dragon hunter

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

"It's almost time, let's go." Holding the flashlight, I walked towards the front of the passage.

The opening of the second hexagram of Qianlong has brought me changes, not only the Yang fire on the shoulders has become ten times stronger, but also some other mysteries.

For example, my eyes can now occasionally see some blurred fragments, which are all things that are about to happen. This is a very mysterious premonition.

The fuzzy pictures I saw can only be kept in my mind for a short time, and I can't remember too many details, but the remaining impression tells me that if I continue to stay here, the situation will be very bad.

Turning a corner, there was light coming from the front of the passage, I cautiously turned off the flashlight, and made a gesture of vigilance to my companions who were following me.

The exit of the passage is a stone gate that can only be passed by one person, and the core palace of this underground palace is in front of it.

I didn't go out immediately, leaned against the stone door, poked out half of my head carefully, and looked at the situation outside.

More than 20 red lanterns are strangely suspended above the palace. The hazy red light reflects the whole palace. Rows of wax corpses are kneeling on the ground, and there seems to be a figure sitting cross-legged in front of it.

"There are red lanterns in the tomb, it's a little bad luck." I felt awe in my heart, and felt that the arrangement inside was a bit evil.

Behind the palace is a stone sculpture of a feathered snake more than five meters high. The body of the snake is inlaid with dense fluorite, like glowing scales, and a pair of snake eyes are scarlet like blood, which makes people dare not stare for a long time.

"What's the situation, is there any danger?" Fatty Wang came over and asked in a low voice.

I raised a finger and made a silent gesture. The situation ahead is unknown, and I don't know what danger is hidden.

"Don't go out yet, I'll go over to see the situation." I turned around and lowered my voice to explain.

"So many wax corpses, are you dying?" Fatty Wang stuck out his head, glanced outside, and grabbed me.

"Those wax corpses haven't woken up yet, so I just took this opportunity to explore the terrain outside." I explained in a low voice, and walked out with my hands and feet against the wall.

"Be careful, if you find danger, retreat quickly." Lang Ying lowered her voice and urged.

I made a gesture of reassurance, leaned against the wall, and moved forward step by step. It would be great if I could pass through here without disturbing the things in the palace and reach the secret room of the organ hub behind.

However, I also know that this hope is very slim. The faceless man is nowhere to be seen now, and I don't know what he is hiding in the dark.

"No!" I stopped suddenly and looked up at the red lanterns above. I counted them at Shimen just now, and there were 27 lanterns in total, but now I counted them again, and there were actually nine more.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I saw the red lanterns above the palace, and they began to move slowly. Each lantern has a fixed trajectory, and all the lanterns combined together look like a strange array.

My heart moved, and I stretched out my fingers to count. The trajectories of those red lanterns made me feel a little familiar, as if they were recorded in the broken records. "No, it's the Nine Yin Continuing Soul Formation, the guy in front is about to wake up." My expression changed, and I rushed towards the figure sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The red lanterns above the palace are exquisite. What burn inside are not ordinary candles, but Nine Yin Candles made from the placenta of pregnant women mixed with corpse oil.

"Lang Ying, quickly shoot down all the red lanterns above the palace." I rushed forward desperately, shouting without looking back.

Lang Ying didn't know what happened, but he reacted extremely quickly. Holding the alloy crossbow with both arms, he pulled the trigger, and a crossbow arrow flew out, knocking down a red lantern accurately.

"Ah!" I rushed to the side of the figure, and was about to throw out a few talisman papers, but the situation in front of me made me stunned.

The figure sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a veil covering her face, has a slender figure, very similar to the white lotus saint in the relief.

The skin on her hands is shiny and rosy, and she looks like a living person, but there is a layer of thin feathers on the back of her head and neck, which looks very strange.

She was already awake, but she couldn't move, because five slender iron chains locked her limbs and neck respectively.

"There is a heavy evil spirit on the chain. This is definitely an ancient prison cell, a torture device used to lock up criminals." I have seen a description of this torture device in the Broken Physiotherapy.

The iron chain is engraved with small golden runes, these runes have an extremely powerful confinement power, a phantom of a feathered snake is firmly imprisoned in the woman's body, unable to escape.

"Bai Lian, we will be together forever." A faint voice sounded.

"Faceless man, or should I call you Gongshuyang?" I looked around vigilantly, looking for the source of the voice.

A figure came out of the darkness with a clean face and no facial features. He walked up behind the Holy Maiden of the White Lotus, squatted down, and hugged her from behind. A strange scene happened. The body of the faceless man gradually melted like the sun The ice cubes under it are average.

"Don't stand there stupidly, the wax corpses behind are showing signs of waking up." The old boatman ran over and reminded in a deep voice.

I came back to my senses all of a sudden, the scene in front of me was too weird, before I could figure out the reason, I stretched out my hand and threw a handful of burning talisman papers.

The body of the faceless man melted into a ball of wax, slowly wrapping the white lotus maiden, bound by the five rune chains, the feathered snake inside her, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the restraint.

"Fatty, hand me the machete quickly." I shouted anxiously, no matter what, there was an excellent opportunity in front of me.

"Catch it, the wax corpses in the back have woken up, and Lang Ying can't last long alone." Fatty Wang ran over panting, and handed me the sawtooth machete.

"You and the old man lead the group of wax corpses away first, let Lang Ying shoot the red lantern first, break the Nine Yin Continuing Soul Formation, and the wax corpses will fall into a deep sleep again." I took the machete and swung it forward vigorously.

"Dang!" An iron chain chain twisted like a snake, blocking my swung knife, and the shock force made my arm a little numb.

"Get out of the way, there are two wax corpses coming this way." Fatty Wang reminded in a panic.

"Leave me alone, go and do as I say." I bypassed the iron chain and slashed hard again.

After opening the second hexagram, the yang fire on my shoulders became ten times stronger. Those wax corpses are just ordinary evil beings, and now they absolutely dare not approach me.

"Then be careful yourself!" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth, and chased after the old boatman's back. More and more wax corpses came to life behind him, and Lang Ying was almost unable to hold on.

The five rune chains, I don't know what's weird, each of them is very magical, and they can block the machete just right every time.

A thin layer of sweat oozes from my forehead, and the wax juice melted by the Faceless Man has completely wrapped the White Lotus Maiden, forming a huge wax cocoon, beating regularly like a heart, and it looks extremely strange.

Five rune chains hovered around the periphery, protecting the wax cocoon in an airtight manner. No matter the machete I chopped or the talisman paper I threw, they were all intercepted outside.

My mouth was bubbling with anxiety, the wax cocoon was not a good idea at first glance, if I waited for the things inside to break out of the cocoon, I don't know how difficult it is to deal with.

"Be careful behind your back!" Lang Ying exclaimed from a distance.

A gust of wind blew up behind me, I didn't have time to think about it, I kicked my legs hard, rolled to the side to avoid it, hurriedly turned around, and saw a huge snake tail sweeping past the place where I was standing just now.

I quickly got up, took a few steps back, and looked ahead in amazement. The one who attacked me just now was the stone sculpture of the Feathered Serpent behind the palace.

"Bai Lian, we are finally together." The voices of men and women echoed in the palace.

I looked ahead in horror, the weird wax cocoon had burst, and the thing that came out of it was unspeakably weird, without facial features, and covered with a layer of white wax juice, like a moving wax man.

The wax figure pointed at me, and the five rune chains flew towards me like snakes, blocking all dodging space.

"It hurts, it hurts Fatty to death, don't chase me." Fatty Wang's scream came from the other side of the hall.

I stepped back quickly, glanced back in a hurry, and saw Fatty Wang clutching his arms, as if he was injured, running forward staggeringly, chasing four or five wax corpses behind him.

"The situation is not good, what should I do?" I clenched my teeth, there are still more than 20 red lanterns floating above the palace, but we are almost unable to hold on.

"Be careful, there is still a chain behind you." Lang Ying leaned against the wall and shot down a red lantern with an alloy crossbow, reminding anxiously.

A trace of despair flashed in my eyes, it was inevitable, and I was caught without a fight?
No!A strong unwillingness rose from my heart, and I yelled, holding the sawtooth machete in both hands, and slashed forward with all my strength.

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, sparks splashed in all directions, and a chain in front was split to the side, enveloping it airtightly, revealing a precious gap.

I stepped on the Youlong Bagua step, and my figure was like a nimble loach, and I rushed out from the gap. Before I could catch my breath, several sharp whistling sounds sounded beside me.

I held the machete tightly and looked around from the corner of my eye. After I rushed out of the encirclement, the five strange rune chains seemed to be enraged, and bound towards me at a faster speed.

A pair of scarlet snake eyes appeared in my line of sight, and the feathered snake stone sculpture, with its huge body swimming, slowly moved towards this side.

The desperation aroused my fighting spirit, my eyes were bloodshot, I turned around and split a chain like lightning, and with the power of turning, I slashed at the other chain.

There was severe pain in my left arm, and the machete in my hand almost fell to the ground. I gritted my teeth and split another chain. I rolled over and escaped from the encirclement of several rune chains again.

"Your will is very strong. I will let your soul merge into my new body." The voices of men and women echoed in front of me.

"Fusion with your sister, you dead spare!" I resisted the severe pain in my left arm, stood up with difficulty, and spat on the ground.

The wax man didn't know what the spare tire meant, but he could hear my sarcasm. The five rune chains brought countless afterimages and swept towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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