The unscrupulous elder sister

201 Chapter 1 I'm so embarrassed not to cooperate with you

201 Chapter 1 I'm so embarrassed not to cooperate with you ([-])
Seeing this, Ming Rong finally couldn't help laughing, then hugged him into her arms and rubbed him, leaving a few wolf kisses on his face.

"You girl has grown so big, you haven't got rid of this problem!" Kangxi's joking voice suddenly came from the door.

As soon as Ming Rong raised her head, she saw Kang Xi walking in, followed by Xiao Si, his deep eyes were shining directly on her.

"My son has seen Huang Ama." Ming Rong avoided looking, got up and bowed with Xiao Wu and Xiao Jiu, and said again: "Huang Ama can't wrong people, why is this a problem, this is my sister You like your younger brother's performance, don't you, Xiao Jiu?"

Xiao Jiu, whose face was flushed from being rubbed by her, nodded in a daze, not forgetting her purpose, "Xiao Jiu wants that bracelet!"

"Ok, here you go."

Kangxi laughed and said, "Why did Xiaojiu nod his head? So you bribed him, and you said it was not a fault of yours? Since I was young, Baoqing and Xiaosan probably avoided you. The others, from Baocheng to Xiaosi, Who hasn't kissed you next, Xiao Wu, Xiao Qi, and Xiao Jiu? You really have no rules!"

Kangxi pretended to reprimand, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Ming Rong wrinkled her nose at him, "I like them, and they like me, anyway, they are still young, what's wrong with my dear, Huang Ama is really stingy."

"You girl still blame me?" Kangxi laughed, looked at the bracelet she was putting on Xiaojiu, and laughed again, "Xiaojiu is doing well today, your sister has a lot of good things Very, even Huang Ama doesn't have a share, but you got a good one, and you will often ask your sister for some, otherwise it would be useless to put it in the small warehouse."

Xiao Jiu looked at Kangxi, then at Ming Rong, and clearly remembered the phrase "Your sister has a lot of good things", so she reached out and grabbed Ming Rong's clothes.

Ming Rong took his hand and stuck out her tongue at Kangxi, "I like Xiao Jiu, so what if I give it to him." Then she said to Xiao Jiu: "Let's not talk to Huang Ama, my sister will take you there." Riding a horse, okay?"

"No." Xiao Jiu shook her head resolutely, "Xiao Jiu wants a baby."

Kangxi laughed gloatingly.

Ming Rong ignored him and said: "Let's go play once, how about sister giving Xiao Jiu a treasure?"

Xiao Jiu thought about it and nodded.

Ming Rong smiled with satisfaction, then knelt down to Kangxi in a demonstrative way.

Kangxi looked at the aggressive Ming Rong with a funny face, and then said to Xiaosi and Xiaowu: "You guys go too, your sister is very good at riding and shooting, you should ask her more."

The two stepped back in response, Kangxi saw the worry in Concubine Yi's eyes, and patted her hand, "Don't worry, that girl Ming Rong is a bit skinny, but she is still prudent in her work."

Concubine Yi smiled sweetly and nodded in agreement.

The four of Mingrong went to the stables to select horses, and they were carefully selecting horses when they suddenly approached with a breath, Mingrong frowned secretly, but still raised her head to meet them with a smile, "Little Si, what's the matter? But what do you want to say to my sister?" ?”

Xiao Si nodded, looking at her with focused and deep eyes, with unclear meanings, "Sister, Brother Jiu has grown up, it's really not good for him to kiss and hug him like that, he is also from the Qing Dynasty." Prince, there are rules in the palace, and today, Concubine Yi seems to be a little unhappy."

Ming Rong was taken aback, then pursed her lips. Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that what he said was right. She had grown up too, and she couldn't be as casual as she was when she was a child. Now Kangxi loves her and pampers her. She, so he didn't reprimand her for these actions, but what about the future?

Ming Rong subconsciously felt that Xiao Si's words had another meaning, even so, she couldn't refute his words, so she just nodded, "Remember the sister you said, and it won't happen in the future."

Xiao Si saw the soft light of satisfaction in her eyes, which disappeared in an instant, and then lowered her eyes slightly, as if hesitating for a while, and said: "Sister, can I call me Yinzhen from now on? Xiao Si really..." Before he finished speaking, a layer of pink floated on his face.

Ming Rong was startled for a moment, then nodded in agreement, "It's my sister's negligence."

Xiao Si was naturally satisfied with Ming Rong's consent, and started to stir up horses with her seriously.

At this moment, there were footsteps and clear and delicate voices coming from far to near. With a move of consciousness, Ming Rong knew which ones were coming, so without raising her head, she began to exchange feelings with the horse she had chosen .

"Hey, the fifth and ninth brothers are here too? The fourth brother is also here?" It was the third elder brother Yinzhi who spoke.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Jiu saluted with a smile, and Xiao Si nodded lightly, "I have seen the eldest brother, the third brother, the second princess, and the third princess. I came here with my sister."

Both Baoqing and Yinzhi were taken aback for a moment, and then they walked a little closer, only to see Ming Rong blocked by the horse, "I met Sister Chunxi, when did Sister come back?"

Seeing the glint in their eyes, Ming Rong naturally knew that they might have gotten the news of her return yesterday, but they probably didn't expect her to appear in the stable now.Ming Rong took the rein of the horse, smiled at them gently, and nodded, "No need to be polite, I just arrived last night, I was just worried about disturbing your rest, so I didn't know about you."

Bao Qing said: "My sister is too tired to travel, it should be because my younger brother went to visit my sister."

Ming Rong smiled: "But it's only been a few months since you left, does Baoqing have a relationship with my sister, or is she complaining in my heart that my sister doesn't take you out to play alone?"

Both Baoqing and Yinzhi laughed, "My brother dare not."

"Okay, my siblings don't need to say such polite words. Since they are all here, they must also go out for horse racing and hunting. Hurry up and pick a horse."

Both Baoqing and Yinzhi said yes, stepped aside, and then Lan Zhi and Lan Jing came forward to greet Ming Rong.

Lan Zhi was calmer, her attitude was neither close nor distant, her speed was well grasped, but Lan Jing was different, she had a close look on her face, but the sharp light in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

Ming Rong didn't point it out, she just responded with a faint smile, while pulling her arm out of hers without a trace, and then led the horse out: "You four brothers and sisters come together, I think there is an arrangement, We will not interfere with your plan, how about it?"

Just as Baoqing and Yinzhi were about to nod their heads, Lan Jing over there said first: "My sister just said that she is her own sister, so what's the trouble? It just so happens that the elder brother and the third brother are going to have a competition. We are all younger brothers and sisters." , and it’s not good to judge your own brother, wouldn’t it be better if you have an elder sister to judge from the sidelines?”

When Lan Jing said this, Ming Rong couldn't evade it. After all, she still had the title of elder sister, so she could only look at Baoqing and Yinzhi with a smile, hoping they could refute.

(End of this chapter)

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