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Chapter 373 Another Group of Gold-swallowing Beasts

Chapter 373 Another Group of Gold-swallowing Beasts
This torrent of consciousness only lasted for more than ten seconds, and all the gold-swallowing beast warships in this encirclement lost control.

This is Li Chunfeng's powerful thought field, which instantly captured the consciousness of these gold-swallowing beasts. It was different from the consciousness of the gold-swallowing beasts who plundered the giant battleship back then.

However, so many warships lost control in an instant, but they need to be controlled. At present, Li Chunfeng's thoughts are divided into countless, and through the crystal balls of each warship, all these gold-swallowing beast warships are turned off.

Then Zhuo Yuan was notified to send robots to receive these warships, rescue the intelligent creatures of various civilizations inside, and migrate them to the corresponding transport ships.

Of course, the environmental requirements of different intelligent creatures have to be arranged by Zhuo Yuan, but Li Chunfeng explained that these warships must be towed back to the transfer station base unscathed.

Just now when the torrent of thought field rushed over the battleship of the gold-swallowing beast, Li Chunfeng found that the consciousness of these intelligent creatures was as low as that of humans on earth, and it was almost impossible to detect them at all, so he didn't worry about being captured by the torrent of thought.

This also means that the gold swallowing beasts can grow to such a large number that they can only accumulate to the point of reproduction and division by devouring a larger number of intelligent creatures.

Therefore, this time Li Chunfeng was relentless and captured all the gold-swallowing beasts without missing a beat.

After the capture, the highest level of the consciousness of these gold-swallowing beasts is swallowed by one's own consciousness, so that the relevant memories in the consciousness of these gold-swallowing beasts can be obtained, and the corresponding information of the gold-swallowing beasts can be obtained.

Having had the previous experience, he knew that the higher the level of the gold-swallowing beast consciousness, the more complete the situation, so Li Chunfeng did not swallow the low-level gold-swallowing beast consciousness, but stayed.

Directly send these low-level gold-swallowing beast consciousnesses captured by his own thoughts to the consciousness energy purification equipment developed by Qian Minhua. With the operation of the equipment, these gold-swallowing beast consciousnesses are indeed purified into a stream of pure consciousness energy, which is captured by Li Chunfeng. It is stored in a specific module in the virtual world.

After Qian Minhua completed the consciousness energy purification equipment, Li Chunfeng transferred the purified consciousness energy into the virtual world. He originally thought that he would also be attracted by the magical space of the virtual world, but the magical space did not appear at all.

Unable to understand the situation, Li Chunfeng was relieved to build a module space in the virtual world, which is specially used for Alex and the others who participated in the consciousness experiment to enter here to absorb this pure consciousness energy and improve their own consciousness. intensity of consciousness.

Although Alex and the others can absorb this consciousness energy without impurities, the amount they absorb is very small, and it is also graded. The lower the grade, the slower and less the absorption, and the higher the grade, the faster the absorption. Faster and more.

Therefore, at present, Alex has absorbed more, but compared to his third level, it is not easy to upgrade to the fourth level.

It seems that phagocytosis and absorption are determined by the energy level of the consciousness itself. If the energy level is low, it will not be able to absorb more. This seems to be similar to the feeling that if you have money, you will get richer, and if you have no money, it will be difficult to make money.

The Gold-Tuning Beast captured back then had the highest awareness before entering the Shadow School. This time there is not only a Shadow General, but also a Shadow Commander, so the information on the Gold-Tuning Beast is almost like its own database, which can be read at any time.

Unexpectedly, the gold swallowing beasts encountered this time turned out to be a combination of several groups, or there was only one group at the beginning, but later as the gold swallowing beasts captured a large number of intelligent creatures of low-level civilizations in the Gnar Alliance, this brought them a huge development.

Not only has the number of the entire ethnic group increased greatly, but because the number of ethnic groups exceeds a certain amount, new ethnic groups have begun to separate continuously.

At this time, it was about when the Gnar Alliance was still in the arms of the people. Later, new ethnic groups continued to separate. Originally, according to the social situation of the gold swallowing beast, the separated ethnic groups would not be with the original ethnic groups.

It’s just that for some unknown reason, these separated groups are still gathering together, and are constantly looking for and besieging the Gnar Alliance.

It seems that the first level of Yingshuai can't directly communicate with the shadow consciousness body, so he doesn't know the existence of the shadow consciousness body. The reason why these groups of gold swallowing beasts gather together should be the role of the shadow consciousness body behind it.

But since the new actor is upgraded from the shadow commander, and the shadow consciousness body has not contacted and controlled the shadow commander before, how is the new actor willing to obey the command of the shadow consciousness body?
Li Chunfeng has no way of knowing for the time being, because the gold-swallowing beast captured this time has the highest consciousness to reach the shadow commander, and it cannot be allowed to swallow a large number of intelligent creatures and then be promoted to the movie king.

It was obviously unrealistic, Li Chunfeng thought about it for a while, and then let it go temporarily.Because there are still two gold swallowing beast fleets being surrounded here, and they urgently need to destroy them by themselves.

At this time, the two gold-swallowing beast fleets were already restless, and the warships began to rush left and right, trying to rush out of the encirclement.

After all, they clearly saw that the Gold Swallowing Beast fleet lost control in an instant, and then all flames were turned off and left to the Fengshen Empire's disposal.

Li Chunfeng immediately led the fleet to the next surrounded gold swallowing beast fleet, followed the same pattern and harvested another batch, and then it was the last one.

At this time, Yingshuai, the commander of the Gold Swallowing Beast Fleet here, was completely desperate, so before Li Chunfeng's fleet approached, he ordered the warships to explode.

It's just that Li Chunfeng's movements were not slow. Only when some battleships in this Gold-swallowing Beast fleet began to explode, his consciousness flooded over.

It's a pity that the shadow commander of this fleet is quite resolute. It was the first battleship that blew itself up. A good flagship battleship was destroyed just like that. Tens of millions of intelligent creatures in the flagship were buried with it up.

"Well, in the future, if you encounter multiple fleets in one battlefield, you should move faster to avoid such things."

While thinking this way, Li Chunfeng greeted Zhuo Yuan, and asked several of the new Fengshen-class battleships to open the space gate, and then led the escort fleet through the space gate, appearing 42 light-years away.

There is a fleet of gold swallowing beasts that fled all the way here before. After several consumptions, there are still nearly 30 warships loaded with intelligent creatures.

Li Chunfeng didn't wait for the Gold-Tuning Beast fleet here to react, and directly sent out a torrent of thoughts, because the location where the space gate was opened before is less than 3000 million kilometers away from the Gold-Tuning Beast fleet.

As the torrent of thoughts swept across, the consciousness of these gold-swallowing beasts at all levels was captured by Li Chunfeng in one fell swoop, and then it was dealt with in the same way as before.

Li Chunfeng saw that the pure energy of consciousness in the special module space of the virtual world became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but feel great.

Immediately rushed to the location of the next Gold-Tuning Beast fleet. It didn't take much time to clean up the Gold-Tuning Beasts. So far, the Gold-Tuning Beast fleet on Battlefield B was completely wiped out.

No, it should be that the Gold-throwing Beast fleet that stayed behind to chase and deal with various civilizations was completely wiped out. Li Chunfeng knew very well at this time that there were still 800 million Gold-throwing Beast warships in the Gold-throwing Beast fleet chasing the Gnar Alliance. Part of the main fleet.

Among the 800 million warships, there are three groups of gold swallowing beasts. The largest group controls 500 million warships, and the other two control 150 million warships each.

As for the 800 million warships left behind to pursue and enjoy the spoils, the 500 million ships left on the B battlefield belong to the largest group, and they are determined to split into a new group.

The 300 million ships responsible for chasing down the level [-] civilization and the level [-] civilization belong to the other two groups, and they are also going to be separated into a new group, so they are assigned to capture intelligent creatures.

This is also why 800 million gold-swallowing beast battleships were destroyed in A and B, but there was not a single movie star, because these movie commanders haven't had time to devour intelligent creatures to upgrade.

Li Chunfeng knew that there was another group in the entire Gold Swallowing Beast. After this group was first separated, it was responsible for guarding the Gemini galaxy and blocking the direction of the Gnar Alliance leading to the center of the galaxy in advance.

Later, the Gnar Alliance did not enter the Dark Chasm from this direction, but entered from a place 50 light-years away from the Gemini Galaxy.

This group failed to stop it, and therefore failed to obtain more intelligent creatures. The film king who had just been separated, anxious for the development of the group, unexpectedly opened an ultra-long-range space door.

The target is of course the original area of ​​the Perseus Arm Gnar Alliance. Although there are not many intelligent creatures left in the remaining planets in those areas, they have developed to a certain extent after they collected them.

Later, the S326 galaxy was selected as the base, because like the A galaxy in the Gemini galaxy, there is a planet with a high metal content, which is very suitable for building a battle star.

This ethnic group started construction in two galaxies at the same time. After this incident started, their ethnic group actually only allocated less than a million warships to participate in the pursuit of the Gnar Alliance.

Li Chunfeng was a little vigilant in his heart, so the gold-swallowing beasts encountered by the Fengshen Empire in the S326 galaxy of the Percyon Arm belonged to this group.

This group was wiped out by the Fengshen Empire with a battle star and more than 70 warships, but where did the surviving part of the Gemini Galaxy A galaxy go?

Originally, Li Chunfeng thought that after these gold-throwing beasts escaped from the Gemini galaxy, they should join the gold-throwing beast fleet tracking the Gnar Alliance, but now they know that these gold-throwing beasts have lost contact.

The point is, this part of the swallowing gold beast has a battle star, and this strength is quite good.Another point, knowing the information of this group from the consciousness of the Shadow Commander-level gold-swallowing beast, I always feel that the behavior of this group is a bit different compared to other groups of gold-swallowing beasts.

Li Chunfeng knew that there was a shadow body behind the gold-swallowing beasts to control it, so the original purpose was to pursue the Gnar Alliance, but suddenly this group began to deviate, which is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

Could this be the special plan of the Shadow Consciousness?What is the purpose of doing this?Could it be that he knew that the Fengshen Empire was coming after him, so he made a special arrangement?But obviously this group is not strong enough.

Even if both Battle Stars are dispatched, it will be difficult to get cheap from the Fengshen Empire.What is the plan of the shadow consciousness?Also, where exactly is it?And how to manipulate these gold swallowing beasts?

It seems that I have to find a way to catch a movie king. At this time, the Golden Beast still has 800 million warships chasing the Doss civilization, the leader of the Gnar Alliance.

With the strength of the sixth-level civilization of the Doss civilization, it should not be chased by the gold-swallowing beast. There were many civilization fleets before, but now they only have their own fleet. Will they behave differently when facing the pursuit of the gold-swallowing beast fleet? some?

 The second update today, thank you for your subscription and rewards!I hope everyone will vote for recommendation and monthly support.

(End of this chapter)

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