Chapter 21

Time will not stop for anything, time and busyness will dilute everything. -
A few months later, Qingwei has brought back batches of disciples.

Most of the more than 300 children were orphans, and they soon became disciples of Shushan.

Under the guidance of many old disciples, they will soon become the pillars of Shushan.

The other elders also performed their duties, Shushan came alive, and everything was moving in a good direction.

Especially Elder Jingming, the Intelligence Pavilion was very impressive.He kept looking for tomes and spells about detection.

Put it all together to form a set of inheritance.

everything is full of hope
On this day, Elder Jingming found Lin Changfeng and told him a piece of news.

"Brother Sect Leader, um. The God Realm seems to be sending a water god, who has removed the immortal bone, into reincarnation recently." Jing Ming said hesitatingly to Lin Changfeng.

Originally, he didn't know whether he should tell Lin Changfeng, but after careful consideration, he finally decided to tell Lin Changfeng.

Lin Changfeng froze in place after hearing the news.

After contemplating for a long time, Jing Ming was allowed to leave.

Lin Changfeng meditated for a long time in the Tai Chi Hall.He closed his eyes, no one knew what he was thinking.
Lin Changfeng knelt in front of Xuan Yichang's tomb: "Master, I am sorry for you. In fact, Master, you don't know. I am not from this world.

Originally, the destined head of Shushan should be Qingwei, he is more suitable to be the head than me."

In the early morning, before the sun came out, Lin Changfeng knelt in front of the tomb covered in drops of water.He changed the Taoist robe of Shushan that he had worn for more than ten years.

There is a letter in front of the grave.

"Master, I don't know whether to live or die this time. I hope I can still be your disciple in the next life." Lin Changfeng kowtowed a few times.

Then it disappeared in Shushan.
The sun is shining on Shushan Mountain, and on the sword practice field, children are practicing swords. The smiles on their faces are so innocent.

Qingwei and the others found that Lin Changfeng was missing, searched around, and finally found a letter in front of their master's tomb.

Jing Ming sighed and said, "The head of the sect probably killed the God Realm."

When everyone heard this, they were incomparably shocked.

"Let's go help Eldest Senior Brother!" Cang Gu said anxiously.

He Yang said helplessly: "How can we help, we can't even enter the God Realm."

"Then you can't do nothing here." Youxuan roared.

Qing Wei sighed and comforted: "Stop arguing, let's see what the elder brother said in the letter first."

The five of them got together, and Qingwei slowly opened the letter.

"Junior Brothers, don't think about helping me. Shushan needs you to sit in the town. As for me, I have already gone to the God Realm. Although I don't know whether this trip will be life or death, I will definitely save Shuibi.

From now on, Mount Shu will be handed over to you.
No.20 Lin Changfeng, the head of the third generation, violated the precepts of Shushan.Therefore, he resigned as the head of the sect and deprived him of his status as a disciple of Shushan.Expelled from Shushan.

The head is taken over by the elder Qingwei, who is expected to carry forward Shushan and guard the world. "

After everyone finished watching, they all sighed.Qingwei said: "Senior brother will always be our head, we are waiting for him to come back in Shushan."

As soon as Lin Changfeng stepped into the demon world, he felt his aura grow rapidly.It was as if some kind of shackle had been opened somewhere.Even the power of spells has become stronger.

Lin Changfeng was standing in front of the well of gods and demons, and Chonglou noticed Lin Changfeng's breath at this moment, and rushed over quickly.

Lin Changfeng found that the aura of Chonglou was extremely powerful, and it felt like destroying the world. It was countless times stronger than when he fought with it before.

In fact, the same is true for him at this time. When he was in the human world, whether it was him or Chonglou, the Demon Emperor and Xuan Yichang would be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, so they could not fully exert their cultivation and combat power.

"Lin Changfeng, you actually came to the Demon Realm, do you want to fight this seat?" Chong Lou still had that arrogant and unruly appearance.

Lin Changfeng shook his head when he saw Chonglou wryly smiling, and said, "Oh, no. I'm going to the God Realm to save people."

What kind of character Chong Lou is, he guessed it immediately: "Is it the woman from that day?"

"Exactly." Lin Changfeng said with a smile

Chong Lou said disdainfully: "You actually went to save her? Women are not as interesting as fighting and drinking."

It is said that since Chonglou had a drink with Lin Changfeng, he has become obsessed with this thing, second only to fighting.

Lin Changfeng smiled wryly after hearing this: "You don't understand Chonglou, I have to save her."

After hearing this, Chonglou laughed wildly, and said: "That's just right, I haven't fought for many days. I will go to the God Realm with you today."

Lin Changfeng thought for a while and still refused, although he and Chonglou had some friendship.But after all, there is a difference between human beings and devils, so it would be bad if Shushan and the human world were involved.

So Lin Changfeng refused: "There is no need for the heavy building, this is my own business. When I come back from God Realm, we will have a good fight. Trust me."

Seeing his serious expression, Chonglou said with a serious face: "I trust you, Lin Changfeng, and you are my opponent."

After speaking, he threw a jar of wine to Lin Changfeng, and the two of them each drank with their heads up.

As the wine jar fell to the ground, Lin Changfeng stepped into the well of gods and demons.

Chonglou looked at Lin Changfeng's leaving back and said, "This seat is waiting for you to come back, we still have an unfinished battle."

When Lin Changfeng stepped into the God Realm, he felt that the aura had almost condensed into essence.

In the God Realm, there seemed to be very few clouds, almost none.

120 Eight giant pillars stand up, and Lin Changfeng, the God Realm, is coming.

As soon as Lin Changfeng stepped onto the God Realm, the heavenly soldiers guarding the road discovered him.

"Where is the monster, dare to trespass in the God Realm?" Many heavenly soldiers surrounded Lin Changfeng with long spears.

Lin Changfeng didn't talk nonsense with them, and his whole body's aura was released, and the overwhelming evil spirit was infinitely magnified in the God Realm.

The surrounding heavenly soldiers were directly blown away, and Lin Changfeng broke in directly, and the heavenly soldiers along the way couldn't even get close to him, so they were thrown away backwards.

Soon, the heavenly portal Nantianmen arrived.A silver-armored general and many heavenly soldiers are waiting here.

The silver-armored god general said expressionlessly: "Anyone who offends my God Realm will be killed without mercy."

Seeing this, Lin Changfeng didn't talk nonsense with him. If it was normal, he might still tease him.

The sky filled with sword energy, turned into long dragons, and rushed straight to the silver armored generals and heavenly soldiers.

Immediately, the Heavenly Soldiers let out a scream, and then dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

And the silver armor god will be shrouded in the long dragon of sword energy, the sword energy dissipates, and the silver armor on his body is cut by the sword energy and shattered all over the ground.

With wounds and blood all over his body, he struggled desperately to get up, but fell down again and again.

Lin Changfeng didn't stop, and rushed directly into the Nantian Gate.

At this time, in the main hall of the God Realm, the goddess Shui Bi was banned and knelt in the main hall, listening to the punishment of the Emperor of Heaven.

A heavenly soldier rushed in, and the Emperor of Heaven frowned upon seeing this, but did not speak yet.Then I heard Tian Bing say: "Report to the Emperor of Heaven that a peerless demon has invaded the God Realm, and he has already passed through the Nantian Gate."

 Brother Meng, how many people are reading this book?Give me a hint!

  Thank you so much!

(End of this chapter)

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