The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 239 When We Can't Chapter Head

Chapter 239 When We Can't Turn Back (2)
Then the censor, who is not afraid of death, went and began to persuade, long live, this princess is the future mother of the country, how can you always say that you will stand up immediately?There was no word about it beforehand, and no one in the cabinet knew about it. Besides, no one has seen this princess-to-be, right. Who knows if her virtue and appearance meet the standards of the Qing Dynasty?

Then seeing Kangxi looking at him with a dark face and not saying a word, Yushi was depressed, and then said that the minister was going to die.

Kangxi was not in a hurry, his expression was indifferent, then you go to die.

So everyone in the court shut up.

Not to mention the rumors in the capital, when the news came, Baocheng slightly raised the corners of his lips, and then said: "Let's go to the shore, let's go to Hangzhou to see the West Lake."

Ming Rong was also happy at first, but upon hearing this, she asked, "Didn't you say you didn't want to see the West Lake?"

"Let's go there." Baocheng lowered his head and kissed her eyes, "It's better to wait for Huang Ama's order."

Ming Rong was a little suspicious, but she followed her advice and went to Hangzhou together.

Although Mingrong said that there is only one lake and she doesn't want Baocheng to succeed, she still wants to go there, "There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below", can this be said casually?

And the house that Baocheng arranged was by the West Lake, and Ming Rong was already very fond of seeing the beautiful and elegant lake and mountains under the sunset from a distance, but Baocheng insisted on relocating it early, and the next day Going to play, the hated Ming Rong clamored to punish him to sleep in the study, but unfortunately he was ruthlessly refuted.

Because of the tossing around in the middle of the night, Ming Rong was awakened in a daze. She was frowning impatiently, but she felt the cold air puffing on her face. What caught the eye was a large piece of shimmering clear water shrouded in light mist.

And she is nestling in Baocheng's arms at this time, sitting on the bow of the boat rippling with the water.

At the beginning of the morning, the fog in Cebu is like smoke. Even in late autumn, the beautiful scenery reflected by the pavilions and terraces is enough to fascinate Ming Rong, and she only murmured: "If spring comes, I don't know how charming scenery."

Baocheng looked at her obsessed and stunned look with a smile, and couldn't help lowering his head to hold her open and closed lips, "If you like it, let's stay here until next spring, how about it?" ?”

"Ah?" Ming Rong was a little surprised, "Don't you have anything else to do? Didn't you say that you are waiting for the emperor's imperial edict here?"

"What does Huang Ama's imperial decree have to do with me?"

Ming Rong was even more confused, "Huh? It has nothing to do with you? Then what are you waiting for?"

Baocheng laughed softly, his chest vibrated slightly, and he loved her confused look so much, "You will know when the order comes."

It wasn't seven or eight days before Kangxi's letter came, saying that the Queen Mother and her elders wanted to see her great-grandson and let Rui'er and Xiao Baozi return to Beijing. As for Baocheng and Mingrong, Kangxi didn't even mention it, and he even ordered to deal with the Jin family. Nor did he mention the intention of marriage.

Seeing this, Baocheng hooked his lips and laughed.

Then let Fifteen and Sixteen go back to Beijing with Little Baozi Ruier.

Little Baozi was taken aback for a moment, and asked in disbelief, "My son is going back to Beijing alone?"

Ming Rong also looked at Bao Cheng.

Someone glanced at his son calmly, "Aren't Fifteen and Sixteen human?" He threw a small steel token at him.

Xiao Baozi caught it firmly with one hand and looked at it, "Is the son asking if Ama and Erniang will go back to Beijing together?"

"I want to stay here with your mother-in-law." Baocheng held up the teacup, "I've given you the token, you go back and figure it out on your own, if you have anything to do, fight back, and Ama will support you behind." Come on, don't be afraid of anything."

As soon as Xiao Baozi heard what his father said, he also knew that the matter had been settled like this. He didn't even have a chance to refute, so he immediately looked at his mother with some reluctance.

Ming Rong was also very reluctant, "I want to go back with Rui'er, at worst I won't see Huang Ama."

Baocheng looked at Xiao Baozi, "Go and pack your things, and return to Beijing immediately." Then he got up and pulled Ming Rong over, "If you go back, can you see Huang Ama?"

"Then go see us, even if Huang Ama didn't mention us, and didn't say that we won't be allowed to go back."

"He didn't mention why you went to see him?" Baocheng snorted softly, telling you to scold my son, tell me to get out, and if I get out, don't think about me going back easily!
"I don't care. Anyway, I don't want Rui'er to go back to Beijing alone. He hasn't been away from me for so long since he was a child, and are your brothers fuel-efficient? What if Rui'er can't handle it? "

"Don't worry, I have the strictest arrangements in the capital, and I have already given him the tokens. He is not unbiased, and nothing will happen. You should let him go out alone to see the world. Otherwise, if we always protect him, when will he really grow up, can we still protect him in the future?"

Ming Rong clenched his clothes tightly, and pouted when she heard the words, "That's true, but he's still young after all, I just can't bear it."

"He is not young anymore. Although he is only five years old on the surface, and he spends all day in the space, how old is he? And he is going to have a family one day. You will protect him all the time. Why don't you focus more on me."

Ming Rong's ears turned red, then she turned her head to avoid the kiss on his ear, and said worriedly: "Then you say, now Rui'er looks like a normal seven or eight-year-old child, Huang Ama will not be born Do you doubt it? And when I went to Mongolia, Huang Ama must have sent secret guards by my side, but he never knew that the child looked like you, and the secret guards..."

"Don't worry, Huang Ama knows your ability. I probably haven't told you. He told me once when I was a child, saying that you saved my life twice, and let me have a good time with you." Getting along, saying that you have a chance, some small means, you can keep your body safe, you think you hide it very tightly? Huang Ama is not stupid, but fortunately he only knows that you have some things to maintain your health, and later some omissions and Taught me to sweep away all the signs, otherwise how would you be so safe now?"

Ming Rong opened her mouth slightly in surprise, trying to recall what she had missed, Baocheng smiled and lowered her head and kissed the corner of her lips, "Do you remember?"

"No." Ming Rong shook her head subconsciously, and then suddenly came back to her senses. What she said at the beginning, said that if she passed through Sisi's backyard, Sisi would help cover up these things. She was still depressed at the time, but it turned out In fact, someone had already covered these things up for her.

Baocheng raised the corners of his lips, and his dark eyes seemed to be immersed in the clear water of the West Lake, rippling with gentle waves: "It's okay if you don't think about it." He played with her fingers, and said: "As for the dark guard, he himself Huang Ama sent one to follow you, but I had already asked him to report to Huang Ama that your martial arts are not bad, and to find him, Huang Ama must have been very embarrassed, so I let the secret Wei followed from a distance, and most of the news came from people around you, and because there were not many people around you when you passed by, and few people had seen me before, so the dark guard didn't know and didn't worry about it. Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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