The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 231 I Was Kicked Out

Chapter 231 I Was Kicked Out (1)
So on this day, Xiao Baozi intercepted the news that a prince of a certain tribe was coming to visit in person, and took his mother out to ride a horse first. Xiao Baozi took his mother to the stable to pick up a horse. At this time, Eleven quickly ran away. Come over, "Master, something happened."

Eleven is rarely so serious, Ming Rong and Xiao Baozi felt the seriousness of the matter at the same time, and their expressions became serious, "What's the matter?"

"Just now there is news that the Empress Dowager is dead!"

Ming Rong couldn't tell what was going on in her heart anymore, she was stunned for a moment, tears fell down, and then she walked back immediately, "Pack up your things and go back to Beijing immediately."

On the contrary, Xiao Baozi calmed down a bit, thought for a while and asked Eleven: "Is it the news from my own people or from the official?"

Eleven replied respectfully, "It's from one of my own people."

"Where is the person who uploaded the official news?"

"I've been out of Beijing for a day."

The little bun thought for a while and said, "Pack up your things and pass the news to the outside world, saying that Er Niang is going to see the operation of the ranch in the Ordos part."

The Ordos part is the closest to the capital. According to the speed of people coming from the palace, basically when Ming Rong arrived in Ordos, the people in the palace should have arrived there too.

Ming Rong packed lightly, casually packed some clothes and so on, and took the little buns into the carriage, and the fine-bred horse with four hoofs like the wind immediately ran.

The little bun looked at his mother-in-law's tears streaming down her face, and seemed to feel her sadness, so she nestled obediently into her arms, stroking her back with her little hand to comfort her, "My mother-in-law, don't cry , let's go to Ordos first, and the son over there has already sent someone to secretly inform the visitor, he will send a message directly to Ordos, don't worry."

Only then did Ming Rong come to her senses, she was too impatient, otherwise, would Kangxi not have noticed such a move?Before the person I sent to deliver the news arrives, you already know about it, which means that your channel of news is faster than that of the emperor. What are you trying to do?

"Rui'er did the right thing, Erniang was negligent." Ming Rong stroked the little bun's back, and slowly stopped her tears.

Xiao Baozi said casually again: "I don't know if Ama knows about this?"

"That's right." Ming Rong thought for a while and said, "Er Niang sent you into the space, how about you wait for you, Ama?"

"Emiang won't come in?" Little Baozi frowned, "It's still a while before we get there."

Ming Rong shook her head, "No, Er Niang is going to listen outside to hear any news."

He traveled fast all the way, and stopped to set up camp every time it was dark, and he was already on the road when the sky was dark. In order to make the horses energetic, Ming Rong specially fed them some spiritual spring water, so when they arrived in Ordos eight days later, they were still majestic and majestic. He is full of energy, which makes the men of Ordos very jealous, and the accompanying eleven has long been accustomed to this.

Ming Rong was warmly welcomed by Ordos, but the eldest son who came to be a tour guide in person took Ming Rong to see half of the ranch, and someone came to report there, someone asked to see His Royal Highness, and someone claimed to be an oracle from the sage.

Ming Rong knew that the news had arrived, so she hurried back, disregarding her usual elegant posture, and immediately set off for Beijing while crying after the tired guard reported the news.

Eleven was a step late in dealing with the negotiation with Ordos. After all, you just came and left for a while without even saying hello. What's the matter?Although the Empress Dowager is dead, but if you keep silent, no one will know about it.

Of course, there was also the exhausted messenger guard who was also thrown in Ordos by Eleven to slow him down before returning to Beijing.

Nine days later, Ming Rong finally stepped into Sijiu City, and the little bun who was too similar to Bao Cheng was left in the space by her.

At this time, Xiaozhuang's coffin was still in the Palace of Compassion, and when Ming Rong entered the palace, Kangxi didn't even go to see her, and ran directly to the Palace of Compassion, watching the delicate and beautiful coffin slowly knelt down, I burst into tears.

This woman with a high reputation in history finally went. She didn't even see her for the last time. From the awe of her in the Qing Dynasty at the beginning, to her closeness later, although Ming Rong also said that she was decisive in killing On the one hand, but more often I see a lonely and kind old man. Even though she is proud and arrogant, she has overturned the power in her hands, but up to now, she is still an old man who needs care, warmth and companionship .

Ming Rong was sad, because Xiao Zhuang treated her very well. She was originally dignified and well-behaved, but Ming Rong always disobeyed the rules in front of her and she never said anything. Ming Rong also knew that she was for herself. Many things have been blocked, even if Mingrong is a princess, is it really safe in this palace?No, just the fact that she has Kangxi's favor is enough to give others a reason to deal with her, and most of the time, Xiaozhuang took the lead to help her block it.

Later, Ming Rong took advantage of Wu Ya's poisoning to design her infertility, and Xiao Zhuang also felt guilty, so she also acquiesced that Ming Rong would not marry, and also acquiesced that Ming Rong would leave Beijing, and even more acquiesced The seemingly absurd thing about Ming Rong going to Mongolia to plant trees.

Although Mingrong knew that Xiaozhuang had the same thoughts as Kangxi, thinking that Mingrong was a blessed person blessed by the heavens and could bring good luck to the Qing Dynasty, but the protection and connivance of this kind and that made Mingrong unable to stop. Thank her.

This is the royal family, this is the family of Aixinjueluo.

Even Ge Ge, a Manchurian rich family, would not be able to get her such a relaxed living environment and enjoy the life she wanted so unscrupulously, but she, a princess who was supposed to be raised in the deep palace, actually got it all!

It is not terrible for a person to be used, what is terrible is that a person is not even worth being used.

Because of Mingrong's "luck", they can relax and indulge the restrictions on Mingrong, why can't Mingrong follow their thoughts, anyway, it's a win-win situation, isn't it?Not to mention, with Mingrong's sensitive mind, how could she not feel their true emotions.

In this palace, probably only Ming Rong and Xiao Zhuang dared to act coquettishly, playfully and amusingly in a relaxed posture. The other princesses faced Xiao Zhuang's power and power all looked like a mouse seeing a cat, which made Xiao Zhuang even more I love Ming Rong, and it's a very real love from the heart.

But this has also become a dull pain in Ming Rong's heart at this moment, knowing her loneliness, knowing how boring the palace is, knowing that there are few people who can really make her smile, why doesn't she come back once in four years?
Ming Rong's tears didn't use water spells at all, they were already dripping non-stop, her mind was in chaos because of self-blame, Ming Rong stared at Xiao Zhuang's portrait, and unconsciously became blurred.

(End of this chapter)

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