The unscrupulous elder sister

203 Chapter 3 I'm so embarrassed not to cooperate with you

203 Chapter 3 I'm so embarrassed not to cooperate with you ([-])
"Sister is tired." Xiao Si suddenly stepped forward and stood between Ming Rong and Lan Jing, without looking at Lan Jing, and said in a flat tone, "Sister came all the way, just arrived last night, today is also here to relax , not here to compete with the three princesses."

"Fourth brother, I didn't mean that." Lan Jing said aggrievedly, with tears in her eyes, "It's Huang Ama who said that my sister's riding and shooting are good, I just want to ask my sister for advice."

"You mean to say it's Huang Ama's fault?"

"If I remember correctly, the third sister's riding and archery was taught by my sister from the beginning, right?"

The two voices sounded almost at the same time, Xiaosi and Baoqing who spoke looked at each other, and then looked away as if nothing had happened.

"Ah? The third princess's riding and archery was taught by my sister? Then why do you ask for advice?" Xiao Wu, who has always been lively, exclaimed before Lan Jing could speak, and then urged the horse to run to Ming Rong, pretending to be wronged: "Sister, you didn't even teach Xiao Wu to ride and shoot. My sister is so biased, and Xiao Wu is so sad."

Ming Rong poked his forehead, dumbfounded, "You're good at pretending, so you don't know you when you're an older sister?"

Xiao Wu raised his eyebrows at him, smiled mischievously, and before he could speak, Lan Jing had already come over and grabbed Ming Rong's clothes, and said aggrievedly: "Jing'er just said something wrong, sister, don't be angry with Jing'er, sister doesn't want to It's no match for the competition, it's Jing'er who is ignorant, my sister just came back, she must be very tired, maybe she has lost the strength to shoot the arrow, it's because Jing'er didn't think carefully, please forgive me, don't ignore Jing'er."

What she said was too straightforward, Mingrong looked at her with a smile, glanced at Yinzhi out of the corner of her eye, and deeply sympathized with him, with such an aggressive ally who doesn't know what is reserved, you are sure to be able to protect yourself Instead of messing with you?
"My sister didn't ignore Jing'er, but she was just thinking about something."

"Really?" Lan Jing's eyes lit up, "What is sister thinking?"

Have you inquired about other people's privacy like this?Ming Rong looked at her with a smile, "It's just that there is something good in my sister's place, which makes Jing'er insist on competing with her sister for how much prey she has hunted, and wants to take the opportunity to go there."

Lan Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then she followed the good advice, coyly said: "Jing'er's thoughts are taught to my sister to see through at a glance, so my sister has agreed to Jing'er?"

Ming Rong turned her head and didn't look at her, she lowered her eyes to cover the sarcasm and speechlessness in her eyes, and said with a faint smile, "Why not?"

"Great, my sister agreed." Lan Jing smiled and asked someone to fetch the quiver, and showed Ming Rong the arrows inside, "The tail feathers of these two arrows are painted red and blue. Let’s shoot the prey, and we’ll know by looking at the arrow, sister, do you think this is good?”

Her eyes were sparkling, and she looked lively, lovely and innocent. Ming Rong looked down at her, then nodded with a half-smile, "Jing'er has made very comprehensive arrangements." Just waiting for this day and I competed, right?
I really want to see what kind of conspiracy you have, Miss Jinger.

The competition started. Ming Rong and Lan Jing rode into the woods first, followed by others. It happened that there were originally four people on each side, and they were smoothly divided into two groups.

Xiao Si hugged Xiao Jiu from Ming Rong's body, feeling a little happier, and finally brought Xiao Jiu over. Although he was still a child, why was it so annoying to see him nestled in her arms?
Xiao Si was meditating expressionlessly, while Xiao Jiu, who was sitting in front of him, was already froze. You must know that he was not afraid of anything, not even Huang Ama, but he was afraid of this cold-faced fourth brother. , God, people are going to freeze to death.

Xiao Wu, who was next to him, received pitiful help-seeking eyes from his own brother several times. He was very happy and pretended not to see it. He secretly had enough fun until Xiao Jiu's eyes began to glisten, and his mouth slowly flattened. After getting up, he mercifully urged the horse to run to Xiao Si's side, and carried Xiao Jiu to his horse.

Xiao Si didn't care, anyway, he was already thinking about how many prey a certain woman had already caught.

The time for a stick of incense passed, and the remaining six people drove their horses into the woods. In fact, they were all there to join in the fun. Anyway, someone specially picked up the prey, so it didn't matter to them at all.

Everyone else was walking unsteadily, and Xiao Wu, who jumped off impatiently, also picked up the bow and arrow and started hunting. Xiao Wu, who ran away from several people after chasing the prey, unexpectedly discovered something that made him angry .

"What are you doing?" Xiao Wu pulled out his horsewhip and threw it directly on the two guards. He whipped several times before giving up. He stared coldly at the two guards lying on the ground, "Tell me, What are you guys doing here?"

"Fifth elder brother, spare your life, fifth elder brother, spare your life, the slave also does things according to the master's orders..."

"Your master?" Xiao Wu sneered, "As a guard of the Royal Forbidden Garden, isn't your master Huang Ama? So, Huang Ama asked you to do this?"

The two guards kneeling on the ground trembling were a little silly, how would they answer?Said that the master is not Kangxi, please, the fifth elder brother has already said, as the royal bodyguard, there is only one master, the emperor!You said that the master is not Kangxi, so are you betraying the master?
But if you want to say that the master is the emperor, but the emperor didn't let them do this, this kind of behavior is called acting without authorization, and if it is serious, it is called false transmission of imperial edicts, but no matter how light or serious, the result is not the same It will be fine.

What evil did they do in their previous life, that there is such a catastrophe in this life?
Seeing that the two were silent, Xiao Wu didn't force them anymore, but pointed to the feathered arrow still stuck in a pheasant with his horsewhip, "Why don't you tell me first, what's going on here? Why did the red tail feathers turn red? Huh?"

The two guards dared not speak tremblingly.

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, "Think carefully about it, now that I have told the truth, maybe I can save your life for the sake of your confession, if you don't tell me, you should know, Or false preaching of the imperial decree, that is a death penalty, and maybe the nine clans will be involved, think about it for yourself."

"The servant said the servant said, please let the fifth elder brother save the servant's wife and children!"

Xiao Wu played it lightly, with an attitude of grace, "That depends on whether you are honest enough, so let's talk."

"Yes, the slave was ordered by the third princess to wash off the blue paint on the tail feathers of the arrows shot by the eldest princess, because the tail feathers were originally painted with red paint. A few days ago, the third princess specially asked the slave to wash one of the arrows The pot is painted with blue paint, but this paint will melt when it meets water. Just now, the third princess ordered the slaves to fetch the two pots of arrows, and asked the slaves to follow the eldest princess to pick up the prey, and wash the paint by the way. Lose……"

(End of this chapter)

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