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Chapter 366 The Calculation of Senka Civilization

Chapter 366 The Calculation of Senka Civilization

When Li Chunfeng was immersed in deep thinking about the world, two super large fleets began to gather from several galaxies in the empire, and opened the space gate to go towards the centaur.

The Sagittarius Arm, galaxy S456.

"Old man! Congratulations, the head of state has approved the dispatch of 200 additional smart warships in the large fleet, with No. 100 and No. [-] smarts commanding [-] each." Du Shengjie reported to Zhang Wenhao cheerfully.

Zhang Wenhao's eyes lit up, and he also smiled and said: "Haha, it seems that the head of state is going to let us do a big fight this time, with nearly 2500 million warships, if this can't kill the gold-swallowing beast, I, the commander in chief, won't have to do it. "

"Old man, all the follow-up energy materials have been transported up. Zhuo Yuan suggested to build the Gemini galaxy as a bridgehead. Unfortunately, the resources there have been collected by the gold swallowing beast, so we can only use our transfer station." Du Shengjie said.

Zhang Wenhao called up the star map projection and said: "Using the remote detection method, have you found anything from the M733 galaxy to the area between the Gemini galaxies?"

Du Shengjie quickly called up another projection, pointed to the screen and said: "Just now we discovered that this galaxy has been named M736 galaxy, and it should be that the Gnar Alliance has been resting and hiding here.

After the scout ship I arranged entered the galaxy, I found that the energy materials of the two gas giant planets were basically collected, and the resources of the two rocky planets were almost collected.

The picture we saw from remote observation should be the scene when the shielding equipment was removed and the evacuation was prepared.After connecting M733, M736 and the Gemini galaxies, I searched for nearby galaxies along the line.

Sure enough, two more galaxies were found, named M737 and M738, and there were some traces left in them. It was obvious that they should belong to the Gnar Alliance, but no more battles between the Gold Swallowing Beast and the Gnar Alliance were found. "

Zhang Wenhao asked: "So have you calculated how long the Gnar Alliance will stay in these galaxies?"


It was only when they fought against the Gold Swallowing Beast in M733, perhaps because they hid here for a little longer, that they were discovered by the Swallowing Gold Beast.

Therefore, they stayed in the next few hiding places for a short time. "Du Shengjie explained his discovery.

Zhang Wenhao looked at the planets in several galaxies and said, "Shengjie, have you noticed that the Gnar Alliance does not exploit resources like a gold swallowing beast.

However, the mining of energy substances is relatively thorough. The energy substances of several gas giant planets have been mined, and even the stars seem to be a little dim. It seems that the Gnar Alliance has the technology to harvest star energy.

This shows that they are storing energy, and it also proves that they are indeed sailing firmly towards the center of the galaxy along this route.

It seems that the rulers of the Gnar Alliance believe in this silver heart legend. Even though they could defeat the Gold Swallowing Beast at the very beginning, they just pretended they couldn't and escaped. "

Du Shengjie looked at Zhang Wenhao in surprise, and said, "Old man, do you think that the Gnar Alliance retreated in a fraudulent defeat?"

"Yes. From the scene of the war 30 years ago, we can already see some clues. If the gold-swallowing beasts have the upper hand, it will be difficult for them to drive away the gold-swallowing beasts and bring so many low-level civilizations to evacuate.

I feel that the rulers of the Gnar Alliance planned this long-term strategic transfer plan, and it is not clear why they did so.However, I suspect that those in power are about to regret it now. "Zhang Wenhao said indifferently.

Du Shengjie asked in surprise, "Why do you regret it?"

Zhang Wenhao said: "They don't understand that the gold-swallowing beast needs intelligent creatures to grow strong, if they extinguish the gold-swallowing beast at the beginning, maybe it will be fine.

However, they used the Gold Swallowing Beast to launch this strategic shift. During this process, the Swallowing Gold Beast caught up again and again, captured a batch of fleets of low-level civilizations, and acquired intelligent creatures.

This allowed the Gold Swallowing Beast to grow, while the Gnar Alliance was constantly weakened.The most important thing is that this process will make the low-level civilizations that are originally united in the hearts of the people split, and the Gnar Alliance may not last long.

In my opinion, they shouldn't be able to reach the shield and cross arm on the opposite side. If the Gold Swallowing Beast doesn't defeat them, their alliance will be scattered by itself. "

Du Shengjie nodded and said: "The old man is right. Then how should we deal with it?"

Zhang Wenhao pointed to the gap area directly opposite the Gemini galaxy, and said: "Since the gold swallowing beast is here to sit and wait, then even if the Gnar Alliance does not enter the gap from here, it will not deviate very far.

Therefore, for the construction of the transfer station to cross this gap this time, we cannot pass by one line, but adopt a multi-point synchronous advance method to form a multi-line channel. The distance between each transfer station is 500 light years. .

Then each transfer station deploys 10 large fleets to guard and patrol the surrounding area. Remote astronomical telescope equipment must be deployed in each transfer station, and the transfer station warning network should be built with 3 floors. "

Du Shengjie quickly marked the transfer station construction points on the star map, and built all the way to the shield cross arm on the opposite side. A total of 80 transfer stations need to be built on four lines.

He raised his head and said to Zhang Wenhao: "Old man, almost 80 transfer stations will be built. Will this take too long? Can we still catch up with the Gold Swallowing Beast and the Gnar Alliance?"

Zhang Wenhao looked towards the direction of Yinxin in the distance of the star map, and said: "The Gnar Alliance is so obsessed with Yinxin, maybe we should go and have a look.

Therefore, the construction of these transfer stations will not be wasted. What we are building is a bridge spanning from the centaur arm to the shield cross arm. As for the time issue, with the entanglement between the gold swallowing beast and the Gnar alliance, I am afraid that it may not be able to run much. Far.

However, it is possible to arrange for the fleet to search the opposite side of the Gemini galaxy in advance, go deep into the area about 2500 light-years away from the gap, build the first transfer station there first, and then send half of the fleet there to patrol the surrounding area. Let's say it's 500 light-years away.

After the Smart Fleet arrives, let the fleet led by Smart No. [-] follow Zhuo Yuan and the others to station there.We also migrated to the Gemini galaxy to build this bridgehead.In this way, we can build transfer stations in both directions at the same time, thereby speeding up the construction of this bridge. "

Du Shengjie nodded and said: "Okay, I will inform the No. [-] and No. [-] intelligences to go directly to the Gemini Galaxy, and we will go here as soon as possible."

In the huge gap between the Sagittarius Arm and the Shield-Cross Arm, 2200 light-years away from the Sagittarius Arm, a huge fleet in the void is sailing at super-light speed.

There was hardly any light in the black chasm, and this fleet was sailing in a curvature, so it couldn't be detected by astronomical observation methods.

The super-light speed of this fleet is only 50 times the speed of light. Their sailing direction is the direction of the Sagittarius Arm, and it takes 44 years to reach the star field of the Sagittarius Arm.

Before that, they didn't have any material to replenish in the gap, and the only way was their fleet's own spaceships and warships.

That is to use the spaceships in the fleet as energy materials, and obtain energy through the decay of elements. Obviously, this is a fleet of a fourth-level civilization.

No, it should be three fleets of Level [-] civilization. There are three superluminal tracks here, and the shapes of warships in each curvature space are different.

In the flagship command room of one of the fleets, some intelligent creatures are busy with their own, some are calculating the route, some are communicating with the warships in the fleet, and some are communicating with the other two allied fleets that are sailing in curvature. Stay in contact.

The appearance of these intelligent creatures is exactly the same as that of Lalda on the Deguer planet. Obviously, this is the fleet of the Senka civilization.

Among these intelligent creatures, there is a leader who looks like a leader, silently looking at a star map, as if in deep thought.

"Leader, we have just completed the calculation. If all goes well, when the entire fleet reaches the Starfield of the Centaur Arm, there will probably be less than 50 warships left. However, our people should be able to survive." A number of intelligent creatures came to report.

The leader turned around, looked at the reporter with big green eyes, and said, "Marshal Shen Song, you also said that everything is going well. But, do you think the Devourer's fleet won't come after you?"

Marshal Shen Song shook his head, and said: "They will definitely come after them. With the style of Doss civilization, they will definitely not last long, and they will make a space jump to evacuate.

The devouring demon fleet will destroy and devour those third-level civilizations that are stranded on the battlefield. As for those of us who fled, it is estimated that we will also send a fleet to pursue them. "

The leader sighed, and said: "It would be great if this is not a chasm, then maybe we can pass through some complicated and dangerous star fields and escape the tracking of the Devourer.

Now in this chasm area, the Devourer fleet can easily find us through the superluminal detector, but we cannot exit the superluminal speed, because at conventional speeds, it is even more difficult to escape the tracking of the Devourer. "

Marshal Shen Song's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said: "Leader, after listening to your words, I suddenly thought of a solution, I don't know if it will be effective."

The leader asked: "What method? Tell me."

Marshal Shen Song said: "Now we have three fleets sailing faster than the speed of light. In fact, isn't this a big goal?"

"Do you want us to part ways with the Lolan civilization and the Entropy civilization? Then if we encounter the Devourer fleet, it will be even more difficult to escape with our strength?" The leader frowned.

Marshal Shen Song explained: "It's not about separating now, but the moment when the Devourer fleet that is chasing it appears. Usually, the Devourer fleet appears in front of the fleet to block it by jumping through space.

At that point in time, if our fleet suddenly turned and sailed in another direction, there would be a huge distance between us and the two civilized fleets in an instant.

At this time, their fleet will be closer to the Devourer fleet than ours. Even if they react and want to escape, they will be stopped by the Devourer fleet first, and a battle will break out.

This bought us time. Using this time, we made a few changes of direction at the beginning, and then entered the normal sailing state after leaving 5 light-years.Of course, if you don't spare energy at this time, you can also perform 1-2 space jumps, and perform some cover actions to enter the hidden voyage, and you should be able to avoid the detection of the Devourer.

Usually, the detection equipment of the sixth-level civilization can only detect about 3 light-years, and the conventional detection equipment in the chasm area will not play a big role.

The distance of 5 light years is enough for the Devourer fleet to be unable to detect us after destroying their two fleets. Due to our multiple changes of direction, the Devourer fleet cannot confirm the direction of our escape, so it is even more difficult to find. "

The leader thought about it, and said: "But, we are the only fleet left, and the Devourer fleet will always find us if it takes some time.

The point is, in this way, we will definitely not be able to return to the Centaur Arm in a straight line, so the problem of supplementing energy consumption will be very serious. In the end, even if we escape the tracking of the Devourer Fleet, there will probably be a lot fewer warships that can reach the Centaur Arm safely. . "

Marshal Shen Song said helplessly: "Yes. But this is our chance. If it succeeds, at least part of our civilization can survive, otherwise it will be completely swallowed and wiped out by the Devourer."

The leader fell into deep thought, and after a few minutes, he said, "Go and get ready first, let's see if the Devourer's fleet will catch up."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now." Marshal Shen Song immediately turned around to make corresponding arrangements. After all, this is a large fleet. Although the Senka civilization suffered relatively large losses in the initial battle with the Devourer, the people involved in the evacuation operation The number of battleships and spaceships is limited, but there are also 700 million of them.

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(End of this chapter)

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