Chapter 354
"Damn it, I was attacked unexpectedly!" Lin Tao cursed angrily.

My own fleet is in a state of dimensional occlusion, and the enemy can actually find me. Obviously, there must be enemy monitoring satellites or detectors in this area.

It is estimated that the fleet was discovered by the enemy as soon as it arrived here, so it is normal for the reconnaissance ship I sent to be locked and destroyed by the opponent.

However, the reconnaissance ship was not destroyed immediately. It seems that the gold swallowing beast should not be strong in monitoring changes in space energy, but it has a strong ability to detect dimensional occlusion.

That's right, the enemy is the Gold Swallowing Beast. The style of the battleship is exactly the same as that of the level [-] civilization period, but it is bigger.

The weapons used by enemy ships to attack were not the magnetic cannons at that time, but the antimatter cannons that appeared later.

I don't know how the power of the antimatter cannon of the swallowing gold beast compares with that of the Seiler civilization.Now the entire fleet of the third largest fleet is in the state of opening the dimensional shield.

In fact, the third largest fleet not only opened the dimension shield, but also opened the space shield and the energy shield.

Such multiple shields are opened at the same time, and its protective ability has been evaluated by the Imperial Academy of Sciences. It may not be possible to defeat the sixth-level peak civilization in one fell swoop.

So even though he was surrounded and attacked by the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet, Lin Tao didn't show the slightest sign of panic, but rather annoyed.

"Remove the dimensional cover, shrink the formation of the entire fleet, and attack the dimensional missiles! Launch a full-scale attack on the frontal enemy, and destroy the enemy first!" Lin Tao ordered resolutely.

Although the third largest fleet divided into a fleet, it still had more than 3 warships. When the enemy surrounded it, it had only 9 warships, and its route had only 16 warships.

Su Chenggong still admires Lin Tao's decision. No matter how many ways the enemy comes, I will only go all the way, which is exactly the same as Nurhachi's multi-way conquest against the Ming army.

Although one is a warship duel of interstellar civilization, and the other is a cold weapon battle of indigenous civilization, the tactical concepts are common.

Under the coordination of the intelligence brain of the flagship fleet, the more than 3 warships of the third largest fleet of the empire acted like a person, and surrounded the enemy in front of them with precise movements, like a fist tightened in an instant, and at the same time countless dimensional missiles were launched. .

Knowing that the Gold Swallowing Beast has a space shield, Lin Tao would not foolishly attack with energy bombs, because that would not be able to break the shield in a short time.

This was experienced during the confrontation between the Imperial Fleet and the Yate Fleet. At that time, the Yate Fleet was unable to break the space shield that the Imperial Fleet learned from the Gold Swallowing Beast.

Sure enough, the imperial fleet, which had just escaped from the state of dimensional shading, collided head-on with a wave of anti-matter shells fired by the gold swallowing beast battleship.

The outermost layer of the multiple shields of the imperial battleship is the dimension shield, then the space shield, and the innermost is a new type of energy shield.

The antimatter shells that came from the attack did not explode after passing through the imperial warships in the blurred state of the dimensional shield like the antimatter shells of Seiler civilization, but exploded at the moment of crossing.

The violent antimatter explosion shook the dimensional shield, especially when some warships were hit by many antimatter shells at the same time, the dimensional shield could not hold up and was breached.

As the dimension shield was breached, more antimatter shells began to focus their fire on the warships whose dimension shields were broken. The space shield of the battleship began to play a role, but under the heavy attack of the enemy, it did not last long .

This time, it was the warships of the Fengshen Empire who took the initiative to close the space shield.Because in the process of using the space shield, the Fengshen Empire found that when the space shield could not support it, if it was forcibly broken, it would easily cause space energy riots and have more serious consequences.

Thinking about the space riots caused when the space shield of the giant battleship of the Gold Swallowing Beast was forcibly broken back then, the destructive power is really amazing.

Therefore, in large-scale fleet battles, if this happens to one's warships, the intelligence brain will automatically shut down to ensure that there will be no space energy riots that will damage one's own warships.

The battleship with the space shield turned off, its innermost energy shield continued to play a role, blocking the gold swallowing beast's antimatter shells outside, reflecting the amazing protective power of the energy shield.

"The attack power of the gold-swallowing beast is really much stronger! Their anti-matter shells are very good, and they can achieve such a precise attack effect on the attack of the dimension shield." Lin Tao was full of admiration for the attack effect of the gold-swallowing beast.

At this moment, the dimension missile of the 3rd largest fleet had hit the target instantly, and the antimatter warhead exploded, instantly blasting the warship of the gold swallowing beast into several sections.

"Old Lin, the metal of the Gold Swallowing Beast is even stronger! Our anti-matter warhead can't completely blow up the Gold Swallowing Beast's battleship. Do you think their metal has reached the level of our super nano-polymer?" Su Chenggong It was very surprising to see that the gold swallowing beast battleship was only broken into several pieces.

"It's really unexpected. It seems that the offensive and defensive capabilities of the gold swallowing beast have indeed been fully improved, but this kind of metal should be worse than our super nanopolymer. Our material can withstand this level of antimatter explosion attack." Lin Tao said.

In this wave of attacks, the third largest fleet of the empire fought more and less in some areas, and targeted the use of dimension missiles to attack, making the space shield of the Tunjin Beast useless, and actually wiped out 3 Tunjin along the way. Beast battleship.

This also surprised the commanders of the other seven fleets of the besieged Gold Swallowing Beast, and all the warships immediately began to evade flight.

Our sneak attack did not destroy any enemy ship, but lost the entire fleet in an instant. This kind of battle situation has not been encountered by the gold swallowing beast since it came to the spiral arm of Perseus.

However, soon the seven gold-throwing beast fleets launched another attack. From the fleet observation system, it can be seen that the formation of the gold-throwing beast's fleet began to change.

Out of the seven fleets that were originally encircled, three fleets suddenly entered the state of superluminal speed sailing at a distance of more than 4000 million kilometers. Judging from the trajectory, it was an attempt to penetrate into the third largest fleet of the empire, and the other four fleets formed a hemispherical formation. Continuously attacking part of the 3rd largest fleet.

"Hey, this Gold Swallowing Beast is a quick learner, so you know it's going to cut off a part of our fleet and launch a concentrated fire attack?" Lin Tao chuckled.

Su Chenggong said solemnly: "Old Lin, don't be careless. They travel at super-light speed for such a short distance. I'm afraid they have some new weapons. Otherwise, I'm afraid they won't be able to divide our fleet."

"Don't worry about it, let's block these three fleets! Try to eliminate one of them, and they will retreat," Lin Tao said.

"Attention all fleets, follow the flagship and change into a triangle attack formation. We will destroy the three enemy fleets that broke in!" Lin Tao shouted in the communication channel of the entire large fleet.

"Don't worry, if we wipe out another fleet this time, we'll see if the Gold Swallowing Beast dares to be rampant." A thick baritone voice came from the channel.

"Old Xiong, it's a little swollen. This time, the Gold Swallowing Beast rushed over with three fleets!" Another crisp male voice said.

"What Ding Sheng said is right, be careful to make the Ten Thousand Years Ship, and the Gold Swallowing Beast can't suffer the same loss." Another broken gong sounded.

"What's the matter, are you scared? I, Xiong Minghua, will show you how to get in and out!" Xiong Minghua's thick baritone voice improved a lot.

Ding Sheng said hastily: "Don't, with Commander Lin around, you can't be Zhao Zilong."

"That's right, this is not Changbanpo..." Po Gong added in a voice.

"Stop arguing, be serious, it's a war! Fighting the Golden Beast Fleet is no joke, look at you two, Tian can only be the second child, isn't it?" Su Chenggong interrupted everyone coldly Jokingly, said.

There was a sudden silence in the communication channel. In the third fleet, the Chief of Staff Su Chenggong was strict, and everyone had experienced it before.

"The chief of staff is right, tell me to be more serious, the 3rd fleet has not fought for 20 years, so don't let your mind run wild.

The formation changes quickly, and the short distance travels faster than the speed of light. This maneuverability is super strong. Keep an eye on the tachyon detector.The first wave of attacks all use space energy bombs, blow them out of the curvature space first!The second wave will use dimension missiles again! Lin Tao also ordered solemnly.

"Yes, we promise to complete the mission!" The fleet commanders responded through the communication channel.

In the dim and irrelevant interstellar space, only visible light detectors cannot detect the fleet in the state of traveling faster than the speed of light.

Xiong Minghua, the commander of the 33rd Fleet, stared at the tachyon detector, and saw one of the superluminal trajectories rushing towards the direction of his fleet.

"Intelligent brain, lock the trajectory of the enemy fleet, launch space energy bombs! The fleet is heading to XXXX, and block the attack line of the enemy fleet." Xiong Minghua ordered.

"Old Xiong, if the fleet blocks it like this, it will be affected by the disintegration of the curvature space of the enemy fleet." Chief of Staff Zhang Xiu said.

Xiong Minghua clicked on the trajectory map of the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet on the star map, and said: "Its direction is facing Commander Lin's flagship, and the visitor is not friendly. Our fleet is in this position, so naturally we can't let it pass easily."

Zhang Xiu asked his brain to quickly calculate the trajectory, and as Xiong Minghua said, he couldn't help saying: "Your mental arithmetic ability is too strong, right? However, our fleet also needs to pay attention, and hope that the space energy bomb can directly destroy them."

Xiong Minghua shook his head and said, "They came prepared! Zhinao, the ultimate annihilation attack of the entire fleet!"

It turned out that within a few seconds of the two talking, when the first wave of space energy bombs was launched, before attacking the fleet of gold-swallowing beasts in the curvature space, the fleet of gold-swallowing beasts had suddenly flashed out of the curvature space.

The moment it appeared, many commanders of the Fengshen Empire realized that the largest flagship in the fleet of the Golden Beast rushed to the forefront.

Apparently this was on purpose, and a weapon on the largest flagship had been fired.

Invisible attacks came all the way, and several lieutenant-class warships at the forefront of the fleet disappeared in an instant!
You must know that at this time, the warships of the Fengshen Empire are all in a virtual state, and the multiple shields are also activated at the same time, but they suddenly disappeared under attack, obviously they were directly annihilated.

"It's not quantum ripple, it should be a negative matter cannon!" Lin Tao said calmly, looking at the screen.

Su Chenggong said: "The power exceeded our expectations. Whether it is anti-matter shells or negative-matter cannons, they can actually break the dimensional shield. The technology of the gold swallowing beast is stronger than ours."

"The 33rd Fleet is blocked!" Lin Tao didn't respond to Su Chenggong's words. In the picture he watched, the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet that had just rushed into one side of the Fengshen Empire's triangle was blocked by the 33rd Fleet right in front of it.

The distance between the two sides was less than 1000 million kilometers, and the space energy bombs of the 33rd Fleet completely surrounded the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet.

The Gold Swallowing Beast fleet had no time to dodge, or did not dodge. They were still heading towards Lin Tao's flagship, especially the huge flagship in the fleet.

You can see the warships blocked by the 33rd Fleet. On the straight line between the two, lieutenant-class warships are constantly disappearing, and the school-level warships have not been supporting them for a long time.

This shows that the negative matter guns of the huge battleship of the Golden Beast are still firing continuously, and its frequency and power are far beyond the imagination of the Fengshen Empire fleet.

However, the effect of the space energy bombs directly attacking the warships would be worse, but I didn't expect that all the gold swallowing beast battleships were space shields, and this wave of space energy bombs played an unexpected role instead.

The space shield of the gold swallowing beast battleship was broken by the space energy bomb almost in a blink of an eye. At this time, the quantum ripple launched by the 33rd fleet had appeared beside the gold swallowing beast battleship.

Countless gold swallowing beast battleships that lost their space shields were annihilated by quantum ripples in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, the space energy bomb is very useful for breaking the space shield!" Lin Tao said involuntarily.

"Not good! Old Xiong's fleet will suffer!" Su Chenggong suddenly exclaimed.

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!The battle is fierce, brothers, vote for recommendations and monthly tickets to support!
(End of this chapter)

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