Across the Sword III

Chapter 54 Bai Lingxi

Chapter 54 Bai Lingxi

Lin Changfeng looked at the woman gesturing in front of him, he didn't expect this woman to be speechless!
Looking at this woman, Lin Changfeng couldn't help being touched!
Unexpectedly, this woman broke into this extreme northern land alone, and she herself still has flaws!

No matter what her reason is, she is also somewhat admirable!

Lin Changfeng smiled and said, "Little girl, what's your name?"

The woman froze for a moment, then drew something on the ground with her hands!
Lin Changfeng looked at it, and it was exactly the name written by the girl!

The girl's name was Bai Lingxi. After writing the name, Bai Lingxi looked forward to looking at Lin Changfeng!
Lin Changfeng said encouragingly: "Bai Lingxi? What a good name! It sounds really nice!"

Then Bai Lingxi wrote on the ground again: "What's your name?"

"Me? My name is Lin Changfeng." Lin Changfeng replied.

The corners of Bai Lingxi's mouth turned up, looking a little happy, and wrote on the ground: "That's great." Two characters!
Bai Lingxi continued to write: "Thank you for saving me just now."

Lin Changfeng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it's fate to meet each other! It's you, why did a little girl come to this ghostly place alone!"

After hearing this, Bai Lingxi's eyes turned red and gradually became moist!

She wrote on the ground: "Daddy. I'm sick. I came in to find herbs"

Lin Changfeng looked at the girl, but he didn't expect the girl to be so filial.

For the human race, this extreme north is a dead place.

Unexpectedly, because of her father's illness, this girl dared to set foot here alone, it is really incredible!
"Good boy, you are so filial." Lin Changfeng was also touched in his heart!
He had never met his parents in his previous life, but when he came to this world, his master was like his father, but now, the master has also passed away!
Nothing to say this night!Lin Changfeng sat in front of the fire, with the sleeping girl beside him!
In her sleep, she was still frowning tightly, as if she was worried about her father's condition!
Early the next morning, the wind and snow outside stopped. Although it was still very cold, it was much better than before!
The first thing Bai Lingxi did when he woke up was to put away "that pile of fire", and then he took out two pieces of cake from nowhere.

She stretched out her hand, with expectant eyes, and handed Lin Changfeng a piece timidly.

Lin Changfeng looked at her and couldn't bear to refuse, so he took the cake.

As soon as he held it in his hand, he found that the cake was cold and hard. Lin Changfeng was slightly taken aback, and under Bai Lingxi's cute eyes, he exchanged the cake in his hand with the one in hers!
Bai Lingxi was a little confused at first, but as soon as she took the cake, she felt that the cake in her hand was hot!

She stared blankly at Lin Changfeng, "Eat quickly." Lin Changfeng said.

Bai Lingxi ate it slowly.
"Do you want to come with me?" Lin Changfeng said to Bai Lingxi.

Bai Lingxi shook her head, gesticulating again and again.

Lin Changfeng also understood, what she meant was that she was going to find medicine for her father.

Lin Changfeng didn't force it, but nodded and said, "Then you should be careful."

After speaking, he turned and left, only took a few steps, as if he suddenly remembered something.

With a big move, several small crystal clear swords were condensed in his hands.

He turned back and put these small swords in Bai Lingxi's hands, and said, "If you encounter danger, throw a small sword out."

After saying that, he left.

Once out of the cave, he flew into the sky again.

The reason why he helped Bai Lingxi was because he felt that this girl was nice and filial.

Although he was not a good person when he said it, he was also touched at that moment!
Bai Lingxi looked at Lin Changfeng's leaving back and smiled.

She thought to herself: "This young man is so kind, he gave me such a powerful baby to defend myself!"

She is a monk herself, and her cultivation is not too weak, so she can tell at a glance that these small swords are not ordinary things!
Lin Changfeng was flying in the sky, and he kept spreading his spiritual consciousness to find the place that old man Guteng said!

Through the induction of his spiritual consciousness, Lin Changfeng saw pictures one after another!

For example, two huge bears are fighting, covered in white, just like the polar bears in his previous life;
Lin Changfeng did not expect these things to exist in this world
Suddenly, a group of overwhelming white awns appeared in front of them.

Lin Changfeng narrowed his eyes involuntarily, and the group of "white awns" flew towards Lin Changfeng unexpectedly.

As they got closer, their calls became more and more clear, "咕咕咕"

The sound was originally quiet, but because of the quantity, the sound was messy.

But because of this, the voice seemed a little weird, which made people feel chills in their hearts!

Lin Changfeng also flew towards the group of white awns, getting closer, this overwhelming group of birds, only dozens of times stronger than ordinary birds, the whole body is snow-white, but there is a bright red on the beak!
Lin Changfeng made a move, pointed out with his sword finger, the situation changed, and countless sword qi emerged.

These sword qi shot towards the provocative birds like dragons and tigers, and these birds didn't know what kind of existence they had provoked!
In just a moment, the sky began to rain "heavy"

The blood that fell on the ground was extraordinarily bright red, like flower heads blooming in the snow!
After a round of sword rain, the flock of birds appeared extremely chaotic and fled in all directions.

Lin Changfeng didn't continue to do it, but watched these "things" flee.

At this time, his troubles were running fast.

According to legend, Xuanwu belongs to water and protects the beasts in the north, guarding the northern palace and stars.
North. Water.
Xuan represents black, that is, Yin
Lin Changfeng pinched his hands, and a huge compass made of golden light appeared in the air.

As Lin Changfeng continued to make tricks, the compass also changed accordingly.

Xuanwu Rengui
The golden light keeps flashing
Lin Changfeng finally stopped, and the golden compass disappeared.

Lin Changfeng smiled, and then he disappeared into the air.

At this time, a red figure slowly came from a distance, and she looked a little tired cautiously.

The person who came was the girl named Bai Lingxi from before!

Suddenly she saw white birds all over the ground in front of her, and blood spots around her.

She became vigilant for a moment, but she observed for a while and found no danger.

So she rushed forward to pick up two birds and came back. She was so happy that she finally didn't have to eat those hard pancakes!

Although it is said that one can practice bigu after reaching a certain level of practice, but in this ghost place, both spiritual energy and physical energy consumption are very large, so eating is to better replenish physical strength!

Bai Lingxi thought in her heart: "I can find a place to roast these two birds later, but wouldn't it taste better if they were boiled?"

She was only thinking about how to eat, but she didn't realize that there was a pair of green lights staring at her in the distance!

(End of this chapter)

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