The unscrupulous elder sister

Chapter 251 Can't Stop Zhang Yi's Heart

Chapter 251 I Can’t Stop Memories (1)
"I'm distracted again." When he came back to his senses, a little self-mockery appeared on his lips, and then he turned into that cold and coercive emperor again, but no amount of majesty could cover up the tiredness between his brows and eyes.

"Hengchen, what do you think about this matter?"

"According to my humble opinion, the emperor should set up a special official office in the Longzongmen, and select the most secretive people in the cabinet to write on duty, thinking that it will be used for emergency military affairs, so as to ensure the integrity of the news..."

The sky was completely dark, the emperor waved his hand and asked me to kneel down, I slowly backed out, and before going out, I couldn't help but look back at him, the emperor bent over and focused under the lights, his brows and eyes were full of coldness and indifference.

She passed through our life and left irretrievably. We miss her, but we still have to walk slowly along our own path, even if it hurts, even if it is lonely, even if we can never get out of the memories she left behind.

Even if you can't escape again, that scene is boundless.

"Grandpa, are you still not settled?"

A soft voice sounded from behind me, and I came back to my senses, holding the plain hand on my shoulder, "You go first, I'll be back in a while."

"Grandpa, what's bothering you?"

I smiled slightly: "Lao Wan'er bothered, it's just an errand, you go and settle it first."

She answered with a smile and lowered her eyes, and walked out gracefully and gracefully. Looking at that still graceful figure, I fell into blurred memories again.

Yunhui, the name hidden deep in my memory, together with that gentle but agile figure, surged out together uncontrollably. After a long time, I still can't forget her. Maybe I can only blame the night for being too quiet. Can't stop my heart from remembering.

But just like that lovely girl said, I still want to live a good life.

Oh, I was wrong, she is now the princess, the quicksands of time have not left any traces on her body, she is still so young, standing up with His Royal Highness, they are really a pair of lovers.

Tenderness and sweetness, harp and harmony.

In a trance, I seemed to see me and Yun Hui back then.

However, she is so similar to her, she looks dignified, but there is a lively and mischievous hidden underneath.

Like the first time I saw her.

At that time, Yunhui had already left, and I was so bored every day, I didn’t care about everything except my business, so I went to Liulichang to hang out on my rest day, and I heard that the Nanzhi shop that I often go to had new products, so I went in casually I went shopping, but I didn’t expect that the so-called new ink is just that the ink is mixed with the fragrance of flowers, and the color is also average. I was disappointed when I heard the immature admiration from outside the door. When I turned around, I saw a goose-yellow flag Little girl in costume.

She walked in the door slowly, her every move was elegant and self-contained, and she knew at a glance that she was a strict upbringing Da Gege. I was stunned for a moment, and then I was trying to remember which family it was from when I saw her glance at me , and then turned his eyes away to ask Xiao Er.

But the little girl didn't know anyone, and asked her where the adults were lazily, so I saw her mischievous side under her elegant surface. She lowered her head, rolled her eyes, and snorted lightly.

I couldn't help laughing all of a sudden, my heart was full of joy and emptiness, if Yunhui's first child hadn't been accidentally lost, would it be that my first daughter is also at this age, is she also the same as this girl , temperament self-contained but lively and mischievous?

I went to see her again, but I couldn't help getting close to her. I opened my mouth to talk to her, but after seeing her surprised, she accepted my kindness peacefully. I couldn't help being happy in my heart, so between words, I can't help but hold my kiss in my mouth.

What surprised me was that after the blackness in her eyes turned bright, she regained her clarity, and then she talked very close to me. I don't know how to describe my surprise. I walked around with her for a long time and heard that she was getting along with the youngest brother at home. I looked at her bright smiling face with a smile, and suddenly remembered that rainy day, Yunhui stood in the rain with an umbrella and smiled back, carrying the fragrance of lotus, step by step.

Soon, she said goodbye to me. I watched her get into the carriage and felt a little overwhelmed. I wanted her to stay for a while, but I didn't know how to speak. I didn't expect that she would suddenly lift the curtain and ask for my name. I subconsciously opened my mouth and told her, watching the carriage gradually go away, I just remembered that I forgot to ask her name.

I thought I would never see her again, and I was still feeling sorry for it, but I didn't expect to know her identity immediately.

Princess Heshuo Chunxi, the adopted daughter of the favored emperor.

I have always felt that as an adopted daughter, she is even more favored than her own daughter. Even if she was given the title of "Eldest Princess" at such a young age, this princess must be very scheming and very mean-spirited, and I have always been fond of such people Disdainful, but I didn't expect it to be her.

I almost didn't listen to the emperor's jokes on me afterwards, so that when she often came down with the crown prince to look for me, I was still very panicked.

I have always loved His Highness the Crown Prince. As the crown prince of the Qing Dynasty, he has extensive talents and knowledge, and is also humble and polite. When I met the emperor in the past, it was just a salute. Even so, he was in the emperor's examination The performance also had to make me applaud.

I didn't even expect that he would use this to ask me for advice.

Of course, every time I come to look for me, I will definitely bring the pills, food, etc. that Princess Chunxi told me. When I take the food box, I can often see the hidden reluctance in the prince's eyes, so I laugh secretly many times.

She would come along occasionally, and every time she came, she only cared about my body. I was very touched, and I also knew that after Yunhui left, I often had irregular meals and excessive drinking, and my body was already empty. Sometimes I can even feel a little loss of energy. I originally thought that it would be good to go down to see Yunhui earlier, but just looking at her concerned eyes and Xu Xu's instructions, I suddenly couldn't bear to refute her kindness .

So I hesitated for a while after every meal, and then took the next pill as she ordered, and then my body recovered very quickly. I remembered hearing rumors in the palace that she died because of the Empress Dowager He learned medical skills, and later saved Master Zhang Ying's second son, Zhang Tingyu.

Originally, I thought it was nothing more than sensationalism, and I even scoffed at it, but I just experienced such an obvious effect, but I couldn't help believing that she was so smart.

If Yunhui's eldest daughter and I were still alive, I would definitely be able to teach her to be so smart and so involuntarily likable.

In July 18, there was an earthquake in the capital. I followed the emperor, but I was thinking about her advice and care after arriving in Rehe. I couldn’t help feeling warm in my heart. Then she asked to go to the disaster area. My first reaction was I went to see the emperor. After I watched her leave, the emperor fell into deep thought. It took me a while to slowly come back to my senses, and then asked me: "Rong Ruo, do you think I should promise her?"

(End of this chapter)

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