The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 221 Horqin's High Priest

Chapter 221 Horqin's High Priest (5)
Baocheng frowned, "Speak clearly."

"It's Bandi. Originally, according to the normal trend, the princess was going to marry him, but the appearance of His Highness not only broke the marriage, but also hurt him, so you have to combine this love with this injury." It’s all over.”

Mingrong and Baocheng looked at each other, and they both fell silent. Mingrong naturally knew that she seemed to be married to Bandi in history. The history of this life has been changed, so it's not like she owed him some love. ?

Baocheng was silent for a while, as if weighing whether his words were right or wrong, tapped his fingers on the low table, and finally opened his mouth after a long while: "Why?"

"His Royal Highness the eldest princess will naturally repay the love, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will repay the injury."

A certain priest said it very easily, but Ming Rong and Baocheng were not at all relaxed, the atmosphere even became dignified because of his words, the injury is okay, at worst, they will be beaten up by Bandi, but what about love, how about talking to him? Fall in love and become a kiss again?
Then a certain priest added: "Of course the eldest princess's favor has been repaid, and only His Royal Highness is left. You just go and heal Bandi's leg."

Ming Rong and Bao Cheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, and wished they could strangle the person in front of them to death. Is he panting so much?
"I don't remember when I returned my love?" Ming Rong was a little puzzled.

A certain priest put on an unfathomable god-like appearance: "Princess, sometimes you don't need to know everything clearly. It's easier and more comfortable to be a little confused."

Ming Rong rolled her eyes, "Yeah, it's like being named Kefu by you in a daze."

"But." A certain priest instantly turned confused and innocent, "Aren't I helping His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess?"

Ming Rong choked.

Baocheng helped her to stand up, raised her phoenix eyes slightly, and looked at the high priest coldly, "That is to say, it will be enough to heal Bandi's leg?"

"Yes!" A certain priest collapsed on the blanket under him again, then took a sip of wine and waved to them, "Go, go, slow down."

Baocheng ignored him and walked out with Mingrong.

A certain senior secretary was still waiting for them at the door, and immediately greeted them when they came out. Ming Rong expressed her appreciation for their professionalism.

"Take us to Bandi Taiji's residence." Baocheng didn't talk nonsense with him.

"Yes, Your Highness." The senior secretary didn't even feel in a daze, and directly invited the two to the carriage.

Ban Yi didn't know that his current leg length was caused by Baocheng. He was very pleasantly surprised to see the two of them, especially Ming Rong, and directly ignored Baocheng's gentle smiling face and his cold eyes. , Enthusiastically Qing Mingrong went in and sat down.

Naturally, Ming Rong would not refuse, and followed her in with a smile, and smiled kindly at everyone that Ban Di introduced to her, and then Ming Rong also knew when she had repaid the debt she owed to Ban Di.

"This is my little sister, Jingyue."

"Big sister." Jing Yue ran over, grabbed her clothes, and smiled with crooked eyebrows, very cute, if one ignores the sticky sugar juice on her hand holding Ming Rong's clothes.

Ming Rong touched her head, "When did Jing Yue come back?"

"The eldest sister came back after leaving. The high priest said that as long as a beautiful sister gives Jingyue a jade token, Jingyue can come back with Auntie." The jade token that Rong gave her that day.

It was only then that Ming Rong remembered Jing Yue's last words when she ran over that day, and at the same time, from the bottom of her heart, she began to faintly admire that high priest just now...that cannot be described in words, amazing.

"Big sister, come and eat milk cakes. Auntie's milk cakes are the best." The little girl dragged Ming Rong, and her mouth seemed to be drooling.

Mingrong was in a trance, and she almost staggered when she didn't check for a while, but fortunately Baocheng helped her from the side in time.

"Big sister doesn't eat milk cakes, Jing Yue can eat by herself." Ming Rong pinched her face, walked to the low table with Bao Cheng and sat down, and directly explained to Bandi the reason for her visit.

"What, you said you can cure my leg?" Bandi straightened up excitedly, almost didn't jump up.

Ming Rong nodded, "It can be cured, as long as you believe in me."

"I, I, of course I believe you." Bandi blushed slightly, then scratched his head uncomfortably, and secretly stared at her from the corner of his eyes.

The chill in Baocheng's eyes was even heavier, and then he smiled strangely.

Ming Rong squeezed his hand under the table, then got up and said, "Find a place and I'll take your pulse first."

Bandy agreed immediately.

Ming Rong lowered her eyes, pressed her fingers on his pulse, and immediately felt that it was beating very fast. Ming Rong was stunned for a moment, and looked up to see his flushed face. She couldn't help laughing, took her hand off, and started chatting with him. Let him relax first.

"I have an older brother, a younger brother and three younger sisters..."

"They all live separately, but Jingyue and I are the same mother, and Jingyue is still young, so we live here..."

"Jingyue is a good girl, but she will get sick every spring, and she will live outside for five years as ordered by the high priest, and she will be fine when she comes back..."

"Did you really cure Jingyue..."

After chatting and chatting, Ban Di let go, and Ming Rong realized that this shy Ban Di was actually a smart and talkative person, so she gave him a pulse again.

The real essence flowed through his body carefully, found the crux of the problem, and then broke it and made a new one. Bandi was in pain as if he had been fished out of the water, but he kept clenching his teeth and remained silent. .

Ming Rong admired her so much, she immediately withdrew her zhenyuan, took out the nine-turn gold needle for the final treatment and correction, and then left a bottle of pills, telling him not to get out of bed for half a month.

Ever since he found out that Ming Rong had no choice but to Jingyue, Bandi's admiration for Ming Rong could no longer be described in just one or two sentences. It has been resolutely implemented.

Ming Rong was about to leave with a smile, but he stopped her again.

"Is there anything else Taiji can do?" Ming Rong turned around and asked with a smile.

Bandi blushed and faltered and didn't dare to look at her. After a while, he lowered his head and said: "I, I didn't know about the divorce. I was injured and unconscious at the time. When I woke up, Ama and I Say, say that the engagement has been divorced, I, I really don't know..."

Ming Rong was a little bit dumbfounded, "I know this, it has nothing to do with Taiji, I have a lot of reasons for Taiji's injury, I also feel very sorry, I just hope Taiji can marry someone more Good luck."

"No, no, it's not..." Bandi blushed anxiously, "They said you...I don't believe that, I just want to say..."

(End of this chapter)

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