dragon hunter

Chapter 80 Painted Skin

Chapter 80 Painted Skin
"It's weird, I can't stare at it anymore." I shouted in my heart, my head was dizzy just now, and I almost lost myself.

The beauty in palace costume danced gracefully, with her curvy body sideways, smiling at me charmingly, like a hundred flowers blooming.

I was dazzled, and just after I cleared my head, I was in a trance again. I couldn't help it, and took a few steps forward.

There was a tingling sensation from the Qianlong tattoo on my back, which pulled me out of the hallucination. When I looked at the beauty in the palace costume again, I suddenly felt that I was not as addicted as before.

My heart was pounding, and I cried out inwardly. The other party's footsteps seemed to have a peculiar rhythm, and every step could follow the rhythm of my heartbeat, driving my heartbeat to become faster and faster.

If I was addicted to it just now and couldn't extricate myself, I would die because of a rapid heartbeat and a burst blood vessel.

"Tianmowu! It's definitely Tianmowu!" I resisted the temptation and quickly turned my face away, not daring to continue staring at the dancer in palace costume.

The strange skill of Tianmo dance was once only spread in the court, and only the emperor could appreciate it. Later, it was spread to the common people.

"Lang Jun, why don't you look at me anymore, am I not pretty enough?" A soft body leaned over.

A strange fragrance rushed into my nostrils, I quickly held my breath, and was about to step back, but was hugged by a pair of white arms like jade.

"My face, isn't it beautiful enough?" A melon-shaped face is close at hand, so beautiful that it makes people dizzy, and the soft breath sprayed on my face.

I know it's all fake, but I still can't help but indulge in it, because the touch of holding my body is too real.

When I was young, I heard stories told by old people in the village about how goblins can deceive people. I was still a little ignorant, but now I finally understand a thing or two.

"Do you like me?" The voice next to my ear is soft and melodious, which can confuse people's minds.

"I like it!" I stared at the other party with a blank look, and my voice was a little mechanical.

A smug flash of beauty flashed in the eyes of the beauty in the palace costume, she exhaled like blue, and was about to continue to seduce me, when the afterimage flashed, a piece of yellow talisman paper was pasted on her forehead.

I took the opportunity to push her away, and quickly stepped back. If I hadn't deliberately confused her just now, I would never have gotten away so easily.

The beauty in the palace costume was expressionless, ignoring the yellow talisman paper on her forehead, and staring straight at me, "Since you don't like this face, how about I change it?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored me, went straight to the dressing table, faced the bronze mirror, reached out and peeled off the human skin on his face, and threw it on the ground aside.

I looked at the human skin on the ground in horror, and there was a piece of yellow talisman paper stuck on it. When I raised my eyes, I saw the beauty in palace costume. I picked up a pen and drew on my face.

"Painted skin! The other party is a painted charm." I was extremely shocked. According to the record in the Broken Physiotherapy, the painted charm is a very strange evil spirit that can absorb the yang energy of living people. It has no fixed face and can change into anyone's look.

"Lang Jun, look at me now, do you like it?" Hua Mei turned her head, looked at me with a charming smile, and turned into Zhen Qingyi.

"This evil spirit can actually see through people's hearts." I bit my finger and drew a blood symbol between my eyebrows to prevent the other party from continuing to peep into my heart.

"Look how nice this place is, delicious food and wine, accompanied by beauties, stay here and don't leave, okay?" Hua Mei laughed softly, her waist was as thin as a willow, and she walked towards me slowly.

I didn't speak, I stretched out my hand and threw a few burning talisman papers, turned around and ran out the door, but the palace gate was locked tightly, and I couldn't open it no matter what.

A pair of pure white arms hugged me from behind, and a soft body pressed against me, "It is said that peony flowers die, and being a ghost is also romantic. Isn't it good to be a romantic ghost?"

The voice behind me was clear and melodious, my scalp was numb, and I held the arms around my waist with both hands, trying to pull that evil spirit away.

"If you don't appreciate it, they will get angry." The crisp voice carried a trace of evil charm.

"Fuck your sister, go find someone else to flirt with." My forehead was sweating anxiously, and the red nails on my waist grew longer and longer, and they were so sharp that it made people feel chilling.

"Lang Jun, can you let me see your heart?" The sharp red nails slowly lifted up, fingers like hooks, digging toward my heart.

I struggled desperately, but I didn't expect that this evil spirit seemed so weak and surprisingly strong that it couldn't break free.

Seeing that the sharp nails were about to touch the chest, I took out a piece of yellow talisman paper, burned it directly in my hand, and patted the back of the opponent's hand.

The burning talisman touched my wrist, and Hua Mei withdrew her hand like an electric shock, and my own hand was also scorched black.

Taking advantage of the precious opportunity, I grabbed the opponent's arm, bent down hard and fell forward, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the painting charm.

There was a sudden light on my body, I staggered and almost fell, a light smoke appeared in front of me, Hua Mei walked out from the light smoke.

"Hidden souls linger." Before I had time to think about it, I stretched out my hand and threw out a handful of burning talisman papers, and quickly moved back.

Before the burning talisman approached, Hua Mei turned into a puff of green smoke again and disappeared in place.

My mind was spinning quickly, thinking back to the records in the Broken Physiognomy, but unfortunately it only briefly described the charm of the painting, and did not introduce how to deal with it.

The talisman paper fell on the carpet, a ball of flames rose, Hua Mei suddenly appeared beside her, stretched out her hand and waved a cloud of black air to extinguish the flame that had just ignited.

"Huamei seems to be very afraid of fire?" My heart moved, and I threw out a few burning talisman papers again, this time mainly targeting carpets and wooden furniture.

The phosphorus talisman has a strong adsorption force and can be burned by sticking to objects. Fires ignited in many places in the palace, and the smoke was a bit choking.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you." Hua Mei was a little annoyed, she stretched out her sharp red nails and pinched towards my neck.

I have been wary of the other party. As soon as her figure appeared beside me, I immediately stepped on the Youlong Bagua step and hid to the side.

Ignoring Hua Mei who was chasing after me, I continued to throw the burning talisman paper, as if I would not hesitate to die together, and everyone burned to death together.

Hua Mei screamed frantically, stopped chasing me, and started to turn around to put out the fire. While waving her sleeves, a wave of evil black energy kept gushing out, extinguishing the burning flames.

I don't dare to let the other party idle, keep running and continue to set fire, now it's a race against time, otherwise when Hua Mei puts out the fire, it will be my turn to suffer.

Smoke and dust billowed all around, and several large fires ignited in the palace, and the overall temperature increased a lot, and I was also very uncomfortable.

But relatively speaking, Hua Mei's situation is much worse than mine. The constant extinguishing of the fire consumes too much of her strength, her dress is torn, and her face looks like a cat.

"Stop it, I can let you out." Hua Mei yelled angrily, and began to seek a compromise.

"Then if you send me out, I won't be able to set fire to it." I stared at the other party vigilantly to prevent Hua Mei from sneaking in.

Hua Mei bit her lip, a trace of unwillingness flashed across her face, looking at the palace where the fire was getting bigger and bigger, with a wave of her sleeve, I felt myself being pushed back by a huge force.

In a blink of an eye, I fell down suddenly, and rolled twice on the ground in embarrassment. I raised my eyes and looked around, and found that I had come out of the palace.

This is a small secret room, with several portraits of women hanging on the wall, and a copper oil palace lamp lit in each of the four corners.

I noticed that one of the portraits was burnt and the background of the palace was a mess.

"It's so dangerous!" I was terrified, and I turned my head to look around. When I saw a few intact portraits on the wall, I subconsciously took a few steps back, for fear that a painting charm would come out of it and pull me into the painting.

Fortunately, after a long time, nothing unusual happened, and my heart, which had been hanging on, fell back a little.

At this time, I had time to look at the contents of the paintings. The paintings were all of the same woman. That woman was covered with a veil and had a graceful figure. She was the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus.

"Signing is a gongshouyang. I didn't expect the other party's painting skills to reach this level, which can make the painting come alive." I felt a little regretful that a guy with many talents fell in love with someone he shouldn't love.

There is a pair of characters hanging on the wall on the other side, flamboyant and phoenix dancing, the handwriting is quite strong, but the content is mother-in-law, not worthy of the strong handwriting.

"The Buddha said that I looked back [-] times in the previous life, and I passed by once in this life. How should I choose?" The last few words were a bit scribbled, and I recognized them for a long time.

"I'm dead, and I choose to be a fart." I muttered to myself, squinting at the woman in the painting.

"You're right, since you're dead, everything should disappear." A faint voice sounded, and several paintings hanging on the wall spontaneously ignited without fire.

"Who?" I was startled, and quickly turned around to look around, but I didn't see anyone.

The few paintings on the wall were quickly burned up and turned into black ashes and scattered on the ground. The secret room was quiet and there was no sound.

"Hey, who are you? Let me out." I was trapped in the secret room and searched around, but couldn't find a way out.

I shouted impetuously for a while, but there was no response, as if the voice just now was just my hallucination.

"Hey, the positions of these copper oil palace lanterns are a bit weird." I have read too much Feng Shui, and I am very sensitive to the orientation of objects. Those few copper oil palace lanterns look a bit obtrusive.

I walked over, grabbed a copper pole of an oil lamp, and lifted it up, but it didn't move, and I twisted it with my hand again, and there was a sound of machine lock.

I quickly let go of the copper oil palace lamp and looked around vigilantly. The wall on the left trembled slightly and opened a square exit.

It was pitch black at the back, so I turned on the flashlight to take a picture, and walked in cautiously. Behind the door was a narrow passage with twists and turns, and I didn't know where it led.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came from behind me, I stood cautiously on the spot, squeezed a few talisman papers in my hand, turned around suddenly, and held up the flashlight to shine on the back.

"Who? Don't shake Fatty's eyes with the flashlight." Fatty Wang's cowardly voice sounded in front of him.

"Fatty, what brand of liquor do you like best?" I didn't relax my vigilance and asked suddenly.

"Fatty doesn't like to drink white wine, but red wine with flavor." Fatty Wang replied breathlessly.

I suddenly relaxed, Fatty Wang likes to pretend to be petty bourgeoisie, and often buys some low-quality red wine to keep at home.

(End of this chapter)

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