dragon hunter

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

I moved a recliner and basked in the sun in front of the small shop. The thrilling scenes of the previous two days still remained in my mind.

In the dangerous Bailian underground palace, after going through a lot of life and death, in the end, he still couldn't let grandpa rest in peace.

The second uncle listened to me tell about the scene where I met my grandfather in the secret room of the underground palace. He was silent for a long time, and finally sighed softly, saying that this is fate.

I asked my second uncle about my parents. When I was absorbed by the evil spirit, the gentle figure in my mind made me dare not forget for a moment.

"Some things, I can't say, you need to find the answer by yourself." This is the answer my second uncle gave me.

No matter how much I stalked and fought, my second uncle was unwilling to tell the truth, so I could only give up dejectedly.

That mysterious Lang Ying was covered with a black scarf from the beginning to the end. I didn't see her real face, and the broken dragon ball was more or less related to me, which made me a little embarrassed.

Lang Ying left cleanly, leaving only a fateful goodbye before disappearing into the night.

The phone rang, interrupting my contemplation. I took it out and looked at it. It was Zhen Qingyi calling. She was recently visiting sister Xu for the last few acupuncture sessions.

"Do you have time tonight? Come out and have dinner together." The phone was connected, and Zhen Qingyi's voice rang from the other end.

"There must be time." I looked a little excited, how could I say no to an invitation from my future daughter-in-law?
The two sides exchanged a few words, then hung up the phone, I stretched, and continued to lie on the chair, closing my eyes and resting my mind.

I don't know why, I feel sleepy recently, it seems to have become more, I am always lazy, and I can't lift my spirits.

"Hey, don't you want to be so exaggerated, you look like you are overworked every day, are you deliberately mocking a hungry man like Fatty?" Fatty Wang came over with a teacup in his hand.

I opened my eyes, glanced at that coward, ignored it, Li Xiaolei went back to the provincial stage, this guy mustered up the courage to make an appointment to watch a movie, but was rejected mercilessly.

"Have you heard that Lao Li's shop next door has been rented out again?" Fatty Wang has always been well informed about gossip.

I was about to answer when the phone rang again. I picked it up and saw that it was my second uncle calling.

"Second uncle, did you find any clues?" I asked through the phone.

The last time I was in the Bailian Underground Palace, I got a piece of bronze. The pattern drawn on it was related to the dragon vein map of Kyushu.

I showed the bronze fragment to my second uncle, which aroused his great interest. After all, the biggest wish of every Feng Shui master is to find a dragon vein in his lifetime.

We also saw dragon veins in Yin Changsheng's bone burial site last time, but it was a withered low-grade dragon vein. The dragon energy of the earth veins had dissipated, and it was not at the same level as the dragon veins of Kyushu.

"I've looked through a lot of ancient books, but your fragment is too small, and I can't see anything famous at the moment." The second uncle's voice was a little disappointed.

"This matter can't be rushed, just let it happen." I comforted my second uncle, chatted for a few words, and hung up the phone.

A small truck was parked by the side of the road, and the door of Lao Li's shop next door was opened. Several men from the decoration company jumped out of the car, unloaded the materials on the car, and walked into the shop to get busy.

"What store is going to open next door, have you inquired about it?" Fatty Wang and I were chatting.

"I found out. It's a new business. I'm selling ancient Thai... Gumantong. I don't know what it is." Fatty Wang didn't seem to remember the awkward name very well.

"Gumantong?" I frowned and thought, and felt that the name was familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.

"I remember!" I slapped my thigh hard, which startled Fatty Wang, and looked at me with eyes like looking crazy.

"Tsing Yi mentioned last time that she has a sister who runs a company. Recently, her fortune was not good, so she made a special trip to Thailand to ask for a Gumanthong. As a result, the company received several big orders in succession." I said to Fatty Wang explained.

"Isn't it so miraculous, isn't this a way to grab business with you?" Fatty Wang muttered, looking like he was trying to fight an injustice.

"Chicks pee, each has his own way, let him go." I waved my hand indifferently.

After going through so much, I don't particularly value this small shop of photographers anymore.

"That's right, the man who is next to Mrs. Fu doesn't need to worry about money." Fatty Wang hurt me.

"Your sister, am I that kind of person?" I stood up all of a sudden, waving my fists to chase Fatty Wang.

"Hello, I'm new here, neighbors, please take care of me." A male voice with a southern accent came from the side.

I retracted my fist, looked to the side, and saw a thin middle-aged man, holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, smiling and preparing to offer us cigarettes.

"My surname is Wu, and my friends call me Thai Wu. I specialize in the business of Thai amulets and Gumantong." Thai Wu is wearing a floral shirt, wearing a fashion hat on his head, and "smart" is written all over his face. two words.

"Good smoke!" Fatty Wang took the cigarette handed over by the other party, sniffed it under his nose, smacked his mouth, and sighed.

"We are all neighbors, and it is right to help each other. There is no such thing as caring or not." I took the cigarette and said with a faint smile.

"Then I won't bother you, I'll go and get busy first." The Thai guy Wu said goodbye enthusiastically, then turned and walked into the shop under renovation.

"You're done, that guy looks like a businessman, and your business will definitely be robbed in the future." Fatty Wang is a standard troublemaker, and he likes to sow discord.

"It's a big deal, I'll switch to selling wreaths, okay?" I glared at Fatty Wang viciously, not wanting to see this guy's bad mouth.

"Don't worry, you are a veritable Master Zhang now, and you are afraid that you will not get any business if you show off your skills?" Fatty Wang accompanied him with a smile on his face.

"I said, you haven't given up on that little thing?" I guessed what Fatty Wang was thinking. This guy took an order a few days ago, went there but couldn't get it done, and now he wants to drag me into the water.

"It's just exorcising evil spirits, aren't you the best? Go and get tens of thousands easily." Fatty Wang tried hard to bewitch.

"It's as simple as you said, would you be willing to call me a penny?" I know Fatty Wang best.

Fatty Wang's face turned red all of a sudden, he hesitated, and after a while, he said: "I'm a shipwreck in the gutter, brother, give me a quick word, can you help me?"

What can I say, I can say no to the friendship of going to the underground palace together with the other party?

"I don't have time tonight, let's do it tomorrow." I patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder and offered to help, but if I delay the date because of this shit, there is no way.

Fatty Wang got a satisfactory answer and was satisfied. Holding the teacup, shaking his fat body, he went back to his shop.

I was annoyed by the noise of the renovation, so I put away the reclining chair and walked into the store. The business has been slow recently, so I wondered if it closed the door and went out for a stroll.

There was a light knock on the door behind me, I put the deck chair by the wall, turned around and saw a thin girl standing timidly outside the store door.

"Excuse me, are you the owner of this store?" The girl's face was a little pale, and she spoke softly.

"I am, come in first, what do you want from me?" I looked at the girl outside the door, she was pretty and timid, and her eyes were a little evasive.

The girl walked in with her hands tied, walked over to the chair very cautiously and sat down, her hands were tightly clasped, her knuckles turned white from the exertion.

"Don't be nervous, what's the matter, talk slowly." I poured the girl a glass of water.

"You... Do you believe that there are ghosts in this world?" The girl took the water glass with both hands, looked around nervously, and asked cautiously.

I froze for a moment, feeling a little puzzled in my heart. I just looked at her and found that the girl was not contaminated with evil spirits, which meant that she hadn't encountered any evil spirits within the ghost.

"Why do you ask that?" I didn't answer the girl, but asked curiously.

"Still...forget it." A look of disappointment flashed in the girl's eyes, and she stood up and was about to leave.

A gust of wind blew in from outside the door, and the girl's thin figure trembled, tightened her clothes, and walked out of the store.

"Wait, if you encounter any trouble, I am confident that I can still help you." I looked at the girl's back, and felt an inexplicable pity in my heart.

The girl turned around with some hesitation, her lips moved, and she looked at my eyes with some doubts, not knowing whether to believe me.

After a moment of silence, the girl looked at me and said hesitantly, "I said I could see ghosts, would you believe me?"

I fixed my eyes, walked up to the other person, and stared into the girl's eyes, "Are you born with the ability to see ghosts, or did you have this ability after experiencing something?"

"I...my friend in the dormitory and I played the game of asking for a fairy, and found that I could see ghosts." The girl's voice trembled.

"Invite Die Immortal?" I frowned. This mysterious and strange game was born out of the magic of summoning gods in Wumen. If you play casually, you may invite some inexplicable things to your upper body.

"Then your friend in the dormitory, is there anything unusual?" I thought for a while and asked.

"She...she's crazy..." A trace of fear flashed in the girl's eyes.

Fatty Wang's figure passed by outside the door, and I greeted him loudly.

"What are you doing?" Fatty Wang walked in, and when he saw the girl's appearance, he was slightly taken aback, "Why is it you?"

"You know each other?" I looked at the two very curiously.

Fatty Wang pulled me aside, lowered his voice, and said, "The little girl who was bewitched by the evil was her classmate in the business I took. , tsk tsk."

"Something is troublesome?" I glanced at the fidgeting girl and wondered why Fatty Wang couldn't handle it.

Don't look at Fatty Wang as a timid and cowardly man, he has learned how to deal with ordinary evil spirits with the help of an old monk.

"I was careless too, but this matter is a bit evil." Fatty Wang blushed, hesitating and refusing to elaborate.

I walked up to the girl and asked her to leave a contact information. Anyway, if I want to help Fatty Wang solve that matter, it's better to combine two things into one and do it together.

"Keep this evil talisman paper close to your body, I will contact you tomorrow." I handed the girl a folded talisman paper.

"Thank you!" The girl took the talisman, carefully put it close to her body, and left softly.

(End of this chapter)

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