live on the computer

Chapter 399 Tragic Broken Leaf Civilization

Chapter 399 Tragic Broken Leaf Civilization

Han Junyi was overjoyed and said, "Haha, I didn't expect that we were the first to discover the Gold Swallowing Beast, hurry up! Report to Commander Ke immediately.

At the same time, the reconnaissance ship stopped moving forward, and then opened the one-way space door, and sent the 'Pathfinder 8' directly to the vicinity of the stars of the S787b galaxy, first to investigate the situation in the star system. "

The space gate battleship was quickly in place, and then at the moment of opening, "Pathfinder 8" was thrown over, and the space gate was quickly closed.

Only a few minutes later, "Pathfinder 8" transmitted back the situation in the S787b star system. It was actually very quiet here. In the space of the galaxy, there were only a small number of long battleships unique to the gold swallowing beast cruising.

Of the three terrestrial planets in this galaxy, two have been collected beyond recognition. The other planet closest to the star is shocking and inexplicable. It has a thick atmosphere, but it does not appear blue. , because this planet does not have a lot of sea water.

Immediately afterwards, "Pathfinder 8" sent back a reminder from the life detector that there is actually life on this planet.

The star in this galaxy is a red giant star. Judging from its expansion, it should have swallowed at least one planet.

What an incredible thing it is to be able to experience the expansion period of a red giant star, still have an atmosphere, and still have the continuation or birth of life.

At present, the star is still about 1.8 astronomical units away from the living planet. Judging from the radiated heat, the average temperature of this planet should be around 35°C.

Because the warships of the swallowing beasts are always patrolling this planet, "Pathfinder 8" must not be able to get close, and it is impossible to further detect the life on this planet.

But the current position of "Pathfinder 8" is also very embarrassing, because it is too close to the star, and if it stays for too long, it will not be able to withstand the heat of the red giant star.

If "Pathfinder 8" continues to approach that planet, it will be very easily spotted by the patrol warships of the Golden Beast.

So Han Jun issued an order to let "Pathfinder 8" orbit the star first. As for how long it can withstand the powerful thermal radiation of the red giant star, let it go.

Although it is impossible to detect the life situation on planet No. [-] clearly, the obvious gold swallowing beast battleships in the entire galaxy, as well as the defensive fortresses everywhere, can still be clearly detected.

"Old Zhao, there are only a small number of gold-swallowing beasts in this galaxy, and all the warships add up to less than 1, and they are divided into five places.

In my opinion, we can jump into space in one fell swoop, destroy all these battleships and defensive fortresses, and then land everywhere to destroy the gold swallowing beasts on the planet. "Han Jun said with bright eyes.

It seems that this should be just an ordinary stronghold galaxy of the Golden Beast, and it is 700 light-years away from the last coordinate position of the Golden Beast's remnant fleet. It is very likely that it is the Golden Beast's lair, and this may be the outer stronghold.

Chief of Staff Zhao Chen thought about it, and said: "The head of state sent a special request, if you can capture the gold-swallowing beast's space gate equipment, it will be a great achievement.

Look at the side facing the star on planet No. [-], could it be the equipment of the space gate?I think that area covers thousands of kilometers, such a big guy, maybe it can span tens of thousands of light years, so it must be seized. "

Han Junyi also saw the scene at this time, and immediately agreed: "That's right, it seems that this is really likely to be that kind of space door.

Could it be that the bigger the space gate is, the farther the distance will be?No wonder the space gate of the empire can only be 1500 light-years away. We are all built on battleships. It is flexible, but it is indeed too small. "

Zhao Chen suggested: "In my opinion, the warships that space-jump to planet No. 11230 should arrange for the [-]th fleet. At the same time, their fleet will send a group of soldiers from the Interstellar Marine Corps by means of dimensional teleportation. Take it safely, and don't let the Gold Swallowing Beast blow it up."

Han Jun nodded and said, "That's a good idea, let's give it an order. In the other places, we must wipe out all the enemies in front of us in one fell swoop, so that the gold swallowing beast can't react completely, so as to effectively ensure the successful completion of the mission of the Star Marine Corps. "

The two then discussed some details, and the fleet launched operations accordingly.

A group of battleships are in the shape of a sphere at a distance of 787 light-years from the S4b galaxy, surrounding the galaxy. The other batches of warships formed a corresponding attack formation and made final preparations.

According to the last picture sent back by "Pathfinder 8", a precise space jump attack was launched.

In the S787b galaxy, near the positions of many gold-swallowing beast warships in the void, many batches of Fengshen Empire warships suddenly appeared.

At the moment when it appeared, along with the siren of the gold-swallowing beast warship, countless dimensional missiles had blown the gold-swallowing beast warship into several sections.

This was an unprepared, overwhelming, and unsuspecting offensive and annihilation battle. In just a few minutes, all the warships and fortifications of the Gold Swallowing Beast in the S787b galaxy were completely wiped out.

Planet No. [-], which Han Junyi and Zhao Chen focused on, is where the suspected space gate equipment is located. On an area of ​​thousands of kilometers, tens of thousands of clone officers and intelligent robot soldiers of the Interstellar Marine Corps descended at the same time.

At present, the interstellar marine regiment of Fengshen Empire has all clones as officers, and all soldiers are intelligent robots.

Most of the earliest members of the natural human interstellar marines joined the fleet after studying at a military university, and a very few of them who did not change careers became the highest-level generals of the interstellar marines, responsible for commanding the troops of the interstellar marines .

The empire's interstellar marine regiment only needs to be responsible for the regular garrison of the empire's territory and fortresses, and is also assigned to each fleet as a possible landing force.

Tens of thousands of troops occupied the space gate equipment efficiently and quickly, and fought with the gold swallowing beast's land combat mecha unit on the third planet.

But losing the space fleet also means losing the supremacy of the air, and the dark sky of "Gust 4" easily destroyed all the power of the gold-swallowing beast mechs.

This made the gold swallowing beast not even have time to destroy the space gate equipment. It can also be seen from this that the gold swallowing beast's space gate equipment is not routinely equipped with a self-destruct device.

This shows that the two large space gate devices destroyed by the Gold Swallowing Beast were indeed intentional, to interrupt the clues of the follow-up pursuers.However, the Gold Swallowing Beast never expected that it would still be tracked by the Fengshen Empire's fleet despite being so careful.

Afterwards, more interstellar marines from the fleet came down to land, completely occupied the devastated planets, and cleaned up the gold-eating beasts on the planets.

Because the space gate equipment on Planet No. [-] was occupied by the Interstellar Marine Corps for the first time, the gold swallowing beasts here could not evacuate as they did in the Triangular Galaxy back then.

After the land forces were wiped out by the empire's army, these gold-eating beasts responsible for manipulating some mechanical equipment of consciousness technology were found and eliminated one by one.

Han Junyi actually wanted to capture them alive, but the Gold-Tuning Beasts were all extremely brave, and no matter what they were manipulating were just some mechanical equipment, they desperately wanted to use this kind of machinery to attack the soldiers of the Star Marine Corps.

Fortunately, the Fengshen Empire had fought against the Gold Swallowing Beast on land back then, so it has more experience, and its equipment is more advanced now.The multi-touch mobile armor equipment used to fight those gold swallowing beasts was very easy, not to mention these ordinary mining and production machinery and equipment.

Zhao Chen suddenly said: "We can try an infrasonic weapon, which should be able to capture these gold-eating beasts alive."

Han Junyi suddenly said: "You mean at the last moment of the fleet's departure, an intelligent infrasonic weapon sent by the Academy of Computer Science, said that it can be used against the gold swallowing beast?"

"Yes, according to the accompanying instructions, this thing can stun the gold swallowing beast, so as to capture the gold swallowing beast alive. I just don't know if it is useful? At that time, I thought how could this weapon be developed by the Academy of Computer Science? That's why it Remember." Zhao Chen said.

Han Jun clapped his hands and said, "Then try it. Anyway, if the fight continues like this, all the gold-swallowing beasts will probably die. If it is useful, then we can make a great contribution."

At this time, in the S787b galaxy, most of the battles have ended, and there are only a few planets or planet satellites that still have gold swallowing beasts to resist.

The interstellar marine regiment of the fleet is cooperating with "Gust 4" to carry out a clean-up operation. It won't take long, and all the gold-swallowing beasts should be wiped out.

Zhao Chen quickly notified the marine regiments everywhere that they were going to use new weapons to capture these stubborn gold swallowing beasts alive.

With the arrival of the new weapon, the Space Marine Corps quickly launched this so-called infrasonic wave on the surrounded gold swallowers.

After using this weapon for a few minutes, the gold swallowing beasts that were still fighting on various battlefields suddenly died down and became silent.

The soldiers of the Star Marine Corps rushed up quickly and found that these gold swallowing beasts were really in a coma state, not the kind of death state that turned into metal.

Now Han Junyi and Zhao Chen were overjoyed, they never expected that the weapon would really work, and the two of them couldn't get away with this great achievement.

But how to imprison the Gold Swallowing Beast?At the moment, report the situation here to the Legion Command.

Ke Fei and Ma Xiaotian were overjoyed after receiving the report, but they couldn't figure out how to imprison the Gold Swallowing Beast, so they immediately reported the situation to the headquarters.

When Li Chunfeng knew about it, he directly instructed, "Use a laser cage to imprison it, and at the same time cooperate with that kind of infrasonic weapon, and send it back to the S699 galaxy as soon as possible. The research team of the infrasonic weapon will go there immediately to conduct research on the gold swallowing beast."

The S699 galaxy is the starting point of the Sagittarius Arm's expedition, and it is also the rear base camp, where various weapons and materials are concentrated for sending to the front line of the Canis Major dwarf galaxy.

When Han Junyi and Zhao Chen received the instructions from the head of state, they were watching the picture of the living planet sent back by "Gust 4".

At this time, the Interstellar Marine Corps has landed on this planet with an atmosphere, and a large number of "Gust 4" are cooperating with the Marine Corps to eliminate the gold-eating beasts on the surface of the planet, and are also carefully investigating the situation on the surface of the planet.

The Interstellar Marine Corps used that infrasonic weapon to cleanly eliminate the gold-eating beasts everywhere on the planet, and at the same time discovered a large number of intelligent creatures.

Instead of oxygen, this intelligent creature breathes carbon dioxide, which fills the entire planet's atmosphere.

Moreover, the surface temperature is close to 50°C during the day and 28°C at night. Obviously, this kind of intelligent creature can adapt to this high temperature environment.

The clone commanders of the Star Marine Corps would probably be dead if they weren't wearing "dragon armor".

There are not many gold swallowing beasts here. After the Star Marine Corps sent away the captured gold swallowing beasts, they were going to get in touch with these semi-erect creatures that looked like dinosaurs.

The thinking organs of these intelligent creatures look like the heads of dinosaurs, and their limbs and torsos look like humans, but they have a huge tail, which is very similar to the tail of a dinosaur.

This kind of dinosaur is often in a crawling state, but it can also walk upright, so it looks like a semi-erect intelligent creature.

The reason why they are said to be intelligent creatures is because they have language, characters, their own buildings, etc., and corresponding technologies.

After Zhinao quickly deciphered the language of the dinosaurs, it was discovered that this was a first-level civilization that claimed to be the broken leaf civilization, and this civilization had been made extremely miserable by the gold swallowing beast, because they were being fed by the gold swallowing beast.

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(End of this chapter)

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