Across the Sword III

Chapter 67 The Frightening Xiaobai

Chapter 67 The Frightening Xiaobai

With the stabbing of the hundred flying swords, there was a scream in the black mist.

"Oh Lin Changfeng, I want you to die."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding black mist stirred up!In a moment, they condensed into batches of monsters.

A monster with a black body, horns on its head, red eyes, and a scimitar!

People die as ghosts, so what if ghosts die?
After death, ghosts will be dissipated, but under extremely special circumstances, there will be very few ghosts who will become jian after death.Di is extremely difficult to produce between heaven and earth, about one ghost among hundreds of millions of ghosts can turn into a ghost after death.

And 聻 is a very mysterious and terrifying monster, which has not appeared for thousands of years.

Lin Changfeng looked at this group of dicks with a dignified expression.Although he is not afraid of this group of scumbags, but if things go wrong, there must be demons!

Such legendary monsters should not appear in the world on a large scale.

A flute sound seemed to come from all directions, and even Lin Changfeng couldn't tell the exact location.Because these black mist can actually block Lin Changfeng's consciousness.

Lin Changfeng wanted to test the source of this group of scorpions, so he didn't dispel the black mist!
The sound of the flute seemed to be the magic weapon to control this group of 聻. After hearing the sound of the flute, those 聻 became more and more irritable, and the red light in their eyes was extraordinarily violent and bloodthirsty.

Finally, when it moved, the group of cats jumped up one after another, and rushed towards Lin Changfeng.

Lin Changfeng didn't take it seriously, and the sword energy erupted all over his body, attacking the group of punks.

At this time, a shocking thing happened, all those sword qi passed directly through the body.

Those scorpions seemed to have turned into nothingness, but the sword energy penetrated the body but did not cause the slightest harm to them, even blocking them!
Lin Changfeng was suppressed one by one like an arhat stacked on top of each other.

"Hahahaha, Lin Changfeng, you also have today."
At this time outside the palace, Sedum and the others were also in crisis.

The fire ghost king led a group of ghost soldiers to surround them.

"Hahahaha, the reincarnation of General Fei Peng, the former number one god general in the God Realm. I must have devoured you, and no one will be my opponent anymore. I can avenge my sister. Lin Changfeng. Hehe"

What surprised the Fire Ghost King was that Sedum and the others did not show a look of fear.Did Sedum awaken Zeng Jin's cultivation?The Fire Ghost King suddenly became a little apprehensive!
But Sedum showed a mysterious smile at this time: "Do it, let them see our baby!"

After speaking, the three took out Gatling from the storage bag.The three of them pulled the trigger back to back against the group of ghost soldiers around them.

"Da da da da da da." Immediately, countless streamers rushed out of Gatling in the hands of the three of them!
The Fire Ghost King hurriedly set up a shield in front of him, but the other ghost soldiers were not so lucky.

Under Gatling's attack, without the slightest resistance, screams sounded, and then they turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated between the sky and the earth!
Under Gatling's intensive attack, whether it is the ghost soldiers or the surrounding stones, the land seems to have passed through a catastrophe.

The surrounding area is full of dust raised by the smashing of stones and the explosion of the ground, directly blocking everyone's sight.

But the three of Jingtian didn't stop because of this, and continued to shoot around!

The Fire Ghost King was very angry. She had managed the territory for so long, and her men almost lost all of them at this moment.

When she reacted, she found that the attack was not as powerful as she had imagined.But for her, for her subordinates, this was a catastrophe, which made her even more angry.

"Ah, I will tear your corpses to pieces."

The fire ghost king took out a fiery red bead, and as she cast a spell, a fire dragon gushed out of it, grew in the wind, and devoured Sedum and the others.

Hastily pushed Xue Jian and Xiao Bai away, dropped Gatling in his hand, and pulled out the magic sword.

But before he could make a move, the fire dragon arrived in front of him.The severe high temperature made Sedum feel that his eyebrows and hair were scorched. He quickly injected the spiritual power of his whole body into the magic sword, and the magic sword immediately emitted a faint blue light.

With a bang, the fire dragon bumped into it, Sedum felt his whole body was about to burn, and then flew out backwards!
Xue Jian shouted "Cai Ya." and hurried over to help Sedum.

Sedum leaned against Xuejian's arms and spit out a mouthful of blood.The breath in his whole body was sluggish, and there was still a flame burning in his hair, Xue Jian quickly extinguished it for him.

At this time, the fire dragon charged towards them again, and the two of them fell into despair immediately, and they closed their eyes one after another.

It's just that after a while, I didn't feel any pain.

When he opened his eyes, it turned out to be Xiaobai standing in front of him.Both of them exclaimed, "Xiaobai."

If Xiaobai dies, they don't know what Lin Changfeng will become, and they all regard Xiaobai as a very good friend these days when they get along with each other.
At this time, something that shocked the two of them happened, the fire dragon hit a few inches in front of Xiao Bai and couldn't make any progress.

I saw Xiaobai raised his hand and pressed it on the dragon's head, a strange thing happened, the fire dragon gradually shrank, and finally turned into nothingness.

Jing Tianxue was shocked to see the two of them, no one thought that Xiaobai, who is usually very shy and timid, would be so powerful!

The fire ghost king was also shocked. You must know that this fire dragon is not a mortal thing, but it was casted by the fire spirit orb. It is so powerful that even the fire ghost king himself dare not say that he can catch it intact.

Jing Tianxue saw that Xiaobai had become very strange at this moment, and a vast, ancient aura of coercion came from Xiaobai's body.

Jing Tianxue saw that the two were under such coercion as if someone had strangled their necks, unable to breathe.

As for the fire ghost king that Xiaobai was targeting, he was already kneeling on the ground, trembling uncontrollably, unable to utter a word.

Xiaobai walked towards the Fire Ghost King step by step, every step seemed to step on the Fire Ghost King's heart, which made her terrified.

She regretted it, how did she provoke such a monster?
Xiao Bai stood in front of the Fire Ghost King, she didn't even have the courage to look up at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai stroked her head with his hands, and then exerted a little force, and the whole head exploded directly.

Seeing Jingtian Xuejian trembled, Xiaobai turned around, both Jingtian and Xuejian were stunned.

At this time, Xiao Bai had fangs in his mouth, his eyes were golden yellow, and even the dagger-like nails that grew out of his hands were also golden yellow.

Sedum and Xue Jianna had seen this kind of scene before, and they looked at Xiaobai like a devil.

As always, Xiaobai walked towards Sedum and Xuejian step by step with a wicked smile on his lips.

Sedum and Xue Jian finally knew what the fire ghost king felt in the end, it was fear, the fear that pierced the soul
 Brother is cute, join a group, there are only ten people in the group (the author who fainted from crying in the toilet)
(End of this chapter)

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