The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 234 I Was Kicked Out

Chapter 234 I Was Kicked Out (4)
Ming Rong trembled her lips, "You said it lightly, Huang Ama will kill us, even if she doesn't kill us, it's certain that we will be abolished..."

Baocheng smiled slightly, "Isn't it better to abolish it? Originally, I only stayed because I wanted to do something for the Qing Dynasty. If the positions of prince and princess were abolished, wouldn't we just be able to go out and enjoy ourselves?"

"Since that's the case, then why do you have to let Rui'er recognize your ancestors?"

"I don't have to let him recognize his ancestors, I just want him to avoid it like this. My son must live upright. How can I avoid it like this?" He paused, his tone serious and firm. , "I said that I want everyone to know that you are my wife and Rui'er is my son! You should stand by my side in a fair manner!"

Ming Rong was silent for a while, then made up her mind: "Let's go together!"

Baocheng smiled when he heard the words, the bright and joyful light in his eyes made people dare not look directly at him, "Ming Rong, this is the first time you have been so decisive and brave!" He rubbed her side face with a light tone in his tone. Shallow memories, "Since the first time I expressed my heart to you, you have always been hesitant and indecisive. At that time, I always felt that I was not good enough, which made you have no confidence in me. I was very scared in my dream. , I often dream that you leave and then wake up. Then you get closer to me, I can't help pestering you, I often tell myself, enough is enough, don't ask you anymore, but I can't control it at all Hold yourself, I want to touch you, I want to hug you, I want to kiss you, I want to possess you, I am getting more and more greedy, but you are still so unhurried, I try to force you carefully, sometimes I can make you Get closer to me, but sometimes it will backfire and make you shrink back, you don't know how uneasy I am."

With a faint smile, he spoke slowly, his voice was deep and charming, with an elegant and dreamy feeling, leading Ming Rong to fall into memories, "Every time you take the initiative, I will be happy for a long time, every time you It makes me sad to escape once, but I look at your little tricks but I can’t bear to blame you. I like to see you smile, and I also like to see you when you are quiet. I love your shy appearance the most. It’s so beautiful, just like you secretly I always remember the cherry blossoms that I took to Chengqian Palace to see, it was really, really beautiful..."

He murmured, his gentle tone burned Ming Rong's face, "You have always been so brave, even if you were handed over to me, you still hesitated, but I am very happy, now you are more and more The more courage you have to face it with me, I am very happy. You can always be with me, follow me, and chase me. Until now, you are finally standing side by side with me. What you have to do now is Trust me, you know?"

"Yeah." Ming Rong buried her face in his arms and nodded, "Got it..."

Seeing that her ears were blushing, Baocheng didn't tease her, but said again: "Lan Jing was the first to discover us that day. She got a telescope from Yinzhi and was using it fresh. She accidentally saw it while playing in Ciyin Tower, and then So I went to look for Huang Ama and said that something happened in the mourning hall. Huang Ama naturally hurried over. My spiritual consciousness followed her all the time. I originally wanted to avoid it, but I just thought about it. If I take this opportunity to admit it to Huang Ama It's okay, so I deliberately didn't tell you, but when you get emotional, you forget to unfold your consciousness, so I didn't realize that your reaction is extremely fast, but Yihuang Ama is so suspicious, how can you believe it easily? "

"You, then why didn't you tell me earlier that I was at Huang Ama's place... so out of control..." Ming Rong thumped him.

Baocheng Feng raised his eyes slightly, and smiled lightly, "I've been wanting to talk to you for the past few days, but you never gave me a chance."

Ming Rong bit her lip, glared at him bitterly, and then took a deep breath, "I'll go out of the palace to the princess mansion first, otherwise I can't just take Rui'er out of nothing."

"I'll go." Baocheng embraced her, lowered his head and kissed her eyes, "Don't be afraid."

Baocheng wandered around the Princess Mansion, brought the little bun out, and then went back to the palace to join Ming Rong, and the three of them went to the Qianqing Palace together, even though they had avoided people along the way, they were still scared and returned a few servants, But the servant at the gate of Hongde Hall was completely stunned, and even forgot to inform, Baocheng coughed lightly before reacting.

After Kangxi gave permission, the three of them walked in, and without a word, they knelt down and pleaded guilty: "Please forgive me, Huang Ama."

Li Dequan was stupefied at first, then glanced at Kangxi, saluted and quietly and quickly retreated, wiped his sweat when he went out, and looked at the sky, the weather is not good, it is a sign of a storm.

Kangxi raised his head, facing the little bun in the middle, who looked at him curiously.

There was no expression on Kangxi's face, but his eyes were full of violent emotions, and it took him a long time to speak slowly, "What's your name?"

Xiao Baozi kowtowed politely, "Back to Mafa, Rui'er only has a baby name, Tianrui, and doesn't have a real name yet. Ama said she would ask Mafa to give it to Rui'er."

"Who are you, Mama?"

The little bun raised his chin, very proud, "Ama is the crown prince of the Qing Dynasty!"

"What about your mother-in-law?"

"Emiang is the eldest princess of the Qing Dynasty!"

Kangxi was silent for a while, the trembling of his hands on the side of the desk became more and more obvious, then he picked up the inkstone on the desk and threw it on Baocheng's head.

"Ama." The little bun pushed Baocheng who was kneeling beside him, and then moved in front of him. The inkstone hit the little bun's forehead, and jet-black ink splashed all over his face, and then scarlet blood gushed out. Little Baozi didn't even struggle, he just passed out.

Ming Rong was terrified, she didn't even care about being in front of Kangxi, she rushed forward, "Rui'er, Rui'er, are you okay, don't scare my mother..."

Holding the little bun, Baocheng raised his head and said earnestly to Kangxi: "Huang Ama, it's my son who did something wrong, and my son is willing to be punished, but can you send Ruier out for treatment first?"

"Healing?" Kangxi was obviously very angry, his face was dark, but he was extremely calm, as long as the huge storm was suppressed in his words, "It's right to smash such a wicked species to death!"

"Huang Ama!" Baocheng trembled slightly, "He is the son of my son, your grandson!"

Kangxi sat firmly, "I can't afford a son like you, let alone such an evil grandson!" He gritted his teeth, and the words he said seemed to be squeezed out word by word, " What about your rules, upbringing, and ethics? It’s a shame that I love Xinjueluo’s family and do such unethical things. I was really blind in the past to spoil you two and deserve to die Get out, get out of the palace, get out of the capital, get out of the Qing Dynasty, get out as far as possible, don't let me see you two nasty things again in this life! Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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