Chapter 196
It seems that Zhu Hongjing really likes Zhou Mengdie, but the love hidden behind the hurt has already tortured him to the brink of death.

People, always regret after losing, but already lost, many things can't be repeated again.

Ming Rong walked in and saw Zhu Hongjing holding Zhou Mengdie and crying, the panic and regret on his face were clearly revealed, but what's the use of putting on such an expression at this time?
She looked at him with an expression on her face, "Get out of the way, if you don't want her to die."

Zhu Hongjing was stunned for a moment before realizing what she meant. After hesitating for a while, he carefully put Zhou Mengdie on the bed and gave up the seat beside the bed.

Ming Rong went forward to hold Zhou Mengdie's wrist, and released a thin strand of true energy into her body, directly to the position of her uterus. Originally, she just wanted to stop the bleeding for her, and warm her damaged body by the way. Thinking about it, I found that the embryo was still tenaciously holding on to the mother, although it was about to fall off.

Ming Rong couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and she relaxed slightly in her heart, she is really a tenacious child.

Zhenyuan circled around the embryo for a few times, and obviously felt that the situation had stabilized. Ming Rong took out the pill and fed it to Zhou Mengdie, then without looking at Zhu Hongjing, she got up and said directly to Eleven: "Take him away."

"No!" Zhu Hongjing immediately came up to stop him.

Ming Rong indifferently raised her hand and flicked him to the ground with her true energy, raised her eyebrows condescendingly and said, "You don't always hate Meng Die, but now that the child is gone, you still want to keep her and continue to live on?" Torture? I only regret why I didn't take her away directly in the afternoon, but I have to tell you again at her request."

"You don't have the qualifications, so what if you are the young wife of the Wang family, she is my wife!" Zhu Hongjing didn't care about being surprised, and shouted at her angrily as he got up from the ground, his body had already moved to the bed, Trying to stop Eleven from taking people away.

"Madame Ben thinks, it will probably be over soon, right?" Although it was a question, it was said with certainty by a certain woman.

"Don't even think about it, I don't know how to write a divorce letter!"

"Divorce letter?" Ming Rong touched her chin, and then said: "It's a good idea. I originally planned to let you reconcile. Since you mentioned the divorce letter, my wife will ask Mengdie to give you the divorce letter in two days." Come!"

Zhu Hongjing was confused by the meaning of her words, and immediately reacted with anger, "Impossible, you are dreaming!"

"Why is it impossible!" Ming Rong signaled Eleven to take Zhou Mengdie out first, while deliberately blocking Zhu Hongjing's way, "Is this how you are allotted to Mengdie?"

Zhu Hongjing didn't seem to hear her words, his eyes followed Zhou Mengdie all the time, Ming Rong blocked his way, he didn't dare to push her forward, so he directly opened the table next to him, and chased after Eleven.

Ming Rong rolled her eyes speechlessly, chase after her if you have the ability.

Slowly returning to the front yard, I saw Zhu Hongjing standing respectfully in the flower hall, while Baocheng was sitting on the chair opposite him with a relaxed expression. When he saw Ming Rong coming out, he got up and greeted him, "Okay?"

"Yeah." Ming Rong nodded, glanced at Zhu Hongjing who had his head down and couldn't see his expression, and didn't ask any more questions. Although Ming Rong was very upset with him, the sadness emanating from him made Ming Rong not bother to go. To add insult to injury, it was Zhou Mengdie's fault that he didn't forgive him. Although she saved Zhou Mengdie, it didn't mean she had the right to condemn Zhu Hongjing. Love was always a matter between two people.

"Then go back."

As soon as the two sat in the car, Ming Rong asked curiously: "What did you say to Zhu Hongjing? He became so honest, I was just dreaming."

With his slender fingers, Baocheng lifted the teapot, poured a glass of water and handed it to her, and said casually: "It's just to teach him some principles."

Ming Rong looked Baocheng up and down when she heard the words. She was wearing a dark blue robe with delicate patterns embroidered with gold and silver thread on the sleeves. Such gorgeous clothes were only reduced to a foil. The outline of the face, the handsome facial features, the gentle smile, the deep and unwavering eyes, clearly looks like a gentle and jade-like noble son.

But take a closer look, the contemptuous and domineering hidden in the corners of the eyes and brows, the mature and dignified man who doesn't match his age, can't be missed, Mingrong can't help but sigh inwardly, is this person really the Baocheng she saw growing up?When did he change into another appearance, another appearance that made her fall in love with him.

"What are you thinking?" He stretched out his knuckle fingers and stroked her chin, his eyes twinkled.

Ming Rong put down the cup and leaned against him, "I'm thinking about when I will arrive, I want to sleep."

Baocheng chuckled, stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, and adjusted a comfortable position for her, "Go to sleep."

The next day, the whole city of Yangzhou knew that Mrs. Zhu had a miscarriage, so she was abandoned by Mrs. Zhu. The strangest thing was that Mrs. Zhu, oh no, it should be Miss Zhou now, instead of returning to Zhou home, but was taken in by Mrs. Wang's young lady.

Baocheng didn't go out that day, he and Ming Rong each occupied a place in the study, one reading and the other dealing with business.

Before noon, Shi Shi came to report that Chen Ning, the second son of the Chen family, came to visit.

Ming Rong and Bao Cheng looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"What is your identity and what qualifications do you have to meet her?" Ming Rong sat on the chair, looked at Chen Ning who seemed to be standing relaxed below with a smile, but questioned mercilessly in her mouth.

Baocheng was more direct, raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "Twelve, see off the guests."

"Please let me see her." Chen Ning knelt down on one knee.

Ming Rong was still smiling, "What is Second Young Master Chen doing? You don't need to say whether you can go to see her now, but what can you do if you see her? She doesn't know you at all, so how can you?" How about? Marry her? If you can't marry, then don't ruin her boudoir reputation for nothing."

"I'll marry her!" Chen Ning was very eager, "I'll marry her, let me see her!"

Baocheng took a sip of tea slowly, and then said, "Can you marry? If you can, what happened to your previous deal with Chen Run?"

Chen Ning's eyes widened in astonishment, and then his eyes wandered between the two, "You..."

Baocheng remained motionless, while Ming Rong was still smiling.

Chen Ning was stunned for a while, then suddenly knelt down on both knees, and then knocked to the bottom, "Please help me, young master and young lady."

A glint flashed in Baocheng's eyes, he narrowed his eyes slightly, then put down the cup, stroked the finger on his thumb, and casually raised his eyes to look at him: "Why should I help you?"

"I..." Chen Ning was taken aback.

Baocheng stood up, glanced at him, and then stretched out his hand to hold Ming Rong's hand, "You can come again after you think it through." After speaking, he glanced at Twelve, and then took Ming Rong back.

(End of this chapter)

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