The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 226 The Steamed Bun Appears

Chapter 226 The Steamed Bun Appears (1)
Ming Rong raised her chin, "I want to plant trees!"

Kangxi was taking a sip of tea, and almost spit out the tea when he heard the words, "What? What do you want, I didn't hear clearly, please tell me again."

"I want to plant trees. After two years of experimentation, I finally found that trees are very useful. If there are no trees, grass, or anything on a slope, then the slope will be soaked by rain. It is easy to be washed down by rain, but if grass or trees are planted, not only the leaves and grass leaves can block the rain, so that the rain will not directly hit the land, but the roots of those plants will also be like hands Hold on to the dirt firmly, so the dirt won't slide down." Ming Rong said triumphantly, while stretching out her claws to make a grabbing motion.

Kangxi thought for a while, and found that what she said made sense, but, "What does this have to do with the Southern Tour?"

Ming Rong glanced at him, the emotion in his eyes made Kangxi very depressed, what's going on, his son also looked at him like this, and now his daughter is here too, why are these two poor children so casual and bold? Are they Huang Ama?

"Huang Ama, why did the Yellow River become a river on the ground? Why did it stop flowing? Because there is a lot of sand in it, but where did so much sand come from? It's because the land upstream has turned into a desert, and there is no grass, trees, etc. As a result, when it rains, the sand will flow into the Yellow River along with the rainwater. Can the Yellow River not be blocked after a long time? So what's wrong with my son to plant trees?"

Kangxi thought for a while, and then asked with a normal face: "You are thinking well, but you just said that you are allowed to plant trees everywhere, so what about the farmland?"

Ming Rong tucked her sideburns behind her ears, and said: "Huang Ama, I have already understood when I followed you around the various ministries a few days ago. Even if the land is planted there, there is not much harvest, and Most of them are nomadic, and growing crops is not as good as pasture.”

"If you don't grow crops, what will you eat?"

"Then we don't raise horses very much here in the capital, don't we ride horses anymore?"

Kangxi understood Ming Rong's meaning, "You also make a note, I'll read it first and then talk about it."

"Ah?" Ming Rong lowered her head, hesitantly, "Is this not good?"

"What's the matter?" Kangxi frowned softly.

Ming Rong twisted her fingers, and said in a low voice: "It's not that the harem can't be involved in politics, it's fine for the ministers to talk about it, and it's unnecessary to write it down, right?"

Kangxi snorted softly when he heard the words, "Now you have scruples, didn't you just say it smoothly?"

"That's what Huang Ama promised not to give sinful ministers." Ming Rong immediately carried out Kangxi's words.

Kangxi glared at her and said: "You are my daughter, and you don't have a forehead, so what happened to the last booklet, hurry up and write!"

"Then... well..." Ming Rong hesitated for a while, and finally agreed.

The next day, Ming Rong presented the booklet to Kangxi, and for fear that Kangxi would not agree, she asked Kangxi to set up an "experimental area" for her, and let her try it out by herself. More importantly, she didn't need Kangxi to come out. money.

So Kangxi thought about it and agreed. Kangxi's idea was that he didn't have to pay for it himself anyway, and it was just a space reserved for her, so it wouldn't be a big deal, so let her go and wait for her to fail. If there is no money, she will come back by herself.

So on the second day after Baocheng left for Taiwan, Ming Rong also went to Monan.

It just so happened that Lan Zhi was married and was going back to Mongolia with her son-in-law, so Ming Rong left Beijing with her along the way.

"Huang Ama is really too, how can I let my sister go out of Beijing alone, it's too dangerous!" Lan Zhi said with a worried face.

Because the newlywed Lan Zhi was afraid, at the joint request of her concubine and Yin Zhi who came to see him off, Ming Rong and Lan Zhi shared a car, not only to be chatting companions, but also not to enter the space to talk to Baocheng, This made Ming Rong very depressed, and more importantly, Lan Zhi was still restless.

Look at what was said.

Ming Rong didn't look at her, but admired the exquisite patterns on the teacup with her eyes, and said with a light smile, "It's because my sister insisted on coming out to play, and Huang Ama was also disturbed by her sister, so she reluctantly agreed. My sister is not like Zhi'er, now that she is married to a good son-in-law, she doesn't have to worry about her life in the future, if her sister can't get married, she can only come out to play more."

So are you satisfied, Princess Rongxian?

Lan Zhi's face turned red quickly, and she said coquettishly, "What did sister say?" But Ming Rong could feel the light in her eyes without raising her head.

Ming Rong didn't talk to her, she just smiled slightly.

Seeing this, Lan Zhi said again: "Zhi'er is just strange, why didn't my sister leave Beijing with the prince... my second brother this time?"

Ming Rong frowned secretly, and then looked surprised, "Why did I leave Beijing with Baocheng?"

"Then, the last time I went to Yangzhou, didn't my sister go with the prince's second brother?" Lan Zhi didn't seem to expect that she would ask such a question, and her tone became a little hesitant.

Ming Rong sneered to herself, what did the three parties want to know from her, but they still let Lan Zhi ask, and the question was so obvious, they thought she was an idiot.

"I'm going out of Beijing with Zhi'er this time." Ming Rong smiled, her tone flat.

"Oh, is there any special scenery in Yangzhou Mansion?" Lan Zhi changed the subject.

Ming Rong's complexion remained unchanged and she still smiled and said: "Didn't my sister tell Zhi'er and Jing'er just after she came back? There is really nothing else, you know, because I am afraid of danger, so I often stay in the house Here, Baocheng goes out every day, and he doesn't know what he's busy with."

Is my rejection thorough enough? Princess Rongxian?Please, if you want to make a routine, you can find a professional to come over, okay?It's hard for me to be like you.

Lan Zhi bit her lip, "Then what does my sister do on weekdays?"

"Sister and Zhi'er are both girls' families. Aren't they able to do the same things on weekdays?" Ming Rong opened her eyes and said doubtfully, then suddenly covered her mouth as if she had realized it, and smiled ambiguously, "Look at what my sister is doing." Open your mouth, my sister almost forgot, now that Zhi'er is married, there are more things to do."

Lan Zhi blushed as if she was about to bleed, Ming Rong turned her head away, and if she talked nonsense with me again, then I would tease you again, are you annoying? A certain woman took all the anger of not being able to see someone on Lan Zhi .

After Lan Zhi said that, she was really embarrassed to continue talking with her, so Ming Rong was able to return to her carriage the next day.

The two people who were on the same carriage even though their journeys were different, entered the space at the same time.

"Fortunately, I got rid of that Lan Zhi today, and I'm going to be annoyed to death. I thought she was safe, but she wanted to talk to me. Just talk to me. The level is really bad." Ming Ming Rong pouted and lay on the soft bed, complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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