization, we must have the determination of a strong man to sever his wrists. We can only let the remaining people die together with the Fengshen Empire, then we who escaped in advance can become the ultimate The winner! "Sochier continued.

"This is too cruel! We have no right to do this." Andak said.

"I've decided!" Prince Lenik said suddenly, "You don't have to argue, just think about it, assuming the Fengshen Empire's statement is true, then this terrifying weapon was used by His Majesty the King and the others.

Your Majesty the King and the others dare to use this weapon, don't they just hold the courage to die with the enemy?As a member of the royal family, I have the same courage.

So, Sochier's strategy was good, and we started to implement it immediately.Of course, the premise is that we evacuate first, even if we can't escape, we have to try.

Big deal, like His Majesty the King and the others, they will die together with the Fengshen Empire. "

Andak's expression showed hesitation, which finally turned into a heavy sigh.

The four of them quickly ended the meeting, and it didn't take long for the remaining spaceships on the planet to fly to the surrounding galaxies with some people on board.

On each spaceship, the main control brain controls some robots to guard a certain closed tank. Once the spaceship is found to be intercepted by the warship of the Fengshen Empire, it will execute the procedure of opening the tank after surrendering.

At the same time, Loeda's small fleet also left the Yali galaxy and sneaked away from the capital star of Seiler.

Almost before and after, a rescue fleet of the Fengshen Empire appeared in the Yali Galaxy. Due to Prince Lenik's explanation before leaving, the remaining government officials directly sent a surrender message to the Fengshen Empire.

But even if government officials lead the surrender and help the Fengshen Empire to publicize the evacuation, there are still many Sailors who do not want to believe it, let alone leave their homes.

There were also people who climbed up and shouted, gathering people to launch resistance attacks, but they were quickly suppressed and wiped out by the "Gust 4" flying saucer.

Amid all the turmoil, no one noticed that in the planet's former civilian shelters, and in places where many urban people gathered, some bottles and jars had already been opened.

A small group of Sailors finally set foot on the landing ship of the Fengshen Empire.

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!It's the end of the month, and the 4200-word chapter is asking for various tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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